Spring Training

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Spring Training Page 4

by Roz Lee

  Todd had installed the multi-use table shortly after she moved into his home. It was one of their favorite furnishings in the playroom, but tonight it looked sinister with the black leather restraints awaiting her on each corner. Glancing at the camera overhead, she spread her limbs. Frank talked to her while he fastened the cuffs around her wrists then her ankles, testing each one to make sure it was tight, but didn’t cut off blood flow to her extremities.


  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Remember, I’ve discussed everything I plan to do to you with Todd. He’s approved every step of your training. Do you trust your Master?”

  “I trust Master Todd with my life.”

  “Master Todd has entrusted your life to me, girl, so therefore you must trust me, too.”

  “I do, Sir.” Todd would never endanger her. She was certain of that.

  “Relax, girl. This weekend is all about you.”

  “I command you to be selfish.” Her heart warmed at the memory of Todd’s words. He’d known this was coming and tried to prepare her.

  “Todd and I will enjoy watching your experience, but everything will be for you and your future with the man you love. Do you wish to proceed?”

  I’ll do anything to be with Todd for the rest of my life. “Yes, Sir.”

  He placed a warm hand over her stomach. “Close your eyes, girl. Good, girl. Remember, you will never be in danger.”

  His footsteps rounded the table, stopped behind her head. She gasped as he fitted a mask over her head, shutting her off from the world. Panic set in. She thrashed about, jerking against the cuffs securing her to the table. Todd had never deprived her this way. He’d blindfolded her, but this was different. Pads held her eyelids shut and fabric blocked her nostrils and mouth with every hastily drawn breath.

  “Shh. Relax.” Firm hands on either side of her head held her still. “Let me adjust the mouth opening for you.”

  Brooke stilled while Frank moved the stretchy material. Suddenly, there was an opening for her lips. The deep breath she sucked in went a long way to easing her fears.

  “That’s it, girl. Breathe. Relax.” He stroked her forehead while he crooned the soothing words in her ear. “You’re doing good. Todd will be proud of his little slave.”

  Frank’s reminder Todd was, or would be, watching helped calm her. Her shoulders slumped against the table as she willed all her muscle groups to do the same.

  “Perfect. Before we begin our little exercise tonight, let me remind you why you are here.” His hands trailed along her chest, over her breasts and stomach then back up to cup her face. “Use this time to think about your relationship with your Master. Why do you submit to him? What possible reason could you have for wanting to be his slave? When you discover the answer, you will know it in your heart. In a moment, I’ll put the headphones over your ears, depriving you of your hearing. I’ll place a bar across your mouth. Grip it with your teeth. If you must use your safe-word, spit the bar out. Otherwise, no matter what, you are not to speak until I tell you to. Do you understand, pet?”

  “How long?”

  “Time is not relevant. It means nothing to you except that is all you have. Use it wisely.”

  He fitted the headphones over her ears, cutting her off from all sound. The bar he placed between her teeth felt like a rubber dog bone and tasted as nasty as she imagined one would be. She swallowed hard, fighting the urge to spit it out. Master Todd would see her, though, and disappointing him wasn’t an option. She’d done enough of that already—enough that he’d provided a trainer for her.

  Obedience school. That’s what this is. Frank called her pet. Was that all she was to him? He’d done nothing but demand her loyalty and play with her since his arrival. Yet she served him because Master Todd instructed her to.

  She lay still, wondering if Frank was still in the room. Or had he trussed her up and leave? Even if Todd wasn’t watching the live feed, he would eventually see her like this, spread and helpless, horny. She squirmed at the thought of the many things her Master might do to her if he were here. Twisting her hips, she hoped he would see her need. If he did, perhaps he’d call Frank and tell him to see to her.

