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Highland Daydreams

Page 10

by April Holthaus

  “Aye, my lady,” he responded and escorted her out the door.

  “Is everything alright? Are ye well?” Bram asked.

  Lara shook her head, but looked back at the guard. She did not wish to speak in front of him. Bram wrapped an arm around her shoulders while they followed the guard up three flights of stairs. Once they reached the top floor, they walked down a corridor, lined with several closed doors. Eventually they reached the door at the end of the long hallway.

  “This will be your room,” the guard announced to Lara. “The next door down will be yours,” he said, looking at Bram. “I will send Alba to your rooms with food and drink. There will be a guard posted at the end of the hallway if you are in need of something.”

  “Thank ye,” Bram said, as the guard walked away, leaving them alone outside the bedchamber door.

  Before she had time to think, Lara threw herself into Bram’s arms sobbing. Bram held her close and walked with her inside the chamber before closing the door. Walking her to the bed, he helped her to sit down.

  “What happened, lass? What did she say to upset ye?”

  Through sniffles and tears, Lara replied, “The queen was just awful, and said the most wicked things. She called me a liar. She said that I could no’ be my father’s daughter. Why would she think I would lie about that?”

  Bram frowned back at her, wishing he could take away her heartache and tears. “I dinna ken, lass.”

  “She said that my father and the king were away and will no’ arrive here until the morning.”

  “Then we will wait. Dinna worry, lass. I will no’ leave ye. We will figure this out together.”

  That declaration made Lara smile and begin to feel better. She knew that Bram would be by her side. In her whole life, no man, not even her own father, had shown as much compassion towards her as Bram had shown her in just one week.

  Lara leaned her head against his big arm, and together they sat in silence, waiting for the maid to enter with their meal.

  Isobel sat in her solar nursing her young daughter. Disturbed by her thoughts, she chose to take her meals in private, as she did not wish to be in the company of others.

  Isobel did not know what to think of Lara’s assertion. She had known the Fergusson clan since before she married her husband, Eric. William had been a member of Eric’s army until he left for Scotland some twenty years ago with his wife Elsa, and John, who was just a bairn at the time.

  She thought about her husband and their secret, and hoped that the decision he had made was the right choice, not just for them, but for all of Norway.

  A loud rumble came from the door, waking the babe, who had fallen asleep in her arms. Over the bairn’s loud cries, Isobel ordered the person to enter.

  Godfrey stood in the doorway.

  “My lady, you asked to see me?”

  “Yes. Godfrey, as soon as my husband returns, I must speak to him. It is an urgent matter,” she instructed the chancellor.

  “Yes, my lady.”

  Isobel thought it was best to speak to her husband before speaking to William about the girl who occupied the guest room above. Eric knew William better than he knew himself, and if anyone had answers, it would be him. She’d never cared much for William, as he drank too much and had been known to use trickery in the past. She, herself, had reservations about his son John becoming king. If the truth were exposed, there would be an uproar, a mutiny the country had never seen. She thought to once again question her husband when he returned. But in the meantime, while he was away, she would keep her suspicions about the lass to herself.

  Chapter 17

  As night came, a cool breeze blew through the opened window. Lara went to sit by the fire as a shiver crawled down her spine. After their meal, Bram had retired to his room for the night to sleep, but Lara could do no such thing. She was too anxious to sit in one spot, let alone sleep. She had been pacing the room until her legs ached. Dawn could not come soon enough.

  Lara could not stop herself from looking out the window after every sound she heard from outside. She felt a mix of emotions; anxiety, fear, loneliness. She was anxious for her father’s arrival and afraid that Dermot would come, but the thoughts and feelings that weighed her down were those for the man who slept in the room on the other side of the stone wall.

  Including the nights in the dungeon, this was the first night they had been apart in several weeks; it had been weeks since she had slept in a room by herself. It made her feel uncomfortable - the room felt too big. She wanted to ask the guard down the hall to move her to the room with the scullery maids so she wouldn’t be alone. Remembering the queen’s warning, though, she did not wish to anger her any more than she already had.

