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Punished Into Submission

Page 7

by Holly Carter

  “Where are you going?”

  “To find my door.” I yell, walking out.

  Arrows laughter fills my ears as I leave.

  I walk around the staircase and a sign saying ‘staff and Management only’ grabs my attention. That’s when I noticed the door under the staircase. I was hoping I would be in luck with the search for this impending Punishment room. I open the door, noting how fucking dark it is down there. The cool stone stairs come into light when I run my hand along the wall and found the light switch. Cautiously walking inside, I shut the door behind me and took the steps one at a time.

  I counted each step in my head; fifteen in total. The dimly lit hallway had several doors off to each side. I opened the first door; inside was a scene obviously set up. Several chairs circled a stage hosting a cross. The next room was similar in appearance just bigger in size with more chairs and larger stage with several benches, crosses and other equipment. It was a Mistress or Masters’ paradise. What was behind the third door was heart stopping. Heavy-duty chains were bolted to three walls. A cupboard to the side sparked my attention. Walking over to it, I open the doors. Various sex toys, floggers, crops, whips, and instruments filled the space.

  I ran my fingers along the floggers, wishing to be with Sailor. I needed my freedom to do as I pleased, and whom I pleased. It had been just over forty-eight hours and I was ready to leave. But I wasn’t ready to give up yet. I was determined to serve my time, and break the Master. That was one goal I wouldn’t walk away from while here.

  Sighing, I shut the cupboard and walked out of the room. Across the hall, I open the forth door. It took me a moment to adjust to the bright lights that flashed in my eyes. The room was empty apart from a lone chair in the middle of the room. The lights in the room were bright, but dimmed after several minutes. This room puzzled me to no end. A chair? Nothing else. An unfinished room maybe?

  I turn around and walk out leaving the boring room in peace. Behind the next door was obviously a storeroom, piled high with tables, chairs, benches, and cupboards. I shut the door and walked back towards the stairs. Five rooms in total and I couldn’t wait to visit the first three when the palace was full. I heard footsteps behind me; I stop at the bottom of the stone stairs. Chills rack my body.

  “You can’t be down here, Hunter will skin you.”

  I smile at the sound of the voice.

  “He’s not an issue.” I turn around and smile.

  “Thirty days in the hands of Hunter. What the fuck did you do?”

  “My job.”

  “Fair call. Hey, about before, I...”

  “Stop,” I put my hands up to silence James. “I can do whatever the fuck I like.”

  James smiles before putting the box in his hands down. He walks towards me but veers to the right of the stairs when he gets close. A door I didn’t see before comes into view and I follow him. James pulls out a set of keys and unlocks the door. When he steps aside, I step forward into the black room. Pausing I turned to look at James.

  “I think this is what you have been looking for.” He says, turning and walking away. “Close the door behind you. You don’t want to be caught down here.” He yells over his shoulder, his voice echoes throughout the empty hall.

  For a moment I am confused, and then I smile. The thoughts of finding my bedroom door are gone as I step into the room. I close the heavy metal door quickly behind me once inside. It’s so dark; my eyes take time to adjust. I feel around the walls for the lights, but I can’t feel anything but cool stone. Everything down here is stone and metal. Why they have these rooms under a church is beyond me, but the more I think about it, the scarier the world of churches becomes.

  As I continue to feel my way along the wall, I kick a something hard. It scrapes along the floors.

  “Fuck.” I curse, my voice echoes in the vacant room.

  My fingers trace over something on the wall and I press down sending the darkness into daylight. My mouth falls open, and my mind runs wild instantly. A bed exactly the same as Hunter’s takes up the floor; every wall is covered with everything a Mistress, or Master could ever want. Rows and rows of ropes, chains, whips, floggers, paddles, canes, crops, cuffs, spreader bars, sex toys...everything.

