Outremer I

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Outremer I Page 80

by D. N. Carter

  “What…China has pyramids?” Peter asked and frowned.

  “Yes it does. All lands across the world have pyramids. And all somehow have the same angles and celestial information built into them. The 19.5 angle is but just one example found at Giza in Egypt. If you believe the earth is a sphere, then if you drew the middle line around the equator line, then 19.5 degrees is where Stonehenge is, plus the large red spot on Jupiter is located at 19.5 degrees as our Arab friends confirmed. Also 19.5 on a circle is where, if you drew in a tetrahedron with one of the vertices touching the pole, a two dimensional representation would look like an equilateral triangle circumscribed by a circle.

  Fig 19:

  Here, look at this image,” the old man said as he removed a small parchment drawing and pushed it across the table. “It is from this basic format that the Templars’ Merkaba star was derived.”

  “Merkaba star?” Simon said, looking puzzled.

  “Yes, Simon, and I must beg your patience on that matter for I shall detail that later,” the old man smiled.

  “Good. Make another note, Gabi,” Simon replied.

  “By the way, the word Aryan comes from the Phoenician word ‘Arri’ meaning ‘noble one’. Hence the names Sum-Arian and Ari-stocracy came about. Then we come to all the lion symbolism and effigies that are found throughout history and in the Bible and still connected to all the bloodlines to this day. Even in the Bible the lion symbolism is obvious to see, one example being the story where Samson pulls the teeth from a lion and the beehive that is inside it. Again, honey and bee symbolism…and I shall have more to say on that later too. Lions were often placed at the entrances to sacred temples and the lion was an Aryan symbol for the sun. The Sphinx in Egypt is perhaps the most obvious rock carving of this symbol but it also represents the zodiacal period of Leo, the lion. It once had a lion’s head but that was later recarved to represent a human type face…Know also that the Red Cross, or Fire Cross, represented the planet of crossing but was also a symbol used by Aryan Phoenicians to denote the sun.”

  “Planet of crossing?…Let me guess, you will tell us later?” Simon joked. “Is that why the Templars have a big red cross nowadays?”

  “I shall explain later, yes…In Scotia, there is a swastika depicted on a stone dedicated to the Phoenician Sun God, Bel. One major mystery about the Aryan Phoenicians that still persists is that they worshipped shape shifting reptilians called the ‘Nagas’ and that they were the same serpent gods of the Hindus. But they were all the same. Ancient Indian tablets offer lists of kings who ruled the areas of Hindu lands who also appear in the Mesopotamian King Lists and the pre dynastic rulers of ancient Egypt. These kings were all from the Aryan race. It is via the Hittite and Sumerian cultures that English, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Gothic and Anglo Saxon languages derive. Sumerian being the root language and that of the so-called gods. In Britain, the Isle of Man and Anglesea were and are populated by Irish Aryans and were sacred spots where the Arch Druids based themselves. Arch Druids were the highest ranking members of Britain’s priestly class, who inherited their knowledge from the Babylonian Brotherhood via the Phoenicians. But it was just a part of a circle for, in truth, the elders of those lands had first taken their knowledge to Egypt, Sumer and Babylon in great antiquity only for it to return via the Phoenicians. I shall explain that later I promise. …Remember when I explained how Paul was taught by Niccolas about the tree symbolism…well that is because the Druids expressed their reverence for trees due to the giants of old being seen as huge and as tall as trees, but this is double symbology at work. Titans were the giants of the Old Testament and Near East. Irish Druids were seen as snake priests of the Phoenician seafarers. This is why they still have the Balor of the evil eye, their version of the North African god Baal. The evil eye induced a hypnotic trance in all who stared at it. The Druids were the carriers of the Mystery school tradition into Britain, Ireland and France. They were well educated in astrology and astronomy and celebrated the birth of the sun on December the twenty-fifth, the winter solstice. Druids were divided into three groups. When the peoples of the near east brought their secret teachings to the British Isles, of which Joseph of Arimathea was an initiate, the epicentre became London, where Philip worked upon designs for the Templars, and other locations in Scotia. Another reason why Britain was chosen, as a sacred covenanted land, is because it just so happens to be the centre of the earth’s energy grid…hence why the vast array of stone circles, standing stones and ancient mounds. And why many form straight lines of pure energy that stretch across from Egypt to England. Pure consciousness is pure energy, so those who control that energy, can naturally control consciousness. Even as far back as the Trojan wars, they fought for control of sacred places, just as Jerusalem is today fought over. In the Iliad, Troy was founded by Dardanus, a Titan and son of the Greek God Zeus. Zeus was always depicted as an eagle and a serpent, the symbolism being obvious. Zeus was born in Sparta. After the Spartan wars, many migrated into what is now France, hence why we have so many ancient names like ‘New Troy’. Originally London was founded as the New Troy as well as New Babylon but that had to be changed.”

