by Paula Kay
“Okay, listen. I’m gonna run so I can get a cab. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
“Sounds good. I’ll have a glass of champagne waiting for you.”
“I may just be champagned out.” Blu laughed.
“Never. Besides, it’s my turn to celebrate your success with you.”
“If you say so. See you soon.” Blu clicked off the phone and handed her bag to the cab driver. She’d have just enough time for a quick phone call to Gigi.
Gigi answered the phone, sounding out of breath too. Blu laughed and didn’t even give her a moment to say hello.
“What’s with everyone answering the phone while running around today? What is Douglas doing to you over there?” Blu teased, knowing full well that Gigi was probably trying to clean the house or perform some specific household task that Douglas had specifically hired someone else to do.
“Who is this rude woman?” Gigi teased in turn on the other end of the line. “And exactly who else is having a hard time trying to breathe? I’d be very curious to know.”
Blu laughed, delighted to finally be catching up with her friend. They too had been playing a lot of phone tag over the past few days amid all of the craziness that had become Blu’s life.
Blu laughed. “Oh, I just got off the phone with Chase. He’s rushing around preparing me some nice feast to eat tonight. You know, the usual.”
Gigi had expressed on numerous occasions how lucky Blu was to be dating a chef. And she just really like Chase a lot, as did anyone that Blu introduced him to.
“You, my dear, do not know how lucky you are,” Gigi said.
“I’ve eaten Douglas’s cooking and it’s pretty fantastic too, ya know.”
“Yes, it is. But he never has time to cook. The man is way too busy with work these days. Our time coming to see you will be the most we’ve spent together in a few weeks.” Gigi laughed but Blu thought she detected something else in her voice.
Gigi and Douglas had been married two years, and Blu knew from previous conversations with her friend that it had been a big adjustment for her to go from taking care of the Sinclair household, and then just Arianna, to having a husband who only wanted to take care of her and make her life better. Gigi still fought the idea—and Douglas on occasion—of getting a job working with another family.
“Well, I am so looking forward to seeing you both, as is Jemma. She’s been talking nonstop about taking you and Lia to the beach.”
“When is Lia arriving? We’ve been playing phone tag as well. I think she’s so busy with the restaurant right now,” Gigi said.
“Yes, she is very busy, and we did finally connect the other night. She’s coming in the same day as you.” Blu smiled, thinking about her friends. “It will be so nice to have you all here. I do love these reunions.”
They had made a pact to Arianna and themselves that they would all do their best to keep in touch, and so far, they’d all done a good job of it even though they were pretty spread out in terms of location. There’d been a few trips to Italy to visit Lia and multiple visits with Gigi and Douglas at the Sausilito house; this would be the second time that Blu had hosted them all at her place at the beach. Even though she was crazy busy right now with all that was happening with her new clothing label, she was more than happy to take the time to catch up with their friends. And she felt it was important to Jemma too. In a big way, it helped them all to stay connected and remember Arianna—which had gotten less painful over the years, although she was never far from their thoughts, especially when they were all in the same place at the same time.
“What was that? Sorry.” Blu realized that she had totally spaced on what Gigi was asking her.
Gigi laughed. “Are you too exhausted? We can talk later when I see you in person. I was asking you about New York. How the show went?”
“Oh, it was so great, Gigi. I can’t wait to tell you everything that is happening. It’s beyond my wildest dreams, really. I’ll tell you all about it in person.”
“I can’t wait to hear. I’ll let you go. Give Chase my best, and you have a good night together.”
“I’m sure we will.” Blu hoped so anyways. “And please give Douglas a hug for me. I can’t wait to see you both soon.”
Chapter 4
Normally Blu loved eating dinner at Chase’s house. He too lived on the beach, but where he lived in Pacific Beach had a much more laid-back feel to it than her big home in La Jolla. Chase had done well for himself as a personal chef, but it wasn’t the kind of lifestyle that Blu was now living. Still, their two worlds seemed to mesh well. Whenever Blu was hanging out with him at his bachelor pad on the beach, she felt, in a way, more herself. It was relaxed and the neighborhood had zero pretentiousness to it, something that Blu would have hated.
Often they’d go for a walk on the beach after eating outside on the expansive deck that Chase had added on to his home. Or they’d meander down to the boardwalk to play a few games or scream on the iconic wooden roller coaster that still saw its share of tourists during the busy season.
