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Pay For Play ( #1)

Page 8

by Victoria Ashley

  She answers on the second ring.

  “Come and get me. Please hurry.”

  “Are you okay?” She sounds wide awake as if she’s been waiting on me.

  “I’m fine. I’m just tired,” I breathe into the phone, while finding a quiet spot on the lawn. “Can you leave right now?”

  “Yeah.” I hear her keys shaking in the background. “On my way. Meet me where I dropped you off.”

  “Thank you, Remi.”

  I hang up and begin pacing as I shove my phone back into my purse.

  “Holy shit,” I say to myself. “This was not supposed to happen. He’s your boss . . . and the most desired man on the Internet.”

  Shit. Shit. Fuck . . .

  “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!” I roll over and rub a hand over my face when I’m woken up by a sloppy tongue licking across the length of my face.

  I growl under my breath when I realize who or rather what the tongue belongs to. There’s a bulldog puppy in my fucking bed, panting down at me from above my face.

  “Fucking Blaze,” I mumble under my breath, while sitting up and grabbing for the dog’s tag. “Alpha. That fucker would name you after my damn mansion.”

  Still tired as shit, I rub the dog’s head and jump to my feet to throw some underwear on so I can find Blaze and rip the fucker a new asshole.

  No one else would be dumb enough to bring in a dog without talking to me first. He has a lot of fucking explaining to do. Especially now that my sheets are covered in puppy drool and dog hair. Alpha is right under my feet the entire time I make my way through the house.

  I search through the top floor, looking like a damn maniac, while calling out Blaze’s name. He’s not in his room or anywhere up here.

  When I make it down to the kitchen, Knox, Levi and Rome are moping around, suffering from a major hangover.

  “Where’s Blaze? And why is there a fucking dog here?”

  Knox shrugs. “Haven’t seen him since last night.”

  “I don’t know. Same here.” Rome is one of the seven guys living here in the house. He’s been with for a few months and is really pulling in a decent amount of calls a week. The kid really has potential.

  At twenty-one; he’s the youngest Alpha in the house. Knox being the oldest at twenty-seven.

  “When you see that dick, tell him to find me.”

  Levi just mumbles something, not making any damn sense at all.

  I walk over to the fridge for a water. Alpha follows my every move, looking up at me as I slam my water back, drinking every last drop.

  “You thirsty?” I lift a brow and look around for a dish that I can throw some water in. “Here you go, Bud. Enjoy.”

  I walk away, expecting him to stay and drink, but the little shit just continues to follow me.

  “There’s water and food upstairs.” Knox stands up straight. “His heavy drinking woke me up this morning. I had to go and see what it was. Blaze’s drunk ass was mumbling over the phone late last night about how he wanted a puppy, but I didn’t think he’d actually end up with one.”

  “Of course he would end up with one. I wonder which one of his clients couldn’t wait to show up here with a puppy.” I know how these females work, that’s why I have to watch what I say. They look for any and every reason to come see me.

  Some of them I don’t ever want to see again, then there’s Rebel.

  “If you see his ass . . . Tell him I’m looking for him.” I leave them to their headaches and the damn mess scattered in every direction. At least my room wasn’t included in the disaster aftermath of the party.

  I check my emails hoping she would’ve sent something through the website, but she didn’t. Disappointment washes over me again just like it did when she rushed from the house last night.

  I could see her on the lawn waiting for her ride, but chose not to approach her. The moonlight allowed me to watch her in a panic and I knew going to her would only make it worse.

  Thoughts of her tortured me all night and it was hell trying to go to bed with that fucking hard on she caused. I should’ve fucked just any random in the house, but I didn’t feel like playing the game to get them out of my bed afterwards.

  Rebel has gotten to me. Her every fucking move intrigued me last night and honestly I wouldn’t have been able to fuck anyone else in the pitch black without thinking about her the entire time.

  My hand had to do the job just so I could fucking go to sleep.

  I sit in the chair and stare at the monitor, trying to decide how to deal with this Rebel situation. I could call her into the club for some ridiculous made-up meeting and see how she responds to me, or I could send her a message on the chat page.

  Fuck it. I decide to do both and see which one she responds to first.

  I start typing as the phone begins to ring.

  “Mornin’, Boss. What can I do for you so damn early?” Brit answers and I cringe thinking about how I’m going to get Rebel’s phone number without being obvious.

  “Morning. I need you to get all of my new bartenders called in for a mandatory meeting today at two. I’ll be training on the specialty drinks and if they can’t make it to that meeting, tell them not to bother coming to work again.”

  “Damn. I’m on it. I think you have three new ones other than the guys. Do you want your guys to sit in on it too?”

  “No. They know their shit. I’ll be in a few minutes before two, so gather anything you want me to sign before I get there.”

  “I’m on it.” I hit end on the call before she can say anything else. Typing the last few words, I reread it just to make sure it’s what I want to say.

  You ran out on me just before it got real good. Next time it’ll be my dick causing you to whimper.

  That pretty much says what I want to say. She won’t get the opportunity to run the next time I get my hands on her.