  “Really?” the wealthy tailor asked.

  “Truly. But know this, secret societies that had been entrusted with safeguarding the ancient wisdom have been corrupted and very few now hold to their original truths. But the order of the Knights Templar was founded on the premise of an ancient Phoenician symbol, the Red Cross on the white background, which represented the Fire Cross, the sun and bloodlines seeded by the gods. But as you already know, the Templars claimed to be a guard for pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem. This was purely a mask to hide their true purpose and it was in fact purely formed as a military wing of the secret society called the Order of Sion, the Priory of Sion. As you know, the Order was financed and directed by St Bernard, who was also the founder of the Cistercian Order and the French St Clair family, which has become the Scottish Sinclair family. The Templars in short were indeed started to protect a holy bloodline as well as the very earth energy sacred centres that bloodline could one day again use for the benefit of all mankind. When Jerusalem was recaptured, a massive pilgrim enterprise was opened up and the ports of Jaffa, Tyre and Acre became Templar ports. Tyre was a major base of operations for the Phoenicians. The Amalfi Hostelry in Jerusalem was under the protection and nourishment provided by the Knights Hospitaller, and just like the Templars they too became a military order granted Papal backing in 1118, conveniently the same year the original nine knights arrived with St Bernard. The black and white flag composed of two squares and a skull and crossbones and a watchtower was the original Templar flag.”

  “I was not aware of that design,” the Templar commented looking surprised.

  “Well I can tell you ’tis true and that those symbols have perpetuated over the centuries. Paris became a major centre as natural lines of power run through the area and directly beneath where Chartres Cathedral now stands. The Black Madonna worship started then with both Chartres and Notre Dame Cathedrals being major centres for this. The Black Madonna cults expressed the worship of the Queen Semiramis of Babylon and Isis of Egypt. One aspect and symbolism is that the Black Madonna represents the negative implementation of the moon’s female energy, and likewise the black sun symbolises the negative use of solar energy. St Bernard was born at Fontaines near Dijon…a centre of Black Madonna worship. The Templars clearly shared his passion by building their cathedrals and churches in a circular shape representing female energy. Most churches with domes are built with the dome representing the symbol for the female womb. This world is dominated by the male aggressive energy, or so you are led to believe. For it is the consciousness that pulls the strings denoting a female dominant energy and Semiramis, Isis and now Mary all represent that female energy that is the creative force of the universe. Much of the ancient wisdom has been corrupted to suppress that energy with a negative one as they opposed love and gave fear in return. All the cathedrals and Christ
ian churches built and being built have the symbolism denoting the sun, astrology, goddess worship and sexual symbolism, hidden but in plain sight for those who can see, but the majority of people simply do not see it and pass it by. The arched doorways to the cathedrals have ridges around them depicting the vulva and many even have the rosebud symbol that also represents the clitoris on top of the arch. Carvings on some even show priests having sexual intercourse with young girls whilst wearing animal heads. In some old churches Sheela-na-gig symbols are to be found showing naked women spreadeagled as well as phallic symbolism. You will also see spider’s web decorations, but this is connected to the great web of energy that encompasses our world, plus other aspects we shall talk of later with identical net and fishing net symbolism. The Ashashin were privy to many of these secrets and is why they work in conjunction with each other. Both organisations are skilled in controlling both sides of the conflicts that constantly ravage Outremer as they try to bring out the truths so brutally suppressed under the false charges of heresy or blasphemy to anyone who tries to reveal them. You must understand that by introducing a covert form of democracy instead of overt control, people think they have freedom when in fact they do not. As in all secret societies there are those who understand the deeper levels of the mysteries whilst those on the outer levels are unaware. The Templar Order has seven outer circles that are taught the minor mysteries, and three inner circles that are taught the great mysteries.”

