Page 6
Adara’s eyes closed, and two perfect tears leaked from the far corners. He licked them away, ignoring yet another fucking flinch. Mayhap he needed to rethink their strategy.
Gesturing to the twins, he organized the trip home and they departed to their respective vehicles to alert the hands. His craft powered up with ease, the repair nanos having dealt with the damage from the energy bolts. He was pleased there appeared to be no long-term significant damage to fix, unlike what he suspected was the case in regard to the little woman reposing directly behind him.
Chapter Four
Adara curled up in her seat, feeling fortunate to have a blanket to hide her nudity, and pondered her outburst. She probably bought herself a shitload of trouble, but what else might they do to her? Uh, that was likely a stupid question. Samuel was adept with floggers, something called a tawse and an actual bullwhip, not to mention a variety of sex toys. She’d figured out there was a butt plug up her ass. While not really uncomfortable, she still didn’t want it up there, especially when she knew what it was up there for! So her defiance might have unlocked a really tense future with her as the star of innovative punishments. And there was just something really sick and twisted that the tiny bit shorter twin—Kellis—had brought her off at the end of that spanking with relative ease. Two orgasms in such a short period of time was a record for her even at her own hand—unheard of with a man.
But learning from Sammy there was a fine line between pleasure and pain, and his assertions that pain could enhance pleasure didn’t make it something she had been interested in pursuing. Instead, it had been forced on her and made her so mad she could spit. She was all muddled up but had somehow found the words to push the damn farmers away before she bought into the insanity. There was no way she was going to accept this lifestyle no matter how hot those guys were or how charming the twins appeared to be. Her Masters indeed. Thorn was a big bully, and his arrogance made her teeth hurt. And she was going to cry again. She hated to cry and suspected she’d be shedding buckets of tears over the next while.
She refused to look in Thorn’s direction. She knew his broad shoulders would be in full view because he’d moved the crate, probably so he could check on her. She’d felt the smooth bunching of his muscles when he’d gone all ancient caveman on her, throwing her over his shoulder like a sack of feed. See? Some of her farmer studies had stuck with her. But she wasn’t going to be one of his well-trained pets. Unless his pets bit. And clawed. She ached to smack him, an ache that rivaled the one in her bottom and the one Kellis had satisfied in her pussy.
Their craft slowed, and her stomach fisted as it stopped. It appeared they had arrived at her home for the next month. Roughly twenty-nine days—and nights—at the mercy of these brothers. The knot in her belly was tightening and interfering with her breathing—and the gods help her but she was experiencing much the same feelings as the ones that percolated through her being when she watched archived horror flicks with her teenage friends, tingling butterflies of tension and hollow anticipation. Delicious and twisted anticipation. What the fuck was wrong with her? She tried to parcel up the distracting feelings and concentrate on what her brain sorted out.
These guys were hunkalicious and despite what she still regarded as totally unnecessary spankings, neither had been delivered randomly or on a whim. It was their way and what they believed was the proper way to communicate their expectations…oh, and to ease their angst. Those spankings were something she could definitely do without, and there had to be some way to circumvent them. The answer seemed crystal clear—be obedient, avoid making waves and she should be set. The rest of the stuff that awaited her would be overwhelming, and clearly sexual, so maybe it was a case of, when in—do. And if she could make some mischief as payback for the flat of Thorn’s hand against her tender ass, well…but she wasn’t calling them Master.
The engines powered down, and she felt Thorn’s eyes on her, like a warm, soothing, wash of heat, before she watched his feet, clad in heavy boots, approach.
“Come, Adara.” His big hands deftly loosened the safety straps before lifting her free. This time he carried her high against his chest, the blanket tucked around her, shielding her from the incredibly cold air replacing the dry heat of earlier. She remained passive, her sore buttocks and the shifting plug a reminder of what had already transpired. It was curious, but despite how hot and muscled he was, and the clean scent he emitted—both total distractions—she was also thinking about obeying the rules he had stated at the port. Keeping safe and watching her tongue, at least until she knew what they expected of her. There was going to be a lot of listening on her part, considerable learning, and a great deal of silence. Now if only she could manage it.
