by D. N. Carter
“No…Absolutely not. ’Tis but all new to me but makes complete sense and answers many questions I previously had asked myself. Please, continue,” the Templar replied.
“Remember the Essenes I spoke of earlier? Well they discovered a system of cryptography which is called ‘The Atbash Cipher’. This code has been used to conceal certain names in Essene, Zadokite and Nasorean texts. This system of code figured, for example, in a number of the scrolls found by the Templars and as will be found in the future, and that by applying this Hebrew Atbash Cipher to the Knights Templar name ‘Baphomet’, the name ‘Sophia’ (ShVPIA) for female wisdom is revealed. Plutarch directly equates Sophia with Isis, who represents Sirius. Isis’s magic was allied to the wisdom of the Egyptian god Thoth, known to the Greeks as Hermes. His wife or consort, Nehemaut, was known to the Gnostics as Sophia also. From this we can understand it to mean that when the Knights Templar are charged with worshipping Baphomet, what they are really doing is quite simply worshipping the principle of ‘Wisdom’. Plutarch further compares Isis to knowledge and Typhon to ignorance, obscuring the light of the sacred doctrine whose blaze lights the soul of the initiate. No gift of the gods, he maintains, is so precious as the knowledge of ‘Truth’, and that of the nature of the gods, so far as our limited capacities allow us to rise toward them. Now it is interesting to note that Isis was often depicted as a black woman, just as Osiris her husband was frequently depicted as green. This clearly indicates that the colours are of symbolic significance, not their actual skin colour. Isis being represented as a black woman is inextricably linked with alchemy and is closely associated with the Black Madonnas of Europe, especially as it is closely associated with the ancient Egyptian looped cross known as ‘The Ankh’, that was carried by Isis, Sirius as a supreme initiatrix which is almost, identical in some cases, with the oddly shaped sceptres carried by the Black Madonnas and Virgins, who, like Isis, Sirius often favoured the colour green. In short, the Black Virgin is Isis, Sirius and her name is Notre Dame de Lumiere. Even the epithalamion of Solomon and The Queen of Sheba is equated with the colour black, whose vesicle is,” the old man explained and fumbled within his leather folder and then pulled out a small parchment. “Here it is. Let me read it to you. ‘I am black, but I am beautiful, O ye daughters of Jerusalem. Like the black tents of Cedar, like the pavilions of Solomon’. So you see, this is the recurring symbolism of the Black Virgin Cult. Most of the several hundred statues in France known as the Black Madonnas have been accidentally darkened by smoke and fumes from votive candles. But others were originally constructed of a dark wood like ebony, and later pear, or deliberately darkened through periodic treatment with oil or wine. Syrian, Coptic or Ethiopian images transported to France recently have served as prototypes for the Black Madonnas as black represented the colour of earth, the source of fertility and life, or divine flesh, or sorrow. Many Christian effigies of goddesses were black including Isis, Diana and Cyble. In early Christianity, the Bride of the Song symbolised the Church and the Virgin Mary. Churches of the Black Virgin often bear the name of Mary Magdalene. The Abbey of Vezelay claims to still hold the body of Mary Magdalene and propagates the secret that the Magdalene was the wife of Jesus and bore his offspring to Southern France, where she is still revered as a medium of occult revelation,” the old man explained and sat back briefly.
“Ah. Is that why the villagers at that dolmen stone place thought she was her, or a returning Mary at least?” Simon interrupted.
“Who knows? Perhaps and probably likely,” the old man replied.
“Look, I do not claim to be smart, but I have no idea what declination means or how you are able to work out such astrological things so accurately, yet I do know our captains use those new astrolabes and things but again, I am puzzled,” the Genoese sailor remarked and rubbed his face, frustrated.