  “Ha…I must be considered totally unworthy as I do not believe I am even in the furthest outer circle then,” the Templar interrupted.

  “My friend…are you not here now and learning new truths?” the old man asked.

  “Yes, but in all my service I have yet to be taught any of this,” he replied.

  “But you are now. Perhaps because it is only now that you are ready,” the old man said reverentially and smiled. “As you know, Templars are exempt from paying taxes and they control the law by owning their own courts. Through blackmail if needs be and debt, a system of dependency was set in place so no person or organisation has total sovereignty or freedom from the Templars, including monarchs, who constantly borrowed excess amounts from the Templars so they are always indebted to the Order. Through orchestrated wars, and yes I said orchestrated, they could eliminate enemies, redraw boundaries where rulers were indebted to them. But more importantly, protect and keep an eye on the Crimson Thread that ran throughout the various bloodlines they controlled,” the old man said, looking at the Templar intently for several moments before continuing. “The Sicambrian Franks, where we get the name for France, were another offshoot from the Aryan race. Francio was their original leader but was killed in battle in 11 BC. Afterwards his people migrated to Cilicia (Turkey) from Troy and became those Scythians and later Sicambrian Franks named after their tribal Queen Cambra. Later they moved to an area west of the River Danube and settled in Germania, their centre being Cologne. In 448 BC this bloodline became known as the Merovingians, named after King Meroveus, the Guardian of the Franks. Merovingians were known as the sorcerer kings, who were acknowledged as leaders in their understanding of esoteric and magical powers, shaved the sides of their heads, which Templars still do as a mark of respect and in remembrance during their initiation ceremony but also to save their hair for later. Their connection to the Templars is obvious in the city of Troyes, the place named by the Sicambrian Franks where the Order was officially commenced. When they started to be called Merovingians, the Franks established the city of Paris in the sixth century named after King Priam of Troy’s son, Prince Paris. Under Paris was, and still is, a labyrinth of secret tunnels where they conducted their secret rituals and sacrifices to the Goddess Diana, another offshoot of Semiramis and Isis. I need not go into all the symbolism of the value 13 connected to the Templars as it is sufficient to say 13 was one of their favourite numbers. The Merovingian King Clovis used as his royal emblem the fleur-de-lys, known as the three pronged lily, denoting a bloodline from Nimrod passed on via the female line. In Sumer, the bloodlines were passed on via the female and were also symbolised by the lily. It is why many females connected with the family were deliberately given names such as Lilith, Lili, Lilutu, Lillette and Lilibet. An extended name being Elizabeth,” the old man explained and paused as he thought for a short while in silence.

  All around the table looked at each other in confusion before Gabirol looked up from his writings.

  “So if I understand this correct. The bloodline of the Merovingians is not just a bloodline from Jesus, as that is a simple cover, but a bloodline that goes much further back and connected to Nimrod’s line and gods, the same gods that walked the earth and took daughters of man as detailed within the Bible, the giants being their offspring and that those with that blood within them have a resonance with the natural energies and forces, hence why Alisha felt that force at the stones,” he stated.

  The old man looked at him and smiled, nodding yes, then continued.

