Outremer I

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Outremer I Page 66

by D. N. Carter

  “Er…I would say that obviously someone from antiquity wanted to ensure we got the message that Orion was important and for a very good reason…is that why?” Simon remarked whilst looking at Sarah cautiously.

  1 – 40

  “That is a very good answer indeed, Simon. And yes I would agree with you as well as point out that it is worth noting that the constellation of Orion is the most easily recognised constellation in the night sky. Not only that, but it is also visible during different times of the year, from any part of the world…so would it come as a shock or surprise to you all to learn that it is therefore no coincidence that the Virgin Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus are symbolically identical to the image of Osiris, Isis and their baby Horus? We have already noted the importance of cathedrals dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Does this not surely imply that a message is indeed being carried forward? Another connection that links the Virgin Mary and Jesus with the Osiris myths comes from the knowledge that in the former Heliopolis, now just a suburb of Cairo, is the Greek Orthodox Church called the ‘Hanging Church’ of St George, which stands on the former site of the Egyptian Babylon. Heliopolis was a sacred religious centre and was one of the places visited as the dead Pharaohs were transported along the religious route taking them across the Nile to Heliopolis, then back across the Nile to Letopolis and then back to the Giza complex. At both Heliopolis and Letopolis, sacred pillars marked their positions. In the New Testament, Matthew informs us that Joseph, Mary and the newborn Jesus had to flee to Egypt. In Matthew 2:13-15 the following is stated,” the old man explained, paused and flicked through some of his parchment documents quickly, found the one he wanted and read from it. “Now when they, the three wise men or kings, had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, ‘Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there till I tell you; for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him’. And he rose and took the child and his mother by night, and departed to Egypt, and remained there until the death of Herod. This was to fulfil what the Lord had spoken to the prophet, ‘Out of Egypt have I called my son’. This is an absolutely clear message from the Bible that Egypt is of great importance. On the actual walls of the Church of St George, and recall it is St George who slew the dragon, but we shall come back to that, there are paintings celebrating the event. Local traditions as recounted by the clergy of the church, state that the holy family stayed for a while in Heliopolis. This journey out of the Holy Land is the only clearly recorded one in the Bible. Why make such a point of highlighting this journey? I shall tell you…it is because we are clearly being led to the site of Heliopolis itself. This site lies in a northeasterly direction from the Great Pyramid. Heliopolis was of great importance to the ancient Egyptians. When the three sites of Heliopolis, Letopolis and the Great Pyramid are linked together by straight lines, they form a triangle. One alignment heads due north and the other northeast from the Great Pyramid. Northeast plays an important part within Templar traditions and initiation rites. Finally on the subject of Osiris and Orion, know that there are two figures carved into hillsides in Britain which demonstrate that the Orion connection is certainly evident in England. The first figure is that of the ‘Long Man’, a chalk figure cut into the downs at Wilmington, in what was once called Wessex, now part of Sussex. This figure when viewed side on instead of from above looks correctly proportioned standing between two pillars just like Samson between the pillars. This figure is also connected with the constellation of Orion. The stars of Orion could be viewed and seen as walking above the giant’s image in around 3480 BC. Also there is another giant carving known as the Cerne Giant carved into the hillside above the village of Cerne Abbas in Dorset. It is connected with Hercules and in consequence with Orion. The ‘Long Man’ and also the ‘Uffington Horse’ and the Cerne Giant are all directly linked to sacred alignments that connect Stonehenge, Old Sarum and Grovely Castle that are in turn connected with the figure of 666. I shall explain the 666 connection but, fear not, it is nothing evil. Orion is of special importance around the world, and its symbology has evolved and adapted to be included within many religions and incorporated into ancient sites across the world. What is also increasingly apparent, though not immediately obvious at first, is that the whole point of Orion being made so readily notable was its function as a key pointer to the brightest night star, Sirius. The Magi believed that the star that guided the three kings to the birth of Jesus, as detailed in the Gospel of Matthew, was in fact guided by Sirius. Matthew, it must be remembered, wrote his account nearly a generation after the events he describes. Matthew’s readership would be more Gentile and Egyptian than Jew, so he needed to prove to the Egyptians, Greeks, Syrians and others that his Messiah, Jesus, was not just another Jewish prophet, but a universal saviour. In order to establish this fact and Jesus’s credentials, so to speak, he would have to associate him with Sirius, the royal star of Isis and Horus. This royal star was portrayed as a five-pointed star. The five pointed star, as Paul had already learnt from Niccolas and Rick, was of paramount importance. This star has other symbolic meanings. The ancient Egyptians based their Sothic calendar upon the movements of Sirius. The Jews still adhere to this calendar. Sirius is associated with Isis and her son, Horus, who was, according to the myths, conceived magically from the seed of the dead Osiris. All ruling pharaohs were believed to be the reincarnation of the original Horus and that after death and the rituals mentioned previously, they were transformed into an Osiris. Now the other important link here is the image of Isis as the mother and Horus as the baby child, which was a very popular icon in ancient Egypt. This imagery of the widowed mother, Isis, and child, Horus, is symbolically identical to the Christian iconography of the Virgin Mary with the baby Jesus. In view of these facts, and if as many claim relating to Mary Magdalene carrying the Holy Grail, that is, child of Jesus, the similarity becomes even more potent as identical symbolism as Mary Magdalene would have been a widow as well. Horus is often pictured sitting upon Isis’s lap and either suckling her breast or, more commonly, sitting with one finger upon his lips, a gesture meaning, ‘Keep the Secret’. That is another important fact I would urge you to remember. As Christianity spread, Isis, the Mother Goddess, who was also popular in Egypt as well as the Roman Empire of the time, became Mary, the Queen of Heaven and the latter’s title of ‘Stella Maris’, which means ‘Star of the Sea’, betrays the origins of her cult. The sea in question is not the Mediterranean Sea but the ocean above, that is, the sky. The ‘Star of the Sea’ is none other than the brightest star in the heavens, Sirius, considered across the millennia of time as the star of Isis. Note that many myths and legends state that when Joseph of Arimathea journeyed across the Mediterranean Sea accompanied by Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail vessel, the ship that carried them was a boat with no oars or sails and was named the ‘Stella Maris’. The fact that it is a boat with no oars or sails clearly denotes that this is obviously of great importance esoterically, that is, its connection and symbolic representation of Sirius,” the old man explained slowly and carefully.

