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Fate mba-2

Page 31

by Аманда Хокинг

  “That’s why she prefers me,” I added dryly, and he smiled slightly at me.

  “Mae?” Peter ventured out into the kitchen, keeping his hand on my back to keep me going along with him.

  Not that I would’ve turned away. Wherever Peter was going, I wanted to be, and not just because my body insisted that it be so. If he was going to stumble across Jack, I had to be there. Maybe I could someone how reason with them and stop them from killing each other, no matter how unlikely that would be.

  “Mae?” Peter repeated, his tone growing irritated.

  There was a scuffling sound coming from the living room, and Peter moved his arm from my back so it was in front of me, shielding me from whatever was going on in the other room. His body had tensed, and I knew there were several things he could perceive as threat to himself, but none to me. His stance had changed, though, like he was ready for an attack, and I tried to think of away that to relax him.

  “Mae!” I shouted. I doubted Peter would hurt her, and I needed someone else to that could break up the tension.

  “Alice?” Milo tried to hide the nervousness in his voice, but it was unmistakable to me.

  He suddenly burst into the kitchen, with Mae right behind him, tugging on his arm, and then I understood the scuffling sound. Mae had been trying to keep him in the other room, away from Peter where things were safer, but he had been trying to get me. Peter, meanwhile, only deepened his defensive posture, and moved so his body was completely blocking mine.

  “Is that her blood?” Milo sounded horrified and his eyes widened, a split second before he bared his teeth and tried to charge at Peter.

  Fortunately, Mae’s arms locked onto him and slowed him down just enough where I could dodge underneath Peter’s arm so Milo could see that I was safe and sound. Peter looped an arm around my waist and pulled me back to him, but not because he was trying to hold me hostage. He was trying to protect me from Milo, who was trying to protect me from Peter, but they both perceived the others’ attempts at protection as threats.

  “Milo, I’m fine!” I insisted, and I let Peter hold me to him. Part of me wanted to wriggle from him, but I thought that trying to escape from him would only freak Milo out more. Besides, his touch electrified me a lot more than I’d like to admit.

  “What’s going on?” Milo growled. He had stopped trying to claw his way towards us, but Mae kept her arm around his chest just to be safe.

  “Peter fought another vampire! That’s his blood, not mine! I’m fine!” I held up my arms and turned my neck, trying to show him that nothing had happened.

  “Is that… is that your brother?” Peter’s grip started to lax as he narrowed his eyes at Milo, trying to understand that situation. “Your brother’s a vampire?”

  “Yeah.” Almost reluctantly, I moved away from his arm, standing a little bit away from him.

  Being so close to Peter had done that thing to me again. My mind got hazy and filled with him, the way a room is filled with a scent. I could smell him, too, hot and tangy, and my mouth began to water. Unnecessary goose bumps broke out on my skin, and I’m sure was trembling. Wrapping my arms tightly around myself, I tried to concentrate on the scene around me, like Milo’s wild eyes and the heavy sounds of his breath. Mae hadn’t spoken since we’d come on, but that was probably because she seemed to have her hands full just trying to keep Milo contained.

  “When did he turn?” Peter turned to me, but I wished that he would ask somebody else so I would have a chance to clear my head of him.

  “About a month ago.” I tried to rub away the bumps on my arms and shifted uneasily.

  “Why did he turn?” Peter’s furrowed deepened and his tone got even more confused. “Why haven’t you?”

  “There was an accident, and Milo was going to die, so Jack turned him,” I explained hurriedly.

  “And I had been waiting to turn until Milo was a bit older.”

  “Jack’s always so eager to turn everything,” Peter said more to himself than anyone else. Then he shook his head and looked past Milo at Mae. “You haven’t said hello.”

  “I haven’t really had the chance.” Mae forced a smile and finally released Milo, but she made no movement towards Peter, no attempt to hug him the way she hugged everyone else.

