Spring Training

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Spring Training Page 3

by Roz Lee

  “No, it didn’t arouse me. It was punishment.” He put as much disdain into his answer as he could muster. “I was appalled at first, but she was amazing. I knew she was strong, but the look on her face afterward….”

  “How did she look?”

  “Serene. Angelic.”

  “And you don’t understand it.”

  “No. I don’t.”

  “Do you know why she was punished?”

  He nodded at her shoes. “She disrespected her Master, and she failed to correctly answer a question. She was given several opportunities.”

  “She was asked to verbalize her reasons for submitting to her Master.”


  “Do you know why she submits?”

  “Because she wants to. Because she is told to.”

  A sigh, very much like the one Frank had uttered when Brooke gave him an unsatisfactory answer, passed her lips. “Incorrect. I see why you are here. You can’t begin to dominate a woman like your sub if you don’t know what it feels like to be her. Frank was right. You will receive the same treatment as your sub. What she endures, you will endure until both of you look deep inside yourselves to find the correct answers.”

  Shocked, he looked up at her. “You aren’t going to use that thing on me.”

  “I will, and you will allow it. First, you will service me.” Crossing the room to an apparatus that appeared to be part chair, part sling, she dropped into it. With her legs draped over the butterfly wing appendages, her pink pussy gleamed like a beacon in the dark room. “Come to me. On all fours.”

  Damn. He didn’t want to look, but he wasn’t dead. A pink pussy was difficult to ignore. On hands and knees, he moved closer. She was wet, her bare mons swollen and needy. He licked his lips.

  She laughed. “Get me off, slave. No hands allowed.”

  He hesitated, thinking of Brooke’s pussy and how he would be content to taste only hers for the remainder of his existence.

  “Do I need to add more to your punishment?”

  The very idea of more strikes from her paddle hastened his decision. “No, Mistress,” he said, bending to his task.

  She tasted better than he had anticipated. Her uninhibited response to his flicking tongue and nipping teeth made him hard. When she dug her sharp fingernails into his scalp, he redoubled his efforts to make her come. Giving himself to the moment, his goal became to give her pleasure while his cock ached to find its own.

  He drank in her orgasm, feasting on her juices until she slumped in the adapted chair with praise on her lips for his expertise. Sitting on his heels, he fisted his cock, determined to ease the need there.

  “Don’t!” Her feet dropped to the floor in front of him. “Stand up. Hands at your sides.”

  Praying she’d blow him or at the least jerk him off, he stood before her, his cock straining at full attention. She reached for him, her fingers fondling his balls and shaft until he rocked into her, seeking relief. Precum leaked from the tip, tracking over the knob to her knuckles.

  “Impressive.” Tightening her grip, she pumped him faster. “Why did you make me come?”

  “Because you told me to.”

  She squeezed his cock so hard he saw stars, his hands automatically coming around to rescue his favorite appendage from the pain.

  “Don’t, slave.”

  He stopped at the harsh command, grinding his teeth to endure her brutal grip.

  “For the duration of our contract, you are not to touch yourself for pleasure unless I command it. Your orgasms are mine.”

  He nodded, willing to say or do anything if she would release her stranglehold on his shaft. His vision blurred around the edges. Her grip eased, then she began to work his cock, which, to his surprise, was still hard. It only took a few strokes before his balls tightened with the need to come. Relief was in sight. Every cell in his body ached to get there, to release the tension that had begun to build when he’d watched Brooke submit to Frank.

  Come on. Come on. Yeah. Just like that.

  Hand jobs were underrated, especially when the person performing the honors knew what she was doing. Mistress Lola was an expert, taking him to the edge then jerking him back seconds before he took the leap. Frustration gnawed at his gut. His hands were balled into tight fists at the small of his back, the strain on his muscles helping him to remain focused on the goal.