“Not surprising and I am glad you state so. Astrolabes have been around a while, and many have come via China, where our Muslim counterparts were quick to seize upon the advantages of them and learn fast. Declination basically and simply means the position of a star or planet orb above or below the horizon. Much was learnt from the ancient wisdom recovered by the Templars, but also from Arabic and the Persian world as under Islam it had become highly cultured, and many important works of knowledge from Greek astronomy, Indian astronomy and Persian astronomy were translated into Arabic, used and stored in libraries throughout the area. An important contribution by Islamic astronomers was their emphasis on observational astronomy, which led to the emergence of the first astronomical observatories in the Muslim world by the early ninth century. Zij star catalogues were produced at these observatories. In the tenth century, Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi (Azophi) carried out observations on the stars and described their positions, magnitudes, brightness, and colour and drawings for each constellation in his Book of Fixed Stars. He also gave the first descriptions and pictures of ‘A Little Cloud’, which if we believe the wisdom of the ancients is a whole multitude of stars and planets. He mentions it as lying before the mouth of a Big Fish, an Arabic constellation. This ‘cloud’ was apparently commonly known to the Isfahan astronomers before AD 905. The first recorded mention of the Large (Magellanic) Cloud was also given by al-Sufi in 1006. Ali ibn Ridwan observed a bright star explode and left a detailed description of the temporary star. In the late tenth century, a huge observatory was built near Tehran, Iran, by the astronomer Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi, who observed a series of meridian transits of the sun, which allowed him to calculate the tilt of the earth’s axis relative to the sun. He noted that measurements by earlier Indian, then Greek, astronomers had found higher values for this angle, possible evidence that the axial tilt is not constant but was in fact decreasing. In eleventh-century Persia, Omar Khayyám compiled many tables and performed a reformation of the calendar that was more accurate than the Julian as implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 BC. Other Muslim advances in astronomy included the collection and correction of previous astronomical information, resolving significant problems in the Ptolemaic model, the development of the universal latitude-independent astrolabe by Arzachel, the invention of numerous other astronomical instruments, the beginning of high astronomy (astrophysics) and celestial mechanics after Ja’far Muhammad ibn Mūsā ibn Shākir theorised that the heavenly bodies and celestial spheres were subject to the same physical laws as earth, the first elaborate experiments related to astronomical phenomena, the introduction of exacting empirical observations and experimental techniques, and the introduction of empirical testing by Ibn al-Shatir, who produced the first model of lunar motion which matched physical observations. Natural philosophy, particularly Aristotelian physics, was separated from astronomy by Ibn al-Haytham only recently, in the eleventh century,” the old man explained as he searched through his leather folder again and then pulled out a drawing of an Islamic astrolabe and passed it across the table to the Genoese sailor.
Fig 16:
“Seems we owe much to our Islamic friends,” the wealthy tailor remarked as he leaned to see the image.
“More than we give them credit for,” the Templar stated.
“But how does all this relate to paths of the dragon, of energy?” Simon asked.
“In short, because this world we live upon does indeed have a natural power of its own that we cannot see, but one that we are just beginning to learn and understand about. There is a subtle force that will always make a magnetised needle point north, just like the instrument Niccolas had upon his table that fascinated Paul so much. But it is a force that runs through all of us. The ancients knew of this force and how to use it…a skill that was lost to mankind a very long time ago during a time of unimaginable upheavals and destruction. Some say destroyed because of those very facts…that they abused and misused that power somehow. But the ancient standing stones are still in place and according to the myths and legends, and things the Templars and Ashashin learnt, would one day again be reactivated in man’s time of need,” the old man sighed and t
ook a deep breath. “And…all the lines of power, lines that myths and legends have stated since the beginning of time, are what dragons flew along and animals still use to navigate themselves.”
“Dragons…seriously do you believe such beasts exist?” the Hospitaller asked.
“I know that once upon a time in great antiquity, great beasts roamed this earth before man was even here. Their bones are oft found and credited as being those of dragons. But I also believe that many stranger things, perhaps not of this physical world, still use the lines and is why we see fiery lights upon them.”