  I take a very long hot shower and do as much business admin work as I can stand before I decide it’s time to hit the gym and work out some of this aggression.

  The way she looked last night under my hands has been fucking with me. I wish like fuck I would’ve just turned on the lights and did things the right way. Now I’m left with part of it all being my imagination.

  She was into all the games and I have to say that turns me on more than anything about her. I love a woman who isn’t afraid to keep me guessing in the bedroom. It makes for one hell of an adventure.

  Too many times I’ve been in the monotonous relationship where everything is the same over and over. I can’t fucking stand that shit. And I can’t stand being the only one to have any creativity when it comes to that stuff.

  Damn it. My dick is twitching again thinking about her as I work the last set of the curls I intend to do. I catch my hard on in the mirror of the gym and notice I’m not the only one who sees it. The blonde that I’ve fucked at least four times after a gym session is watching me from the bench she’s pretending to still be working on.

  Not wanting to deal with her today, I grab a towel and start walking for the front door. I know if I walk to the lockers, she’ll be right on my ass. Hell, I’m pretty sure some of the guys think she should just have a locker in there herself for as much time as she spends in there.

  “Lynx.” I hear her behind me just as I get to my truck.

  “Not today. I’m late.” I close the door and start the engine, pulling away before she has the time to even consider opening the door.

  Fuck. Rebel. I will be taking this shit out on you when I get my hands on you again.

  Now I find myself sweaty as hell and not enough time to go home and shower again unless I break my own two o’clock time demand. I look down once more at my soaked shirt and choose to go home and take that shower.

  Calling Brit one last time to delay the newbies long enough for me, I speed home and pull up to a giant delivery truck parked in the driveway.

  Stepping around to see what's being delivered, I instantly smile at what I se
e. “Alright, Boss man, where does this go?” Nash is looking at me surprised as I start to examine the cross.

  “In my room.” I start to think of all the ways I'll have fun with this new toy while I pleasure torture someone specific in my mind.

  “I figured that was Blaze’s.” Nash’s voice comes from behind me now while I take in all the hooks and the wood grain of this beast.

  “It might be. I'll order whoever another one. Today. This one is mine.”

  “I'm gonna love living in this house.” I can hear him talking as he walks away.

  I run my fingers over the Saint Andrew’s cross and tell the delivery guys to follow me. I’ll have to order another one of these soon to pay back whoever originally ordered this, but right now, this one is mine and I'd pay top dollar to someone to make sure of it.

  Stepping into my room, I direct them to the section against the west wall that is never on camera.

  I had the extra area in my room built so I could have a small living area to escape if needed. After seeing this cross, I think I'll be using this side of the room for a few other items instead.

  I hand the delivery guys a couple hundred dollar bills as a tip and quickly get into the shower. The excitement I feel about seeing Rebel is very new to me. I'm not used to wanting a woman this much.

  Glancing at the clock as I get in, I see that it’s already after two so I make it a very quick one. The anticipation of seeing her has me a little more excited than I’ll ever admit to anyone.

  I’m curious about how she’ll act with me today.

  I pull into my parking spot at the back of the club and slip in the back door as usual. This door opens up to the main hallway that goes by my office in the back. I can hear Brit talking to someone, so I move toward her and make eye contact with Rebel just as I round the corner.

  Fuck. She’s sexy as fuck and my dick notices instantly. Her eyes move back to Brit almost instantly as she rambles on about some bullshit I can’t even hear her saying.

  There’s one other guy standing beside her and I wish now that I would’ve told them all to come in separately.

  “Alright, sorry I’m late. Let me show you both around the bar a little. I want nothing but perfection in the hands of my patrons so today you’ll learn what I expect from my bartenders.” I walk past them and open the main door to the bar, allowing each of them to pass through while I hold it open.

  She doesn’t look at me when she walks by and I fight the urge to stop her by gripping her long sexy hair in my hands and pulling her back against my chest. Instead, I watch her ass in those shorts as she walks in front of me.

  Fuck my life. I want that ass.

  I CAN FEEL HIM STARING into me the second he walks up. There’s no doubt he recognized me last night. I know that for sure now.

  I’m not even sure why I hoped he hadn’t. The intensity he carries weighs so heavy on me as we stand here and listen to Brit walk us through the things I already know.

  He’s standing behind me and it feels awkward trying to act normal after what we did last night. I’m just glad the bar is closed right now and I’m only having to fool Brit and this new guy beside me.

  “Have them start by making the specialty martinis today, then we can work on some of the others a different day.” Lynx’s deep voice goes through me the second he begins to talk.

  He sits at the bar while Brit moves us around the back side to set us each up a different area to work. She hands me the drink card and I go to work. This is all second nature to me and before the poor other guy has a chance to find the right bottles I’m handing the glass to Brit.

  She reaches across the bar and gives it to Lynx, who watches me the entire time he takes a drink. I feel like I’m standing in front of an audience as I wait for his response.

  “Perfect.” I almost don’t hear him as he exhales through his response. His eyes catch mine and I can’t help but look away just as they do.

  The things this man can do to me without even touching my body confuse me.

