by D. N. Carter
“Yes, as you keep saying,” Paul interrupted, smiling.
“Yes, and I shall keep repeating it so you never forget it,” Theodoric replied and winked before continuing. “Erasing the Druids proved to be a difficult task for the Milesian-Atonists and eventually used the might of Rome and elsewhere to finally, well, almost finally, wipe them out from the pages of history. Roman soldiers massacred the last stronghold of the Druids in Anglesey slaughtering every last one of them. Or so they thought and were led to believe. The imperialist activities of Alexander the Great, Julius and Augustus Caesar, and other Greek and Roman tyrants, were mercenary actions directed by Atonists based in Britain. These same British based Atonists financed the establishment of the Christian Church in Byzantium Constantinople and finally Rome. Christianity was and is hybridised Druidism. It has usurped the place of the unadulterated school once known and respected throughout the world. Furthermore, Irish Culdean, or Atonist, monks, those in charge of cannibalising Druidic traditions, became tutors of the Templar nobility of Britain and Europe. The Culdeans, together with their Templar and Cistercian scions, were the ‘preservers’ of cannibalised Druidic traditions. This is the secondary reason why pagan elements turn up in Christianity. It is also the reason for the rivalry that eventually erupted between hard-line Romish Christians and ‘Gnostic’ types such as the Knights Templar. But your father, Firgany and I recovered many artefacts and parchments, scrolls and even stone and copper tablets that tell the real truth,” Theodoric explained and sighed. He paused before eating a small piece of cheese.
“Then where are those items now?” Paul asked, sensing that Theodoric’s mind was racing.
“That, my young Paul, is something I will not thrust upon your shoulders… not for many years at least. ’Tis too great a burden to carry…and right now ’tis your child and wife that need your undivided attention,” Theodoric answered without looking at him.
“So you do know where they are then?”
“Perhaps…yes. But let us not digress or we shall be here when the sun rises. So please try and remember this fact…members of the Frankish and German Merovingian dynasty were, and still are, Atonists. Powerful secret societies such as the Prior de Sion, Knights Templar, are funded and operated by elite royals who were and are either genealogically or ideologically related to the Hyksos-Atonist-Judites of antiquity. But they have been interbred with outside bloodlines, so much of what they stood for, understood and the powers that were inherent within them has likewise become diluted and, in some cases, tainted. Those ones are known as ‘Luciferians’ or ‘Princes of Light’. In times past most of the original Merovingian dukes and princes were tutored by Irish Culdean monks who had appropriated, cannibalised and perverted the traditions, teachings and iconography of the Druids. The Culdeans, Cistercians and Templars were descended from the Atonist-Milesians who, after being expelled from Egypt with Akhenaton, journeyed West to eventually conquer Ireland approximately one thousand years BC. But the corrupted religions they have spawned now only serve to control man’s emotions and pacify his rebellious spirit, while the leaders offer mankind a semblance of superiority and power. Tantalised with a constant stream of apparent positive social change and technical progress, and blinded by the ‘light of Aton’, man remains psychologically arrested. Consequently, he presents no threat whatsoever to those figures who habitually treat them as a disposable pawn on their geopolitical board game. The modern-day architects of control are not scions of some indefinable ‘mystery religion’, Christians who seek to expose the workings of secret societies are largely ignorant of vital facts concerning their own allegiances. They are handicapped by not knowing that the very religions to which they belong were established and financed by the same Atonists who fund and direct the secret societies. The Atonists have carefully divided society in order to pit one faction against another. And so whilst they wander to and fro in constant ignorance and darkness, the Atonist presence remains indistinct. Nevertheless, Judaism, Catholicism, Zionism, as we know them today, are all ‘brands’ manufactured by the Atonists. Therefore, only those free from political and religious bias can successfully combat the nefarious intelligence that has preyed over mankind for so many ages.”
“So…does all of this not apply to Islam then? Is Islam the only true path that remains free from corruption?” Paul asked with a look of concern.
“That, my dear boy, is a very good question…but one I am not qualified to answer…only Firgany could have answered that. But I can say this, it has, since its birth upon the world, been likewise exposed to the same schisms as the Catholic Church and consequently infiltrated and used by some as a means to an end and for self gain and power. Thankfully, there are those enlightened souls within all the religions who recognise their own failings and weaknesses, embrace them for what they are and are trying to resolve them…for the betterment of all concerned.”
“I think I shall have to learn a lot more than I thought if I am ever to grasp any hope of understanding any of this.”
“That I am afraid will take a life time…and even then, just when you think you understand it all, something new comes along and totally throws everything out of the window. But for now, let me just continue with what little I know of, such as the fact that there is some evidence that one of the Flavian emperors may have converted to Judaism just as Constantine later converted to Christianity, though the more cynical would argue he did so as an expedient and political move. One day soon, perhaps, the world will finally realise that a very high civilisation existed upon the entire world prior to the tenth millennium BC and that the knowledge man has gained in recent ages is but a mere fragment of pre-Flood wisdom. Unbiased and open-minded ‘experts’ may one day agree that the elements of civilisation germinated in Western lands, and that there were, in remote ages, relationships between Western and Eastern nations. They may finally acknowledge the facts about the true origins of Judaism and Christianity and hopefully shed light on the Atonists that became corrupt that have long directed the operations of the Western world’s religions and governments. We can but hope…but I fear it will not be within our life times. That is another reason why I urge you to concentrate upon your family… leave the questing and fight to single men, or men who lust for that knowledge before family concerns.”
