by D. N. Carter
“But I am still confused. You have a Druid tattoo across your back in blue. What is that all about for you have never fully explained other than you got it whilst on a fact finding mission?”
“Yes…that is a long story, my friend…a very long story. And I only told you part of the truth as your parents were actually involved,” he answered and paused. “It is connected to ‘Blue Apples’ and blue bloodlines…and as you know the apple tree is actually a part of the rose family. Ever wondered why royal blood is referred to as true ‘blue blooded’ royal…for it is not down to the fact that blood in the veins appears blue when seen through the white of your skin. No…not at all. But first I think I need to explain more on the Druidic symbolism and its connections to Judeo-Christianity. Understand this, I can promise you that most people you meet who study this matter will argue that the population of Ireland came from the east, mainly Asia, when in fact they came from the west. They were just part of the surviving population that fled there after the end of the last age of man from the worldwide upheavals that destroyed the ancient civilisation that too many label under the name of an Island called Atlantis. But the very root words for Atlantis are the clues that show us that the word actually means a worldwide spiritual civilisation. Yes it was once centralised within an island the size of a continent as I have already explained. But that I shall leave for another day, my friend, as I have said. So let me explain, for now at least, that Ireland is farther from the Punjab, where many ancient Sanskrit words are derived from, than Persia, Greece, Rome or Scandinavia are and so it would follow that the Celtic wave of migration must have been the earliest sent out from the Sanskrit centre, yet the Celtic tongue shows that it separated from the Sanskrit original tongue later than the others, and that it is more closely allied to the Latin than any other Aryan tongue.”
“Aryan, I have heard this name so many times this past year,” Paul interrupted.
“Not surprising. With Aryan, it is entirely inexplicable for any theory of an eastern origin of the Indo-European races, but very easily understood if we recognise the Aryan and Celtic migrations as going out about the same time from the Atlantean, or more correctly pre-Flood and catastrophe, source. For a start, the civilisation of the Irish dates back to vast antiquity. Within the Irish origins of civilisation, the symbols and traditions we associate with Judaism, Christianity, Templarism all originate in Ireland. The Emerald Isle…as you will learn if we ever get to Alexandria, the ancients in Egypt all used and referred to a sacred ancient book known as the ‘Emerald Tablets’. They were first employed by the Druid elders of the West, once known throughout the world as the Arya. The name of Ireland was originally Ari.”
“Arri, my son’s name…what a coincidence!”
“No such thing as coincidences, Paul…you will learn that in time too. Anyway, Ari or Arya Land. One of the main meanings of this term was ‘Western Land’. Another meaning was ‘Land of the Pure or Noble Ones’. Hard as it is for most men and women to comprehend, once upon a time the little green island of Ireland was home to the world’s original aristocracy set up by the original survivors after the cataclysmic events 10,200 years BC. Note ari at the start of aristocracy! Many so called experts on this subject doubt where the so-called ‘Celts’ originally came from, and unaware that the term ‘Celt’, as claimed by Greek and Roman myth makers, is wholly inaccurate.”
“My father always jokes that anyone who claims they are an expert, to remember that the ex stands for ex, as in has been, and spurt, as in drip, water under pressure,” Paul interrupted and smiled wondering just where and how his father was at that moment.
“Then let me explain further…The Ten Commandments of the Druids were almost identical to those given by God to Moses, who in turn as you will learn was none other than Akhenaton himself.”
“That is the Egyptian man Niccolas tried to explain before…and you. But they are based upon old parchments found beneath Solomon’s temple, yes?” Paul stated.
“Yes…parchments and ancient scrolls the church does not want revealed at this time. To be honest they were actually plates of brass and gold that were then copied onto parchment. You know, they have tried to destroy all traces of the ancient language and its understanding. They have removed any trace of being able to translate the language…but by the grace of God and by people such as your father and Firgany…they have ensured a guaranteed way of making sure the language is not lost forever,” Theodoric explained and paused for some time.
“How so?” Paul finally asked.
“By hiding the original plates of brass and gold but also by making sure certain stone blocks have been carved with both the language of the ancients and several different languages beneath it…the pictogram language of the Pharaohs, Greek and Coptic. They have been hidden… securely, so that in time, one way or the other they will again be discovered, even if the Church manages to totally destroy everything else about them. But even if they are not found in time, there are others out there, older and certainly more enlightened and wiser ones than us, who watch over us. They are the true guardians of this world and agents of what we would call God.”
