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Love in Disguise (Love & Trust Series Book 2)

Page 2

by Lyssa Cole

  “Because, there’s a part of the shelter that also does adoptions. Women who go there to have their babies in privacy instead of aborting get the choice of adoption. This way, you can scope the place out by pretending to be interested in adopting. It does make perfect sense…”

  “Buffalo, New York, you said? It’s fucking freezing there right now.” I groan, running my hands through my messy hair.

  Joe grins. “Well, boss, I guess we better pack some long johns then.”

  After landing in Buffalo a few hours ago, we’ve checked into our townhouse suites the government supplies us with. I settle Luna in with her travel bed, her favorite blankets laid on top.

  Luna is my best friend even though she has more body hair than I usually prefer. She’s a gorgeous chocolate lab, her rich brown coat soft and fluffy.

  I got her when I started police academy, and she’s been by my side ever since.

  All of us agents get our own townhouse, five of us in total being here, plus security. Security shares two townhouses, there being six guards in total.

  Along with Joe, Anne, and myself, there’s also another fellow agent, Seth, and Blake, our supervisor. I can’t believe how cold it is here, the temperature being somewhere in the single digits. I’ve already cranked the heat and pulled out all the blankets I could find, along with the ones I’ve brought with me. I mean, New York City is cold but not like this.

  Taking a seat at the dining room table, I lay the case files in front of me. Luna lies at my feet, her brown eyes staring up at me. I smile down at her, and her tail thumps in response, the sound loud on the hardwood floor.

  I rub my feet on her and she arches her back. I’d be lost without this dog.

  Thankfully, we had a short flight coming from the city with no jet lag to deal with, but I have long days and nights ahead of me. Not to mention the freeze your dick off weather.

  I wanted to say no to this case. My head is fucked up from the last case we finished, and this one is a huge trigger for me. But when I tried to talk to Blake about it, he said too bad. It was time to suck it up.

  Fuck. I slam my hand on the table. What if I don’t want to suck it up?

  The darkness calls me. What I wouldn’t give to get lost in a haze of drugs right now, along with some cheap pussy, and all that my brothers showed me.

  No, Gabe, no. Don’t get there. You can never go back there.

  I’m doing well now. That’s all that matters.

  Or what I tell myself at least.

  I’ll never be 100 percent until my uncle and brothers are locked up for good.

  Chapter 2


  “Hi, I’m Alicia. I called earlier about volunteering?”

  The older woman behind the desk gives me a warm smile as her eyes flick over me. My nerves simmer in my belly, but I return the smile while I scan the area. I can’t see much past the desk besides a wall behind the receptionist with only one secure door off to the far left. The rest of the area is stark white, clean and plain, and looks like a waiting room with a few chairs, a couple of tables, and a few plants.

  “Hi, I’m Judy. Thank you for coming. I’ll let Mia know you’re here. You can have a seat.” She looks to be in her late forties, maybe even early fifties, an almost grandmother vibe to her. Soft and sweet with a long skirt, a blouse, and light cardigan sweater over the top. She lifts the phone receiver and punches in a few numbers.

  “Thanks.” I smile, taking a seat in the chair closest to the door. I clutch my purse to my chest, my leg bouncing up and down.

  Why did I ever think this was a good idea?

  “Do you get a lot of volunteers?” I ask Judy, breaking the silence.

  She looks up, her eyes wide, like she didn’t expect me to speak to her.

  “Sadly, no. I wish we got more. These women sure do need it.” Judy shakes her head, her smile evaporating as her eyes water. But then, as if a switch was flipped, she looks back at me and smiles, the gloominess gone. “But we’re very grateful for the ones we have. A good vibe surrounds you, Alicia. I think you’ll enjoy being here. If you don’t mind me asking, why an interest in volunteering?”

  I study her as I contemplate her question. Why does she want to know? Might as well be truthful. “I guess…urm…” I stutter as I gather my thoughts. How do I admit I was once lonely like these girls?

  Judy stands, coming to sit next to me. She pats my knee gently as she smiles at me. Again. Her cheeks must hurt.

