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Lucy In The Sky (erotica romance for women)

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by Jordan, Lucia

  But it was too late for regrets – especially where Alan was concerned. Damn, he’d ripped her heart out today with his cruel, insulting scheme. Be his sex toy just to get that stupid host job? Or worse, get publicly shamed by him after a month of two acting as his love interest? How sick could a man get?

  As she sat staring into her coffee late at night, she couldn’t help going over his words and how much was at stake. Her life was crumbling all around her. For once she had to start thinking of others, not just herself. And she had to make the decision soon because he’d only given her 24 hours to do it….


  “First of all, I want to state here that the payment be double what you offered the last time.”

  Lucy was back in his office the next day, and now stood in front of him with her chin raised proudly. “If I’m going to get publicly disgraced, I think I’d like to make it worth it.”

  Alan huffed, flinging aside the folder he’d been flicking through when she’d come in minutes earlier. “And why on earth would you think it was worth anything?”

  “Whatever you say isn’t going to budge me,” was her calm reply. “For starters, I need to get my mother into a luxury treatment program for her alcohol addiction. These things don’t come cheap but I need something discreet to ensure the whole world doesn’t make a meal out of this, especially now my father has died. Also, my brother just got into Harvard and the last thing I want is to see him drop out because my family can’t afford to see him through college.” Lucy hated to have to confide in him this way, but she had no choice.

  He had a mocking look of surprise on his face. “Hmm. Strangely, I don’t hear anything about you or your needs. Are you saying you’re doing this all for the good of others? And here I was thinking you were about to fund your next visit to the plastic surgeon for bigger tits or thinner hips.” He was as hurtfully sneering as ever.

  “For your information, all you see here,” she indicated her body, which was dressed in a prim skirt suit, “Is a hundred percent real. I’ve never had anything done in my life. I don’t even know what the inside of a surgeon’s office looks like. My package is all totally mine – but then I’m sure you know this.

  “Oh sure I do,” Alan said with a smirk. “A week’s worth, I’ll admit; but it was definitely enough to vouch that indeed, your goods were all natural. But that was two whole years ago. I’d need an all-new perusal as a reminder of all those glorious assets I once had a taste of.”

  Lucy had to clench her fists to rein in her murderous emotions. God, she loathed him! “Dream on,” she bit out.” And that reminds me of my second stipulation. No sex. At all. That’s never going to be part of the deal. We go out, I play the besotted fiancée, but that’s it. At night, we go to our separate beds. And then when the farce is over, we go our separate ways.”

  “Funny, that’s not how I pictured it,” he drawled, now just inches away from her. He lifted a hand and she flinched – but he was only taking a strand of her blonde locks and teasing it in his fingers thoughtfully.

  “Look, I’m not going to sleep with you, okay?” she snapped, wondering angrily to herself why his closeness was making her breathless. Or maybe it was fury causing her heart to beat so fast it hurt.

  His eyes were hooded as they fell on her lips. “That thought wasn’t so distasteful to you once, if I recall correctly.”

  “That was two years ago. Basically, Alan, right now I can’t stand you,” she spat with venom.

  “Really?” he murmured disinterestedly.”Why don’t we try out that little theory right now? A little demonstration.”

  “,” she gasped, ready to evade him. But his arm was like an iron band as it wound around her waist. He took hold of her chin and tilted her face strongly to his so that she was forced to take his lips swooping down on hers.

  Kissing him again was the one thing she dreaded above others. Especially since he was the best kisser she’d ever known. His firm yet giving lips covered hers and she drew in a sharp breath at the strength and sweetness of him. Taking advantage of the parted seam of her mouth, he drove in with heat and tongue. He was passionate and tender in turns, hungry yet patient enough to tease her slow. His lips plucked at her and wrapped her in a sensual dance that was hard to deny or resist.

  By the time he pulled away, Lucy found her hands were clutching to his chest, while her neck was arched back, her eyes dreamy slits of pleasure.

  He released her so quickly that she almost stumbled. Then he spoke in that hatefully mocking voice she was starting to dread. “I don’t even have to make you sleep with me, Lucy. You’ll take me like the slut you’re known to be. How many boyfriends have you had since our little tryst, hmm? Six, seven? You go through a lot of cock in two years. I’m not sure if I should be impressed or disgusted.”

  Her hand flashed up but this time, she wasn’t quick enough. He gripped her wrist before it could make contact. His gaze was cruel as he met her furious expression. “Truth hurts. But it’ll hurt even harder when you get the smack in the face you deserve,” he growled.

  “I am not my lifestyle, try and remember that you brute!” She finally cried out as she snatched her wrist from his hold with difficulty. Damn he was strong! She could hardly believe this was the tender, even affectionate lover who had seen to her every erotic need when they’d been together.

  She’d been so young, foolish – but wise enough to know back then that he was dangerous. So she’d run away like she’d run from every other genuine emotion she’d ever managed to dredge up in her young, unsatisfactory life.

  He spun away from her with a disdainful huff, returning to sit back nonchalantly in his chair. “If you’re a smart woman, you’ll take up my offer. And you can keep your body, Lucy. It doesn’t interest me in the slightest.”