  Her trainer teased her to the brink at least once every evening then left her unfulfilled. Forbidden to touch herself, her need had grown into a living, breathing thing she carried inside her all day long. She was so horny, even wearing clothes had become a challenge. The constant pressure of her panties rubbing her swollen labia made her long to find relief anywhere, any way she could. The night before, she woke, humping a pillow. Thankfully, she had come to her senses before she went too far, but she’d lain awake the rest of the night, fighting the urge to finish what her subconscious had started.

  Breathe. Think of something besides the ache between your legs and how wonderful it feels when Todd fills you with his cock.

  Good advice, but the images it brought to mind were too powerful to ignore. She dug her heels in, lifting her hips as best she could with the short tethers binding her. When a warm hand flattened against her stomach, pressing her ass down, she gasped, almost dropping the bar. So Frank didn’t leave.

  The idea of him watching her both disturbed and reassured her. Heat crept over her chest to warm her skin beneath the mask. His task was to know her body, so she shouldn’t be surprised he correctly interpreted her movement—but it was embarrassing all the same. She was a sexual slave. She should be better at controlling her body.

  “I can wait.” Her bold words to Todd the day he left came back to her.

  “You can’t go a week, and we both know it. Besides, it’s not for you to decide.”

  I should be able to wait. I really should. I want to wait, but I can’t, Master. I need to come so bad. Please. Please. I’ll do anything for you if you just let me come.

  “You need something else to think about, pet.” Frank’s voice startled her. She jerked her head up before realizing the message came through the headphones. “Relax. You’re safe. You’ll always be safe.”

  Pain seared her left nipple then her right. She snapped her jaw tight, grinding her teeth against the bar. A scream echoed in her brain, though she had no way of knowing if it was real or imagined. Arching her back, she heaved her chest, accepting the bite from the clamps. Fuck. She’d been clamped many times before, but never this hard. Tears slipped from her eyes into the fabric of the hood encasing her.

  “Good girl.” Frank’s voice was low with approval. “Think about how Todd will love to see you this way. How turned on he’ll be seeing your nipples clamped.”

  Oh, God. Todd. She imagined the love and pride she’d see on his face if he were here. I want to be the slave you need, Master. I want it so bad. Please. Please. Help me be who you need.

  Frank tugged, stretching her nipples, sending another wave of exquisite pain through her body. Her brain screamed. Her pussy ached to be filled. She couldn’t be still. Her body moved of its own volition, seeking completion.

  “Yes, pet. Can you feel your Master’s cock inside you? Plunging. Fucking. Making you his? What would you give now to touch yourself, little one?”

  Anything. Everything.

  Her nipples danced like marionettes, each sway and tug a pain so intense, so perfect, she thought she might die from it. Her pussy grasped at air. She formed words in her throat, shouting them against the symbolic gag.

  Please. Oh, God. Please.

  “Enough, sweet girl.” Her tormenter released his hold on the clamps. Frank massaged her breasts until the pain eased to a constant, dull ache. Relaxing against the table, she sucked in ragged breaths. Crisis over. And yet another unfulfilled climb to the top.

  “Open your mouth, pet. Let me take the gag so you can have some water.”

  When she relaxed her jaw, Frank lifted her head. A straw pressed against her lips. A sip, no more, then it was gone, the bar pressed between her teeth again. He lowered her head to a pillow that hadn’t been there before.

st now. I’d put you to bed, but in your state of need, you wouldn’t be able to keep from touching yourself, so you’ll sleep here tonight. I’ll be here, keeping you safe. Are you ready for the clamps to come off? Of course, you are.”

  She hissed as blood rushed back to deprived tissue. “Think about this, slave. Why do you let your Master do these things to you? Why?”

  Her head spun in the total silence. Pain lingered, throbbing through her breasts to the beat of her heart.

  Why? Why? Why?


  Todd swiped the back of his hand over his eyes. Fuck. She’s amazing. He could only imagine the pain she endured—for him. She was the most courageous woman he’d ever known. “I love you.”

  He wished she could hear him, but with the hood and headphones on, she was in her own head now, cut off from everything. If he were there, he’d remove the gag so he could kiss her. He’d caress her breasts, take the pain into his mouth. He loved the dreamy look she got on her face when he sucked on her tits. When he allowed it, she would wrap her arms around his head, holding him to her, stroking his cheek like a Madonna would her child.