  “It’s okay. If it’s personal, I understand. Sometimes, we have our own reasons as to why we want to do things.”

  I nod, a small breath escaping my lips. The butterflies slow down their dance. Finally, someone who understands. “I want to be a friend to someone who needs it.” I shrug, holding out my palms face up.

  Silence falls between us.

  I bring my eyes back to Judy’s, which are pooling with tears. Patting my knee once again, she nods.

  “Alicia, we’re blessed to have you help us here.”

  The door behind us opens, and we both jump.

  “Judy?” a high-pitched voice calls, and Judy turns to look at the same time I do. An older woman, looking much like Judy herself with the soft, grandmother look, beams at us.

  “Hi, Mia, your meeting for three o’clock is here. Alicia, this is Mia, our director here. Mia, this is Alicia.” Judy stands, and I follow suit, my purse tumbling to the floor.

  The contents spill and scatter, both women rushing to help me pick it up.

  “Oh, I hate when my purse spills.” Judy grabs a lip gloss and hair elastic. “Everyone sees your life story.”

  I chuckle. It’s true. One way to learn about a woman—go through her purse.

  Mia hands me my wallet as Judy hands me another lip gloss. I toss the items in my purse before slinging it over my shoulder. I brush my curls from my face and stick out my hand for Mia to shake.

  “Hi, I’m Alicia. Nice to meet you. Sorry for the spill.” I give her hand a firm shake while Judy trots back to her desk, the phone’s ringing beckoning her.

  Mia smiles and pulls me in for a hug. I’ll admit, it’s awkward, but I go with it. Some people are huggers.

  “I’m so happy to have you here, Alicia. These girls need you.” She pats my back before pulling away. “Let’s go talk in my office, shall we?”

  “Why aren’t you married yet?” a striking young girl with long black hair, tan skin, and almond-shaped eyes asks me as I run a brush through her hair. We’re hanging out in the common room, the first one to approach me as I set up my things.

  “Yet? Is there a deadline I wasn’t aware of?” I cock an eyebrow at her.

  Kayla shrugs. “No, but you’re getting old.”

  Straight out of the mouth of a babe. I shake my head.

  I scoff. “Old? I beg your pardon, girl?”

  Kayla erupts into a fit of giggles. “Beg your pardon? Are you sixty? My grandmother says that.”

  I giggle along with her. It warms my insides to see Kayla smile.

  After my interview with Mia, I was given a tour and the lowdown on how the shelter works. This shelter is anonymous, and women can come here as an escape. Runaway teens, foster children, and everything in between are here as well as abandoned women left to fend for themselves, both with children and children on the way.

  Some kids end up moving to a foster home while others get adopted. The shelter works hand in hand with an adoption agency, hoping to ensure more kids get placed in a home instead of lost in the system.

  I knew I had to help. Some of the teenagers look bleak and miserable, my own aching heart calling out to them. Mia and Judy made me feel welcome, and I’m excited to share my skills. These women and children need a pick-me-up and what better way than through hair and makeup? Even the little ones love it.

  “How old are you then?” Kayla runs her fingers over my bag of brushes and combs, a sickening amount stuffed in there from over the years.

  “A lady never tells.” I wink at her in
the mirror. “How about we paint those nails of yours?”

  Kayla nods, her face lit up with excitement. “I want sexy. Like, fire engine red.”

  “Sexy?” I gasp, pretending to be more shocked than I am. “You’re like eight. Eight-year-olds can’t be sexy.”

  Kayla’s eyes bug out. “I’m not eight!”

  I shrug. “Oh, I’m sorry. Nine-year-olds can’t be sexy.”

  Kayla slaps my arm playfully. “I’m not nine! You’re bad at telling someone’s age, huh? I’m fourteen and soon I’ll be free.”

  My breath hitches. “Free of what?”

  Kayla’s face darkens, her eyes narrowing slightly. “This life. All of it.”

  My stomach tightens.

  She can’t be thinking her whole life, maybe just this part of it. I inhale, blowing out through my mouth.

  I reach out and touch her hand. She meets my eyes, and we share a moment, an unspoken moment, but a moment nonetheless.

