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Deuce (Swamp Desires Book 1)

Page 9

by Boudreau, Caissy

  “Too much clothing; need to feel you skin to skin, Deuce, and now!” she moans.

  How can I say no to that? I move off her just long enough to remove my clothes. She stands up next to the bed and starts undressing herself. Piece by piece, she teases me with her striptease. Once she is completely naked, I pull her up against me and ravish her some more. My hands roam all over her body, committing every single inch of her into my memory. I take a nipple between my thumb and finger and pinch. She moans into my ear, which she has taken to nibbling on, which is driving me insane. I move my kisses to her neck and run my tongue in slow circles around the base of her neck. Moving lower each time, I move to her breasts paying each one special attention with my tongue and mouth. She takes her hand and wraps it around my cock. She starts a slow stroke up and down.

  “Oh God, baby, that feels so damn good,” I say.

  Once I am done with her breasts, I move lower to her sweet pussy. She opens her legs wide for me. Man, she is a stunning woman. I will never get enough of her. I could spend each and every day with her like this and never go anywhere. I run my tongue slowly over her nether lips, tasting her in all of her naked glory. Her juices flow into my mouth and I moan in pleasure. Finally. I knew she would taste of cinnamon and honeysuckle.

  I run my tongue in slow circles around her clit, paying close attention to the sensitive nub. Her legs jerk in response to each swipe of my tongue on her sensitive bud. I nibble on her bud and suck it into my mouth. She grabs onto my head and screams her release. As she is coming down from her orgasm, I place kisses along the inside of her thighs and move back to her clit and give it a deep kiss.

  “I need you inside me now!” she moans.

  I raise up above her and place my cock at her entrance. “Is this what you want, Adele? Do you want our bodies to become one for all time? Are you ready?” I ask.

  “Yes, I am ready,” she replies.

  I slowly enter her, inch by slow inch. Once I am in to the hilt, our hands connect and electricity runs throughout my body. I nearly lose it. The electricity is lighting every nerve ending on fire. Our souls have emerged.

  “Oh God, Deuce, please.” Did she just speak to me in my head? I raise my eyebrow in question and she just laughs. “Did you not know that would happen once we merged fully, Deuce?”

  “No, I did not know that.”

  I slowly move in and out of her in slow strokes. She wraps her legs around my waist and meets my every thrust. I pick up the pace, not being able to control myself anymore. I place our joined hands above her head and increase my pace, faster and faster. I can feel her walls tightening around my cock. She is close to another orgasm. I move faster and faster until we both come apart at the seams of our joined orgasm. We scream each other’s name as we climax together. We stay joined as our bodies shake through the aftershocks of our orgasm. The best orgasm ever.

  We spend the entire night making love. I lost count after four times. We finally are spent and sated. She is curled up against me with her head on my chest. I place a kiss on the top of her head. This woman is everything to me. And the electricity we felt when our bodies joined is proof that we are soul mates.

  “Baby, that was beyond anything I ever experienced. Now I know we are meant to be together. I did not know that after souls merge that we would be able to speak to each other in our heads,” I say.

  “We will now be able to talk to each other like that even when we are in our animal forms. The only time we will not be able to if someone spells us that way. They would have to cast a strong spell that would knock one of us unconscious.” She pauses, seemingly deep in thought. “Deuce, there is something I need to tell you. A few months ago, I received a threatening letter. It was from a secret Catholic society of witches. The letter said that they knew what I was and why I was sent here, and that they would do everything to end my existence if I stayed here.”

  “What the hell? Who are these people? Why didn’t you tell me this before now?”

  “Well, I honestly did not think anything of it. But lately, the letters have been coming almost every day. I want you to know that this group of fanatics are after me for whatever reason. They want me dead. But they cannot stop me, Deuce. I am not leaving here. This is my home. I will not be chased from my home. Ever.”

  Who do these people think they are? They will never kill my angel. They will have to get through me first. Why would they want to kill a gift from God? She is not a threat to anyone, unless you have done wrong by God and your fellow man. Then they need to worry. I wonder if this group of fanatics have anything to do with the sex trafficking of the supernaturals in this area. It would make perfect sense; they fear anything that is different from them. They want to eradicate all un-natural creatures from the world.

  “I am sorry, Deuce. I should have told you about it a long time ago. I never thought it would become an issue. I thought after the first letter, that it was done and over with. But, I guess I was wrong. I think they are planning something. They are getting very ballsy. I wanted you to know in case if we are not together for whatever reason and if I go missing. I fear they would put a spell on me, so you would not be able to mind speak with me.”

  “When I am not with you, someone will be watching you, in case, from now on. Nothing will happen to you, my sweet. I will not let anything happen to you. If I am not with you, then one of my kin will be. You will always have protection. What do these witches want?”

  “They want to break me, to bend me to their power. To use me for their own purpose. I have a bad feeling that this group is behind the kidnappings of those women, especially the shifters. They feel that they are above everyone and that they should rule over the world. We should all bow down to them and do whatever they say. They are insane with jealousy of anything supernatural. If they come across a vampire, they just kill it, unless it is a female vamp. They have a purpose for women. They want a world ruled by women. They are not in any way, shape, or form Catholic witches. There is no way. If they were, they would not be doing the evil things they are doing. To them, I am not a gift from God, but a curse upon this Earth that needs to be eradicated like the rest of the un-naturals in this town.”