Adara didn’t do well with silence, as her ability to verbally fence with nearly anyone and invariably win the point was her strong suit. So she was going to have to find another way. In the meantime she didn’t rest her head on that broad shoulder or indicate any interest in intimacy. They weren’t getting all of her.
It was too dark to see much of the exterior of the house, but she could tell it was massive. Kellis brushed past them and pushed open the double doors, and Thorn carried her into a large foyer lit by sconces throwing soft, incandescent light. The atmosphere felt airy and the perfect ambient temperature. She shivered anyhow. Carried over the threshold like plunder—or a bride.
Continuing straight ahead, Thorn strode down a wide hallway, lights flickering on to show the way as they progressed. She could hear the measured beat of three pairs of boots on what had to be tile floors, and it crossed her mind that the sand of the yard would track throughout if they didn’t take their footwear off at the door. She dismissed the vagrant thought. They probably had staff to keep their home clean, and she wasn’t going to be a drudge unless forced into it. She’d plead exhaustion. Probably no pleading necessary—it would be a fact.
As they passed through yet another set of double doors, fixtures in the ceiling blinked on and Adara stared around the room despite her determination not to be impressed. The room was huge, painted in a warm cream that made it look even bigger, and held an enormous four poster bed hung with diaphanous swags and panels in shades of ivory and bronze, and covered in sumptuous bedding the color of honey. Several scarlet pillows were scattered across it. A long, low bench sat at the footboard, upholstered in what appeared to be scarlet leather, and four dressers graced one wall, all in the same warm wood as the bed, with round mirrors placed above each one. No windows.
Normally claustrophobic, Adara didn’t feel closed in even without an expanse of glass because of the room’s size and the décor. Aside from the red, she might have chosen the colors herself and it was oddly comforting.
She saw a crimson couch, one that resembled the style of the Old West, but with no arms, just a graceful sloped shape where one would rest one’s head, facing two chairs the size and shape of round plant tubs. What was with these men and the color red? Craning her neck she spied a stone fireplace, the façade soaring up the opposite wall, and then they passed through an archway into the largest bathing room she had ever seen in her life. She’d never spied anything even in advertisements that rivaled it.
The walls and floor were tiled in soft sandstone—her foot brushed against the wall and the faintly rough touch made her hitch a little. Thorn immediately compensated, then stood her in front of a commode, tucked into a private corner of the bathing room. The blanket sighed to the floor, and she groped for it before Orion filched it away. His blue eyes drifted over her body, and his smile made her sex draw up. Kellis hovered behind his twin’s right shoulder, and his smile rivaled Orion’s. Those smiles were full of promise and appreciation, and Adara made a full body shiver. She wondered what they were seeing—big saggy boobs, thunder thighs, an enormous booty? How desperate were these guys?
“Use the facilities, little one,” Thorn advised as he turned to the enormous tub adjacent to the huge walk-in shower. That too was tiled, although the surface a
ppeared glossy. The tub promised to ease all her sore muscles as Thorn opened the taps and steaming water thundered into it. Adara quit admiring the décor and begged for privacy with her eyes as she inched to the commode.
“There is nothing to hide from us, my sweet,” Orion said it softly, but gave her his back. Kellis followed suit, and she gratefully voided her bladder, wincing at the presence of that dratted plug. Gods, she was using such sweet terms, even in the solitude of her own head. Dratted. Where the hell had that come from?
Walking to the square sink, she thought to suck her stomach in. She despaired of ever losing those extra pesky pounds. And she couldn’t suck in her ass. The brothers didn’t appear to be complaining, even appeared to appreciate her body. Definitely deprived of pussy. She supposed there might be some benefit to the lack of competition, insofar as the obvious comparisons went. Maybe she could pretend—what the hell was she thinking? She was free entertainment! A sex slave! She concentrated on scrubbing her fingernails.