  As if on cue, the phone in my pocket started to playing “Time Warp,” and Peter shot me a knowing glare. Only one person had that ringtone, and it was apparent to everyone in the room who it was. They all waited with bated breath to see if I would answer it or not, but I didn’t see that I really had a choice. If I didn’t answer it, Jack would come here with guns blazing, and I’d much rather try to keep this a civil affair.

  “Hello?” I answered quietly, and Peter scoffed and shook his head.

  “Are you alright? Is everything okay?” Jack spat hurriedly, and there was this instant swelling of relief. It had been so long since I’d heard his voice, and I had to fight not to weep at the sound of it. Peter saw my reaction and made a disgusted sound in the back of his throat.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I pressed the phone close to my ear and turned my back on everyone, as if that would somehow make the conversation more private.

  I was standing in the middle of the kitchen with three vampires with superior hearing, and they were all waiting in silence to hear what Jack had to say. His reaction would be pivotal in how this whole thing turned out, and even Peter seemed aware of that.

  “Is he there?” Jack’s tone had a bite to it now, and I heard Ezra say something to calm him in the background.

  “Yeah, he is, but I’m okay.” Then I rather stupidly lowered my voice and added, “He knows.”

  “Well, of course, I know!” Peter rolled his eyes dramatically.

  “Is that Peter?” Jack got louder and angrier, and I couldn’t imagine a meeting between them going well.

  “Is Jack on his way?” Peter asked, loud enough so Jack could hear me.

  “I am on my way, and tell him he better watch his ass!” Jack shouted, and I held the phone away from ear so it wouldn’t damage my eardrums.

  “Real mature, Jack,” Peter scoffed.

  “Why is he even there? Tell him to just go away!” Jack suggested, and I could hear Ezra telling Jack to shut up and calm down or he was turning the car around.

  “You know it’s not really fun for me to have the two you talking through me,” I pointed out dryly.

  “I have every right to be here!” Peter insisted fiercely. “This is my house too! This is more my family than it is his! I don’t know why Jack thinks he can just claim everything!”

  “Jack, I don’t know that you need to come here,” I said softly. It would be much, much safer if they didn’t interact, and we all knew that. “I think we can handle it ourselves.”

  “No way. This is getting dealt with, once and for all,” Jack told me firmly. “I’ll be there soon. Just stay safe.”

  “I’ll try.”

  I hung up the phone and started at the kitchen floor for a minute, trying to collect my thoughts.

  Jack was on his way, which definitely couldn’t be a good thing. They were acting like children in a pissing contest, and I had no idea how to resolve the situation without violence. If Jack and Peter saw each other…

  “Peter, maybe you should just go,” Mae offered gently, and it was clear she was thinking the same thing I was.

  “I know that you’re not happy to see me, but that’s not fair.” Peter was genuinely hurt by her reaction, and Mae’s eyes filled with soft tears. “I haven’t done anything wrong!”

  “Peter, you know that’s not exactly true,” Mae chastised him quietly. She kept her gaze on him, but nodded her head slightly to me, referencing the instance in which Peter nearly killed me.

  “Look, I am not proud of that and I’m not trying to justify it, but if…” He bit his lip and shook his head. “Jack overstepped his bounds on every measure of this, yet you’re all continually on his side! She was meant for me, not him! And it shouldn’t have
mattered to any of you if she had died!”

  “Thanks,” I mumbled, and I felt his eyes land apologetically on me.

  “Alice, that’s not what I meant.” He made a move towards me, then dropped his hand.

  “We’re not on anyone’s side,” Mae insisted, and she rested a hand on Milo’s arm, trying to keep him steady. Hearing Peter so casually talk about my death had left him fuming. “Things are far more complicated than sides, and you know that.”

  “But Jack is wrong!” Peter slammed his hand on the counter, and we all jumped. “What gives him the right?”

  “He loves me, Peter,” I told him timidly.

  He turned towards me, his eyes burning on me, and I felt myself try to shrink away. Milo hissed and Mae stepped forward, trying to block Milo from Peter. She knew, just as I did, that Peter had no intention of hurting me ever again. He was hurt, definitely, and vehement about something, but I didn’t know what.