“You mean…like the old white haired man who saved Taqi and I in La Rochelle…and whom I know full well in my heart that father knows more about than he lets on.”
Theodoric looked at Paul and simply nodded.
“Not much escapes you does it?”
“And I know that Abi…she is likewise one of them isn’t she?”
“I shall not answer that, Paul. But I shall say this…even the very Church that tries to hide so many of the truths, without even realising it, are themselves actually guaranteeing the truth from antiquity is carried over into the future.”
“How so?” Paul asked again, even more perplexed.
“The more zealously they try to eradicate the truth, the more they carve the message into our history as it is written…and in the future, should everything else be hidden and destroyed from antiquity, the very church itself will actually be shining forth with all the esoteric and exoteric information hidden but in plain sight all along…and there will come a day when even the Pontiff himself will see and realise this. ’Tis why so many of the esoteric codes are actually being built into the great cathedrals now being built.”
“Then please explain all about the Druids and their connections so that I may understand better…please.”
“Okay, then understand that all the fundamental elements of our civilisation originated in a very ancient pre-flood time, long before the official dates given for the advent of so-called enlightened man and progress. ’Tis why we find so many ancient artefacts and items that we cannot yet manufacture ourselves…such as your sword and other power items. There were many in Egypt…now all hidden, some within the deep vaults of Rome still…but fortunately they cannot make them work or understand exactly what they have. Some have been moved to France. But it was after the destruction of the so-called Atlantis, which in truth denotes a worldwide civilisation as I have said before and will keep saying, which according to records your father and I once possessed was approximately 12,200 years ago. Afterwards the Phoenix flew again…as the Phoenix actually represents and is symbolic of the rebirth of man again. In time, the fifth flight of the Phoenix will be reborn…”
“That is a pretty accurate estimate for an approximation!” Paul interrupted.
“Okay…from records we once had, they were very clear that a worldwide cataclysmic event occurred that changed the shape of the world, the positions of the stars in the heavens and even changed the very elements that make up man. And they were specific using the stars and zodiac as time markers. I can say that surviving linguistic and spiritual elements were transported to Britain and Scandinavia. The keepers of this knowledge eventually became the priesthood you know as the Druids. This word means ‘servant’ or ‘keeper of truth’. However, the Druids were a worldwide priesthood and were not confined to Western Europe. In Egypt they were known as ‘Amenists�
�. Oh I could tell you a tale about your father, Firgany and I and the ‘Halls of Amenti’,” Theodoric said with a large smile, his mind clearly rolling back to that time as he reminisced.
“Please do…”
“No, Paul…perhaps when we get to Alexandria and we have time, I shall tell that tale,” he answered and sighed. He shook his head as if to clear his thoughts and continued. “The whole schism of ancient mythology and the large pantheons of the world, even up until the present, from as far as the lands where Tenno comes from to Greece, Rome and Egypt and other countries still not known to many, all originated in Britain and Scandinavia. We once had ancient maps, which were stolen from us, around the time you were born, but Tenno thankfully had almost identical ones, I understand from him, that he has given to your father.”
“Yes…he did for I saw them.”
“Well, on them, they showed that Norway was once joined to Scotland via a great land bridge. Ireland, not Egypt, became the post-Flood, though flood is not really an accurate description of what exactly happened, new cradle of the elements of civilisation. It is from Britain, the covenanted land, and Scandinavia that the basic knowledge of the ancients began to spread out throughout the world, including the lands to the west. The one Tenno keeps bragging he walked across,” Theodoric explained and then drank down a large mouthful of cooled boiled water.
“I…I do not think he actually boasts about it…does he?”
“Huh…not in front of you he may not…but get him on his own…well!”
“Do you not think it could be his way of trying to make conversation with you…as it is something you have in common?” Paul asked, looking Theodoric in the eye.
“Huh! He forever competes against me. Always challenges me.”
“Theo…I suspect that is only because he probably sees you as an equal…as I do not see him ever attempt to compete with others…do you?”
“Hmmm! As old and as wise as I would like to think I am…I have not looked at it that way!”
“And perhaps you feel the same towards him…for why do you not challenge any of the knights…but always do Tenno?” Paul asked quietly.