When she turned to them after washing her hands, three sets of eyes were fixed on her and her knees grew weak. Literally. She’d read about people’s knees turning to water, but hers absolutely did and she reached behind her to grasp the edge of the sink.
“Kellis will bathe you, little one, while Orion and I ensure food is prepared and the bed is ready.”
Holy shit. She was exhausted, and they were going to fuck her. Tears once again filled her eyes, but she stared down and nodded.
Cautiously looking upward, she saw Thorn’s mouth set.
“You are tired. Take your bath and eat a meal. Then you will sleep. We are not slave drivers, little one.”
She thought better of the flippant remark she wanted to toss his way. Just sexual drivers. She dragged her eyes away and veiled them. “Thank you.”
On an exasperated huff, Thorn strode off. Orion followed more slowly, pausing to drift a finger down her cheek. She managed not to flinch because his intent seemed so sweet.
“You will need to face the sink once again, my heart.” Kellis moved into her space and gently shepherded her into position. He had divested himself of his shirt, and she tried not to let her appreciation of his cut chest and corded abdomen show before doing as he asked.
His work roughened hands were placed on her hips, and she could feel his breath on her neck. “Place your hands on either side—yes—just like that. Now, walk your feet to me a little.” A tap of his boot on her heel made her spread her legs and she leaned forward, splayed wide in front of him.
A curl of excited humiliation centered in her sex, doused immediately by the feel of his fingers between her butt cheeks and a tug on the hard object in her ass. She clenched and Kellis pressed a kiss on her shoulder. “Relax, Adara. It has been in long enough.”
“I didn’t want it in at all.” And there was her lip again. She bit it to curtail any further comments.
Kellis merely chuckled, and she risked a look in the mirror. He didn’t look pissed, but who knew? She’d just met him. “I promise you will not object to us using this small orifice, my heart. We will make you love it, beg for it, but you must be properly prepared. We will not hurt you.”
What was it with this begging stuff? “Thorn has already hurt me.”
Pulled free, the plug woke up certain nerve ends she didn’t know she had, and it was quite disconcerting. Kellis patted her ass. “That was a different kind of hurt, Adara, and you must be honest in acknowledging the reasoning behind it. Or you will once you better understand our customs and the place you now live. You will have time to think on it. But we will not hurt you here.”
Here was her bottom hole, as she was no longer host to that plug and there was a strange open and empty feeling back there. He tossed the thing into a stone bucket by the sink, where it hit with a subdued splash, and patted her ass again. It should have felt akin to being patted like an obedient dog, but it didn’t. It felt—appreciative and hot. “You are stretching so sweetly, Adara. My cock aches to feel that tight heat.”
As if he felt her sudden fear, Kellis wrapped her up in his big arms and hugged her to him. She met his eyes in the mirror and saw patience and understanding, despite the hard ridge of his cock against her spine. “You will come to trust us. Anything we do will be for your pleasure. And your protection.”
“And I suppose your pleasure doesn’t factor in.” She closed her eyes, certain she’d pushed him this time, but his stance didn’t change and the only sound was that of the bath filling. She could smell lavender and citrus—had they used her toiletries? The familiar scent soothed her enough to let her lids flicker open. Kellis still looked patient and understanding.
“Your pleasure is necessary for our own, Adara. Not that you won’t give us great pleasure. It is written.” Abruptly, he broke eye contact and turned with her to the bath. He lifted her over the furled edge and set her into the steaming water. It was a descent into bliss, and she decided not to pursue the written part, although it piqued her curiosity. Maybe she needed to learn some of the religious beliefs of this planet—but not now. Moaning with appreciation she stretched out, wondering how they’d gotten the temperature so perfect. Kellis began to strip the remainder of his clothing off.
“I can bathe myself,” she protested and cast her eyes elsewhere before his cock came into view, that appendage hardly quiescent, a long, hard, curving length of sexual promise.