  “Know this too, that in ancient Sumer the Grant of Arms emblem was a dew cup. This is an identical symbol of the wedding cup both Alisha and Paul and the wedding party partook of at their wedding. The dew cup is commonly referred to as a ‘Rosi-Crucis’ and it is detailed in Egyptian, Phoenician and Hebrew records as a cup decorated with a red cross within a circle, identical to the cross of the zodiac. The Prior de Sion used the dew cup often and it could also be symbolic of the male and female sexual energies, for the dew water signifies the male semen and the cup representing the female womb. Some of you may instantly recognise the symbol as being identical to that of King Arthur’s mythical cup, the Holy Grail. But there is another great king connected to this Aryan bloodline. He was Charles, King of the Franks…better known to you as Charlemagne. He has been instrumental in the funding and creation of sophisticated cathedrals across Europe for the Templars. In Toulouse he founded a lodge for the Rosicrucian Order. In AD 800 he was made Emperor of the West by Pope Leo the Third. And his sword, well, it was made almost of the same stuff as the one Paul now carries,” the old man explained as Ayleth blushed and Sarah nodded at her, smiling in regard to the sexual symbolism being mentioned.

  “’Tis nothing to be embarrassed to hear about such matters,” Miriam suddenly chipped in to Ayleth, the Templar smiling as he held her hand again.

  “’Tis not indeed,” the old man acknowledged. “Before I forget, there was another group of Phoenicians who settled in Northern Italy in AD 446 in what is now Venice. These Phoenicians became known as Venetians…sound almost identical don’t they… and the name simply means ‘black nobility’. They started a powerful maritime and financial empire on lending fiat money, much like the Templars themselves. They expanded their prestige through supporting countries that advanced their goals, again identical to the Templars’ practices. Political intrigue garnished them much territory and resources as well as being able to control indebted kings and religious nobles. Marrying into nobility was considered a crucial policy of infiltration and assimilation. The Venetians, Phoenicians…became well known throughout Europe as the black nobility who became the aristocracy across Italy to Genoa and into Lombardy. I can tell you that plans are afoot to one day establish a totally neutral and independent state within those areas using the Red Cross as their flag. But only time will prove me correct on that.” (Switzerland).

  3 – 30

  “And roughly where will that be…just so I have a rough idea for future reference?” Gabirol asked as he charged his quill with more ink.

  “All I can tell you at this moment is that King Rudolph the Third of the Arelat kingdom who lived from AD 993 to AD 1032 gave the Valais as his fiefdom to the Bishop of Sion in AD 999, and when Burgundy and thus also the Valais became part of the Holy Roman Empire in AD 1032, the bishop was also appointed Count of the Valais. The Arelat exists mainly on paper presently but Bern and Aargau have already come under Zähringer and Habsburg rule. The Arelat and the Duchy of Burgundy both were influenced by France and the Holy
Roman Empire, which overlapped. Berthold the Second lost his title as the Duke of Swabia in AD 1098, and called himself ‘Duke of Zähringen’ from AD 1100. The Dukes of Zähringen have already founded many cities, the most important being Freiburg in AD 1120, Fribourg in AD 1157, and they have further plans for Bern. The Zähringer dynasty will most likely end with Berchtold the Fifth as is foretold, but perhaps not, for it is still not carved in stone. If it does, then their cities will consequently became independent, while the Dukes of Kyburg will no doubt compete with the House of Habsburg over control of the rural regions of any former Zähringer territory. But I suspect, as plans are already afoot and machinations of intrigue set in motion, that if and when the house of Zähringen does die out, then the office of Vogt over the Abbey of St Felix and Regula in Zurich will be granted to the Habsburgs. That is one family bloodline that attracts a lot of interest, which in turn will serve as a great distraction and protection for the purest hidden bloodline, plus Alisha and Paul’s, thus ensuring its hopeful continued protected lineage,” the old man explained and then shook his head almost in disbelief.[18]


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