  “Stella Maris…but that is what the pathway is named outside is it not?” Simon almost shouted.

  “Yes it is indeed named so. A I pray long will it remain so as it will mean the message is still being carried across time complete,” the old man answered as Gabirol wrote even more notes.

  “You mentioned something about pyramids in there. Can you explain that or is it not required?” the Templar asked.

  “I did…and pyramids will certainly play an important part later in this story so I may as well quickly explain some basics now, as you asked.” He paused. “So briefly, Jesus likewise knew of the symbolism of the Great Pyramid and spoke about it, in particular as in Matthew 21:42, where it states, ‘The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief corner stone’. Jesus later declared that Simon, who had his name changed to Peter to fit a mathematical code, was to become the chief corner stone of his Church. Peter
in Gematria equals 755 and the perimeter base length in feet of each face of the Great Pyramid is also 755 feet. The perimeter in ancient sacred measures of royal cubits just happens to equal 921.44, which not only equals half a degree of equatorial latitude, but also is the same duration of Jesus’s ministry in days, by the way. As do the ‘two handed long sword’ Jesus wielded and Excalibur also equal 755. Coincidence? I think not,” the old man explained, when the wealthy tailor raised his hand.

  “What is Gematria for I do not think I heard this earlier?” he asked.

  “Gematria is the method whereby every sound, word or letter has a mathematical value attributed to it.”

  “Oh…I still do not fully understand but I shall accept what you say,” the wealthy tailor replied, part embarrassed.

  “’Tis not a problem. Now then, to continue, know that the ancient Egyptian word Zep Tepi stood for ‘the first time’. It also referred directly to the first part of a period of time dealing with Sirius, its orbit, but also refers to the prow of a celestial boat which often depicted Osiris~Orion and Isis~Sirius as standing in and accompanied by Nephthys, who was associated and represented Sirius’s companion. I and my friends had some success in Cairo with the use of fine Islamic optics of seeing this companion star to Sirius. Also note that throughout the ancient world, the moment of sunrise and its conjunction with other celestial events was always looked upon as very important. On the spring equinox of 10,500 BC a particularly spectacular conjunction occurred when the sunrise, the constellation of Leo and the meridian transit of the three belt stars all aligned to the Giza site for the first time exactly. This conjunction just happened to mark the beginning of the age of Leo, the Zep Tepi, and first time of Leo. Note, however, that the most important star, Sirius, is hidden from view, set behind the horizon, its presence felt by its obvious omission. In 10,500 BC, the constellation of Orion was at its lowest point with Sirius hidden from view. During this period the declination of Sirius was exactly 58 degrees and 43 minutes. I don’t think I need explain the importance of the figure 58 all over again and how this very specific value was carried across time to our present day via the Knights Templar. Not only that, but when the constellation of Orion reaches its highest point of its processional cycle in the years between AD 2000 and 2012, it will be exactly 58 degrees and 6 minutes above the horizon,” the old man explained as Sarah rubbed her head confused. He looked at her while she pondered his comments.