“We take care of what is ours,” came the inflexible reply, reminiscent of his oldest brother. She would do well to remember that relationship. He stepped in behind her and sat, his long legs sliding along her own as he drew her into his lap, wrapping his arms around her middle. She was viscerally aware of the monster erection pulsing against her back as he rested his chin on the top of her head. For a while he simply breathed, the mild air current stirring the tendrils around her face.
Gradually, she relaxed into his embrace, and he then took a sponge from the little shelf. It was permeated with foam smelling of lavender and felt marvelous as Kellis glided it across her skin—these were definitely her toiletries. He took his time washing the parts of her he could reach, before urging her come up on her knees in order to thoroughly wash her pussy and bottom from behind. As she didn’t have to look at his face, she stared unseeingly at the end of the tub. His tender care both freaked her out and elicited a myriad of unsettling emotions—they weren’t allowing her any time to process or adjust.
“Lie back again, my love, and I will wash your hair.” He eased her into position and poured a jug of warm water over her head, carefully avoiding spillage over her face. She wondered why they hadn’t used the shower.
“You were too weary to stand to be bathed, Adara, and you needed to soak.” Darn it, she’d wondered out loud. She’d thought she had her second wind, what with the bath and all, but in truth she was craving sleep. The massage of Kellis’s fingers through her hair, on her scalp, made her want to drift off right then and there. Then it occurred to her it felt too intimate, trusting, and she struggled to get a grip.
“I’ll rinse her.” The spray of running water sounded, and Adara dragged her eyes open to see a very naked Orion reaching for her, his chest a replica of Kellis’s. His cock also curved up to meet his belly, a long, thick stalk, darker than his skin, the weighted sac beneath a perfect counterpoint. The heavy vein on the underside visibly swelled before her fascinated gaze and a creamy pearl of cum anointed the wide, mushroom head. Adara clenched both her buttocks and her thighs, whether in anticipation or fear she wasn’t certain, because both emotions tended to blend together around these men.
Orion scooped her up and moved with her quickly into the shower before she could get chilled. The water was definitely scented, something fresh, perhaps lemon, and it made short work of the suds still in her hair and on her body. He stood her against one tiled wall, still cocooned in the spray as he quickly washed and rinsed. The casual way he pumped his cock, slick with soap and water, made her clench again, and
she made herself stare at her toes instead.
As they emerged, Kellis was there with a big towel, warm from the rack, and he enfolded her in it. He sported a smaller towel, slung casually around his waist, and the burnished skin of his chest still beaded with moisture. She could hear water running from the tub above the pounding of her heart and wondered if her willpower was swirling away as the water swirled down the drain. Orion passed a towel over his streaming body before securing it around his hips in much the same manner as Kellis.
“Thorn has gone to shower in the other bath, Kellis. He set Ronnie to preparing a tray—she was aware of our arrival but unaccountably wasn’t prepared.”
Adara caught the incredulity in Orion’s voice and saw it mirrored on Kellis’s face. Who was this Ronnie? What was she to the brothers? Adara’s gut told her this wasn’t an auspicious start. If Ronnie was a servant and hadn’t done her job, it could only be in relation to Adara’s arrival. Maybe Ronnie was one of their submissives and didn’t want Adara there. Or maybe she was just being nuts—she was so freaking tired. And why had Thorn gone elsewhere to shower? Now, that was an errant thought. Why would she care? So tired.
As if he heard her thoughts, Orion picked her up and carried her back into the bedroom. He managed her weight as if she weighed nothing at all. Setting her in the middle of that amazing bed, the linens already pulled back, he tugged her towel free. She snatched at it but lost the battle, much as she’d lost the blanket.
“You will be naked around us unless we state otherwise, my sweet. Now, let us situate the pillows so you are comfortable. Your food will soon arrive. You must be hungry. There wasn’t an opportunity for you to eat on the journey across the badlands.”