  She stared at the stone wall and wondered what Bram was doing at that very moment. Was he tossing and turning from his nightmares, or was he also lying awake unable to sleep? After several long moments, she tiptoed to the door. Very quietly, she turned the latch and pulled the heavy wooden door open. Poking her head out, she looked down the hallway towards the staircase where the guard stood watch. The corridor was dark, and the light at the far end of the hallway was dim. In nothing but her white linen chemise, she stepped out into the corridor and lightly stepped down the hall towards Bram’s room.

  Gently, she tapped on the door three times, but no one answered. She waited a moment to see if he would answer, but still, no sound came from inside the room. Lara slowly turned the handle to the door and pushed it open. Inside, sparks of light danced along the walls from the low-burning embers in the hearth. She could see Bram’s form lying on the bed turning his head from side to side. Another nightmare. Every night they’d been together he’d had them. As Lara crept further into the room, the floor boards creaked.

  Bram was wakened out of his dream by a noise at the foot of his bed. This time, it was not the haunting nightmares he had been having the past sennight. He’d dreamt of Lara. In his dream, he was chained to the wall across the room from Lara and another man. The man had her pinned down on the floor, hurting her and trying to have his way with her while Bram was powerless to save her. Struggling against his chains, he’d used all of his strength to break free, but it was hopeless.

  When he woke, his breathing was labored, and he could feel the sweat beading on his forehead. In the silence of the dark room, he could hear the faint sound of breathing and the wooden floor squeaking as if someone shifted their weight from one side to the other.

  “Who goes there?” he called out to the intruder.

  “Tis me,” Lara answered back. “I’m sorry that I woke ye.”

  Bram sat up when he heard Lara’s voice. His tired eyes blurred his vision, and it took a moment for him to focus. At first, he was unsure if he had really heard her in his room, or if it was her voice that had echoed to him through his dream. However, real or imagined, the sound of her voice was like the calm before a storm.

  “Lara? Are ye alright, lass? Did something happen?” he asked, concerned that he had slept through some unexpected event.

  “Nay, nothing happened. I could no’ sleep and I…I was lonely. I am no’ used to sleeping alone anymore, and I thought that perhaps, if it were alright wit ye, I could sleep here on the floor.”

  Her soft-spoken words made Bram feel more vulnerable to his desires for her. How many nights had he wished for her to ask to sleep close to him? And how many of those nights did he suffer in agony wanting to hold her in his arms and kiss her sweet lips?

  “Ye will no’ be sleeping on the floor, lass.”

  “I cannae sleep wit’ ye on the bed, and I would no’ ask fer ye to sleep on the floor,” she quickly replied.

  “If it would make ye feel more comfortable, why dinna ye sleep here in my room and I will sleep in yer room. But I will stay here wit’ ye until ye fall asleep, so that ye are no’ alone.”

  Lara thought about his idea; it was a valid suggestion. She knew that they would not be allowed to share a room. If her father found out, she knew that a
ll manner of hell would break loose. Nodding her head, Bram moved over to the other side of the bed. Quietly and uncomfortably, Bram and Lara lay side by side. Lara felt a warm sensation resonating through her.

  “Thank ye,” she said trying to mask the tension in her voice.

  “Yer welcome,” Bram replied rolling onto to his side facing away from her.

  Under the covers, Lara could feel the heat radiating from his skin. She turned towards him; his bare back exposed to her made her thoughts run wild. What was the matter with her? She felt her nerves crawl under her skin and her breathing hitched. She longed for him to turn around and hold her, even though she wanted to resist. She pined for his attention and yearned for his kisses. The desire within her was almost so unbearable she wanted to scream. Overwhelmed with sensation, tears instantly filled her eyes.