  “Sorry to ask the obvious, but those dates stretch back before creation,” the Genoese sailor remarked. “And how would you calculate such a thing so far back in time?”

  “As said before, much wisdom was recovered from the ancient artefacts by the Knights Templar as well as much subsequent calculations being performed by the likes of Niccolas and others using their zodiacs and complex astrological charts,” the old man answered.

  “So if I understand this correctly, these paths of the dragons represent lines of energy that all connect to ancient sacred sites but all connected back to pyramids and something to do with 58…yes?” Gabirol asked.

  “You put it well,” the old man smiled. “You may be interested to learn further that the entire Giza plateau in Egypt, where the three greatest pyramids are, were constructed upon a connection to 58 as it was set out within a 5 x 8 square forming 64 squares. Giza is also written in many ways including Jeza and Jeeza. It is also where the Osirian has the ‘Flower of Life’ burnt into its walls somehow, still unexplained. Plus all the 64 tetrahedron designs that are aplenty throughout the ancient world, including the ancient Chinese ‘I Ching’ writings,” the old man explained as Sarah sat back hard and folded her arms. “Are you okay?”

  “I am useless at mathematical things. How am I supposed to learn all this?” she answered.

  “You do not need to be a mathematical genius to learn and understand these facts… trust me,” the old man answered reassuringly. “Let me just continue a little longer on these facts and I shall return to the story at hand.” The old man paused for a moment as Sarah looked at Stephan, disappointed almost. “Remember earlier I mentioned the saying from the Bible about the chief corner stone being rejected. In Matthew 21: 42, Jesus appears to apply the very same words to himself as follows: ‘The Stone, which the builders rejected, has become the chief corner-stone’. In the Grail legends as some of you may know, there is much talk about the sword in the stone and drawing the sword from it. Well, the extraordinary thing about this statement by Jesus is the clear indication from the author that he is associating Jesus with the Great Pyramid. We can be sure of this as not just any building has a chief corner stone that differentiates it from the others apart from the apex corner of a pyramid as it is set above all the others. Again this certainly represents Jesus as symbolically different. Also note, however, that ‘corner stone’ can be, and often is, translated as ‘headstone’, which fits perfectly the purpose and function of the capstone. In the passage from Matthew the reference is clearly and specifically related to a building, hence the later connections of Knights Templar as we have seen earlier, and that its chief corner stone is missing. The inescapable conclusion therefore, especially in view of all the previous Biblical connections to the Great Pyramid, is that both Matthew and Jesus are directly referring to it and deliberately pointing out its missing capstone. Another connection of Egyptian symbology with that of Christian symbology comes regarding the casting of nets. In Egyptian magic, one of the most important symbols is that of the net. In Greek traditions this same net is represented by the net of Hephaestus, with which the vengeful Olympian God ensnared his beautiful wife Aphrodite and her lover Ares. Nearly always in net symbology, two deities or persons are linked to it as are special knots for undoing it. Remember the connection with the Templars using sacred knots? In Egyptian myths these two deities are Neith, known as Net, and Thoth. Thoth is called ‘Great God in Het Abtit’, or the ‘Temple of Abtit’, which was one of the chief sanctuaries of the God at Hermopolis. The hieroglyphics with which the name ‘Het Abtit’ is written actually mean, ‘House of the Net’, or more precisely ‘A Temple wherein a net was preserved and venerated’. Now according to the Book of the Dead, a dreaded net was thought to exist in the underworld, which was greatly feared by the dead. The departed dead or dying were required to know the name of every single part of it, including ropes, weights, cords, hooks and so forth. You can see identical symbolism to that as displayed within the Knights Templar, especially in regard to special cords and knots. In the mythical battle between Marduk and Tiamat in the Babylonian epic Marduk also ensnared Taimat with his net before cutting her open. So we can see that when Jesus told his disciples to cast their nets to the right and catch 153 fish, we are seeing a continuation of ancient esoteric wisdom that connects the Great Pyramid with him, including important mathematical values. ‘Peter’ written in Greek when spoken in its nick name form of Rocky, also has a Gematria value of 153. As does the word ‘rock’, which Peter was to become – the rock and foundation of the Christian Church, and why his name was changed from Simon as that name did not mathematically fit the code,” the old man recounted as the Templar looked at him, puzzled. “Is there a problem in me revealing this?”


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