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Spring Training

Page 2

by Roz Lee

“Get on with it, girl. I’ve no patience for a timid slave.”

  Fighting back her unwanted desire, she swept her tongue around his broad head then took him to the back of her throat.


  The word sounded as if it had been wrenched from him and was all the encouragement she needed to repeat the move.

  “Ahh, Christ! That feels good!”

  Slowly pulling back, she focused her attention on the head, swirling her tongue over and around.

  “God, yes! Do that again.”

  I can do this. The motion-sensitive cameras placed throughout the house would ensure Todd saw/monitored her and Frank’s every interaction. Knowing he could be watching in real time, too, provided comfort. Closing her eyes, she imagined her Master across the room, his gaze taking in her every movement. Being observed had always been a pleasure trigger for her, and Todd had gone out of his way to give her that.

  Working her mouth up and down Frank’s shaft, she shut out the reality of her situation. She would suck his dick because her only other choice was to walk away from a relationship she needed more than she needed to breathe. His cock swelled, signaling his imminent release. The hissed curses coming from his lips and the frantic jerking of his hips told her he was enjoying the experience. Tamping down the tiny wave of pride in a job well done, she gave herself over to finishing him off.

  Swallowing the last drop of cum, she sat back on her heels, wiping her lips with the back of her hand. She ticked off day one on her mental calendar marking the time until Todd returned. Only forty-one more welcome home cock sucks to go.

  Her gaze dropped while she waited for him to release her to her next task. The dinner he’d requested would need to be plated and served. As instructed, she’d eaten her dinner before he’d arrived.

  Time stretched into eternity as she watched his shaft return to its sated size. His breathing evened out. “Why did you blow me?”

  Huh? She jerked her head up to meet his gaze.

  “Why did you blow me?” he repeated as if she were a child, unable to understand. It wasn’t far from the truth.

  “Because you told me to.”

  “Wrong answer, slave.” He tucked his cock back inside his pants, righting the zipper and belt. “You’re lying to me and to yourself. The kind of relationship you want only exists within a framework of total honesty. I suggest you give the question more thought. I’ll ask you again tomorrow and every day until you give me an honest answer. Today’s lie earned you one more lick with the paddle. Each day you don’t come up with the correct answer, I’ll add one to the total.”

  Her mind raced to comprehend his words. He’d ordered her to give him a blow job. Why else would she be on her knees? Why else would she have serviced him?

  “Permission to speak, Sir?”

  “Speak your mind.”

  “I don’t know what you’re asking. I did as I was instructed as a slave should.”

  “Yes, all that is true. You performed your duties with your usual excellent skills in that area. I’m asking you to look deep inside yourself, slave. Yes, you were ordered to service your Master, but that wasn’t the real reason you did it. There is another reason, the only one that matters. I could tell you, but until you discover it on your own, you won’t truly understand. Even though your lie is one of incomprehension, the punishment will stand as incentive for you to examine your own motivations.”

  “Thank you, Sir, for listening.”

  “As your Master, I’ll always listen. It’s my job over the next few weeks to help you transition into the life you’ve said you want. The only way I can do that is to force you to see your true self. Once you do, you’ll either decide the life of a slave is what you need, or you will walk away. The decision is up to you, Brooke.”

  “Yes.” She nodded. She didn’t particularly like the teaching method her Master had chosen for her, but she was aware of her shortcomings as Todd’s slave. As far as she was concerned, the decision was already made. She wanted the lifestyle. If that meant searching her soul for answers, she’d do it.

  “Excellent.” His smile was soft with approval. “I’ll have dinner in twenty minutes.”

  Dismissed, she made her way to the kitchen. Twenty minutes to come up with an answer to his question because she was certain he would ask her again and again. Why? Why does any slave follow through on an order?

  Pulling the casserole from the oven, she examined her reply. Because you told me to. Perhaps she was dense, but she couldn’t come up with another answer. And she needed to. She’d already earned eleven strikes, and she’d been Frank’s sub for less than an hour.

