Fighting Fate (Endgame #4)
Page 13
“Why?” She hooks her seatbelt.
“I don’t need him dying in the middle of treatment.” I sigh and drop my head. “I’m pretty sure this morning added another ten years to the course.”
She giggles. “I love you.”
Those words shed thirty off my years of therapy.
Those words heal every lie we’ve told.
Those words are everything.
“Love you, Picasso. More than you know.” Her lips turn up, her eyes smolder and her body relaxes. Yeah, those words are her everything as well.
We aren’t going to the hotel first thing— it seems because we steal moments we fill them with sex and dreams. Our date night has suffered of late so I’m gonna woo her today. Pulling into a parking spot I flash her a grin.
“What are you doing, Caden?” Her eyes wide and filled with excitement.
“Feeding you.” I grip the back of her neck and pull her until our foreheads are touching. “Courting you. Giving you everything you deserve.” It sucks these days are few and far . . . but beggars can’t be choosers. I release her and scramble to her side of my car so I can open her door and take her hand. We enter the warm café but I don’t release her hand and opt for a booth so she can be next to me. Full contact all day.
“Have you told your parents you’re applying to med school?” She asks.
“I’m gonna tell them over break. I didn’t want them spilling the beans until I tell Mace. Deacon won’t care— majors aren’t in his future.” I don’t want to hit Mason with this news so I’ll tell my parents in private.
“Do you have to do a lot before applying?” She’s full of energy but we pack as much as we can into the hours we manage to ourselves.
“Since this is second year and I hadn’t declared that major— yes. I have to take some sciences I didn’t have planned.” Her eyes bug. “Yep. So, I’ll still be able to apply to med school and take pre-med requisites at home. Talking to the counselor I’ll add some courses I need and start studying for the MCAT. She said I need to take it the year prior to applying for med school.”
“So, there’s a chance you won’t be here my last year?” She’s doing art history and business.
“Nope.” The last thing I want is to be separated from her. “I need all the credits of my four years, I just need to tailor them for pre-med. Fun stuff.”
“I’m still in awe of you. I think it’s great.” She bats her eyelashes. “I’ll be the arm candy of a prestigious doctor.”
I laugh. “If you think an orthopedic surgeon is sexy . . . then you’re the candy I want.” Her mouth drops.
“A surgeon? Holy shit.” She catches her bearings. “Is that gonna take forever?”
“After four years at home, another four years med school, add in close to five years residency.” She’s cute doing math in her head.
“So, you’ll be in your thirties when you start your own practice or whatever?” She looks horrified.
“Yes and no. In residency I’ll do a lot— like I was a practicing physician just supervised by attending physicians. It’s hands on training. It was suggested I start volunteering at a hospital . . . looks good for me when I apply to school.” She smiles and that bit of confidence makes me want to conquer the world. With her by my side I think I can.
“Oh, the hospitals have the best lost and found. People always misplace things in the waiting rooms.” I shake my head— she’s her own brand of do-gooder. “Seriously, I’m so proud of you. Still planning Vanderbilt?”
“Yep. I thought next summer we can take a trip.” It’ll be a year early but never too soon to get the feel of the town.
“It’s a date.” She winks.
“Speaking of dates . . .” I throw some cash down to cover our meal and grip her hand. We walk the few blocks to the movie theater. “Pick our poison.”
“Lunch and movie? Whatever did I do to deserve this?” She teases.
“And dinner. Plus, you’re my dessert. You’re getting all kinds of spoiled today.” She laughs and snuggles to my side. I don’t know what movie she picked, I doze off holding her to my side but she nudges me when it’s over.
“Wanna take a walk?” Hell yes. It’s cold and I’ll have to cuddle the shit outta her . . . keep her warm. Body heat is the best remedy to coldness.
“Sure. Come on.” I stop at the coffee shop near the corner and get her a hot chocolate. I also lick the foam off her lips . . . win win situation. “Did I mention I’m taking you for sushi tonight?”
“No. But I’m sure I’ve mentioned a million times in our nineteen years . . . I don’t eat raw fish.” Her sass is swift.