“So do you think the power that runs through those lines was somehow manifest through Alisha?” Miriam asked quietly.
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“Oh yes. I am most convinced of that. Ancient wisdom also taught the Templars that we all have different blood,” the old man began to explain when Simon interrupted.
“You mean like royal blue blood?” he said excitedly.
“Well, yes in a way. One day we will learn of these different bloods and bloodlines. But we do know that according to the most ancient teachings, some blood types interact and react with these subtle lines of energy more so than others. So perhaps Alisha’s blood made her sensitive to it. It certainly had an effect upon her. We also know that even our hair carries all the knowledge of our forefathers, our blood type and a history of all we do,” the old man explained as the wealthy tailor shook his head no.
“I cannot believe that, for what of men with no hair?” he asked.
“I do not profess to understand it fully or how it works, but know that many mystics, witches, warlocks and the few remaining Druids all claim that they can learn of a person simply by holding their hair and using it to perform spells and rites,” the old man answered.
“Hey, is that why the Templars have to shave their heads for their ceremonies?” Simon asked excitedly again.
The Templar leaned forwards so he could look at Simon better and scowled.
“That is not too far from the truth I suspect as all Templars have their hair deposited in a central storage facility…apparently for later identification many many years in the future.”
“What! This I did not know,” the Templar said, his voice alarmed.
“Yes…but when this age of Pisces passes into the age of Aquarius, which as you know is still over a thousand years away,” the old man reassured.
“Are you sure ’tis not a method whereby the gods can return and find only those who are of their pure blood?” Gabirol asked cautiously.
“My friend, you are the first person to ever say that. I shall certainly think upon your comment later. Thank you,” the old man said nodding his head and rubbed his cheek briefly, clearly impressed by Gabirol’s question.
“Can I quickly ask, is the connection of that ancient Egyptian pyramid really linked to Jesus, as that is a pagan tomb?” Sarah asked.
“All I shall say for now is that all those lines of power we speak of…they all radiate out in straight lines from the main Pyramid at Giza or Jeezah. Those lines then interact and intersect with others that radiate out across our known world, and perhaps beyond. And if you can trust me, believe me when I say ’tis no mere tomb,” the old man answered and smiled at Sarah then at Stephan, who nodded.
“Not a tomb…then what?” the Hospitaller asked instantly and looked confused.
“Don’t worry, he will come to that later,” Simon joked and laughed.
Sarah shot him a look of disdain and shook her head and sighed at his comment.
“How is it that you can understand the writings and symbols of the ancient Egyptians?” Gabirol asked and looked at the old man inquisitively.
The old man looked back at him and smiled knowingly.
“I have simply been privileged enough to have been given ancient versions of the language symbols along with Greek, Latin and Celtic meanings. Sadly, those very parchments are exactly what Gerard was hoping to get from Firgany, for they reveal and unveil a wealth of ancient wisdom that illuminates our true past and history, one, as I stated before, that stretches back many thousands of years, even beyond the 10,500 years BC dates we discussed earlier,” the old man revealed and raised an eyebrow at Gabirol.
“Would be truly a treasure to see such parchments,” he replied.
“Perhaps you may yet, but be warned, the Church views them as being an evil machination of the dark forces of the Devil. That is how they preach anyway, outwardly,” the old man smiled.
“Can I just run through some notes I have made…just to confirm, if the others do not mind of course?” Gabirol asked and looked around at everyone. All seemed to nod in agreement it was okay. “This Chartres cathedral to be built. It is to have twelve circles about its rose window, yes?” The old man nodded yes. “All Grand Masters of the Templars’ political and administrative wing, known as the Prior de Sion, are all known as John, starting at John I, yes?” The old man nodded again yes in silence.