  Slim fingers encircled him, pumping up and down, manipulating the thin skin. He couldn’t take his gaze off her blood-red fingernails. At the crest of each upward stroke, her thumb brushed the sensitive head of his cock, sending shockwaves of need through his body. He was so close…his legs trembled. Any second now….

  Yes! Oh, God! Need gripped his gut. One more stroke would release him from the shackles binding him. The moment she let go of him, his brain shut down. Instead of flying, he crashed to his knees with a cry.

  “No! Please, God, no!” Instinctively, he reached for his cock, desperate to end the painful need himself. A sharp slap to his face, accompanied by a hissed order, stopped him. To his shame, a tear rolled down his cheek.

  “Your orgasms are mine, slave! I decide when, or if, you come.”

  Returning his hands to the small of his back, he sucked in a deep breath and squared his shoulders. The need to come ebbed to a dull ache he’d learned to live with every day Brooke lived in his home, only now it ached for Mistress Lola’s hand.

  “Yes, Mistress.” He forced the words past dry lips. If he dared look up at her, would he see the same smile on her face he wore when he pushed Brooke to the edge then brought her back? As a Dom, controlling his sub’s orgasms was one of his greatest pleasures, but being at the mercy of another for a basic human need was pure torture.

  “How does it feel to be denied something you want so badly?”

  “I hate it.” Hate wasn’t a strong enough word for the gut-wrenching frustration tearing him apart.

  “But think how good it’s going to feel when I let you come in a few days.”

  He jerked his gaze up to see the smirk on her face. “Days?” He’d die long before then.

  “Days. Weeks if you test me.”

  Something in the way she said those last few words sent a shiver through his body. She meant it. She’d play him like a yo-yo, giving him wings then clipping them over and over until he either went insane or ended their association by his own hand. He returned his gaze to the floor.

  “Are you beginning to understand how Brooke feels when you toy with her?”

  “Yes, Mistress.”

  “Your sub is a strong woman.”

  “Yes, Mistress. Stronger than I gave her credit for.” Love for Brooke swelled in his chest. “She endures for me.”

  “She gives her orgasms to you because it makes you happy. She does it to please you even though it kills her inside to be denied.”

  “I don’t think I can do that to her again knowing how much it hurts her.”

  “Look at me.” A finger beneath his chin urged him to do as commanded. “What do you see?”

  He studied her face for a few moments. Her eyes were bright, her lips curved into a wicked smile. “Happiness. Satisfaction.”

  She nodded. “Very good, slave. Commanding your orgasms makes me happy, and I won’t deny feeling a bit of smug satisfaction from bringing a man like you to your knees. Think for a moment, Todd. Isn’t that how you feel when you are the one playing god?”

  An image of Brooke begging for him to let her come flashed through his brain. There was nothing he enjoyed more, except watching her come when his dick was buried deep inside her. “Yes.”

  “Remember this conversation, slave. It will serve you well in the weeks to come.” She turned and strode away, issuing a command over her shoulder. “Follow me. On all fours.”

  He scrambled to keep up, his knees protesting the entire time. When he fell too far behind, she waited until he caught up, swatting his ass with the leather paddle to urge him on.

  Dick limp, he came to a
halt in front of what looked like a carpenter’s sawhorse. Since he was so close to the floor, the first thing he noticed were the metal cuffs attached with short chains to eyebolts screwed into the wooden legs. Fear shuddered through him like an icy enema. He hated the idea of being restrained, completely at someone’s mercy.

  “Don’t worry.” Did she read his mind? “You won’t be restrained for long tonight.” She let the implied meaning sink in. He understood the concept and power of a mind fuck. Plant the seed and let it germinate so the sub was never sure if this was the time she’d be strapped down for the entire day while her Master amused himself with her body.

  “Up. Assume the position.”

  I can do this. I strap Brooke to the spanking bench all the time. He bent at the waist, closing his eyes while his temporary teacher fastened the cuffs around his ankles and wrists. A moment of panic swept over him. He jerked against the chains, coming up short.