  That was more a slap in the face than he’d ever have guessed; but Lucy managed to keep her hurt feelings hidden. “I’m glad we’ve come to terms.”

  “And just in time, too,” he informed her carelessly. “There’s an awards gala holding tomorrow night in honor of a major studio head. You’ll be my companion for the evening. Dress code is formal and classy – so forget any of your punk style looks, okay?” His gaze flicked over her trembling frame with disdain. “I’ll expect you to act like a lady around me at all times. No flirting and no talking to the press unless I give the go-ahead. You step out of life once, and the deal’s off. You don’t get a dime.”

  Her chin was raised with pride once again, as she gathered up her purse. “It’ll be tough acting the lady when I’ll be standing next to a savage, but I think I’ll manage it.”

  “Good,” he replied coolly, nodding to the door. “Now get out.”

  Chapter Four

  Playing the role of Alan’s “love interest” was just as difficult as she’d feared. Especially as she had to take every little pinch of demeaning conduct he decided she deserved. Attending the awards gala was a glamorous affair; she knew they’d be all over the media the next day judging by how many times they were photographed together. Once, she was approached by some reporter from an entertainment channel, asking if they were back to being an item. Remembering Alan’s order for her to not talk to the press without his go-ahead, she could only mumble “no comment”.

  News of their new “relationship” hit the gossip rounds nevertheless. Someone must have fed them the juicy scoop, because Lucy was soon to read about how they hooked up again after bumping into each other weeks ago. And now, the report claimed “they couldn’t get enough of each other.”

  Well, it was no surprise that anyone would say that, considering that Alan took her out to dinner at all the ‘in’ restaurants. All those places that people went to be seen, he made sure they were seen there together. Having cozy lunches at some fancy bistro, going for romantic strolls at exclusive beaches – they definitely cut the perfect picture of the love-struck couple.

  .Lucy could pretend all she wanted to the outside world that things were just peachy – that’s w
hat Alan was paying her to do anyway. But only she knew how hurtful it felt when those smiles he gave her…the little gestures of affection: a kiss, an embrace – were all just part of the act. The more hooked on each other they seemed, the more degrading the picture would look when he finally “dumped” her.

  What made it all worse? The way she felt when she was close to him. His magnetism had always, always drawn her. Even back then when they’d first met; it had frightened her the way she had begun to fall for him.

  It was true; she remembered that much. He was so smart, cultured – decent. Everything she was pretending not to be. Men like him didn’t fall in love with girls like her – at least that was what she told herself. She’d been convinced that sooner or later, he’d leave her like any smart guy would do thanks to all her messed-up problems. So she decided to be the one to do the leaving first.

  It all seemed so silly now to think that way. What if she’d stayed with him, would it have lasted? Would he have wanted her for more than just the heady sex they shared so marvelously together?

  Now she’d probably never know.


  It was several weeks after they’d started their travesty of a relationship. It would have been so ironical if it didn’t hurt her each day she had to pull one more devoted appearance at some public gathering. Only two years ago, she’d dated him to pull a crazy publicity stunt to get an unwanted suitor – and her father – off her back. And now, she was the one being used as a pawn. And his only satisfaction? To see her shamed and brought low.

  She should hate him. Better yet, she should want to kill him! But every hour spent with him only managed to illustrate to her just what she had missed by throwing his feelings away. The way he treated other people; his kindness and warmth especially to his family and friends – showed the side of Alan she remembered from two years ago. The Alan she used to know.

  I’ve been such a fool, she thought, as she stared at her reflection that evening in her bedroom. She was dressed in an elegant, simply-cut dinner gown in the sheerest of silks. Demure yet alluring, it clung to her slim curves, adding a more womanly air to her somewhat gamine figure. Her ice-blonde locks, now grown to shoulder length, were artfully tumbled about her lightly made up face.

  She knew she’d never looked so beautiful.

  Walking down the stairs minutes later to get the ringing doorbell, she tried to still her racing heart. But it was futile. The moment she opened her door and found Alan standing there, her breathing merely accelerated, then stilled.

  “Lucy,” he said throatily, caught off guard for a moment as his eyes beheld her, framed in the well-lit doorway. For a moment, she saw the dark heat flash within his gaze; desire, admiration – want. But then he went shuttered and cold.

  “You clean up nice,” he noted, glancing at his watch. “Ready?”

  “Yes,” was her simple reply, already clutching her small purse. She stepped out and closed the door behind her, making straight for his parked car – a very flashy Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster edition. It stood out even in the posh street where her home was – a home she might soon not afford if she wasn’t able to pull off this farce of his to the letter. There was also, the matter of her mom and younger brother always at the back of her mind. All these thoughts kept her from fleeing right back into the safety of her place.

  They were soon heading for his parents’ home, which was in one of the trendiest and most expensive sections of the city. When she saw the Hunts’ home, she couldn’t help drawing a sharp breath of awe. It was magnificent and stately, even here deep in the city.

  She’d never known his parents were so loaded. Well, she’d always wondered how he could live so flashily with his eye-popping cars, designer clothes and what not. But as soon as she got to meet his parents and know more about his family, she realized that though he worked on TV and was now a successful writer and producer, he’d also been born into money. His parents were billionaires in their own right, co-owning a thriving arts and crafts business that was popular around the country.