  Brit hands me the next two cards, so I start making both of those. These drinks aren’t anything I haven’t made before, just premium bottles of alcohol which I’ve always preferred anyway.

  I hand her both of these glasses and wait for his response to both.

  “That one is too sweet for my taste, but it always is.” He sets the chocolate martini back on the bar and reaches for the other. He nods his approval and moves to try the first one the other guy has managed to make.

  This goes on for about eight martinis and it eventually gets easier to move around him.

  “Brit, you finish with him and I’m going to work on some paperwork with her in my office. She never had the chance to finish up hers that first night she started.” My heart sinks knowing I’m about to be alone with him, but I follow him to his office anyway.

  The way he moves reminds me of last night in so many ways and it’s so hard not to be turned on right now, even though I know I should be far from it.

  He opens the door allowing me to enter, just before he closes it and adjusts the lock. My nerves begin to fuck with me even more as I stand waiting for him to speak.

  His fierce stare almost intimidates me, but I remember how intense he was last night. This is Lynx Kade and if I was to bet, I’d guess this man is always this serious.

  “Are you still aching to feel me inside you?” His words hit me just before his hand touches my back. Just before he pulls me against his chest and just before I feel his cock bulging through his jeans as it rests against my hip.

  “Yes.” My body is already betraying me, so why not let my mouth.

  “Then why did you run?” He releases his hold on my back to move my hair from my face.

  “I had to before it went there.”


  “You’re my boss.”

  “Fine. You’re fired.” He steps away from me as we continue to talk and uses his hand to guide me to sit in the chair across from his desk.

  “You can’t fire me. I need this job.” I sit with perfect posture as I try to work through the chaos of emotions he causes.

  “I have a different job for you. I need an assistant.” He sits back in his chair and allows his eyes to rake over my chest a few times.

  “You’d still be my boss,” I point out.

  “True.” He continues to watch me in silence for a while before he leans forward and begins to move a few papers on the desk. I watch his dark hair and even catch myself licking my bottom lip as I look at his.

  “I make the rules when it comes to my companies. I don’t ever fuck an employee. It just gets too messy, so I agree.” I listen to him continue and even contemplate quitting when I see his arm muscles flex when he sits back once more. “So if you’d like to make even more money than you do here, I need an assistant at the house.”

  “What exactly do you need an assistant for?” I ask hesitantly.

  He smiles as he watches over me.

  “Paperwork, billing, scheduling, updating the webpage with all the new pricing and anything else that comes up as the company grows.”

  I think about what he’s saying. It would be a step up from working in the bar late at night making drinks. “I can do that.”

  He stands instantly and grabs his keys.

  “Great. You can start tomorrow. Be there at nine and I’ll show you around. I assume you remember where the house is.”

  I follow him to the door and notice the coldness between us. “Yes I do, thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. You have no idea what you’re in for.” I nod, knowing my world is about to change immensely.

  “See you tomorrow, Rebel.” He closes the door as I step into the hall. I don’t even have a chance to respond to him.

  A house full of men with me there every day. What could possibly go wrong?

  “Are you damn kidding me? You get to work with them all every day. Tell me again how you didn’t fuck Lynx and I’ll continue to not believe you.” R
emi freaks and scares me as her voice blasts through the speakers in my Jeep.

  “I didn’t. We came really close, but we did not fuck.”

  “Yet. You forgot the rest of that sentence. You didn’t fuck yet. But it’s coming.”

  I swear this woman drives me crazy sometimes.

  “He’s my boss and you know how I need this job. I can’t mess up this kind of money.”

  “Well, I think fucking your boss is hot. When the hell did I start living vicariously through you, because damn it my life is lame as fuck lately. I need you to work me in to that little circle of yours.”

  “He said I’d make more than I would at the club, so I know he’ll pay very well. This is where we’re different, Remi. You would fuck him and mess up the job. I won’t do that.”

  “Riiiiight. I saw the fucked-up smeared paint all over you last night. I’d say you’d do more than you pretend. Remember, I know you better than you know yourself.” She’s right and damn it, I’m not the least bit sorry about last night. It just may torture me forever while I work in that house, but it’s something I’ll have to deal with.

  “I’ll see you tonight. I’m making lasagna so make sure you don’t miss our date.” I remind her of our plans. She’s the one that reserved tonight for us to hang out. It was supposed to be my last night off for a few days so she wanted to spend time together.

  “I’ll be there in a few hours. I have some errands to run and then you’re mine for the evening. See you soon.” She hangs up just as I pull into the driveway. I want to take a nap before she forces me to stay up late on a Game of Thrones binge.

  Stepping into my room I instantly think about Lynx on the computer, which has me turning it on for some damn reason that I can’t explain.

  Looking closer, I see that he’s messaged me. It instantly gets my heart racing.

  You ran out on me just before it got real good. Next time it’ll be my dick causing you to whimper.

  Oh my god. How am I supposed to work with this man? I look at the time stamp on the message and see that it’s from before our meeting. I’m just going to assume he’s now changed his take on what he plans to do with me. After all, he also expressed how bad of an idea it would be to mix business with pleasure.


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