  I clamp my hands together and rub them. I plan in my mind, how to attack James and steal his keys without him knowing. This is the kind of room I could sleep in without missing home too much. I walk toward the door and slide the bolt, locking myself in, and anyone looking for me out. Starting at the far wall, I walk over and take down the pink handled crop. Flicking it against my palm I admire the fast, sharp tingle that spreads.

  I place it back and pick up the red crop with the wider tip, doing the same. I like it more, it’s harsher, and more bite less punch. Whilst holding the crop, I walk over to the restraints and pick up the fluffy pink cuffs, laughing at the thought of Hunter restrained with such a device. I continue to wander around each wall, looking and admiring. I’m in heaven to say the least, and I’m not sure how long I would be able to keep the secret of knowing where I was.

  “Oh, anal beads.” I pick up the red row and smile at a past memory.

  My body shivers, and my senses awaken suddenly. Instinct tells me I’m not alone and I turn in a flash.

  “Do you always talk to yourself?”


  Stepping forward, Hunter takes the crop, cuffs and anal beads out of my hand and places them on the bed. Hunter reaches out, and grabs my hand pulling me to him. I open my mouth to say something smart assed, but he places his finger over my lips, stopping me. I have this urge to bite him, but the urge is gone when he drops to his knees in front of me. The new urge is for me to dominate him, and have him do everything I want to do, under my rules, my game...

  Starting at my ankles, he runs his hands from my ankles up my calves. I sway slightly when he tickles the soft skin behind my knees. Hunter trails his hands a little further until he grips my thighs. He pulls me close, and I have to step to stop myself from falling. I reach down and run my hands through his messy hair when he rubs his rough facial hair against my thigh.

  “You smell delicious.” Hunter says roughly.

  “I taste good too. In fact, so good you’ll want the recipe.” I stop running my hand through his hair, when he stops abruptly and looks up at me with those dangerous eyes.

  “Oh, Kat. You are so sure, aren’t you?” Hunter lets go of my thighs and grabs my wrists as I pull them away from his hair. In a quick movement he is on his feet and shuffling me backwards until my back hits a hard surface.

  “I’m sure of...” I don’t get to finish my smartass remark because Hunter silences me with shock.

  The shock of each wrist being cuffed above my head. I look up and watch his every move, somewhat intrigued by the act; he does it so timely and carefully in a way. When each wrist is cuffed, he puts his fingers between the cold metal and my skin testing the tightness. I don’t tell him that I want it tighter, or that I prefer something a little more vicious. Instead, I close my eyes and relax my head against the board. When he taps my feet with his, I spread my legs until he calls stop. As predicted each ankle is cuffed and the same routine is done as before. The ankle cuffs are a little tighter than my wrists but I don’t care to ask why.

  I feel Hunter’s breath on my face and then hear it change slightly. I open my eyes cautiously. Green eyes stare down at me, and I lick my lips out of habit. I watch in somewhat of amusement as Hunter does the same before his eyes fixated my now moist mouth. I can tell he is thinking about kissing me, because I know I am thinking about the same thing.

  “Why don’t you kiss your Submissive’s?” I ask, leaning my body as far forward as I can. Hunter pulls on my wrist restraints and the cuffs tighten slightly.

  His eyes meet mine again, and he steps closer bringing our faces closer together.

  “Because it’s my rule. A rule I have had for a very long time and it reminds me of certain things.” As Hunter speaks he brings his hand
up and brushes the lose locks away from my eyes.

  “That’s a shit rule.”

  “Why is it a shit rule, Kat?”

  “Because I want you to kiss me.”


  “Does it matter?”


  I growl in frustration. When Hunter smiles I know it was his intention all along. The son of a bitch has me right where he wants me and it gives him great power to prove me powerless in this situation. Hunter smiles as he leans in slightly before changing direction and backing away. The smile turns into a rough laugh as he walks over and picks up the items I had picked up earlier. I watch him put them away and walk to the cupboard at the back of the room.

  “Red, blue, or purple?” Hunter calls over his shoulder.

  Not knowing if he is talking about the colour my ass will be when he is finished with me, or the colour of something exciting, I say the first colour that comes to mind which is also my favourite.