“But know also, Count Henry of Champagne was also called ‘John’ and had his headquarters at Troyes, which is where the Templars originally had their first preceptory and the first nine Templar Knights were his vassals. There is still a famous church there dedicated to Mary Magdalene, and there lays still a great secret to be recovered one day,” the old man explained and quickly sipped some water. “Now our brother Templar will know all the following, but I shall quickly recount these details, mainly for Gabirol, if I may.” The old man coughed and made himself comfortable. “The first donation of land given to the Templars was in 1127 by Count Thybaud of Champagne at Barbonne-Fayel, fifty kilometres northwest of Troyes. Hugues de Payens was granted the land for the first Temple Church in Holborn, London in 1128 where the original Knights Templar temple was built. The temple was the first round church and consisted of gardens, orchard, boundary ditch and cemetery. St Bernard and Hugues de Payens travelled to Rome, accompanied by Geoffrey de St Aldemar as well as four other brothers of the Order, Brother Payen de Montdidier, Brother Gorall, Brother Geoffrey Bisol and Brother Archambauld de St Armand. They were received with great honour by Pope Honorius, who approved of the objects and designs of the holy fraternity. Then in 1128 the ecclesiastical Council of Troyes gave the Knights Templar official recognition and granted their rule of the Order. The Council of Troyes was instigated by Bernard of Clairvaux and the Knights Templar were represented by Hugues de Payens and Andre de Montbard. The Papal approval at the Council of Troyes resulted in many new recruits joining the order. As mentioned earlier, it was in 1130, that Bernard of Clairvaux drew up the rules for the new Knights Templar order. Bernard set up the order with two main classes of knighthood, the knights and sergeants or serving brethren. Sergeants or serving brothers wore a black or brown mantle to show their lower status, whilst the knights wore a red cross granted by Pope Eugenius the Third. Married men who joined the order could only join as sergeants, their property coming into the possession of the Order rather than to their wives upon their death,” the old man explained.
“Huh, that’s rich. Well that rules you out from ever joining,” Sarah laughed, looking at Stephan.
“In 1130 the Knights Templar Order were receiving privileges from Alfonso the First of Spain. The Templars helped the rulers of Catalonia and Aragon regain land from the Moors. King Alfonso I granted the Knights Templar exemption of tax on a fifth of the wealth taken from the Moors and on his death he left a third of his kingdom to them. This was later successfully contested but the Templars were given land in Aragon, Catalonia, Valencia and Mallorca. In 1136 Hugues de Payens died and was succeeded by Robert de Craon as Master of the Temple. The Knights Templar in England supported Stephen in his efforts to gain the throne of England in 1136. Stephen became King of England and the Knights Templar were awarded the wealthy manor of Cressing. The Knights Templar Order became responsible and answerable only to the Pope after a Papal Bull was issued in 1139 by Pope Innocent the Second, a protégé of St Bernard of Clairvaux, stating that the Knights Templar shoul
d owe allegiance to no one other than the Pope himself. Later, in 1146, the Order adopted the splayed Red Cross as their emblem. The battle cry of the Templars was ‘Beau-Séant!’, which was the motto they bore on their banner. Much confusion still exists as to what exactly Beauseant means, from ‘Beautiful’ to all manner of meanings, but to those who cried it in battle, it stood for ‘Be Glorious’,” the old man said and looked at the Templar.
“Fight for Right with Strength and Might as a Knight of Light, is what we would say. Never shouted. Just whispered,” the Templar said quietly.
“Well as most of you know, the Second Crusade in 1148 was hugely supported by the Order. In 1154 under King Henry the Second of England, the Grand Master of Knights Templar, André de Montbard, superintended the Masons and together with the Knights Templar started to build their temple in Fleet Street. The Knights Templar moved their London temple to the new site between Fleet Street and the Thames in 1161. Much of the work was designed with the help of Philip, whom you know had to complete certain aspects of its design before he could go to Alexandria,” the old man sighed. He paused for several minutes just thinking before Gabirol coughed to get his attention.