  “And you think I don’t?” Peter moved so quickly, I almost didn’t see it happen. His face was directly in front of me, and I was backed up against the wall, but he wasn’t touching me at all. Milo was freaking out because of his sudden movement, and Mae was trying to push him into the other room so he could get a reign on his emotions.

  “They’re fine! He’s just talking to her!” Mae kept insisting.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her finally wrangle Milo into another room, but all I could really see were Peter’s green eyes. He always looked at me is if he was trying to completely look through me and solve the great mystery of me. There wasn’t one, though, and that left his eyes constantly searching Irrational tears were welling in my eyes, and I had to fight to remember to breathe. He had placed a hand on either side of me, and lowered his face so it was directly in front of mine. All I could smell and see and feel was him. It was suffocating, and I didn’t know how to fight it. The horrible truth was that I didn’t even really want to fight it. My body kept screaming that this was exactly what it needed, that this was how I was meant to feel. Always.

  “How am I supposed to know you feel about me?” I whispered hoarsely. “You were always pushing me away or running away. You’ve spent hardly a minute with me. All I know about you is that you’re simultaneously repulsed and enraptured by me. That’s not exactly the basis for love, is it?”

  “I’m sorry.” For the first time, Peter’s voice registered a strong emotion, and not just restraint trying to mask something. He was pained more deeply than I imagined he would be, but he went on, unabashed. “I have not been honest with you. There are a million excuses for the way that I’ve treated you, but none of them absolve me.”

  He exhaled deeply, his breath warming my neck. He was hungry in a familiar way, one that I stupidly welcomed. Peter wanted me in the way only he could want me, the way flowers craved sunlight. Our bodies claimed that I was the means to his survival, in more ways than one, and Peter was just finally starting to give into it.

  “Does it really matter anymore?” Peter continued huskily, and when he lowered his gaze to my throat, his eyelashes fell darkly on his cheeks. “It doesn’t really matter how much I love you, does it?” He moved in closer to me, breathing me in, and he sighed reproachfully. “You smell like him.”

  “I’m sorry,” I murmured, but I wasn’t.

  Maybe a little bit of me was, but the rest of me felt oddly proud that I smelled like Jack. As if he had marked me as his, and that finally, maybe even my blood belonged to him. Deep down, I had always known it was meant to, and I think that even Peter had to, which is why he had always rejected me so harshly.

  “He’s inside you now.” Gingerly, Peter brushed my hair back and ran his fingers threw it, letting his fingertips graze my cheek and send surges of pleasure over me. His eyes had returned to mine, but they were duller and sadder than I had ever seen them before. “I’ve already lost, haven’t I?”

  Before I could answer, his lips pressed softly against me. Emotions swirled through me too rapidly for me to name, but I found myself kissing him back. When he had kissed me before, they had been harsh and rough, but this time, it was gentle and a little sad. I think he realized this was going to be the last time that he kissed me, and he didn’t want to waste a moment of it.

  When I heard the low growl coming from across the room, I awoke in the moment, with my arms wrapped around Peter’s neck and my fingers buried in his hair. His strong arms had me pressed me hard against the contours of his body, and there was little room for breathing. But as soon as I heard the growl, my heart froze, and I pulled my mouth away from Peter’s because I knew exactly who that growl belonged to.

  Peter almost tossed me to the side, but that was merely for my own protection. Jack came flying across the room in such a blur I wouldn’t have known it was him if I hadn’t already known it was him. He slammed into Peter, and together, they landed on top of the dining room table and crushed it beneath them. They were gnashing teeth and hitting at each other, and suddenly, Jack was soaring through the glass windows of the French doors. Peter was on his feet, preparing to follow after him, but Jack was already up, brushing away broken glass.

  They stood a few feet from each other, glaring at one another and seething with unbridled rage. I scrambled to my feet, thinking that I had to do something, no matter how idiotic it might be, but before I could do anything, Ezra had swooped in between them. He stood on the rubble of the table, closer to Peter, but held out his palms to both of them.