  “They really are a bunch of lunatics, aren’t they? I am surprised that Skylar and Sandra have not picked up on their evil yet. I remember Skylar saying that she can feel these women’s pain, but cannot pinpoint it. They have only been living here for almost a year now. Or is it over a year? I have lost track of time since they gave birth to the girls. We need to have a meeting with Skylar and them very soon. We all need to be in the same room and put our heads together to figure this out. With each of us working on different aspects of this, it is not working. We need to all be working on the same thing. Trying to connect with these women. We are going to need something that belonged to these women. An article of clothing, or something personal from their homes. If we have something of importance of theirs, it may help us find them quicker,” I say.

  “I think you may have something there, Deuce. Can your brothers go to their homes and retrieve those items?”

  “I am not sure that would be a good idea. I will see if Blaze and Gabriel can go retrieve those items. I am not sure what my brothers would do if they were in the presence of their scents. If it would drive them mad, or if it would help calm them. I just do not know. I do not want to take that chance with their sanity. They need to have clear heads. We do not know what conditions these women have been in since they have been kidnapped. Or what has been done to them.”

  “Oh merde, I did not think of that. Damn it. If Blaze and Gabriel cannot go, then you and I should go. We can retrieve the required items,” she says.

  I lay there with her in my arms. After our talk, she curls up closer against me and falls asleep. I soon follow her to dreamland with her in my arms.

  Chapter Ten


  I slowly open my eyes. Am I dreaming? Is the man of my dreams really curled up next to me in my bed? I have to
be dreaming. So, I pinch my arm to make sure that I am not dreaming. I place my head next to his heart, just so I can hear his heartbeat. This man is all I have ever wanted and more. I tried to resist the temptation that is him, but I could not fight it anymore. My feelings for this man have grown so much over the past few months. I cannot imagine my life without him in it.

  Over the course of my long existence, I have watched couples come and go. I have watched couples who were together for many years fall out of love. They had nothing left to fight for. So they parted ways, and learned that they were better off. Why stay in a relationship where both parties are miserable. There is no passion; the fire in their love has dwindled out. Some stayed together just for their children, but stayed miserable in the process, and it drove them both insane. During the course of their marriage, their interests had changed. They do not see eye to eye like they once did when they first got together. Their morals and values have changed. I do not want that to happen with me and Deuce. But I think that it never will. Our love is too strong.

  I will work to keep this relationship; nothing will come between us. We will work together, because forever is a long time for us. I stay cuddled up next to him for a while longer before I decide to get my ass out of bed. I slowly untangle myself from Deuce and sneak out of bed. I will let him sleep for a while longer before I come back in to wake him up, but, first, time to make some coffee.

  I start the coffee pot, and head into the bathroom and relieve myself and brush my teeth. By the time I am done, the coffee is ready. I fix me a cup and head out to the deck to enjoy it. It is so peaceful out here on the bayou in the mornings. Everyone is still waking to start their day. This is my favorite time of day. When the flowers are opening up their blooms and permeating the air with their glorious fragrance. The wisteria and honeysuckle are blooming now—two of my favorite blooms of all time. Shrimpers pass by in their boats and wave, heading out to start their fishing day. Local hunters and fisherman get their boats ready for a day on the water, providing for their families the food they catch. Some sell their catch, while others keep their catch to feed their family.

  My thoughts keep drifting back to the amazing man who is sleeping in my bed. His lips, his touch, his heart, everything about him, I crave. A craving so deep, that I will never get enough of him. Never get enough of his kisses. I love the way he kisses me, with such passion and love. It melts my heart. I will never tire of this man. He is all I want and need. No one else can compare.

  I sip my coffee after it has cooled a bit so I do not burn my tongue. I can hear rustling in the woods behind the houseboat. I am not sure what it is, but it sounds like maybe an animal of some kind. It could be anything really. There are no bears around here that I know of, and if there were, they would not be coming out during the day here; not this close to the water. But what do I know? I am just a wolf trapped in a human’s body. I go back to sipping my morning fuel and not paying any attention to the noise behind me. After a few minutes, the noise stops. I place my now empty cup on the table next to me and just breathe in the bayou air. Home. This place will always smell like home to me. I wonder where Deuce and I will live. Since last night, I told him I would be his mate. So that includes us living together. Am I ready to live in a house full of men? All hot men. But one of those hot men is mine and mine alone. I guess I could get used to being around all that testosterone. After all, we do work together on the nightly hunts.

  I slowly get out of my chair to head back inside. As I turn the corner to the front door, I grab the watering can next to the door and water my flower pots that are hanging around the deck. The rustling in the bushes is getting louder and louder. What the hell is that making all that racket in the bushes? After I am done watering my flowers, I go back in and fix another cup of coffee. I check on Deuce to see he is still sleeping. He looks so peaceful when he is sleeping, like he doesn’t have a care in the world. I have come to love this man and his brothers. His cousin Joslyn, well, we have gotten really close the past few months. The more time I spend with her and the rest of them, the more I fall in love with all of them.