“By the Lords you sounded frighteningly like your father then…God I miss his counsel!” Theodoric answered and shook his head.
“Then why did you keep your distance and pretend to be dead so many years?”
“Now you sound even more like him. Blunt and to the point!” Theodoric replied and looked at Paul, who just raised his eyebrows very slightly. “That, I am afraid, you would have to get me very drunk to reveal…save to say that I made some irreparable mistakes, and with Luce!” he sighed.
“You have clearly made your peace with Sister Lucy, so why not my father? What was it he did so wrong?”
“’Twas not a mistake or anything wrong that he did. Never think that of him. The mistake was mine and mine alone. I pray before I depart this world that I am able to set right the wrongs I did…,” Theodoric explained, clearly pained.
“I am sorry for asking. Let us leave that topic and continue with what you were telling me…please!” Paul asked.
Theodoric took a deep breath and sighed again. There was a lot of pain and regret in his eyes and Paul sensed this fact.
“Right, where was I? Ah yes, about all the same knowledge and basics of all the myths and legends and root words…Er let me see, my thoughts have become muddled…old age thing you know,” he smiled. “Okay…the fact that the direct traceable path is still being so brutally suppressed and widely denied is because it would undoubtedly lead to speculation about a former unified worldwide civilisation before the Great Flood, though catastrophe is a better description as I have said and will keep saying so, would prove the antiquity of advanced humans well beyond the start dates as given in the Biblical accounts. That in turn would threaten to undermine the whole position of the Church. Revelations on these subjects could potentially devastate fundamental tenets of our present understanding and religion. The facts about the widespread influence of Irish Druidism are largely unknown because of the wholesale destruction of the Druids and the prolonged and deliberate suppression and mutilation of their social traditions and religious motifs.”
“Motifs…what is that, for I do not fully understand the word’s meaning?” Paul asked, puzzled.
“A motif is an image or letters, even music at times, to refer to a recurring event, object or character in a story, poem or a play. Sometimes a motif becomes significant to the meaning of the overall work when it develops thematic importance such as a device, image, character trait, or element of the esoteric or exoteric meaning behind it…such as the cross or symbol of the fish. And that is why so many of those motifs were carried across into so many of the diverse myths, legends and religions we now see. But trace them back to their original sources and you will see they all came from a common beginning…and that original primordial source connects Britain and Egypt. You see, long before the first official dynasties of Egypt, over three thousand years ago, the Western Arya migrated to the lands of the eastern regions of Outremer (Middle and Far East), establishing new civilisations and educating existing ones. Their remains have been discovered in Upper Egypt and locations farther east, including as far east as the furthest reaches of the Orient. They were the original architects of the Giza pyramids and the many sacred temples along the Nile. They master minded the dolmens and standing stones construction and layout across the whole of the ancient world as they tried to re-establish the natural energy flow of the earth we live upon. To bring back balance and harmony. They brought with them the worship of Amen Ra, Osiris, Horus and Isis, the same as the Nordic Is. While in the east the Arya referred to their ancestral western habitats as ‘lands of the dead’, due to the colossal devastation that occurred there. The many prehistoric and historic migrations to the British Isles of Iberians, Celts, Gaels and so on, were for the most part returns. During the so-called Age of Catastrophe, titanic cataclysms following on from those that destroyed the pre-Flood civilisation referred to as Atlantis displaced the original inhabitants of Britain, who were forced to flee to the Continent across land-bridges now lost beneath the waves.”
Paul shook his head as he recalled in his mind the repeating dream of the catastrophe and destruction of an ancient world, one he felt he had belonged to, and the shared dream he had had with Alisha in the ruined cathedral. Theodoric could see Paul’s mind was racing.
“Look,” he said and leaned nearer to Paul. “The Druids were Aryans. This word has been deliberately misinterpreted to signify members of a race. And as your father and I discovered there are those, and there will be those in the future, that will use this definition for a wholly disastrous and destructive manner. However, the term really refers to a spiritual state of being and existence. It is also the true name of Ireland, correctly rendered ‘Ariland’ or ‘Land of the Arya’. The term can be correctly spoken as Eri, signifying the Earth Goddess of the ancient Druids herself.”
Paul thought for a moment and recalled the necklace that Abi wore but also the one she gave to Alisha, which she still wore, and the identical one worn by the white haired old man in La Rochelle.