  By the time she set a plate of food at the head of the table, straightened the flatware then climbed atop the polished cherry surface, exactly twenty minutes had passed. As she spread her legs, exposing her pussy to the man seated before her, she heard the question in her mind. “Why? Why are you doing this?”

  Frank ate in silence, occasionally glancing at her pussy or her breasts. His gaze never strayed higher, making her feel like an object instead of a human with needs of her own.

  When his plate was clear, he sat back. His eyes focused on her pussy then traveled upward, taking her body in an inch at a time until, at last, his gaze stopped on her face. “You’re a beautiful woman, Brooke. Does Todd like the landing strip?” He flicked a finger in the direction of her pussy and the narrow band of trimmed hair arrowing down to her clit.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “I don’t. Wax it before I get home tomorrow. How do you handle pain? Do you like to have your nipples clamped? Your clit clamped? Something more?”

  “Uh…Master has used nipple clamps on me, but that’s all except for spanking me—for punishment.”

  With his elbow propped on the arm of the chair, he pinched his lips between his thumb and forefinger as his eyes narrowed in thought. Her mind flew to the black leather duffle with the lock on the zipper. She couldn’t contain the shudder that racked her body.

  “What are you thinking, slave?”

  Her skin heated with guilt and embarrassment. Was there nothing he didn’t know about her? “I was thinking about the bag…the one with the lock.”

  “You’re wondering if I have things inside that will be painful.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Does it frighten you to imagine receiving pain at my hands?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “What if I were to promise you the pleasure will far exceed the pain, but the only way to achieve such pleasure is to experience the pain first?”

  “I’m not sure I would believe you, Sir.”

  “Then you’ll just have to trust me. I’ll never push you past what you can accept. You have your safe-word. I’ll respect it always, but, in return, I expect the same from you. Respect. I have given much consideration to the methods needed to bring you to an understanding of your nature. I’ve discussed them with your Master in detail, so rest assured he has approved of everything you will experience during our time together.”

  She hadn’t realized Todd had spoken at such length with Frank. Knowing he had done so reassured her, but she would be lying if she said the knowledge eased her mind completely.

  “Put your feet up on the table then lie back.”

  The bare wood was cold at her back, making her nipples tighten. She’d give anything to close her knees, to hide some part of herself from him, but doing so would earn her another punishment. Todd had given her body to Frank for the next six weeks.

  “Spread your labia major for me. I want to see you.”

  Using her index fingers, she opened herself to his gaze. Oh, Lord. She closed her eyes, searching for the strength to remain still under his examination.

  “I’m going to touch you,” he said moments before a single digit rimmed her pussy then dove inside where it sought and found the pleasure point on the front wall of her vagina. His fingertip stroked her there, once, twice, a third time. She moaned, resisting the way her body responded to the
stimulation. The traitorous mass of nerves and tissue didn’t give a good goddamned whether she wanted the pleasure or not.

  Another blunt finger joined the fray, stretching her until her juices flowed, betraying her need for the world to see. It was all she could do to keep her hips on the table since she hadn’t been given permission to move. Screwing her eyes shut, she bit her lower lip. Another minute, and she’d come all over his hand and the table.

  She needed the release, needed it to ease the tension holding her body prisoner ever since Todd walked out the door that morning. Touching herself was forbidden, and sucking Frank’s cock had only added to her need. On the brink of exploding, she barely registered the question fired her way.

  “Why did you spread yourself for me?”

  She tumbled down from the precipice in a heap of confused frustration. The wicked fingers inside her continued to stroke her, but the magic vanished, replaced by humiliation and shame. She would do anything for Todd, even let another man torture her to give up information she didn’t have.

  Gulping back tears she couldn’t brush away because her hands remained occupied, she croaked out her answer. “Because my Master told me to obey you.”