“You haven’t tried it.” I argue.
“And I never will.” She isn’t gonna win.
“We’re going.” That’s final.
“And I won’t eat.” She stops walking. “And if I don’t eat . . . if I starve myself of dinner, I’ll be too famished for activities after. And if I don’t get dinner in my mouth . . . nothing else will be going in it either.” Her eyebrows rise, daring me to argue.
She won. And that’s final. “Steak it is.”
“I’m pretty persuasive.” She announces. Yeah. She is. And her oral abilities. Who am I kidding— I’d figure out how to climb in the sky and grab the moon if she asked.
I’ve endured her teasing the entire meal. Scraping her meat off the fork with her teeth with smoldering eyes . . . her wandering foot traveling my thigh . . . the moans she emitted with chocolate mousse.
Nerves frayed.
I need her bare underneath me . . . and having the patience to strip her isn’t something I’m capable of. Her feet cross the threshold and I slam the door and pin her to it. My lips find her neck and nibble, and her hands slipping underneath my shirt is my reward. Balancing her weight with my hips and door, my hands drop trying to find skin. Fucking leggings. Seeking the top I’m delayed when I reach the crotch. Concentrating with the seam, I tug and they shred. Mission accomplished. Her gasp in my ear spurs my primitive need and I delve my fingers inside her thong. She’s slick and tight around my fingers and I work her until she’s riding my hand. She sheds her shirt and bra, my zipper is being lowered and she’s gripping my hard cock. Thrusting into her hand she swirls my pre cum along the head and takes her fingers, sucking them into her mouth.
I push her thong aside and enter her with one swift, hard push. Her teeth sink into my shoulder muffling her scream. “You good?” I lost control and don’t want to hurt her.
“Move!” Wish granted. I pound into her harder and deeper with each movement feeling her muscles clamp around my cock.
“Damn, Aves. Your pussy is a vice. You missed my dick, huh?” It’s a dumb question as my words send her over the edge. Little does she know, I’m far from done. I slow my thrusts so she can savor each tremble wracking her body but dip my head and bite down on her nipple forcing aftershocks through her body. Gripping her ass, I hoist her up the wall and remove myself from her. After toeing off my shoes and kicking my pants to the side, I carry her to the chair in front of the desk and position her so she’s staring at us in the mirror and move behind her. I crouch and remove her boots, tugging her pants so she’s bare from the waist down. “Hold tight.” That’s the only warning I give her as I slip in balls deep, setting a punishing rhythm she seems to enjoy with her hips jutting back to meet me. I run stats, clench my ass— doing all I can to stave off my release. Snaking my hand across her hip to her clit I tug and circle it until she screams and comes while riding my cock.
Each ripple is milking me and it’s an internal struggle between my brain and balls not to follow her over into ecstasy. I pull from her tight walls and snag her over my shoulder and put her in the middle of the bed. Her pants make her tits bounce and her glistening folds are my kryptonite. I bend my head and take one long swipe with my tongue through her pussy. “Fucking sweet.” I murmur against her lips and get down to business. She’s pushing from me, oversen
sitive and worked over, but I’m not done. I grip her hips holding her still and continue feasting on her juices and my pussy.
“Holy hell, Caden. I can’t.” She whines.
“You can and you will.” I declare and continue eating her until she does. My chin is painted wet, my tongue has her taste coating it, my nostrils are filled with her addictive scent . . . pure fucking bliss. I smirk at her limp body and push her legs together, pushing them up against her chest. “And you will again.” Her denial dies as I push into her, angling my hips to hit her sweet spot.
I thrust deep and she moans in sweet pleasure. “All over my cock, Picasso.” Pulling my knees under me to get better leverage I push in and swivel my hips, continuing the punishing pace until her walls tighten and she yells my name with curses and endearments. Only then do I push in as far as I can and let go. Filling her until she’s overflowing and trying to catch her breath. Collapsing next to her, I pull her to my chest and rub my fingers through my semen leaking from her and pushing it back in. Wincing she writhes from me but I hold her. “Sore?”
