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Outremer I

Page 1

by D. N. Carter


  Who controls the past, controls the future

  D N Carter


  First off I have to thank the many researchers and writers who spent countless years on their own specific specialist area of interest. It is only through them that I was able to assemble, in my mind at least, what appeared to be a complete jigsaw that fitted together, each building upon the next. Within Outremer I have had cause to reference some of those works for historical and religious accuracy and where I have, I have put in a bibliographic reference and listed it as ‘after’ them.

  I must make special mention of my family …for it goes without saying my heartfelt gratitude toward them is immeasurable. I need not name them for they know who they are and my feelings as do members of my extended family. But I wish it to be known that without them, Outremer would never have happened. Thank you to the land owners that have allowed items to be hidden upon their grounds. Without your support and assured secrecy, the modern code would not be possible.

  To the Chris’s, both Andy’s, DB and Cleyton …you know is all I need say. To Hayley, Gareth, and all at the publishers including Lucy for her critical final edit, insights and suggestions, a huge thank you; especially your patience with me …only eighteen months late to complete the final edits. To Peter and Sarah for always delivering! And to those special few who persevered reading the proof edits of these four volumes …these are dedicated to you because without you it would not have been possible.

  To those individuals who allowed me to draw them up in charcoal depicting some of the main characters, thank you. To Wyvern Larp, Cathleen Nichols-Images, to the figurine model manufacturer Pegaso Models, Italia for allowing me to use your superb figurines as reference and imaging to draw up some of the main characters.

  But ultimately it is you, the reader, to whom I must proffer my sincerest thanks and appreciation. Some of the reading material is at times difficult to take in, especially the more historical and esoteric aspects, which some may find confusing, initially even boring in parts, but I urge you to persevere for it becomes easier as the story develops. Know that Outremer was written for you.

  List and images of main characters

  Paul Plantavalu

  Alisha al Komaty

  Nicholas Blancofort

  Taqi al Komaty

  Firgany al Komaty

  Brother Teric

  Master Gerard de Ridefort

  Reynald de Chatillon

  Princess Stephanie de Millie

  Sister Lucy



  Brother Matthews



  Title Page


  List and images of main characters

  Author’s Preface




  Chapter 1: Into the Underworld

  Chapter 2: Forced Beginnings

  Chapter 3: Sword to my Heart

  Chapter 4: Hearts Torn – Lives Broken

  Chapter 5: Hope, Patience & to Learn All Things Anew!

  Chapter 6: When Death comes Calling!


  Chapter 7: Of Vines, Apples and Roses!

  Chapter 8: Death Whispers! Mysteries Born!

  Chapter 9: Who Knows What?

  Chapter 10: Worlds in Chaos

  Chapter 11: Good Hearts

  Chapter 12: For Now We See Through a Glass, Darkly


  Chapter 13: Sacred Ceremonies

  Chapter 14: Loyalties Torn

  Chapter 15: Swords and Stars

  Chapter 16: Pilgrims

  Chapter 17: Divination

  Chapter 18: Crimson Thread


  Chapter 19: A New Light

  Chapter 20: Princesses

  Chapter 21: First Kill

  Chapter 22: Reality!

  Chapter 23: New Lessons

  Chapter 24: Lady of the Lake


  Chapter 25: Cathars

  Chapter 26: Thomas

  Chapter 27: Honesty & Good Deceit

  Chapter 28: Rashid & the Ashashin

  Chapter 29: Crac de l’Ospital

  Chapter 30: Sacrament of Tears


  Chapter 31: Where Shadows Cannot Reach

  Chapter 32: Jerusalem. The Gateway

  Chapter 33: My Dark Rose

  Chapter 34: Messengers of the Light

  Chapter 35: Guardians of the Gateways

  Chapter 36: Pistis Sophia


  Chapter 37: Turansha

  Chapter 38: The Fight

  Chapter 39: Between Worlds

  Chapter 40: A Journey of Study

  Chapter 41: Alexandria & the Emerald Tablet


  Chapter 43: Dark Sun & the Celtic Cross

  Chapter 44: Emissaries and Final Farewells

  Chapter 45: Twin Churches, Meditation and the Atbash cipher

  Chapter 46: The Holy Grail & The Keepers of the Faith

  Chapter 47: Darkest of Ages & the Solace of Stewart & Taqi

  Chapter 48: The Halls of Amenti


  Chapter 49: Cairo. The Path is Followed Again

  Chapter 50: A Queen, Camelot & a Land of Dolmens

  Chapter 51: Not all you Fight are your Enemy

  Chapter 52: Living Legends

  Chapter 53: Queen of Kings & the Chains that Bind Us

  Chapter 54: Baptism of Fire and Water


  Chapter 55: The Hearts Code

  Chapter 56: Home of the Brotherhood

  Chapter 57: Prophecy & the Seeds of a Promise

  Chapter 58: Beyond the Veil, Revelation Cometh

  Chapter 59: Altar of Stone.