  The fingers that had taken her so high then retreated, leaving her cold. She whimpered at the loss.

  “That lie has earned you another lick from my paddle. That’s twelve tonight, more than enough for one day.” Air swirled around her wet tissues as he pushed his chair back to stand. “Clear the table. I’ll expect to find you on your knees in the playroom in half an hour.”

  When he was gone, she rolled to her side, pulling her knees up to her chest. Her clit throbbed, but she didn’t touch herself. Instead, she sobbed to the man she prayed was watching. “Please, Master. I don’t know what he wants me to say! Please! I need you. I need you so bad.”


  He was going to lose his mind. What had he been thinking, leaving Brooke in Frank’s hands? Fast-forwarding through the recordings, he’d seen nothing alarming until the part where the man entrusted with his most prized possession left her writhing in misery on the dining room table, pleading for him to intervene. He reached for the cell phone in his pocket just as the next camera feed came on. His fingers tightened around the link to Brooke, to his life.

  Frank must have gone directly to the playroom. He stood before the concealed camera. “I know you want to end this right now, Todd, but I’m telling you not to. Brooke is stronger than she thinks she is. She’s stronger than you think she is. She’s wound tight, needing to come, but I’m not going to let that happen until she does some real soul searching. We talked about this. I told you it would take time for her to turn inward, to examine her real self. She knows what she wants, but she doesn’t understand why she wants the lifestyle she’s chosen. Until she does, you’ll both be tiptoeing around each other, making a mess of things. She’s earned a rather severe punishment tonight. Watch if you have to, but I’d advise not. I’ve got to go now to prepare tonight’s session. Afterward, if you want to talk to me, I’ll be available.”

  The camera and the room went dark.

  “Shit.” Todd kicked the plastic waste bin nestled underneath the desk.

  Frank seemed confident and in control of the situation, something he, himself, hadn’t felt in months. He checked his watch. There’d be hell to pay if he was late for his first session with Mistress Lola, but, shit, he would run the few blocks from his condo to her downtown lair if it meant being there, virtually, for Brooke on her first night with Frank. He’d been far too lax with his punishments, afraid to break the fragile bond he sensed was on the verge of snapping anyway. Frank would have no such qualms. The punishment he administered would be swift and merciless. He’d seen it before when he’d been a novice, learning to dominate with measured strength and compassion. In The Dungeon setting, there had been little need to punish Brooke. She’d been all too willing to comply with his directives. The trouble began when they went out on their own, trying to live a Dom/slave lifestyle in the real world. He’d made too many allowances in the beginning. By the time he realized his mistake, he’d been afraid to do what he needed to do.

  He’d been afraid he would lose her.

  Swiping his palm over his face, he jumped when his computer screen flashed bright. Brooke entered the playroom, her curvy but petite body looking vulnerable as she assumed the subservient position he insisted on. In that, she found no argument. A minute later, Frank joined her. He’d donned his leathers and carried a leather-covered paddle as long as his forearm.

  “No!” Todd shouted at the screen. “For God’s sake, Frank, don’t use that on her.” He’d seen the damage the wicked instrument could do. The very idea of anyone attacking Brooke’s tender skin with such a thing struck fear in his heart. He reached for his phone again, this time hitting Frank’s speed-dial number. He listened to the hollow ringing, his eyes glued to the screen.

  Frank talked to Brooke—and no phone was ringing.

  “Damn you, Frank!”

  The man never took his cell phone into a scene. Todd knew that, but this one time, he hoped Frank had forgotten. Increasing the volume on his laptop, Todd ended the call in order to listen.

  “…one more chance. There will be no penalty for a wrong answer, but the correct answer will cut your punishment in half.”

  Todd held his breath, straining to hear his sub’s answer. Tears streamed down her cheeks. His heart sank even before she gave her answer.

  “I don’t know what you want me to say. I did the things you told me to because my Master commanded me to follow your orders.”