“Paul…linguistically, Ari and Eri can be found as roots in terms and names such as area, terra, Tara, Mary, Hera, Benares, Armenia, Aramaic and aristocracy, etc. The language of the Arya is now referred to as Aramaic and Hebrew. However, these languages have been wrongly put before us for they are not Semitic and were not invented by early Jews or Canaanites. The actual twenty-two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are based on the ancient Irish alphabet, specifically, the so-called ‘Hebrew’ alphabet, which is the sacred alphabet of the adepts. It was the non-hieroglyphic ‘hieratic’ script of Egyptian hierophants, the sacerdotal alphabet of the Ibaru, who were not the ancestors of modern religious Jews. They were the Judites, Judges and Wise Ones, the architects of high civilisations who eventually vanished into the mists of time and the true meanings of their teachings, knowledge, wisdom and sacred motifs
became corrupted and misrepresented. The shapes of the twenty-two Hebrew letters were based on the shadows cast by sunlight upon the now lost capstone on top of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Huh, though lost it is not,” Theodoric explained and waited to see if Paul picked up on his last comment but he obviously did not. “Know also that the Merkaba star which creates the Templar’s cross is also formed by the shadows cast. These letters were assigned to the twenty-two cards of the Tarot, which originated in Ireland, and to the twenty-two ‘paths’ on the Kabbalistic ‘Tree of Life’. The concept of the sacred tree was known to Western adepts, British, Nordic and European, millennia before the rise of Judaism and Christianity. Terms and names such as Israel, Israelite, Jew, Judite, Yahud, Jehovah, Adonai, Aton, Amen, Elohim, Christ, Jesus, Messiah, Joshua, Isaac, David, Solomon, Moses and so on were originally Druidic or Aryan appellations. Some of these terms were titles denoting senior members of Druidic colleges. These terms have been subsequently and deliberately mistranslated, some would say, to obscure the facts about the origins of religion. But as we learnt, it was done so it would appeal to different cultures, peoples and regions to guarantee the messages encoded within them were carried across time intact…along with an even greater code based upon mathematics.” Paul did raise his look upon hearing this mentioned. Theodoric waited to see if he would ask about it, but again he did not so he continued. “Judeo-Christianity is just another form of Druidism and Amenism. The vast majority of tenets, doctrines, terms and symbols of modern religion are all the direct result of deliberate inclusion. They are based on ancient Aryan theology and even knowledge of the very heavens above. Druidism and Amenism are sometimes known as Atonism. Atonism is the basis for the monotheistic elements of Judeo-Christian theology. The truth is that Christianity was not conceived by Jews or Essenes, Mandeans, Stoics, Therapeuts or Alexandrian Gnostics, as many will claim and try and tell you. Most of these Oriental sects were branches of ancient Atonism. The same can be said of Mithraism and Talmudism. The Jewish Jehovah is none other than Adon or Aton, Aten, god of light. Remember how we still conclude our Christian prayers with an ancient Egyptian word, amen? The emperors who codified and established Christianity were members of solar cults that were outer cells of more secretive Atonist groups. Senior members of the Claudian, Piso and Flavian dynasties of Rome worked closely with wealthy and powerful Sadducees and Pharisees to establish the Christian religion. This is why some people argue that the Jesus Initiative, as they call it, was just a Roman invention. This Atonist quorum feared the rise of other religions with egalitarian tenets and ‘Druidic’ elements. To suppress rivals and galvanise imperial dominion, they funded scribes of the period, such as Paul and Marcion, to create Christianity, basing their ‘Jesus Christ’ on many ancient solar heroes and deities. The sidereal motifs found throughout the scriptures prove this beyond all doubt. Nevertheless, the God of the Bible, Jehovah, was not the god of the Jews, as most academic historians falsely allege. The God of the Old Testament even had a wife consort. He was the god of solar cult priests and Pharaohs who were themselves descended from the Hyksos kings cryptically referred to in the scriptures as ‘Israelites’. This term derives from Isa, the god of the Western Arya and their descendants, and Amen Ra, god of the ancient Egyptian kings. The so-called but misnamed ‘Jewish’ co-conspirators, who directed the operations of the Roman Caesars and Emperors, were Atonists. Specifically, they were the leaders of the Order of Melchizedek, or Akhenaton. They were Pharisees and Sadducees of high rank, and keepers of the so-called ‘Oral Tradition’ allegedly delivered