“You sound like you are speaking from experience,” Paul commented as Theodoric lowered his head.
“Believe me…I am,” he replied and quickly ate another piece of bread before continuing. “Look, it is like this, Christianity and Judaism have been deliberately put before us, and are branches of the tree of Atonism. As I explained, they arose from the ideology of Akhenaton, the real Moses and his Solar Cult priests. Christianity was created by the Princes of Light, the Gaonim, who were either physically and genealogically, or simply ideologically, related to the Solar Cult Pharaohs of the eighteenth dynasty. The prime movers in these machinations are descended from ancient Scythians, known in Egypt as the Hyksos or ‘Shepherd’ kings. They and their descendants can correctly be referred to and identified as Atonists, Gaonim, Levites, Judites, Israelites, Zadokites or elite Sadducees, Sons of Zadok, Zionists or Sionists. Members of elite families in Western lands, such as Vespasian, Titus, Claudius, Poppaea Constantine, Theodosius and Justinian, were also seduced by their power. Several members of the Flavian dynasty of Rome rose to power because of their allegiance with the descendants of Pharaoh Akhenaton, Moses. Emperor Titus was the son of Emperor Vespasian (AD 7–79) of the Flavian dynasty. According to the works of Tacitus, Suetonius and Josephus, Vespasian was associated with elite Jews, such as the procurator Tiberius Julius Alexander and Alexandrian priest Basilides. Vespasian and his Eastern allies created the religion that would eventually become Christianity and they saw to it that rival cults and sects were undermined and exterminated. Vespasian’s successor, his son Titus (AD 79–81), ransacked Judea, slaughtered one million people or more, and had the sacred treasures of the Temple of Jerusalem transported under gua
rd to Rome. Ultimately the Flavians were merely servants of ‘Atonist’ elites who considered certain powerful sects in Alexandria and Judea a threat to their hegemony. They feared the advent of a ‘Gnostic’ type religion that would incorporate Druidic and Amenist theological elements. Fearing the loss of their power, they directed their Roman and Roman-Jewish high ranking members to fund ‘Paul’ and other scribes. These scribes were to adapt ancient doctrines so that a new empire-galvanising religion could be formulated. The Roman elites worked closely with the shadowy elite Sadducees of Judea to suppress all and any revolt and expand theocratic and imperial power. But ultimately all these groups were directed by the highest ranking Atonists in Britain. ’Tis why Joseph of Arimathea so often frequented Britain in connection with duties connected to his tin trade business…The Sadducee High Priest, appointed by the Romans, was assassinated by the Zealots, and a major terrorist campaign was launched against other Sadducees who had aligned themselves with Rome. Now, Paul, there is no room for doubt that the presence of many learned men from Egypt who maintained close contact with the emperors, such as Chaeromon of Naucratis or Dionysus of Alexandria, contributed to the popularity of the Egyptian cults at the Imperial court. Claudius was also positively disposed toward Egyptian religion, and Nero…had an Egyptian teacher, Chaeromon, who saw to the dissemination of Egyptian knowledge in Rome…Vespasian dedicated a large statue of the Nile to Rome…Together with his son Titus, he spent the night before their triumph over Judea (AD 71) in the temple of the Roman Isis…Titus is in all probability the anonymous ‘Pharaoh’ depicted in front of the Apis bull in the catacombs of Kom el-Shuqafa. Emperor Vespasian took possession of all Jewish religious artefacts that had previously been safely stored in the Temple, including the precious Torah, and stored them in the Capitoline Jove in Rome. He then proclaimed the entire Jewish territory the Roman Emperor’s personal property and had his decision officially ratified by the Senate…Josephus recorded that Vespasian personally kept the Torah, revealing that it had at some time been recovered from Rabbi Jesus Cunobeline and replaced in the Temple…the great Temple of Jerusalem was no longer, and the Jews had been disposed of their land, their treasure and the physical substance of their religion. The Romans…harboured no hostility toward the Jews, whom they viewed as more ethical and religiously observant than the Greeks. The Romans knew that Judaism was a religion of great antiquity and respected this and consequently they were granted full religious liberty. Many Romans became ‘God-fearers’, that is, practitioners of Judaism observing all precepts except circumcision. When the British King Caradoc was taken to Rome in chains, and against tradition, because of Caradoc’s legal title to the Emperorship, he is greeted and freed of all charges. He and his family then live splendidly in Rome, in the Palace of the British, given them by the Emperor. But this heralded the complete substitution of the ruling class of the Roman Empire with the descendants of the priestly family that had survived the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple was thus achieved in less than three centuries, by which time all the ancient religions had been eliminated and substituted with Christianity, and the primitive Roman nobility had been virtually annihilated and replaced by members of the family of priestly origin that had accumulated all the power and wealth of the Empire.”