Tonight, though, Blu didn’t feel like doing any of that. Chase had served her the most amazing seafood dish that he’d been perfecting for a local private event he’d been hired to cook for. The food was delicious, as usual, but the conversation was stilted. He’d greeted her at the door with a big deep kiss and a beautiful assortment of flowers, just the ones she loved to fill her home with. For a moment, she felt that everything would be fine, that she’d just let her doubts and annoyances go, but they kept gnawing at her throughout dinner.
Finally Chase put his fork down abruptly and turned to her. “So, what’s up, Blu? Are you mad at me for something? I don’t get what’s going on here.”
“Yes. I am, actually. I told you that I was.” She was referring to the text she’d sent him after the unreturned phone calls.
‘Seriously? I thought you were joking about all of that.” He looked like he was trying to tease her now and for a moment, she thought it better to drop everything, to pretend like yes, she had been joking. But that wasn’t her style. And how’s that been working for you? she thought.
“I’m just not sure—” She looked him in the eye. “—I’m not sure that I believe you, Chase.
“You don’t believe that my phone was broken?” Chase had a look on his face that she’d seen only on occasion. “Seriously, Blu, why would I lie about that?”
“Because maybe you’re seeing someone else?” There, she’d said it. All of her insecurities out there, raw and open, for him to mess with.
“Blu, I’m not seeing anyone. I barely have time to work and see you. But you know that.”
She could feel his approaching the end of it. All it would take was a little push on her end of the conversation and she’d probably never see him again. Push him away forever. Was that what she wanted? Just when everything was going so well. But just when everything is about to fall apart too. The thought came quickly as she remembered the interview with the reporter the night before. God, she might as well let things be over. He’d not want anything to do with her soon enough.
Chase was up from his chair, and for a moment she thought he was about to pull her towards the door. Instead he reached for her hand, guiding her up from her chair and pulling her close to his strong chest. Her slight 5'5" frame fit perfectly, nestled against him, and she’d always felt safe when he held her tight.
He placed his finger under her chin, tilting her face to look into her eyes. “You’re the only woman I’m seeing and you’re the only woman I want to see. When are you going to believe that, silly? I love you, baby.”
He’d only said the words once before, right before she was leaving for New York last week, and Blu had been so taken by surprise that she didn’t know what to say—how to react. Tonight it caught her by surprise again, and she knew she wasn’t ready. She didn’t know if she’d ever be ready to trust a man that much. She looked at him now, willing herself to say something that didn’t make her sound like the
complete jerk that she was.
“I—I don’t know what to say. I know I drive you crazy. That I don’t have a reason not to trust you,” Blu said.
Chase pulled her to him, and she felt his hands make their way down her jeans to cup her butt in that flirtatious way that she loved. “Oh, you drive me crazy alright,” he whispered in her ear, before she felt his lips on hers for a deep kiss that showed the passion he was ready to unleash on her.
She kissed him back before she pulled away a bit. “Let’s not get too hot and heavy here, mister. I am planning to go home tonight.”
He looked like a little boy who’d been reprimanded one time too many. “Woman, you just drive me plain crazy.” He laughed, but she knew that there was a bit of truth to his statement.
He’d been so patient with her in terms of the level of their intimacy. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to sleep with him or that she hadn’t had her share of lovers over the years. There had been many, for sure. But Chase was different. She felt it; and even though she kept making mistakes with him, she felt in her heart that he just might be the one for her. She didn’t want to give him her whole trust—all of her—until she was sure. She knew that if she was wrong, it would ruin her forever, and she was determined not to let herself get hurt like that.
“I’m sorry. And I don’t deserve you.” She kissed him playfully. “How you put up with me, I’ll never know.”
“That’s an understatement.” Chase winked. “So you believe me about the phone, and we are moving on, then?”
“Yes, and moving on to a lovely dessert, I hope.” She smiled as she walked towards the kitchen to see what else Chase had prepared for them. He hadn’t had as much training when it came to desserts, but she found everything he made masterful, and his chocolate surprises never failed to delight her.
He followed her into the kitchen to pour a dessert wine and collect the light mousse that had been setting in the refrigerator. “Shall we make a fire inside?”
The weather had turned just cold enough in the evening recently to enjoy the fireplace that Blu loved. They’d already shared many a conversation and their share of arguments too by that fireplace, and tonight she swore she’d end things on a good note. Maybe she’d even get the courage up to tell Chase that she loved him too. God, where did that come from? Do I love Chase? She followed him into the living room as he stopped to turn on her favorite rock music, which currently was a local band that they’d come across at a party just recently.
“So…” Chase set their glasses of wine down on the coffee table as they settled into the comfortable sofa. “Tell me about New York. I want to hear everything about the show.”