  “Stop!” Ezra boomed. “This isn’t going to settle anything!”

  From somewhere down the hall, I heard Milo struggling to get free. Apparently, Mae had locked them both in a room, which was probably the safest bet. Especially since Jack was here, and there were threats against him, Milo was liable to get himself seriously injured, not to mention Jack or Peter.

  “There’s only one way to settle this,” Peter replied calmly, his eyes fixated on Jack.

  Jack’s face had contorted with so much hate, it was almost unrecognizable. His whole body was tensed so tightly, I could see all his veins sticking out against his muscles. His chest heaved with his breathing, and he lips were pulled back in a murderous snarl. He was poised to pounce, and it was a miracle that he hadn’t torn through Ezra to get to Peter.

  “Peter.” Ezra turned his attention on him, which didn’t seem like the wisest decision to me, considering the expression on Jack’s face. Ezra took a step closer to Peter and rested his open palm on his chest. “You know what this kind of thing leads to. You don’t want this.”

  “Tell that to him,” Peter nodded at Jack, who just growled in response.

  “Jack!” I said, almost plaintively.

  Peter winced, but Ezra tried to keep Peter’s focus on him, and it seemed to work. Jack, on the other hand, immediately softened at the sound of my voice, and when his eyes flitted over to me, he looked guilty. To me, that seemed pretty odd since I’d been the one who had just been kissing another guy, but Jack had never really been one for violence.

  “Come on.” Ezra moved his hand onto Peter’s back and gestured outside. Carefully, Jack moved away from the broken window so that Ezra and Peter would be able to get by if they wanted to.

  “Let’s take a minute to clear our heads before we tackle this.”

  Jack stepped down, even allowing his fist to unclench, and that seemed to convince Peter that he was safe enough to take break. Carefully, Ezra led Peter through rubble, out into the night where the thick fog and mist had settled heavily onto the night. Jack watched them until they disappeared outside, but we could still hear the soft, careful tones of Ezra’s deep voice as he tried to reason with Peter.

  Once they were gone, Jack hurried silently over to me. I opened my mouth to speak, but he shushed me. Grabbing my hand, he dragged me into Ezra’s den at the far end of the hall, and I could hear the bewildered calls from Milo coming from Mae and Ezra’s bedroom. Inside the den, Jack closed the door quietly behind him.

  Again, I tried to ask him w
hat was going on, but he pulled me into his arms and kissed me so ferociously, it erased everything. I remembered the way it felt when he bit me, his heart pounding with mine, and I could feel all the warmth and love radiating from him and surging through me. I wrapped my arms around, returning his kiss more fervently than I ever had before.

  Underneath his kiss, there was a desperation that terrified me, but I tried to just concentrate on how amazing it felt to be in his arms again. Everything in my very recent history had been telling me that this would never happen again, but here it was, and I wanted to make this moment last forever.

  “Alice…” Jack breathed, and then he forcefully pushed me away from.

  It wasn’t that he really wanted to be away from me from so much that I was clinging to him so tightly he had to actually use strength to get me off of him. His placed his hands on my cheeks, his skin smoldering hot against mine, and his blue eyes were pleading with me.

  “What?” My voice cracked because I knew that whatever Jack was about to tell me was breaking his heart.

  “I’m so sorry about all of this.” He brushed the hair back from my face and smiled sweetly at me.

  “Oh, Alice, don’t cry. Please don’t cry. Okay? We don’t have much time. Once Peter realizes we’re gone together…”

  “We can just run!” I suggested helplessly and tried to keep the tears from spilling down my cheeks.

  “No, Alice, he’ll never let you go. And neither can I.” His face filled with agonized apologies. “But I know that I might not come back from this…”

  “No, Jack, this is stupid,” I insisted through the lump in my throat.

  There was a pain so deep building inside me, I thought it might kill me. My body felt weak and achey, and I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to stand for much longer. It actually felt as if the ground had been ripped out from underneath me, and I was free falling into nothingness.

  “Alice, you’re worth fighting for,” Jack smiled sadly. “You’re even worth dying for.”


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