  “Reason behind the colour, Kat?”

  “Reds my colour,” I say, rolling my eyes. “Can’t you see it matches my eyes?”

  Hunter grabs something out of the cupboard then closes the door before making his way over to me. Whatever he had in his hand is now behind his back; hiding it like a child does with something they shouldn’t have. I wonder how things got to this point when a few minutes ago I was looking for my door.

  “Where’s my door, Hunter?” I ask sternly, and add a touch of pissed off Kat to the mix.

  “Where’s your manners?” Hunter stops right in front of me, and uses one hand to tilt my chin to meet his stern gaze.

  “I never claimed to have any; you are the one who thinks I have them.”

  Hunter shakes his head and makes a tsking noise several times. His grip on my chin tightens slightly before turning my head and nipping my neck with his teeth. It’s quick, painful and leaves moisture in its wake.

  “You show me your manners and I may give you something you want.” Hunter whispers against my skin.

  I think about the requests before a small bubble of laughter breaks free.

  “Something funny?” Hunter licks, and then kisses my neck where his teeth have marked me.

  “What makes you think I want anything from you? Who is sure of themselves now?” I continue to laugh and the sound echoes throughout the darkened room.

  Before I have finished speaking, I feel Hunters free hand and something cold between my legs. The vibrations from the objects tickle my thigh then quickly move to my sex. I always forget to put panties on, and this morning was no different. Hunter makes a small noise, kind of like a groan when he realises this. The backs of his fingers brush over the bare, smooth skin before he brushes the object over the same path.

  “Close your eyes, and don’t move.” Hunter orders as he lets go of my chin.

  My eyes close on their own as I wait for the next move. I don’t wait long. One, long finger strokes, then enters me. It’s soon removed and replaced with two. Hunter pushes his fingers into me before pulling them out to the tip, and repeats this several times. My wetness forms fast and after several moments I know his fingers are drenched with my flavours.

  I hold my breath as he pushes the object into me, and leaves it there. His fingers linger for a moment before he removes them.

  “You’re so wet,” Hunter states, bringing his fingers to his lips. I watch as he licks them, his eyes never leaving mine. “You taste so good.”

  “You want the recipe?”

  “Not when I can have it anytime I like.”

  “Ha, only for the next thirty days.” I smile, than stop as Hunter’s fingers recommence their attack, despite the small vibrator hitting my nerves already.

  “You may like submitting to me that much that you’ll come back for more.”

  I laugh out loud and earn myself a swift slap on the thigh. I bit my lip stopping the continued laughter and enjoy the sensations starting to form. I open my legs wider when Hunter taps my feet with his. With my feet and hands secured tightly, I wasn’t going anywhere. Hunter watched me from his chair, with nothing but pure hunger in his eyes. It was hot, exciting and made me slightly afraid. I watched as he slowly stood and began undressing.

  “Greed,” Hunter states, unbuttoning his pants. “Excessive or rapacious desire, especially for ones possessions.”

  I swallowed hard, and briefly closed my eyes to try gaining some kind of composure. I couldn’t get sucked into this. I needed to be rewarded, and I wanted that promise of his cock. When my eyes open again, Hunter was unzipping his pants slowly. Fuck, I knew there was nothing underneath is going to be long and painful. I just see it now.

  Chapter Seven

  Trying to look away was hard; I wanted to see that hard cock that was so deliciously sweet this morning again. But I knew the moment it made an appearance; I would be drooling like a bitch on heat. His fingers stop working and I try pulling my gaze away from crotch, I really try but fail. Temptation takes over and I’m staring, waiting, wanting the material to fuck off so I can see that hard rock once again. My eyes meet his briefly before stalking his magic centre again. His fingers grip the band and disappear to the world I want to be in. I growl.

  “Are you jealous?” Hunter’s tone is playful.

  “No, I’m worried for the safety of my eyes actually. It’s mortifying, seeing someone like you having to play with yourself.” I laugh a little then stop when Hunter’s hands make an appearance.