  She had so much love to give—more than he deserved. She was a nurturer, a natural born mother, and God willing, she’d be the mother of his children one day soon. His cock stood to attention just thinking about Brooke having his baby. But they had a long way to go before they could venture into that realm. First, they must learn to live together in the lifestyle she’d chosen. Life would be so much simpler if they were different people, but they weren’t. He needed her to submit to him, and though she accepted his domination, she had yet to come to terms with her need to be subservient.

  Out in the world, she was one kick-ass woman, running a successful business she’d built from the ground up. Over a dozen employees answered to her daily. She shouldered the responsibility and workload with strength and a passion that brought her respect in the world of specialty baking. But when he met her, she’d needed someone to take charge of her private life. Someone to take the decisions out of her hands. Someone to make her forget the outside world so she could relax.

  He needed someone to accept him for who he was on the inside, not who he was to the world. Brooke had seen the core of him, and instead of running away, she knelt at his feet. He’d fallen hard for her to the point he couldn’t fathom giving her up. She’d become a part of him—like baseball, the only difference being he could live without baseball.

  His phone vibrated in his pocket. “Frank.”

  “Todd. She’s fine.”

  “Yeah, I can see that. You’re taking good care of her.”

  “Like she’s my own. The strong ones are the hardest but worth the effort.”

  Todd closed his eyes, saw the trait he most admired shining in Brooke’s eyes. “Yeah, they are. It’s killing me being so far away from her while she’s going through this. It should be me breaking through her thick skull, not you.”

  “Don’t worry. There will be plenty of spunk left in her when I’m through. All I’m going to do is lead her to accept what she already knows—that she serves you because that’s who she is, not because you want her to. She would serve any man she fell in love with, Dom or vanilla. You just had the great fortune to be the one she fell for.”

  “Don’t I know it.” He let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. Over Frank’s shoulder, Brooke lay still, her head tilted as far to one side as the heavy headphones would allow. “She’s asleep.”

  “Yeah. I’ll wake her again in a few hours, play with her head some more. She’ll wear the hood all day tomorrow. I think I’ll lace her arms behind her back and lead her around with a leash, keep her inside her own head for as long as possible. Check in when you can, but it won’t be pretty, especially in the afternoon. I’ll push her hard then use her. She wants to come so bad now I can’t trust her to keep her hands to herself. She’ll get what she wants tomorrow night and then some.”

  “Do you think tomorrow will do the trick?”

  “By Sunday, she’ll understand. Then I’m going to enjoy the rest of my vacation, using your slave for my own pleasure.”

  The man’s chuckle grated on Todd’s nerves. Frank was doing him and Brooke a great service, so how could he begrudge his friend a little sport when his job was done? He couldn’t, but that didn’t mean he had to like it. “Give me a call tomorrow before you let her come.”

  As he slid the phone into his pocket, Frank came back into view on the live feed from his house. He made a thorough check of Brooke’s status with such a light touch the woman didn’t so much as twitch.

  She’s exhausted. If I was there, I’d take her in my arms and hold her.

  But you aren’t there, and this is what she needs.

  If he wasn’t careful, he’d be late for his session with Mistress Lola, but he couldn’t tear himself away from the video monitor. He ached to be with Brooke. How in hell he would make it through the entire baseball season, he didn’t have a clue. Five days away from her, and he was going out of his mind with need.

  After checking on his charge, Frank retreated out of the picture. If Todd shifted to the other camera angle, he’d find the man seated in the big, leather easy chair in the corner—the one he’d brought in for those precious aftercare minutes when he held Brooke until she was back in the here and now. He would never entrust his woman to a man who would abandon her when she was in a vulnerable state. Small comfort, but it eased his mind.