  “How about hot pink?” Kayla jumps up, our connection broken. “Is that less sexy?”

  “Yes,” I whisper, my throat choked with emotion. This poor girl, so young and so sad already. I focus on getting the nail supplies out while digging out a few chocolate kisses. Yep, chocolate is my biggest weakness. Its delicious taste gets me every time.

  “Wow,” Kayla whispers next to me, the hottest pink polish I own clutched in her small hand.

  “What?” I ask as my gaze follows what she’s staring at.

  A hell of a man stands in the doorway of the common room, his wide frame filling the entire space. I squint as I try to make out his face, his features dark and hard to see.

  Damn, he definitely is a wow. I risk a look at Kayla, but she’s completely entranced, his presence hypnotizing her. I feast my eyes back on our man candy, his stance wide, his arms crossed tight over his chest.

  His eyes scan the room as if he’s looking for something, a serious look on his face. Short, loose waves of hair cover the top of his head, almost a shaggy look to them, but the rest is clean-cut and shaved short. Dark stubble covers his chin and the sides of his cheeks, and I clench my thighs together at the thought of his stubble rubbing against my smooth cheek.

  “Wow is right,” slips from my mouth. I can’t tear my eyes away. I feel Kayla darting looks my way, but I keep staring, drinking in his entire being.

  Holy moly, this man. This beast of a man. He’s huge and gorgeous and all man.

  I fan myself, my cheeks hot and flushed.

  He fills out his suit perfectly, the form-fitting black material hugging his body in all the right places. His navy-blue tie screams serious business yet maybe more underneath.

  “Alicia?” Kayla shakes my arm.

  As I go to turn my head toward her, his eyes meet mine across the room, and I freeze. Like a girl caught with her hand in the cookie jar, my blush deepens as I hide my hand I used as a fan behind my back. I hope he didn’t see that.

  I’m pretty sure he did, though. A cocky smirk crosses his lips, and my eyes flash, my desire turning into anger. I suck my bottom lip in and let it pop out before I turn away.

  “Are you okay? Your entire face is red. Even your ears.” Kayla giggles, covering her mouth with her hand.

  I roll my eyes. “Hush, you. Let’s see those nails.” I hold my hand out for hers.

  “Uh-oh, he’s coming over here,” Kayla whispers before more giggles escape her lips.

  “What?” I gasp as I turn my head. Yep, here he comes. Right this way. And now he looks pissed off.

  My defenses go up as he stalks toward me. When he stops in front of the table, he glares down at me, his eyes narrowed into slits. But, shit, he’s more good-looking than I thought.

  Make that way more good-looking. He’s fucking beautiful.

  That dark stubble is even darker up close and only adds to his sexiness, his deep brown eyes almost black. I feel his glare from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

  Who in the hell does he think he is? My heart pounds in my ears, my pulse racing.

  “Come here often?” His tone is accusatory, and my defenses rise higher.

  “Excuse me?” I look at him. I don’t know who he thinks he is, but I won’t be taking his shit. No matter how good-looking he is. His cockiness irks me.

  “I asked you a question. Do you come here often?” He looks at Kayla before looking back to me.

  “What’s it to you?” I snap.

  “Answer the question,” he snaps back.

  “Not before checking with the owner. Sorry, pal.”

  “Pal? I’m not your pal. Why can’t you just answer a simple question?”

  “Because I have no idea who you are!” Others in the room are looking this way, and embarrassment floods through me. What in the hell is this conversation? Both of us snapping at each other?

  I see Mia coming toward me out of the corner of my eye. Good. Let her tell this jackass off.

  “Everything okay here, Alicia?” Mia looks between us, throwing a worried glance Kayla’s way.

  I sigh, guilt suddenly weighing on me. “I’m sorry, Mia. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble. This man here was asking me questions, and I’ve no clue who he is.”

  Mia looks toward the dark-eyed man who’s now scowling at me. “I’m sorry, Mr. Cooke. Alicia is new here and didn’t realize we have a lot of clients come through.” She turns back to me and smiles. My heart slows in hopes she’s not too mad. “This man here is Peter Cooke and he’s been looking to adopt, so he’s been coming here to bond with the children. But, thank you for your concern. Please come to my office before you leave.”