  Mistress Lola grabbed a fistful of his hair, yanking his face up. “Struggling is futile, slave. The bench is bolted to the floor, the restraints secure. Your ass is mine until I say otherwise.”

  Still holding his head up by his hair, she stepped in front of him so his nose was up against her leather-clad pussy. The smell of her recent orgasm, obvious even through the thick fabric, made his dick jump to attention.

  “That’s better,” she said, reaching around to tap his erection with her paddle. “Keep it up, big boy, and it won’t get injured.”

  Before his brain processed what she meant, she released his hair then moved behind him. The first blow, low on his ass, was so close to his balls they drew up in self-preservation. “Fuck!”

  “Count them out for me, slave, and keep that pretty dick of yours out of my way.” Her voice was all business. She owned him in that time and place.

  As bad as that first slap hurt, his punishment was only going to get worse if he didn’t comply. “One.”


  Every step Todd took toward the batting cage was torture. It didn’t help that he was sweating like a stuck pig in the Arizona heat. Not letting his discomfort show on his face made the situation even worse. The last thing he needed was his teammates asking questions he couldn’t answer. His respect and admiration for Brooke grew with every footfall, hell, with every breath.

  How she went to work after an evening spent as his plaything was beyond him, but she did it no matter how red her ass was or how brutally he’d used her the night before. The hell of it was, she thanked him! And she would come home and offer herself to him again. He was careful not to use her in that way too often, but he wanted, needed, to do things to her, and her desires mirrored his in a way he’d never expected to find in one woman.

  But until he’d been worked over by Mistress Lola, he hadn’t understood even a fraction of what Brooke endured, mentally or physically. A few hours as a sub, and he was as close to crying Uncle as he’d ever been in his life.

  Brooke was an amazing woman. And his ass hurt like a son of a bitch.

  “You got splinters in your ass, Stevens?” Jake Tulleson, the Mustangs’ batting coach, didn’t take shit from anyone, and he didn’t tolerate players wasting his time.

  “No, just feeling my age today.” Stepping up to the plate, Todd adjusted his stance, raising the bat to his shoulder to await the next pitch. “Something you can relate to.”

  “Fuck off. If you aren’t here to up your game, then move on. I’ve got other players waiting.”

  He liked Jake well enough as a fellow human being, but as a batting coach, he’d never done Todd much good.

  Todd swung at the pitch, and the bat connected for a solid grounder to short. He took the next one out to center field and the next one over the left field wall. Satisfied he hadn’t lost his ability to hit during the off-season, he shot the finger at Jake before he made way for the next batter. As he walked away, he replayed his batting practice in his mind. He’d hit pretty well for an old fart who hadn’t swung anything heavier than a flogger in months.

  Mistress Lola had worked him over good with the paddle. He would put her up against just about any batter in the Major League. The woman had a wicked swing. He’d slept on his stomach the night before, the only way he was even halfway comfortable. Making his way to the locker room, he prayed for Frank to find a different way to punish Brooke today if he needed to. Another night like the last one, and he wouldn’t be able to play ball for a week.

  Todd stopped at the sound of his name. Turning, he waited for Jason Holder to catch up to him. “Jason, my man. How’s it going? How’s Carrie?”

  The Mustangs’ catcher smiled, continuing on toward the clubhouse. Todd fell in step beside him.

  “Carrie’s great. I miss her like crazy, but with video calling, we stay connected if you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah, I get it.” He had his own variety of staying in touch going on, but it wasn’t the same. He could only imagine the creative ways Jason dominated his wife while they were apart.

  “Did Brooke come to Arizona with you?”

  “Nah, she has the bakery…you know.”

  “I hear ya. Carrie’s working on a big story, so she stayed in Dallas. She might be able to come out for a weekend, or maybe I’ll go back for a quick trip if time allows.”

  They’d stopped in front of the clubhouse door, well out of hearing range of everyone else. Jason slapped Todd on the chest with his glove. “Look, man. Carrie said she had lunch with Brooke yesterday. Said you brought in Frank Williams to train her while you’re out of town.”

