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by David Nasaw

  10. Converse et al., “Stability and Change,” 275; Dallek, An Unfinished Life, 296.

  11. Chris Matthews, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011), 318–19.

  12. John J. Binder, “Organized Crime and the 1960 Presidential Election,” Public Choice 130 (2007): 241–66.

  13. JPK to Galeazzi, Jan. 6, 1961, box 222, JPKP.

  14. JPK to Galeazzi, Feb. 6, 1961, box 222, JPKP.

  15. JPK to Galeazzi, Oct. 24, 1961, box 222, JPKP.

  16. Spellman to RFK, Apr. 10, 1961; “Memorandum for His Eminence, Apr. 11, 1961,” folder 10, S/C-78, AANY.

  17. Schiff, memorandum, Dec. 1, 1960, box 31, Schiff.

  18. JPK to Galeazzi, Jan. 6, 1961, box 222, JPKP.

  19. Sidey, “Joe Kennedy’s Feelings About His Son,” 32.

  20. Billy Graham, Just As I Am (San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1997), 394–96.

  21. Thurston Clarke, Ask Not: The Inauguration of John F. Kennedy and the Speech That Changed America (New York: Henry Holt, 2004), 39–40.

  22. Clifford, Counsel to the President, 336–37.

  23. EKS, FB folders, EMKP; EKS, oral history, May 7, 1968, JFKOHP.

  24. Robert E. Cooke, oral history, Mar. 29, 1968, JFKOHP.

  25. NYT, Oct. 12, 1961, 1.

  26. JPK to Rogers, Jan. 14, 1961, box 234; JPK to Regan, Feb. 2, 1961, box 234; JPK to Henry, Jan. 16, 1961, box 247, JPKP.

  27. Sammy Davis, Jr., and Jane and Burt Boyar, Sammy: An Autobiography (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2000), 388–89.

  28. Clarke, Ask Not, 158–61; Paul B. Fay, The Pleasure of His Company (New York: Harper & Row, 1966), 90.

  29. EMK, TC, 165.

  30. Goodwin, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys, 815–16.

  31. REFK, TTR, 335, 337.

  32. EMK to author, Aug. 21, 2007; JPK to Steele, Feb. 20, 1961, box 226, JPKP.

  33. EMK, TC, 170; EKS, FB folders, EMKP; JPK to EMK, Apr. 15, 1961, box 4, JPKP.

  34. JKS to author, July 16, 2008.

  35. EMK to author, Oct. 8, 2007.

  36. JPK to Stearn, Feb. 6, 1961, box 251, JPKP.

  37. REFK, diary, Apr. 19, 1961, in TTR, 342; William Manchester, Portrait of a President (Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1962), 35.

  38. EMK to author, Aug. 21, 2007, May 15, 2008.

  39. JPK to Morrissey, June 3, 1960, box 231, JPKP.

  40. Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy and His Times, 375–76; Victor Navasky, Kennedy Justice (1971; repr., New York: Authors Guild, 2000), 410.

  41. Navasky, Kennedy Justice, 429–40.

  42. JPK to Novello, July 19, 1961, box 231; JPK to Lincoln, July 18, 1961, box 227, JPKP.

  43. JPK to LBJ, Aug. 1, 1961, box 252, JPKP.

  44. LBJ to JPK, Aug. 14, 1961, box 27, folder 143, LBJP.

  45. JPK to Annenberg, Sept. 14, 1961, box 213, JPKP.

  46. JPK to Royal, Oct. 6, 1961, box 245, JPKP.

  47. Hurxthal to JPK, Nov. 3, 1961, w.b. 1, JPKP.

  48. NYT, Nov. 12, 1959; LAT, Nov. 13, 1959; JPK to Rockefeller III, Nov. 8, 1961, w.b. 34, JPKP.

  49. Sorensen, Kennedy, 367; REFK, diary, “Thanksgiving ’61,” box 4, REFKP.

  50. JPK to Suydam, Dec. 11, 1961, box 251, JPKP.

  FORTY: “NO!”

  1. Ann Gargan, FB folders, EMKP.

  2. REFK and Coughlin, Jan. 13, 1972, box 8, REFKP.

  3. Rita Dallas and Jeanira Ratcliffe, The Kennedy Case (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1973), 80–81; NYT, Apr. 30, 1962, 9.

  4. Dallas and Ratcliffe, The Kennedy Case, 87.

  5. Betts to author, Apr. 2, 2009.

  6. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., FB folders, EMKP; Robert Kennedy, Jr., to author, Jan. 5, 2011.

  7. Hamilton Brown, FB folders, EMKP.

  8. REFK to children, Sept. 1962; EMK, ed., Her Grace Above Gold: In Loving Remembrance of Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation, 1997), 54.

  9. REFK to Coughlin, Jan. 13, 1972, box 8, REFKP.

  10. Bradlee, Conversations with Kennedy, 167–69.

  11. REFK, oral history, Feb. 1, 1968, box 12, HHOHP.

  12. REFK, TTR, 381.

  13. EMK, TC, 210; William Manchester, The Death of a President (1967; repr., New York: Penguin, 1977), 502.

  14. Dallas and Ratcliffe, The Kennedy Case, 242–48; REFK, box 8, folder 8, REFKP; Manchester, Death of a President, 502.

  15. Recorded telephone conversations, #2709, Mar. 30, 1964; #3386, May 11, 1964; #4139, July 3, 1964; #4180, July 8, 1964,

  16. Recorded telephone conversations, Steven Smith, #3381–3382, May 11, 1964,

  17. Recorded telephone conversations, #8902, Sept. 24, 1965,

  18. REFK, TTR, 410.


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