  Chapter 60: Once and Future King – Arthur


  Chapter 61: A Darkness Falls

  Chapter 62: Hymn of the Risen

  Chapter 63: Quiet before the Storm

  Chapter 64: Storm Fall

  Chapter 65: The Deepest Wound.


  Chapter 67: Wilderness of the Soul

  Chapter 68: Vows, Oaths and the Nine

  Chapter 69: Fists of Iron & Godspeed

  Chapter 70: Crossing Destiny

  Chapter 71: Tears of War

  Chapter 72: End to All That Was


  Chapter 73: Annihilation of the Soul.

  Chapter 74: Fortress of Solitude.

  Chapter 75: Cresson – Clash of the Wolves

  Chapter 76: The Candle is Lit

  Chapter 77: The Sacredness of Tears

  Chapter 78: Hattin – Lost unto Dust


  Chapter 79: The Deepest Wound Unseen that Does Not Heal.

  Chapter 80: Jerusalem – The Candle Burns Down

  Chapter 81: Walls of Men and Shields

  Chapter 82: Everything to Live For, All to Die For

  Chapter 83: The Cave of Despair

  Chapter 84: The Final Hour


  Chapter 85: The Long Shadow of Rome

  Chapter 86: The Impossible

  Chapter 87: An End, but the Voice Within Remains

  Authors Afterword:


  List of illustrations


  An enigma: ‘for those with eyes to see’.

  “Wine is strong, the king is stronger, women are strongest, but truth conquers all.”


  Some will read this and feel nothing. Some will be moved and some may even be inspired to make an even bigger difference in this world. Some may scoff at the content for that is the way of t
he world; a sad fact and reality of life. But times are changing. A universal truth approaches all of us and whether or not you like, dislike, agree or disagree with it is irrelevant as it will wash over all of us in equal measure. Within every culture and religion throughout history, the human mind has dreamt and focused upon the exact same concepts of the coming apotheosis of man, that transformation of the human spirit into its true potentiality. Some have tried to force its coming before its time; some have denied it outright as the hysterical delusions of weak and controllable minds, whilst others, recognising its power and potential, have tried to suppress it totally with extreme violence. But they have still all continued in a shared belief. It’s because they all knew and had an inherent belief of a universal inner truth, for it is imbedded within everyone’s soul. We all have the same truth hiding within us, a shared constant. This shared truth is responsible for the similarities, especially the inherent codes they have all successfully carried across the millennia of time intact. Truth has power second only to love. It causes all of us to gravitate towards similar ideas simply because those ideas are true, written deep within us. Even when we do not understand it, it touches our subconscious wisdom. Truth is not learned, but rather recalled and some, who read this, will know the truth as it touches and speaks to them, their inner soul, for they will recognise that truth.

  From the Ancient Egyptian book: ‘The Virgin of the World’:

  The sacred symbols of the cosmic elements were hid away hard by the secrets of Osiris/Orion. Hermes/Thoth, ere he returned to heaven, invoked a spell on them, and spake these words; “O holy books who have been made by my immortal hands, by incorruptions magic spells, free from decay throughout eternity remain and incorrupt from time! Become unseeable, unfindable. For every one whose foot shall tread the plains of this land until old heaven doth bring forth meet instruments for you, whom the creator shall call souls”. Thus spake me; and laying spells on them by means of his own works, he shut them safe away in their own zones, and long enough the time has been since they were hid away.

  “Who controls the past, controls the future.”

  Author’s Preface

  When you open this book and step in, then, depending upon your imagination and from what I describe, you will wear the armour of a knight; feel the weight of the chain mail and the smell of iron. You will find yourself in the middle of some of the darkest battles ever fought. You will meet people who really existed and you will share their experiences. You will make new friends, laugh and possibly cry as this story becomes a part of you. And when you have finished and close the cover on the last page, then the world that was within it will forever be within you.

  That is why this book will become unique and very personal to you alone as you walk through its pages and history. Some characters explode into the story, shine brightly but briefly and are gone, whilst others sneak up on you almost unnoticed yet have a profound impact just like people who come into our lives and go, others who stay and others who seem to come and go and come again.

  Step into a hidden world as accounts of the sights, sounds and smells of the past, from the scented lemon and orange groves of Castle Blanc, in modern day Syria, to the stinking pits of the dungeons of Crac de Moab (Kerak) in Oultrajordan come to life. Throughout, genuine codes from antiquity are revealed which still have profound consequences for all of us. If you have ever pondered the reasons why Christianity and Islam were, and still are, so diametrically opposed, then you will discover within these pages ‘why’.