to their ancestors at Mount Sinai. But even that is a whole other story…But this quorum of sorcerers was also known as the Gaonim. The capitalised letter ‘G’. The Gaonim have nothing in common with modern religious ‘Jews’. Terms and appellations of this kind do not refer to the kind of sects or beliefs we may believe for they refer to a caste of sorcerers descended from the corrupt solar cults of antiquity. The Pope and his bishops and cardinals are likewise Judites, even though they belong to the Catholic religion. The word ‘Teuton’, as in Teutonic Knights, derives from Juda or Judah, as do the terms ‘judge’ and ‘tutor’. The founder of Atonism was Pharaoh Akhenaton, who changed his name from Amenhotep the Fourth after he and his brother, later known to us as Aaron, had recovered some ancient artefacts in a hidden hall of records… but a higher being commanded them to return the artefacts, but allowed them to keep a staff, a power tool…as well as several Arks, as there are several, not just one ‘Ark of the Covenant’. He appears in Jewish history under the pseudonyms Moses, Zadok and Melchizedek. Some argue that he was not an enlightener, as some imagine, and claim he, Akhenaton that is, was a megalomaniac who ravaged Egypt and violently destroyed its many marvels. But the story is far more complex than that. He was finally ousted from power and expelled from the country by his former Priest class and when he left Egypt, during a cataclysmic time when our world suffered major physical upheavals, that is when he became known to us as Moses who led his people out of Egypt. The rise of Akhenaton’s monotheistic beliefs and brand of solar theology coincided with an important astrological phenomenon, namely the processional transition of the sun out of the house of Taurus into Aries. Hence why in Biblical imagery and symbolism used within the stories of the Bible and other religions, then went from bull worship, remember the Golden Calf incident recounted in the Bible, to that of rams and shepherds. Later when the transition went from Aries the ram to Pisces the fish, all the symbolism was changed again to symbols of the fish and fishermen et cetera. Akhenaton’s Atonists were members of the Hyksos dynasty of kings and princes, the so-called ‘Shepherd Kings’. However, these controversial kings were of Scythian and Gaelic ancestry. In other words, they were from the West. During and after the Age of Catastrophe their ancestors, the pure Arya, fled from Britain to Northern and Eastern Europe, and from there further eastward toward Syria, Palestine and India. Although the Scythians of later ages were originally affiliated with the Megalithic Arya, some of their number became spiritually and morally corrupt. Today, a few accept that Western ‘Celts’, as they are called, had settlements in the eastern lands, some at the furthest distances possible. This is because these migrations were relatively late, historically speaking. They date from approximately six hundred years BC onward. The so-called ‘Israelites’ and ‘Judites’ of the Old Testament were none other than the Hyksos-Atonists who left Egypt at the beginning of the eighteenth dynasty and again during the reign of Akhenaton. As I have explained, the Hyksos-Atonists were originally Scythians from the West. Akhenaton’s first wife, Nefertiti, her daughter Meritaten and their descendants were Scythians. All of them had extended skulls, not deliberately elongated but naturally formed. This is something we learnt of that was important. The exiled Scythian-Hyksos-Atonists, or Israelites, did not disappear from the world and did not spend any time in ‘captivity’. They were a super-wealthy Pharaonic dynasty with connections throughout the world. After the fall of Akhenaton their descendants eventually migrated to their ancestral homes in the West in order to establish a new empire. From Britain they exercised control over their many followers in Athens, Rome, Tanis, Alexandria, Judea and elsewhere. The coming of the Atonists was recorded by Irish and Scottish chroniclers. The records refer to the invaders as Milesians, after their leader King Mil. He is known to the Scots as Gathelos or Gaythelos, which is where the term ‘Gael’, meaning ‘stranger’, comes from. Officially, that is, as you will be taught now, the Milesians are believed to have crossed over to Ireland from Spain around 600 BC. However, these dates have been deliberately changed. The Atonist invasion occurred nearly one thousand years before that. The wrong dates were deliberately falsified to date the Gaelic invasion of Ireland, suppression of the Druids, and creation of Christianity to the period following the rise of Rome (700 BC), and not before. The ancestors of the Milesians, the Scythians, were originally Irish. They had been displaced to Europe and the eastern countries after experiencing the havoc of the Age of Catastrophe.”