  Mia heads out one of the back doors. My cheeks burn as I sneak a glance at Kayla. She’s grinning at me. What does she find so funny?

  I’m not apologizing to that cocky ass. I feel his eyes on me, but I keep mine fixed on Kayla while she desperately tries to swallow her laughter.

  A moment later, he storms out of the room. I collapse back in my seat, my body deflated. Great first impression, A. I shove a handful of kisses in my mouth and motion for Kayla to sit, offering her a few chocolates.

  “Mmm, chocolate is my weakness.” She snatches the kisses, quickly unwrapping the foil and tossing it aside.

  She offers me her hand, and I bury myself in her nails, something I’m good at, something I can actually handle.

  That Peter Cooke or whoever he was, I could not handle. He made my blood boil and got me in trouble on my first day. How was I supposed to know he was a client? He looked more like an interrogating jerk. I have to stop in the office before I leave. How embarrassing. I bet he’s laughing as we speak.

  I swallow the mouthful of kisses and instantly crave more.

  “Forget him.” Kayla offers me a sad smile.

  I grin, her words lifting my spirits. “You’re a special one, you know that?”

  Her eyes shine. “Nah, I just know a jerk when I see one.”

  We both laugh, my loud one causing Kayla to laugh harder.

  Chapter 3


  The cold air nips at my ears. I pull the collar of my jacket up higher, hoping to keep the bitter air out. I thought New York City was cold and believe me, it is. But this shit up here is freezing. Right down to your bones.

  My mind races as I walk the perimeter of the shelter, looking for anything out of the ordinary. It could be any hint of evidence from a single shoe to a secret camera stashed somewhere. So far, we have no evidence our criminal is taking these girls.

  He’s getting them from somewhere, though. Using them, abusing them, and then selling them for sex. We’re pretty sure we’ve uncovered his business. Now we need to watch and wait and find out where he’s getting his product from.

  I hate cases like these. Using women and children. Fucking disgusting.

  Making it back around to my car, I get in, starting the engine. I turn the air down low as I wait for the car to warm up. My mind drifts back to that woman.

  The sexy, brown curls in her eyes
. Her soft face with a sprinkling of freckles across her cheeks. I approached her thinking she’d be nice, helpful. Instead, she bit my head off, instantly setting off a spark of anger. Forget asking her for anything.

  Why did she have to be so damn sexy, though?

  I run my hands through my hair and sigh. A woman should be the last thing on my mind right now.

  Exhaustion runs through me. All I want is to head back to my townhouse and love on my dog. I’m waiting on a call from my cousin in hopes she has some news for me. All week she’s been lying low, saying she’s been doing detective work as much as she can without my aunt getting suspicious.

  I’m so close to getting my uncle right under my thumb in hopes of nailing him once and for all. Right along with my brothers. I clench the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white. My heart pounds in my ears as the memories play in my head like a record on repeat.

  I clench my teeth and will them away. I can’t clog my mind with all that shit right now. I have work to do. And plenty of it.

  My phone breaks the silence, my partner’s name flashing on the screen. “Gabe here,” I answer, bracing myself for any news.

  “Hey. Any luck today?” Anne’s voice comes down the line, all business and to the point.

  “No, not much. I’ve been scoping out the place, went on a tour. Nothing out of the ordinary.”

  “Shit. Not what I was hoping to hear.”

  “I know, but listen, I made us an appointment for an adoption. This way we can get inside more, see what the process is like. Maybe get some clues.”

  “We fucking need some.” Anne huffs. “I didn’t have much luck either.”

  “No leads on anyone?”

  “No, but I do want to go over something with you down at the station. There have been some reports of suspicious activity at one of the new hair salons that opened in town. It’s probably a long shot, but what else do we have?”

  “I’ll be over in thirty.” I end the call and back my rental car out of its parking space. So much for heading to the townhouse now. Duty calls.

  I’m greeted with a wet tongue and lots of sniffing as soon as my townhouse door opens. I hit the light switch, the rental townhouse filling with a soft glow, Luna’s cute face smiling up at me.


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