  Returning his attention to the monitor, he allowed himself the luxury of observing her while she slept. He wished she wasn’t wearing the hood, so he could see her face. Because of her job, she was out of bed and gone long before he ever stirred. Seeing her at rest was a pleasure he didn’t often have. Her mouth had gone lax, the bar sliding to one side, resting against her spandex covered cheek. As he watched, the fingers on her right hand twitched.

  His mind immediately conjured an image of that hand wrapped around his cock. Blood rushed south so fast his head swam. Sitting back in his chair, he freed his cock from the confines of his suddenly too-tight jeans. Five days without coming. The hell with Mistress Lola. He needed relief, and he needed it now.

  “Well, well, well.”

  Todd eyed the woman he’d come to see. Tonight she’d chosen a red leather corset, but everything else was pure black from her spiked heels to her heart. If he’d learned one thing in the last five days, it was that he wasn’t a sub and never would be. “I’m not late.”

  “No. But you’ve been a bad boy, haven’t you?”

  Despite being certain of his dominant nature, his heart raced at what being found guilty in Mistress Lola’s eyes meant. He’d made a promise to himself and to Brooke, whether she knew it or not. He wouldn’t go back on his word.

  “What makes you think so?”

  “You’re too relaxed.” She pointed the riding crop she held at him. “Your shoulders. Your hips. The confidence on your face. Your limp dick.” She circled him, stopping in front to fondle his genitals—if fondle was the right word. Her fingernails dug into his flesh until his knees buckled. She let him go as he sank to the floor.

  “How did you do it? Did you find yourself someone to fuck or did you jack off?”

  “I’m in a committed relationship.” He studied the red-tipped toes peeking out of her shoes, but resisted the urge to examine his favorite appendage. As she stood over him, he made a mental note to stop on the way back to his place to buy some antibiotic ointment. Cat scratch fever wasn’t something to take chances with.

  “Do you allow your slave to get herself off whenever she wants?”

  “Hell, no.” Silence. “Mistress.”

  “You tell her when and how she will orgasm?”


  “What would you do if she were to take matters into her own hands?”

  “She knows my rules. She wouldn’t do that.”

  “But what if she did? You’re out of town for long stretches of time for your job
, aren’t you?”

  Shit. He’d only had to deal with that situation once before Brooke had agreed to take their relationship outside the club. He’d been gone for nearly two weeks near the end of the season. He’d jacked off so many times while he was away his hand developed a permanent cramp and his dick was raw, but he’d demanded and expected complete celibacy from Brooke. He knew as soon as he saw her she’d defied him, but the guilt was too much for her. She’d admitted her transgression before he had a chance to confront her with his suspicion. Her punishment had been swift and severe. She wouldn’t do it again.

  She might. What did he tell her before he left? You can’t go without for a week. Brooke was a sexual creature with needs she couldn’t always ignore.

  “I’d make sure she understood what she’d done wrong. Then I’d punish her.”

  “Do you know what you did wrong?”

  “I’m not a sub.”

  “The hell you aren’t.” A well-placed kick to his crotch doubled him over. His vision went black as he toppled to the floor.

  “Christ!” Rolling to his side, he cradled his damaged goods protectively. Too little, too late. When he could breathe again, he growled to her feet, “Fuck, woman. You nearly maimed me.”

  She squatted to his level, her stocking-clad legs splayed to give him a peek at her rosy pussy, bare beneath the thin band of black leather that might have been a belt for anyone else. Her arousal was plain to see and should have excited him, but absolutely nothing was happening down south.

  “You forget, Todd. Your body is mine. I’ll maim it if I want. Safe-word out right now, or accept your punishment like the slave you are.”

  “Racking my balls isn’t punishment enough?”

  “Not by half.” She rose to her full height, towering over him like the sadistic bitch she was. “You cheated me out of seeing you orgasm. You broke the one rule I never compromise on.”

  Brooke had accepted his punishment without argument. Afterward, he’d held her while she cried then he’d made love to her, slow and thorough, so she understood there was nothing she could do that would make him not love her.


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