“Yes.” I let my fingers fall from her and she places her head over my heart. “Love you.”
“Love you.” And I do. Fucking. Sex. Dirty. It’s all love when I’m doing it to her. I let her relax before picking her up and taking us to the shower to clean up.
Cuddled close to me after we’re clean, she sighs. “Do you think Mason will be okay?”
“Yeah. I do.” I just don’t give her a timeframe because I have this pit feeling in my stomach and it’s telling me the floor is gonna crumble beneath us. I’ll do what I can to protect her from that worry. “No matter what, you have me.”
“I know. I’m greedy. I want you all the time.” She has that . . . but I know what she means.
“You want to tell them?” I’ll do it. Now. Tomorrow. Next week. Last year.
“I do.” Her cheek tickles my bare skin with a smile.
“Done. We’ll do it when we get home. Emberlee needs to be present.” Her lips tickle my chest and her tongue hardens my cock. Enough talking.
I’m fucking exhausted . . . our flight was held up for mechanical failure and Mason was a bitch the entire flight. I’m dropping my bags off and unloading Avery . . . and stealing a kiss as I tuck her in. “What the fuck?” I trip and come close to busting my ass.
“Jesus, Caden. You’re gonna make me bust my ass. Move.” Mason snarls as he pushes me.
“I can’t. There’s a tree stopping me.” I stare at the object as I clarify. “Not a tree-tree. It’s supposed to be a Christmas tree but it’s tiny. Not tiny like the size of your dick . . . but little.” His growl isn’t helping my laughter.
“What is wrong with everyone and obsessing over the size of my dick? It’s more than a handful and much more than a mouthful, so we’re good. Get off my jock.” He shoves me and glass breaks.
“Fuck. What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m tired.” He sounds like Julie when she needs a nap.
“You’re cleaning this up and you need to get laid.” I’m over his moping and if getting his dick wet will help . . . I’ll pay the escort myself.
“Shut up.” He walks over broken ornaments and tracking shit through the house. “I’ll get the broom— do you know where it is? We can’t have glass everywhere when Julie comes over in the morning.” He’s an idiot.
“I don’t know where that shit is. Call Saylor.” I’m a dipshit, too— I just suggested calling Deacon’s wife when she’s pregnant with a toddler.
“You’ve lost your mind. Deacon will have a hissy fit. Can you ask Avery?” Oh, he isn’t conning my woman to help his ass.
“Fuck no. She’s exhausted.”
“Whatever. I’ll look for it.” He trots to the bathroom . . . as if.
“Wait. There’s a box over there. I must have kicked it when some jackass pushed me.” I point my glare at him.
“Pussy.” I leave him and head to my room so I can hurry and get back to Aves.
He’s sitting on the couch in a trance. “What was it?” He hands me the book without a word. I flip through the pages and feel like I’m transported in time. “Holy shit, Mace.”
“I know.” His words are a mere whisper.
“What the fuck are you doing sitting here? Go get her.” I’m gonna buy him a How to Score When Pussy Whipped how-to book.
“I can’t stand yet. Dude, she fucking makes me weak.” Wow.
“Man card— hand it over.” I hold my hand palm up for him . . . he’s worse than Deacon.
“With pleasure, fucker. Anything for her.” Shit is getting real. And I can’t help but smile. Smooth sailing for my girl and me.
“Need a piggy back ride?” I taunt.
“You just want my dick rubbing your back . . . quit being desperate.” And he’s back.
“Want me to make Avery stay here so you can surprise her?” I try to hide the fact this is an added bonus for me.
“Yeah. Let me drop my suitcase in my room. Don’t take her stuff over there in case Brecklynn is asleep. I want to be the one to wake her up.” Whatever. One less night I sleep apart from my girl.
“Make me proud. Wrap your hitter before you split her.” I’m chuckling as he hurries to his room. He’s back in a flash stopping me from filling in Aves. “Hey. She’s here. Can you stay at their place tonight?” What a hardship . . .
“Yep. Let me get some clothes. And earplugs. I have a feeling you’ll wake up the entire street.” I grin and could forego clothes but he’ll know something is up.