  Frank sighed—something Todd couldn’t remember the man ever doing. “Are you ready to accept your punishment?”

  Brooke nodded.

  “Tell me, girl. Remember, your Master is watching. Be brave for him.”

  “Oh, babe.” Todd’s finger trembled as he increased the volume again.

  His brave sub lifted her head. “Yes, Sir. I’m ready to accept my punishment.” Her voice was nothing more than a whisper, but the words were strong. Only the tears on her cheeks and the quaking of her shoulders betrayed her misery.

  Frank helped her stand, strapped her wrists to the spanking bench then secured her legs with straps at her knees. Todd fumbled with the controls until he brought up a split-screen, one camera angle that revealed her tear-ravaged face, the other, her sweet ass presented for punishment.

  “Ten for avoiding me when I arrived. Three for your lies. Count them out for me, girl.”

  The first blow landed solidly across her bottom, leaving a wide band of red. Brooke’s body jerked as she cried out.

  “One,” she wailed.

  Todd curled his hands into fists. By the time the last blow landed across her thighs, he’d dug four deep crescents in each palm. Amazingly, Brooke had endured, taking each swat like a soldier, counting them off with clipped precision. Her ass looked like a fire engine. She would have welts for days and need care for at least a week.

  Frank had gone too far. Todd lifted his phone, intending to tell the man so, but then the substitute Dom released her, lifting her into his arms and facing the camera. She looked fragile but oddly serene with her head tucked against his shoulder.

  “She’s fine, Todd. I’ll take care of her. By my calculations, you have ten minutes to make it to your appointment. Call me when you’re done. We’ll talk then.”

  He watched, helpless, as Frank carried the love of his life out of the room, and the screen went dark. “Bastard.”

  His first instinct was to catch the next flight back to Dallas, but something stopped him. Gazing at the blank screen, he wondered at the look he’d seen on Brooke’s face. She seemed almost angelic, her eyelids fluttering against reddened cheeks. And her lips. They’d been curved into a smile. He couldn’t credit it. After what she’d been through today, then the brutal spanking, what did she have to smile about?

  His phone vibrated in his pocket. Jerking it out, he read the
message from Frank. She’s fine. You’d better hurry. You’ll be punished for being late.

  The woman herself waited for him, dressed in black leather from the top of her corseted bustier to the tips of her thigh-high boots.

  “You’re late.”

  “I had something to do.” He wheezed the words out, leaning against the deserted check-in desk.

  “We’ve no time to waste. Follow me.”

  The room she led him to was entirely black from the walls adorned with assorted metal shackles and tools of the trade to the sparse furnishings resting on the dark concrete floor. His already accelerated heart rate took another leap. Motioning him to a door leading to a changing room, she instructed him to remove his clothes. When he returned to stand in the center of the playroom, she was there, looking even more intimidating with a paddle in her hands.

  “You know the subservient pose. Assume it.”

  “Wait.” He eyed the menacing leather contraption.

  “Your sub can endure it, but it scares you?”

  Hell, yeah. “No. It’s just…. I thought….”

  “On your knees.”

  Never taking his gaze off her, he dropped to his knees, wincing as she used the paddle to urge his thighs apart. Scared lifeless, his cock hung limp between his splayed legs.

  “Eyes down.” She circled him several times, finally coming to a stop in front of him. “Why are you here?” she demanded.

  “I need to learn how my sub thinks, know what she feels, so I can be a better Master for her.”

  “I admire your commitment to your relationship. Not many Doms, male or female, would go to such lengths for anyone. Your sub must be very special.”

  “She is, Mistress.” His thoughts went to Brooke, his cock responding to the images, to his love for the woman at home.

  “I understand she was punished today. Did you witness the scene?”

  “You know I did.” Frank had called her. Why else would she have the exact same paddle in her hands he’d used on Brooke?

  “Tell me what you thought. Did it arouse you? Did it disgust you? How did she handle it?”


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