  Bram heard Lara shuffle on the bed and rolled to look at her. From the dying light of the embers, he could see the shine of her teary eyes.

  “Oh lass. Dinna worry. Tomorrow yer father will be here, and everything will work out,” he said, as he gathered her in his arms.

  Lara snuggled herself deeper into his hold. Sucking in a quick breath of air, she looked up at him and gazed into his eyes. Bram placed a hand on her cheek and rubbed his thumb across her jawline. Sensing no resistance to his touch, he continued to run his fingers through her long hair stopping at the base of her neck. Scooping her hair to the side, he let it fall through his fingers leaving her neck exposed. Bringing his hand back to her cheek, he placed his fingers under her chin and lowered his head towards her, until he was but a breath away. Barely touching his lips to hers, he savored the moment and waited for her to push him away, but she didn’t. Instead, to his surprise, Lara raised her head towards him, closing the space between them.

  Bram’s kiss was urgent and demanding. All thought and reason left Lara’s mind. She felt her spirit lifted as if she soared through the heavens. His touch, his kiss, unlocked desires within her she never knew she had, or even thought possible. This, she knew, would change everything; but for that moment, she did not care. She did not care whether she angered her father, or if Dermot found her, for she felt the courage to face both of them.

  Bram firmly pressed his tongue against her lips encouraging her to open. Once Lara submitted to him, Bram deepened the kiss. As Bram’s hands vigorously moved up and down her back, he pressed her tighter against him, causing a flood of uncertain sensations. Lara could feel awareness of her body’s need as she felt an aching desire in the most secret parts of her body.

  As their lips pulled apart, they both gasped for air. Lara drew in a long and shaky breath. She did not want to fight her feelings any longer and she did not want to push him away. She welcomed his kisses, though she knew it was wrong of her to do so.

  Before he lost all of his dignity and righteousness, Bram had to break the kiss. His need for her had become unnerving, and the swell of his groin had been urging him on, but he forced himself to stop. He would not tarnish her name or her honor. These feelings were a whole new experience for him. Was he not the man who just months ago bedded down with willing whores? Had he not been one to talk about marriage as if it was a fool’s game? How did one lass change all of that? Bram never thought of himself as righteous or honorable when it came to women, but he would do right by Lara.

  “The hour is late and ye need yer rest,” he told her as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

  “Are ye leaving?”

  Bram kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and her lips.

  “Nay, lass,” he smiled down at her. “I am no’ leaving ye, but I must return to the other room before the sun rises and we are caught in bed together. I dinna want anyone to think that something had happened between us, as that would no’ be good for either of us.”

  “Will ye come back in the morning?” Lara anxiously asked wanting him to be there by her side when her father arrived.

  “Aye, lass. I will.”

  Lara’s eyes fluttered closed, and she quickly faded into a deep sleep. When Bram was certain Lara was fast asleep, he rolled out of bed, snatched his tunic from the floor, and headed to the room down the hall for the remainder of the night. He was in awe of what had transpired between them, and looked forward to tomorrow, when he could kiss her again.

  Chapter 18

  A loud commotion outside the window woke Lara out of a deep sleep. She jumped out of bed and ran to the window to see what was occurring just outside. More than fifty horses came barreling across the drawbridge and emerged into the courtyard.

  The horses were draped in red and blue royal trappings while their riders were dressed in armor. In the center of the assembly of riders, a large man with black hair stood out from the rest. He sat high upon his horse and wore fine furs around his wide shoulders. Next to him, sitting atop their horses, were John and heather. So anxious was she to see them, Lara could have leapt from the window.

  She quickly turned and left the room, running down the hall to where Bram was sleeping. Without knocking, she burst through the door to announce her father’s arrival, but the room was empty. The bed was made, and there showed no sign that anyone had even slept in the room. Lara’s heart dropped in her chest. She worried if Bram had been caught wandering the hall while he was walking between the two rooms, or if he had left and headed back to Scotland. Lara refused to believe the latter, as he had made her a promise. He may have been a wretched Highlander, but she believed him to be honorable.

