by D. N. Carter
“Was necessary,” Tenno interjected sternly and looked at Theodoric with a sharp stare.
Alisha looked at her hand and then Paul.
“You must have been told about the Sorcerer Kings, the Merovingians. They were famed for their knowledge and wisdom and abilities to heal… well, both of your families came from those lines. And now, as you two, the vines of your two families are joined again, your child will have those very same qualities…perhaps even more so. Your fathers both knew that, in the future, you would need your true family lineage hidden. For there are those with a darker intent who would wish to end those lines forever.”
“But why…if it brings healing and wisdom?” Alisha asked immediately.
“Because if the line is cut off…ended, then no one will ever again be able to access and harness the tools of the gods…well, more correctly the tools of our ancestors who had evolved to such a high state of being that they escaped these material bounds as we know and understand them,” Theodoric explained. Tenno coughed and cleared his throat and looked at Theodoric hard. “What? Do you not believe me?” he asked.
“I shall reserve judgement…for now,” he answered but looked uncomfortable.
“I do not think it applies to you in our time, as all the records and information we managed to gather all indicated a time, eight hundred years from now, before the truth of the crimson line can be revealed, when the earth itself will also be undergoing changes. It will be connected to vibrations and sound that affects our very physical being. Presently those vibrations are not harmonious enough so those from that line can only but use a tiny amount of the gifts they inherently possess,” Theodoric detailed, looking again at Alisha. “And it is through the female that force most readily demonstrates and manifests itself. But the men, their line, in the future, they will act as teachers and guides…as navigators into and through a new way of being. That is why much of the secret teachings and sayings within the Templar Order and their political arm, the Order of Sion, use the symbology of boats and designate their leaders by the name of the ‘Navigator’ just as you are now, Paul.”
“Me?…No way. I have no gifts of healing. I lack wisdom and I am neither a fighter nor knight like my brother, Stewart. Taqi is better suited than I,” Paul replied.
“Not so. The sword your father gave you. You are only just beginning to learn its uniqueness. You already have the heart of a warrior. Merovingian blood flows through both your families. That is why the symbols of the rose, the fleur de lys, apples and bees are connected with you. And in the future, when the world is ready, and as long as the Crimson Thread has not been severed, then, through a family with its connection to apples and bees, will the navigator of those times be revealed. Knowing that the Crimson Thread would have to be hidden and protected, the Prior de Sion made the active decision to form a military arm to protect that very line. That is but part of the reason the Templars were formed,” Theodoric explained as Alisha held her head again.
“Is my child to be hunted then?” she asked sadly.
“I shall not lie to you…,” Theodoric started to say, when Tenno interrupted him.
“Why say that when you already have lied?”
“My friend…Tenno. I swear to you this day, you may condemn me now and draw assumptions of my character, but I do swear, there will come a day when you will know fully why,” Theodoric replied and looked at him and sighed.
“That I doubt,” Tenno responded coldly.
“Just tell me, is my child in danger?” Alisha demanded to know.
“Yes. But if you are forewarned, as I am trying to do now, then in the safety of Alexandria, under the names you have, there is absolutely no reason why any harm should come to any of you. As I sit before you now, I swear, if you will allow me, to help protect you for as long as these old bones allow me to,” Theodoric said sympathetically.
Alisha looked at Paul nervously and alarmed. Her bottom lip quivered with emotion as Sister Lucy rubbed her back reassuringly.
“That dream…,” Paul said quietly, looking directly into Alisha’s eyes. She nodded knowing exactly what he meant, referring to the shared dream they had experienced seeing a little boy in danger calling out for his father. Alisha gulped feeling sick.
“You have my sword and my protection always too,” Tenno suddenly stated loudly and leaned forwards to look at Alisha and then Paul.
“What about me. Is anyone going to offer to look after me?” Taqi part joked.
“You, young Taqi, will be taught how to look after yourself and ultimately the rest of the family by the very best there is,” Theodoric told him and smiled.
“And I shall also teach you all that I know,” Tenno said and even almost smiled.
Port of La Rochelle, France, Melissae Inn, spring 1191
“So she does indeed carry a new Messiah!” Simon said loudly.