  Meeting his folks was even more of an ordeal than all the weeks she’d spent playing his girlfriend. Over a sumptuous dinner served in their impeccable, spacious dining room, they spoke kindly to the young lady seated with them, asking about her family and also giving their heartfelt condolences for the loss of her father.

  “Thank you, very much,” Lucy returned with a shaky smile. They were such nice folks. Peter Hunt looked like a very handsome, distinguished professor with his graying hair and sharp-edged looks. He was the exact picture of what Alan would look like at his age. And Alans’s mother…a petite and very vibrant middle-aged beauty, she was full of tender smiles for Lucy.

  “Now I know why you’re so enchanted by Lucy,” teased Eleanor Hunt as she sent a smile to her son seated right next to the young lady. “She so very beautiful, and chic.”

  “And not to forget intelligent,” Peter Hunt added with an approving nod. Lucy had already shared a few talks with him on modern art, which she’d studied at the university. She’d felt relieved that she’d even had that to speak of education wise; to think she’d once decided to drop out of college just to spite her dad – but then decided to finish with it anyway, to prove him wrong and show that she wasn’t good for nothing like he always claimed.

  Thinking of her father suddenly made her eyes water, and she quickly buried her nose in her glass. Maybe Alan noticed her secretly dreary mood – she wasn’t sure. But the next thing she knew, he was grasping her free hand that was next to him on the dining table, and was turning to his parents.

  “Well, Dad; Mom, I’m glad you approve of Lucy…because we came to ask your blessing. Lucy has agreed to marry me.”

  Eleanor gasped in pleased surprise, while her husband was equally positively thrilled. They gave their congratulations, as well as their immediate blessings.

  “I hope you’ll give her my old ring. Still have it?” Eleanor quizzed her son with playfully accusing eyes.

  Grinning, he unearthed a small box from his pocket. “Right here, Mom. Wouldn’t lose something so precious.” And then he turned to Lucy, who had a smile frozen on her face. His gaze was smoldering as he placed the dazzling ring upon her finger.

  “Perfect,” he said softly, staring into her eyes for one time-warping moment that made her heart trip over itself with longing. How she wished with all her soul that this was real; that when he looked at her that way, she could fixate it upon his expression forever so that he’d never look at her differently ever again.

  He raised the ringed hand to his lips, and kissed it gallantly. “No woman in my life deserves to wear it more than the one I love with all my heart,” he declared softly, before turning to his parents, who were applauding warmly.

  Tears pooled in Lucy’s eyes but it wasn’t out of happiness as Alan’s parents must have thought. She barely managed to get through to the end of the evening, and once she was in the car with Alan, she was practically stretched to the limit of her psychological endurance.

  During the drive back to her place, she could barely speak, her head in a whirl. How long could she continue with this? How many more weeks were they to play the game before he decided it was time for her well-earned put down? For a few magical weeks, she would be the envy of many ladies who truly believed she’d actually hooked the very eligible and hard to get Alan Hunt. No one had ever really seen him with anyone; he’d never really flaunted his relationships – until now. People would think, because of that, that Lucy had to be the one. But soon, all those notions will be dashed when her heart-broken face would be splashed all over the tabloids once he dumped her.

  She glanced around at the surroundings they were driving through, suddenly realizing that this wasn’t the way to her house. “Where are you taking me?” she asked sharply, turning to him and striving to hide an inner panic.

  “To my place, of course,” was his plain reply. When she stared at him, confused and furious, he added nonchalantly, “We’ve been
together for weeks, Lucy. And by tomorrow, everyone’s going to hear about our recent engagement. Don’t you think it would look weird if neither of us have ever been seen staying over at the other’s place? In fact…I’m suggesting you move in with me, effective tomorrow. That would make it all look more authentic. Since we’re engaged to be married, living together will be considered a normal progression.”

  “For you, maybe, but not for me,” she snapped, “I will only stay over the few nights required to make it all look authentic – but moving in with you? Out of the question.”

  “You seem to be forgetting who’s calling the shots here,” he told her coldly, sending a narrowed glance her way. “Keep defying me, and this will end here and now. You get zilch. There’s no such thing as severance pay in this arrangement. If you don’t deliver, then you lose everything you’ve worked so hard for these past few weeks.”

  Lucy was staring at his implacable profile with her heart twisted in knots of anger and helplessness. “I hate you, you know that?” she breathed, her throat tight.

  He merely smiled. “Keep telling yourself that, and you just might believe it. For all I know…a woman like you thrives on such treatment. You don’t need a man to treat you like cotton candy…such gentlemen bore you, don’t they? Your type likes the bad boys who treat them like dirt and still keep them coming back.”

  “You’re wrong,” she snapped. “I like to be treated with respect and care like any other normal girl.”

  “That’s not what experience taught me where you’re concerned,” he drawled, shrugging carelessly. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t have done for you – but you threw it back in my face, remember?”

  His tone was casual, careless. But Lucy could have sworn she heard the telltale edge of bitterness in his tone.


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