  She quickly slipped her dress on over her chemise, then pulled on her boots, not even having the time or patience to tie the leather straps. She left the room running: down the hallway, then down the stairs into the great hall. In the great hall, a large crowd filled the room, making it impossible to find her brother and father amongst all of the people. Lara was short, and most of the men in the room seemed to be double her height and size. As she squeezed past them, she found her brother and father talking privately in the back corner.

  “John, Father,” Lara cried out and ran towards them.

  John noticed Lara first as she bumped past a group of men trying to reach them. Giving her a smile, he held his arms out to the crying lass.

  “Lara!” he said, as she fell into his embrace. “What are ye doing here?”

  “I must talk to both of ye in private. It is of great importance,” she said, looking at both her brother and her father.

  William nervously looked about the room and grabbed onto Lara’s arm, escorting her into an adjacent chamber. The room was small, with four chairs around a circular table. Hung on the walls were portraits of the Magnusson Royal family, and books were stacked high on shelves around the room. Lara was amazed; she had never seen so many books.

  In a demanding and angered tone, her father asked, “Why are ye here, and where is yer husband?”

  “He is no’ here, Father. I traveled here wit’ an escort.”

  Lara had never seen such anger in her father’s eyes before. She tried to continue, but he immediately stopped her.

  “Ye have nay business here. Ye will return to Scotland on the first boat.”

  “But Father, ye must listen.”

  “Nay, ye listen! I married ye off to Laird Moray. Ye are nay longer my responsibility. We have a contract with their clan fer this union,” he yelled and slammed his fist on the table.

  Lara’s bottom lip trembled, and her eyes grew misty. Talking to him was useless. He truly had cast her to the wolves. But why? Why did he hate her so much? Lara ran out the door in tears, and John followed.

  “Damnation, if that lass ruins everything I have worked for,” William muttered to himself.

  John caught up with Lara in the garden. She had been sitting on the bench, crying with her head in her hands. Slowly, he approached her, not wanting to frighten her.

  “Lara. Ye can no’ run away every time he yells at ye,” he said, sitting down next to her and placing his hand on her shoulder for comfort.

  “I dinna under
stand him, John. Why does he hate me?”

  “I dinna ken. He is tough on me too. What are ye doing here?”

  “Dermot…he is a treacherous mon, John. He lied about his wealth. He is nay richer than a lone peasant. English soldiers came to our keep, and when he could no’ pay, he gave them me in exchange for his debt. I spent weeks in a dungeon, was treated cruelly. They barely fed me or allowed me to sleep.” She sputtered, trying to catch her breath.

  John’s look of concern was etched on his face. “How did ye escape and travel this far all on yer own?”

  “I killed the guard. And I have no’ travelled alone. My escort is a Highland warrior. He is a verra brave and honorable mon.”

  “A Highlander!” John looked astonished.

  “Aye. John, I can nay go back to Foley Castle. I believe Dermot may already ken I escaped the dungeon; he sent men to search fer me. I fear if he finds me, he will kill me. Please dinna let Father make me go back to him,” Lara pleaded through tears.

  “Lass, I am yer brother. I will protect ye. Have ye told anyone else this story since ye have been here?”


  “Good. I dinna ken if ye ken this but many great things are happening. The King is dying. It is a secret even to his own men. Because his daughter Lady Margaret died many years ago, and his new babe is just a wee bairn, I have been chosen to be his successor. The only heir to the throne is his brother, and King Magnusson will do anything to keep him from the throne.”

  “But how can ye be king if ye are of nay royal blood?”

  John wickedly smiled and explained, “Because we told his people that I am his cousin. My coronation is tomorrow evening. Once I am king, I promise ye that ye will have nothing to worry about again. Ye must tell nay one of this secret. Nay e’en yer Highland companion. Ye must promise me.”


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