“Ssssh you fool,” Sarah said and swiftly kicked him under the table.
The old man laughed as Simon tried to rub his leg.
“That would have been so much easier for all if that had been the case,” he exclaimed and took a sip of rosehip water.
“Easier?” Gabirol said, looking confused.
“Yes, but let me first explain some background to the history behind what Theodoric had told them that night on the boat. You see most of us nowadays have become uninformed and disconnected from the higher consciousness that we were once all part of and had total access to. Now all too frequently mob rule mentality and ignorance prevails. The very planet we exist upon was altered millennia ago, which caused the vibrations to lower, which effectively cut us all off from that pure natural energy and force our ancient forefathers could and did use feely. But it rises again and will continue to rise slowly and as it does, so too does human consciousness. Back in ancient Babylon, there were those who knew the secrets of our true past and knew that, one day, they would come back and so they formed a brotherhood of sorts. One was what became known as the Brotherhood of the Snake and ruled by a priest cast. This priest elite set up religion in its many different guises and forms to appeal to the greatest number of peoples in order to guarantee that the secret codes from antiquity would be carried across time intact. But sadly, as the Crimson Thread became more diluted, so did that contact with the original source and energy, that force, that in the end, it was men, ignorant, greedy, power hungry men, who sought to control and rule people through fear of a vindictive god and so began the suppression of reincarnation truths. In the Bible, the sons of gods mated with the daughters of man, who bore them children, giants who often caused the deaths of their mothers as they were too big to be born. Adaptations with cranial structure meant later ones were born, but older ones had only two lines, not three lines, upon their skulls, just like the large ones found by those original knights beneath the temple, and as venerated within the wooden box all Templars drank from during their initiation ceremonies,” the old man detailed, shaking his head sadly.
“Is that why Paul’s and Alisha’s mothers both died in childbirth?” Miriam asked softly.
“Perhaps. Paul did have a large head like his brother before him, yet she survived giving birth to him. I think it was just her time and she bled out,” the old man explained and paused for several moments. “The fear of losing Alisha was a terrible strain and worry to Paul. It was always constantly at the back of his mind. But he was a good man and he knew in himself that if the birth took her away from him, he would cherish the child whatever. It helped that he totally believed in the soul being eternal and the dreams he had, including the one he seemed to share with Alisha that time at the amphitheatre, only served to reinforce that he would always come back to her, his poem having even more significance,” the old man continued.
“Is that the poem you spoke of, Sarah?” Ayleth asked quietly.
“Yes. ’Tis truly heartfelt and beautiful,” Sarah replied and looked at the old man.
“Here,” he said softly and took out the copy of the poem and handed
it to Miriam, who passed it down to Ayleth.
All sat in silence patiently whilst she read it. When she had finished, she sniffed and wiped away a tear.
1 – 37
“It touches my soul deeply just reading it,” she commented and smiled, embarrassed, as she sniffed again. “Please do not let me stop you further.”
“Told you it was beautiful,” Sarah whispered and touched Ayleth’s hand.
“What I say now will probably make no sense, but I hope you will listen and that Gabirol you are able to write down what I say fast enough?” the old man said as Gabirol looked at him, charged his quill with more ink and nodded he was ready. “Some of you may know of, or heard of, the ancient Babylonian god named Nimrod. Well, he was one such allegorical representation of a giant and the supposed first king of Babylon, who ruled with his wife Queen Semiramis. She is reputed to been the one who built the immense Baalbek structures in Lebanon, where there are three stones weighing eight hundred tons each. Nimrod ruled across Shinar, as we now call Sumer, including Akkad and Nineveh. All the Titan myths and legends come from this period. Nimrod and his wife have been deified ever since through a Babylonian brotherhood. Nimrod was symbolised as a fish and the Queen Semiramis as a dove. All religions use these symbols as metaphors for the Holy Spirit and divinity. Semiramis is also an allegory of Ninhursag, the co-creator of mankind, just as God had his consort,” the old man said slowly.
“What! God had a consort?” Peter asked, bemused.