  Skylar is the most amazing person I have ever met. She is strong, wise, loving, compassionate, and one of the most loyal women on this Earth. She takes her role as the left hand of God very seriously. Her and Gabriel work together in ridding the world of evil, but somehow, the sex trafficking has crept up on them without them knowing anything about it. They did not have the chance to stop it before it even started. Or otherwise, it would have stopped right then and there.

  I have learned from her that I can see into people’s souls. With this new ability, I can instantly tell if someone is good or evil. It turns out that I am to be one of her soldiers. I never knew that I could do that, until Skylar helped me tap into it and showed me it was there. There are so many things I am learning each and every day. Having the new power is exciting and terrifying at the same time. I have also developed a mind bond with Skylar, so if she ever needs my help, all she has to do is call to me on our special mind link.

  Those babies are just too darn adorable. I can tell that they will give their parents a really hard time as they get older. She can see the mischief in their little eyes. The babies are only six months old now, but you can tell they will have the same powers are their mothers. I hope to one day start a family with Deuce, but not right now; we are still learning each other. When we are both ready for that responsibility, then we will start trying, but for now, we will just enjoy getting to know each other better while our love grows stronger each day.

  The rustling from the bushes is becoming a serious issue for me right now. I cannot take it anymore; I have to go investigate what is going on. Here goes nothing. I just hope it is an animal of some kind. I walk over to the bushes and peek behind them to see what is making all the noise.

  I stop dead in my tracks. Standing next to the bushes is a group of hooded figures. What the fuck? Oh merde! This cannot be happening right now; not since things are going so well for me. Those stupid fanatics have finally found me.

  “You are coming with us, whether you like it or not. The time has come for you to pay the price for your existence,” hooded figure number one says.

  “I don’t think so. I am not going anywhere with the lot of you. You will have to knock me out, because I will fight you tooth and nail. And honestly, you do not want that. I can tear you to pieces with my bite or swipe of my paw,” I say. I can feel the change pushing at me. My wolf is growling so loud inside of me. “Fiche moi le paix (get the fuck away from me),”I growl.

  Two of them come at me with knives in their hands. As if that is going to scare me. Please. I am not scared of a little ole knife. I dodge their attempts at stabbing me. While one reaches forward, I step back. Before I know it, I am surrounded by all of them. I try to shift, but something is stopping me. What the fuck? Why am I not able to shift? And come to think of it, I cannot mind speak with Deuce either to let him know what is going on. Merde! I try to back away, but one of them sneaks up behind me, keeping me in the middle of them. I can feel magic buzzing in the air. Well, that makes sense. These are witches or warlocks. No wonder I cannot shift or mind speak. They have cast a spell that prevents me from doing so. But why?

  The one behind me comes up and grabs me by the hair and holds its knife to my throat, piercing the skin enough to cause me to bleed. Merde, an iron blade. I should have known. I am totally screwed now. I am powerless against iron. It does not kill me, but weakens me immensely. My blood slowly drips onto the deck.

  “You are coming with us, bitch. We have waited far too long to get you. Don’t worry; we won’t hurt your lover boy, yet. Our funders have required that we come and retrieve you. They have special plans for you. You will suffer like all the rest of them do. They will sell you to the highest bidder; one who is so demented that you will be lucky to come out of it alive in a few weeks. But first, we have to cleanse you of all of your evil ways. You must be pure before the sale.”

Oh God, Deuce, Skylar, anyone. Please help me. Please. These are the crazy ass people we have been looking for. I do not know how much longer they will keep me awake. You guys have to come and find me. Somehow. I will not be able to contact you. They are using iron against me. Please hurry. I do not know where they are taking me, but they have plans to “cleanse” me and sell me to the highest bidder.

  I don’t know if anyone heard me, but at least I tried.

  “Come now; the masters await our arrival. And we do not want to keep them waiting much longer. They have been patient waiting for you, Ms. Boudreaux. It is time to meet them. Put the shackles on her, boys. She will be going nowhere. No one will come to save her, because she is a vile creature. No one will miss her.”

  Boy, is this bitch wrong or what? If she only knew. The iron shackles have been placed on my hands and ankles. Great, just freaking great. Now I will not be able to shift.

  “Did you think we were going to take you awake? We are not stupid.”

  The hooded figures raises its hand and points it at me, chanting some spell. I can feel my body go weak. I have to let Deuce know somehow.

  So, I do what is necessary. I scream, “Deuce!” before my world goes black.



  I take Adele in my arms and slam my lips to hers. The kiss is rough and full of pent up desire. The swamp brings out the beast in me. The swamp has its own version of desire. It seeps straight down to your bones. I break from the kiss and shift. Once I am in my gator form, she climbs onto my back. I slowly make my way into the water with the most beautiful woman on my back. I take her on a ride down the bayou in the moonlight. After swimming for hours, we make our way back to her houseboat. Once I am back in my human form, I ask her, “When are you moving in with me, my love?”

  “Well, I was thinking this weekend if that is okay with you,” she says.


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