“Hurry.” He’s like a cougar at a rave.
“Fucking pervert.” He’s a sick bastard.
“You have no idea.” Uh, yeah I do. That’s why I’m fighting the urge to vomit.
“Yeah, dude. I do. That’s why I’m agreeable to forego sleeping in my bed after being gone two weeks. Sick fuck.” I pile it thick. I’d rather be in her bed . . . any fucking day of the week.
“You wish you were as good as me.” He jokes.
“I’ve had no complaints in my box.”
“How long has it been since you’ve been in anyone’s box?” He’s curious and this isn’t good.
“Two nights ago.” Because last night you fuckers wouldn’t leave our side.
He hurries me along and I head back to the car to inform Avery. She’s sleeping in the back seat so I pick her up and she stirs. “Shhh. Brecklynn is at our house so I’m staying with you. He and Brecklynn need privacy.”
She squirms closer. “Thank fuck.” It’s a double innuendo. She gets to sleep with me and they’re getting their shit together.
Sunday dinners are back . . . and tonight we’re telling them. I poke my head into the kitchen and narrowly miss the shoe being thrown at Mason. My girl is riled up and it’s a damn fine sight.
“What the fuck?” Avery huffs.
“Sorry.” Brecklynn answers for whatever Mason did.
“I need milk for the potatoes and I’m not using that.” She looks at the gallon in the refrigerator like it’s a walking STD.
“It should be fine.” Brecklynn grabs it and Avery jumps back.
“No offense, and current company excluded . . . I know where his mouth has been and if he drinks straight from the container one more time, I’ll castrate him.” Brecklynn looks down and Avery doesn’t notice. This isn’t like her and she’s stressed, lashing at everyone.
I intervene. “I’ll take you to the store. Come on.” She turns and notices Brecklynn’s look and her face falls.
“I’m so sorry, Breck.” Her hands tangle in her hair and tears threaten to fall. I kiss Brecklynn’s head and push her to find Mason. Without a word I gather Avery and lead her to my car.
“What’s wrong?” I cut to the chase.
“I’m scared. What if they hate us being together? What if we have to choose?” Her words are rushed, filled with terror.
“Stop. Breathe.” She obeys so I continue. “If you’re having doubts we don’t have to do this tonight.” W
e both figured it was a good time— everyone together and things settled down.
“No. I want to.” She’s quick with her reassurance so the pressure in my chest eases.
“It’ll be fine. They won’t make us choose. These are our friends, Picasso.” I let that sink in. “Things may take time, but we’ll all be fine. I promise.” And if I have to beat every fucker’s ass to make that come true— I will.
I run in the store and get her milk. As we walk back in, all hell is breaking loose. Brecklynn is rambling about some trip. Mason is freaking with her needing a passport. Brody is taking offense to something Mason says. It’s pure fucking chaos. “Not tonight.” She whispers.
The pressure in my chest returns . . . will we ever be able to put our needs and love in front of these fuckers?
Chapter Thirteen
“Sorry tonight didn’t go as planned.” His voice soothing in my ear. I sigh.
“It’s always something. I swear they’re gonna learn we’re together when we’re shacking up in Tennessee.” I try to make light of it.
“Better than getting our wedding invitation.” My breath exits my lungs with a whoosh. “Aves, you know you’re gonna marry me.” That isn’t posed as a question.
“I’d hoped.” He chuckles into the back of my neck.
“It’s our fate. Don’t fight it, Picasso.” He pulls me closer, spooning a bit tighter.
“So, when are we gonna inform our friends?” I’m forcing my voice to remain neutral. Part of me wants him to demand we tell them this instant . . . and the other part knows with pregnancies and baseball season we need to wait.
His deep sigh vibrates me. “I’m torn, Aves.”
“Yeah.” Hating myself admitting this. “Can we wait until baseball season is over?”
His non-answer is an answer. He isn’t happy but it’s the best. He won’t admit it but he agrees. Alas, so is life . . . we can do this. I squeeze his arms circling my waist in reassurance and he pulls me closer, but there’s no room. We’re as intimate as two can get.