“Yes. All Jews know this as it is clearly written within the Talmud. Now then, know that Nimrod was depicted as the Fish God, Dagon. Semiramis was pictured in antiquity as a dove holding an olive branch. All symbols had double meanings and a reverse connotation. Now all the Pharaohs of Egypt and the Caesars of Rome had intertwined bloodlines as well as monarchs from all across Europe having descended from the same original bloodlines. Nimrod wore a horned headgear which evolved into metal crowns worn by kings to this day. The horns symbolised a monarch’s authority. The fleur de lys is now being used on many European coats of arms and flags, mainly within the French monarchy. More familiar to you all is perhaps the Devil, who is always depicted as wearing horns and carrying a trident, a three pronged spear used in the past for fishing.”
“Oh dear. Does that mean the three pointed dagger Alisha carries is of evil origin?” Sarah asked.
“No…Not at all. If so then even the Pope is guilty of wearing an evil object for he wears the official fisherman’s ring, which symbolises the fisher of men, which is often represented in the form of a three pronged spear, a trident. Now the Vatican holds a massive wealth of esoteric knowledge but holds it back to incubate the masses, or to protect them, as they claim, from true gnosis and so are kept in ignorance. Authority is hoarded by priests, Jewish Rabbis and priesthoods of Islam. Yet even the Grand Council of Pontiffs within the Church lifted their name and structure directly from the governing body of the original Babylonian priesthood. But recall if you will that Tenno, whilst here in La Rochelle, explained how Chinese recorded history went back thousands of years, they travelled in mighty ships a thousand years before the West and they collected unbelievably vast amounts of written documentation from across the ancient world including many Babylonian and Sumerian artefacts. Even they knew that in Babylon there was a High Priest who taught an inner circle of initiates and was often named Peter, meaning ‘Great Interpreter’ just like St Peter in the New Testament, which teaches about Jesus in the accepted gospels. The Jesus of the New Testament preaches the doctrine to devout Christians but to esoteric academics, mystics and alchemists, he is a false convert who distorted the real teachings, and known as Jeshua to the Romans, with their consent and full knowledge. That is why some claim he was a Roman citizen all along. It also just happens that the Feast day of St Peter is celebrated on the day the sun rises near the constellation of Aquarius, the spiritual age, the same day as the Babylonian Eannus was honoured. Babylonian and Egyptian religion was based upon two levels, again like the twin horse symbolism we see much of now. One was a low level for the ignorant masses, who accepted the metaphorical stories and parables as literal fact. But the upper levels for the chosen initiates were given real knowledge behind them, plus an unhealthy amount of death threats if they ever revealed them. There were those amongst that elite who wanted negative human energy to continue as it kept the elite few in positions of power. This was when the concept of human sacrifice started. Babylonian priests were required to eat some of their sacrifices and that is where the word cannibal comes from. The word for priest in Babylonian was in fact ‘Cahna-bal’. Burning children also became employed, which later became mixed up with Beltane rituals performed by some later Druids in Britain on May Day. Burnt babies were sacrificed within the belly of a huge wicker effigy of a man, hence Wicker Man, but this was another reason why the Jesus Initiative had Jesus sacrificed for all of our sins…to effectively end the practice and need of any other kind of sacrifice. Not animal or human ever again!” the old man detailed as Ayleth listened, shock registering across her face.
“Please do not tell me that Alisha and Paul’s son gets sacrificed as they saw in their dreams. If he does, tell me now and I shall leave for I could not bear to hear that is so,” Sarah asked apprehensively.
“No, he is not sacrificed, that I can tell you. But I must tell you that those who carried much of the esoteric knowledge within their families tried to keep those family bloodlines to remain as pure as they could, and that is why so many noble families interbred and married to stop it from becoming corrupted…but this actually worked against them long term,” the old man explained and paused as he looked at Gabirol, who was writing frantically. The old man laughed before continuing. “Of all the oldest symbols, the sun is perhaps the most infamous. The Babylonian priesthood understood this. They understood and used the symbol of the sun as a multi-dimensional consciousness, one extending across the entire solar system; just as life is an interaction of vibration fields, the ancients knew their relationship to the sun was not just on a physical level, but also a deeper spiritual level determined to change emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and perceptions. Hence why the zodiac seems to work in determining personalities from when a child is born. But it is when you are actually conceived, not born, for it is information upon conception that sets the pattern of our characters as taken from the sun’s resonance at that time. We have an internal biological time mechanism that is somehow governed by the sun just as women are by the moon and their periods. No life on earth would exist without the sun, not even those in the dark deep of the oceans. The sun acts as a portal to other dimensions,” he paused.