  The way his lips formed a grin, sent shivers through me. I was going fucking soft. I straightened my stance and swiftly pulled my shit together, composing myself to take what was coming. The vibrations from the bullet hit the sensitive nerves and I breathe through it, trying to hide how much it’s affecting me. I’m Kat, and I’m fierce, I’m not some soft and gooey women who falls for wanna be rockers. I’m the one that’s feared. I’m the one that brings men and women to their knees. I’m the one that wants to be standing where he is, having him bound for my entertainment.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, Kat. Stop.” Hunter’s smile fades and seriousness lines his face. “You’re in my territory now, and the only way you’re getting out of it, is on your hands and knees with the words Master on those porcelain lips of yours.”

  “One day you will be in my territory, and when you are... Mistress will be the words coming out of your mouth.” I smile sweetly when I speak.

  Hunter just smiles that wicked, wild grin. The one, that sends tiny shivers down my spine and back up again.

  “What’s greed?” he prompts as those tiny shivers start to make their way back up my spine for the second time.


  “Greed is?” Hunter prompts by waving his hand in front of him.

  He wants me to repeat what he said about greed. I wonder if this is when I tell him I can’t remember a fucking word he said. Subconsciously I remember the thoughts that went through my head as he spoke those words, but I just couldn’t put my fingers on every, single, word. I rack my brain for the explanation, a few key words to start things off, but as the thoughts come to me, the vibrations throughout me rattle me harder. I want to come, I need to come and the fear of not being able to control it sets in.

  “Kat? Have you forgotten what Greed is?” Hunter asks stepping forward and inserting two fingers inside me.

  I moan softly as his actions push the bullet right against that sweet spot. My knees start to weaken as the nerve endings fire off those luscious toxins and my orgasm starts.

  “Fuck,” I mutter, gasping as I come around that magic toy and Hunter’s fingers.

  I ride my orgasm out with minimal noise but mild satisfaction.

  “Feeling better?”

  “Sure am, now if you wouldn’t mind untying me I have a door to find.” I pull the restraints to give him a hint. But Hunter just continues to smile as the buzzing increases more. I moan as my head tips back.

  “Another?” Hunter’s fingers pus
h the bullet against my sweet spot once again, and within moments, I am tingling and cursing as a second orgasm floats throughout my body. This one lasts longer and basically flows into a third when Hunter removes the bullet and uses his devilish fingers to work me through the next.

  “Ah, uh.” Comes out as a breathy pant.

  The feel of Hunter’s soft lips on my neck surprise me; his lips trail open-mouthed kisses with the occasional bite up and down my throat. When he closes his mouth and sucks my tender skin, I get a craving for something more violent, yet something more sweetly. The thought of his lips on mine takes over my mind and the obsession I form is bordering on insane.

  I gasp as his teeth sink harshly into my skin sending a delicious pain throughout me. That, along with the continuing workings of his skilled fingers, sends me into shivering mess of moaning and gasping pleasure.

  “That’s four.” Hunter states letting my skin go from the grips of his teeth.

  Hunter reaches behind him with one hand and fetches something from his pocket. It’s long and pink. Fucking pink.

  “Pink is not my colour, it doesn’t match my outfit.” Not that I was wearing one.

  “Oh it’ll match, trust me.” Hunter turns the device on, and starts to rub it over my sensitive clit.

  I bite my lip, stopping the satisfying moans that want to erupt from inside. It feels good, everything about this moment feels good, apart from me being tied and unable to touch the one thing, I really fucking want to.

  “What does your tattoo mean?”

  “What?” I say breathlessly, and also a little confused.

  Hunter removes the device from my clit, and runs it over my inner thigh where the powerful words inked my skin.

  “I saw it this morning, and was wondering what it meant.”

  “Nothing for you to worry about. Now... about that orgasm, that I was promised.” I needed this conversation off course and back to this moment, the moment where number five was coming. Literally.


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