  In writing this I have tried to adhere as near as possible to the historical truth as one can get: from the smallest eating utensil to the drinking horn pouches that attached to a knight’s horse saddle, as well as the tools of everyday living, to the correct formation of knights in a fighting conroise battle charge, including the fact that Knights Templar wore beige in the field not white as popularly portrayed. Details about the scarcely known treaty of Ramla of 1192, signed by Saladin and King Richard I, which shows the formation of the little known Knights of Saladin, a contingent of Muslim Templars, are explained.

  Many current names are different from the medieval period. I have therefore named them once or twice as they were once called with the present name in brackets so you know which region I am referring to. The books are written in three distinct stages, starting off almost innocent in tone, becoming harsher and more adult as the story develops and unfolds.

  As I was once told, and now accept, every book, every volume you will ever read takes on a life all of its own formed by the soul of the person who wrote it and from those who subsequently read it, who lived it and dreamed it in their own minds. And with every reading, so the content of that book’s own spirit grows and strengthens.

  There is a Hindu tantric saying ‘nādevo devam arcayet’, which means ‘by none but a god shall a god be worshipped’. In simple terms this means that all of us see the deity, god or spirit of one’s own form of worship by the measure and understanding of one’s own state of mind aligned or coupled with influences and teachings of one’s own culture and environment. Catholic nuns do not have visions of the Buddha, nor do Buddhist nuns have visions of Christ. The image of any perceived god, whether interpreted as in heaven or any other place, will be of a local idea historically conditioned or religious indoctrination. If a system leaves no room for personal or individual discernment, personal integrity to stand up to what at times is blindingly obvious as being wrong, or even a way to see a balanced understanding of the real world…then ignorance and intolerance are sadly all too often the end result and progress becomes stagnated, even retrogressed. As I believe, any teaching, and that includes religion, should be one whereby the teachers show but do not say nor demand what the student sees.

  Learning with an open mind allows us to plant the seed of intellect, from which mighty oaks of wisdom will grow as people pick up the clues and branch out into further deeper research. That symbolism of what I say will become obvious to those who read all of this work. I simply ask that you enter these pages with an enquiring open mind. There are genuine ancient codes contained within these pages as well as a new one using those same codes that readers may wish to work upon. If you crack it, it will lead to a location…one that can only be discovered if you read the entire story. There are also exoteric and esoteric messages that run throughout the manuscript. To some they will be obvious whilst missed by others unfamiliar with the symbolism at first; however, they will discover and understand as the information slowly reveals itself.

  All the chapters in all the books have been listed because they all form part of the codes that run throughout the entire story. This does of course mean that book two starts from Part V, Chapter 25, but it is necessary.

  I have tried to convey a new perspective on our history in a comprehensive yet verifiable and checkable format that not only educates you, the reader, but hopefully inspires too. It is at times funny, touching, heart wrenching in places but also even brutal where I have not shied away from portraying the actual horrors and reality of warfare and cruelty. From the deepest depths of man’s darkest side to his most noble and courageous, Outremer conveys mankind at his worst, but also his very best.


  Outremer is a sprawling historical and spiritual epic set during the 12th Century Crusades based upon real people and events. It is a tour through various regions from across Britain, France to Jerusalem and Egypt that takes you on a journey through the pages of history and religion in the footsteps of knights and pilgrims alike. But this story is also about mankind… its true hidden past that stretches further into antiquity than our accepted history teaches. If you have ever wondered about the mysteries of the so-called mythical Atlantis, ancient civiliser gods and pre-history, then answers to some of them, based upon solid research and evidence, all of which can be verified and confirmed, are revealed within these pages. Many ancient mysteries are covered, from so-called dragons, ancient flying devices of myth, to angels present througho
ut the history of mankind, to whom and how the pyramids at Giza and others around the world were made and, more importantly, why.

  Outremer is also a powerful love story that weaves between the threads of our reality and other realms. From ancient megalithic sites, to Druids, Sufi mystics, the Magi of the east to the secret political arm of the Knights Templar and the Isma’ilis, better known to us today as the Hashashins or Assassins, Islam’s equivalent of the Templars; how they shared much in common and were even rumoured to be in the Templar employ. Startling revelations, based upon hard historical facts overlooked and brutally suppressed, prove that the Templars sought a systematic policy of fusion between Islamic, Christian and Judaic thought. Both orders were incredibly conversant with astronomy and numerology and the Templars’ true origins are shown to stem from an even older military order.

  From the disastrous ‘Battle of Hattin’ on the 4th of July AD 1187 to the subsequent fall of Jerusalem to the Muslim armies under Saladin, events that were to change the course of history forever; to the tactics, uniforms and weapons employed by both sides, all are explained in graphic detail. Thought provoking, inspiring and informative, it is a heart-wrenching tale that also reveals genuine codes from antiquity that prevailed during this period but which still have profound consequences for all of us.

  Outremer answers what the Holy Grail really is and the myth surrounding the Merovingian bloodline, Arthurian legend, the Knights Templar and sacred centres across the world, but also traces a secret back far into antiquity never even imagined through esoteric and exoteric revelations.


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