“Other dimensions…what are they?” Simon asked.
“Other realms of existence,” the old man answered. Simon shook his head and the old man continued. “Many royal bloodlines descended from ancient Egypt hence all are progeny of Horus, the Sun God. In Christianity, the Sun God is Jesus. As bloodlines grew and spread across the Middle East and then Europe, more power went to offshoot bloodlines and less power to the people. But it was a long time prior to this that things all started going wrong. For it was in 2200 BC that Marduk, another Babylonian god but also a symbolic representation of celestial bodies, which I will cover much later, confiscated Nibirus’s many powers, after which the Royal Court of the Dragon was founded by the priests of Mendes. Many Mystery schools were subsequently set up as way stations to keep the real knowledge away from the public, but any schools not of an authorised origin were taken over. For it is as true then as it is now that ‘who controls the past controls the future’ and that is why a substitute false history and knowledge was contrived. In the past this was harder as people were more connected with the spirit of the earth, but today people are more spiritually distanced and forgetful, which makes controlling people easier. In the future, this will be even worse. This is one of the reasons why so many so-called learned scholars argue that the Jewish race is responsible now for carrying on those same li
es. That is not fair or accurate. The Jewish race had its origins in the Caucasus region, not in Israel. Only a very few Jews today have any genetic connection to the region. Aryans it must be understood occupied northern parts of Europe, some travelled by sea and others by land. Two of those groups being Cimmerians and Scythians. Phoenicians were the group that travelled by sea and established settlements in Britain connected to the Cimmerians who had also settled across northern Europe. You know these peoples as Gauls and Celts and by the second century BC occupied all of central Europe and northern Italy. Later they went into Asia Minor. St Paul’s letter to the Galatians was addressed to invading Gauls of Asia Minor who changed the name of their home from Phrygia to Galatia. In short, white Aryans under various names shared a common religion and religious heroes who carried a royal bloodline, who fought for the crowns, kings, queens, priests and military leaders, but it was the Phoenicians, who have been obscured from history, who were in fact an advanced race of humans who brought their knowledge and genetic line to Europe. Often they are depicted as a Semitic race but this is an untruth for they were white Aryans with blue eyes who instigated the civilisations of Greece, like Crete, Cyprus and parts of Italy. They were well known in antiquity to the Egyptians as Panang, Panasa and Fenkha, but to the Greeks as Phoinik-as and to the Romans as Phoenic-es. Hiram Abif, the supposed architect of Solomon’s temple, is said to have been Phoenician, and likewise the father of Tutankhamen, and connected to Akhenaton. Phoenic was the bird of the Phoenicians and you can see the root word for Phoenix. Tenno during his many journeys across the unknown worlds, as well as Firgany and Theodoric, saw many symbols marking straight paths that followed those natural lines of earth energy. Tenno told us of many Chinese maps in their possession that show clearly parts of the New World yet to be rediscovered by the West that were of Phoenician origin. They claimed that tall white beings walked across the lands a long time ago. Sumerians claim it was these same white gods who gave them their civilisation after their great flood. The arrival of Phoenicians in Britain just happens to correspond to when Stonehenge was built and Avebury. Note that the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Sumerians and Babylonians all had advanced knowledge of astronomy, astrology, sacred geometry, mathematics and the earth’s natural force lines, the dragon paths, known as a global energy grid, and used a net symbolism to convey this understanding. It is why there are Sumerian markings on one of the stones at Stonehenge. Because they all carried ancient wisdom and knowledge handed down from an original source many thousands of years old. All the pyramids around the ancient world all just happen to have identical mathematical formulas encoded within their construction and even their placements, including those in China.”