  “This isn’t any of your business, Jason.”

  “Carrie is concerned, and that is my business. What the fuck is going on?”

  Todd blew out a breath then ran a hand through his hair. Christ. Even my scalp hurts. He clenched his teeth to keep from blurting out more than he wanted the other Dom to know. Some things were private, especially his own shortcomings as a Dominant. And he damn sure wasn’t going to admit anything to the man he’d mentored into the lifestyle. “Brooke is in good hands. I wouldn’t leave her with someone I didn’t trust.”

  “Why, man? You could take care of her needs with a video chat.”

  “I have my reasons.” He reached past his teammate to open the clubhouse door. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll drop it.”


  He took off down the hall to the locker room, ignoring Jason’s insistent plea for him to stop. Spotting the Mustangs’ closer coming out of the trainer’s office, he angled toward him. “Hey, Jeff.”

  “Todd. How’s it going?”

  “Fine. Good to be back.” He looked over his shoulder. He’d been down right rude to one of his best friends, something he’d have to make up for eventually. “You going back out?”


  “Tell your brother I’ll catch him later, okay?” If he’s still talking to me.

  “I thought I heard Jason’s voice.” Smiling, he shook his head. “Never could teach him any manners.”

  “Don’t be too hard on him. We all could use some discipline now and again.”

  Jeff clapped him on the back as he headed in the direction Todd had just come. “Don’t I know it? Take care. See you tomorrow.”


  Brooke checked off another blow job on her mental countdown until Todd returned from Arizona. She was five days into a six-week sentence of obedience to someone else. Frank was good to her, she supposed. After the first day, he’d eased up, only asking her once a day why she submitted to him, which meant fewer punishments doled out for answering incorrectly. If she had a better answer, didn’t he know she would give it?

  What do you want from me?

  He tucked his dick back in his pants and zipped up. “It’s Friday, pet. Did you do as I asked? Did you put your business in someone else’s hands for the weekend?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She had fewer misgivings about the fate of her bakery for the next two days than she did about what Frank had in mind for he
r. Whatever it was, he said she would be able to return to work on Monday.

  “Tonight’s session will be different than any you’ve experienced before.”

  “How so, Sir?”

  “You’ll see.” He patted her on the top of the head like the pet he called her. “I’m hungry. Serve my dinner then we’ll play.”

  She watched his shoes disappear before she headed to the kitchen, wishing for the millionth time Todd could be there. She could endure anything as long as he was with her.

  “Do you have an answer for me, subbie?”

  On her knees, her gaze cast to the playroom floor, Brooke shook her head. She’d given the only answer she knew every day for the past week. It wasn’t the one Frank wanted to hear, so saying it again wasn’t going to get her anywhere.

  “Do you understand the answer I seek is one you will find within yourself?”

  “Yes, Sir.” It’s how I find it that I don’t understand. She spent her every waking minute wondering what else she could say in reply to his question. He seemed to think the answer was obvious, one she should know. But she didn’t. Not knowing made her heart heavy. According to Frank, her lack of understanding was the root of the problems in her relationship with Todd. She loved him so much, she’d do whatever he asked, including submit to anything Frank wanted her to do, especially if, in doing so, she found the key to fixing their relationship.

  “Good. We’ve accomplished something in the last few days. We’ll accomplish more this weekend. The sooner you find the answer, the sooner we can proceed to more enjoyable pursuits.”

  “I’m trying, Sir.”

  “I know you are. I’ve seen how devoted you have been to me these last few days. You’ve served my needs admirably without receiving any pleasure in return. If all goes as I’ve planned, all that will change before the weekend is over.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  He’d wound her tight every night then let her down without permitting her to come. She was close to tears just thinking about an end to her misery.

  “Let’s begin, then.” He helped her to stand. “Lie down on the table on your back, spread eagle.”


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