“Do you?” Blu teased. It wasn’t that Chase didn’t have a sense of fashion. He did, and she loved how he dressed, even though she knew that he was always most comfortable in jeans and flip-flops. But it was rare for any guy that she’d ever dated to be truly interested in her clothing line or her love for design. Slowly she’d begun to share with Chase some of her passion for the clothing that she created, and he did seem truly interested to learn about it.
“You know I’m interested. And honey, I’m so proud of you.”
Blu felt her face growing slightly warm at the sweet words. And he was incredibly supportive of her career. Who was she kidding? Chase was incredibly supportive of her. The most incredible man she’d ever been with by a long shot. She silently reprimanded herself for her attempted sabotage earlier. Let good things be good, Blu. It was something that Arianna had said to her once. During their last days together.
She smiled as she remembered the conversation even though with it came a pang of sudden grief for the friend that she’d lost. It was still incredible to her that it could come out of nowhere, even years later. But she’d gotten used to it. They all had—Jemma, Gigi and Douglas, Lia—and even Chase, who’d been caught totally off guard about the passing of the young woman who had employed him as her chef.
She turned to give him a deep kiss, looking in his eyes as she pulled away. “Thank you. I mean that.”
He pulled her down beside him on the sofa, where they cuddled for the remainder of the evening, he listening to her recount the events of her time in New York and she, feeling wanted, feeling loved in a way that she hadn’t felt before.
Chapter 5
“So tell me everything.” Victoria said as she settled across from Blu at the little breakfast table tucked in the nook of her kitchen.
The view of the ocean from this spot was just as magnificent as from her own home, and unsurprisingly so, as her good friend lived right up the street. Blu had come to love the ease that the two women now had with one another. She still cringed when she thought about how wrong her first impression had been of the beautiful woman sitting across from her.
She’d gone to pick Jemma up from the private school that both she and Victoria’s daughter Claire attended, during the child’s first week of classes. She’d been running late, which was rare for her, and was mortified to see all of the other mothers, looking so put-together in their “ladies who lunch” clothes or tennis outfits from their morning matches, milling about Jemma, anxiously looking around to see who would eventually turn up for the poor girl.
Jemma, being Jemma, didn’t actually seem bothered by her mom’s tardiness at all, but it was Victoria who’d sent the other mothers on their way, once she saw Blu pulling up in her convertible. They’d met briefly a few days earlier; Blu had caught her eye, waving when she saw her in front of the school.
Victoria was as put together as any of them, and Blu guessed that she played tennis and lunched with the best of them, but she was immediately drawn to the woman with the dark straight hair and wide grin. It didn’t go unnoticed by her, that in a lot of ways Victoria reminded her of Arianna. They definitely shared many of the same traits, and once she’d gotten to know her, she realized how unaware of her own beauty Victoria was.
Blu loved the down-to-earth quality that she possessed, and over the course of a few shared coffees learned that Victoria had not come from a wealthy background. She’d met her husband, John, while she was bartending and he was attending medical school. Blu and Victoria both laughed when they discovered that they shared fond memories and a certain hatred for their bartending days.
So the two became fast friends, and their relationship was as honest and forthcoming as any that Blu had known. Victoria had a way of helping her to put things in perspective and Blu had even come to count on her for this. She was counting on it today, in fact, because she knew that she needed some fresh perspective about her evening with Chase. Victoria did really like Chase, but she’d always seemed to be able to remain objective as well.
Victoria repeated herself as Blu gazed out the window. “I want to know about New York…about your show…about last night. Tell me everything.”
“Sorry. Yes. Lots to fill you in on. Thanks again for keeping Jemma. I hope she was well-behaved.”
Victoria was nodding her head. “Jemma was fine. You know them. Busy with their projects, and they did stay up pretty late watching TV last night. I hope she won’t be too tired today.”
“And you’d tell me if she’s ever any trouble?”
“Yes, you know I would.”
And Blu did believe her. She’d told her in the past about a couple incidents where Jemma had lost her temper over something, giving Claire a hard enough time that the young girl was in tears. But as with most young friendships, they were quick to make up, and Blu was very pleased that Jemma had found a best friend so quickly upon their move.
Blu settled back against her chair with the nice coffee her friend had prepared for her. The two women had a bit of time, as they’d promised Jemma and Claire that they could finish the art project they were working on before Jemma would have to leave to go home. Blu was dying to talk to Victoria anyways, so it would give the two women a chance to talk.
She filled Victoria in on everything about Fashion Week, which was a fun conversation beca
use Victoria loved fashion as much as Blu did and knew just as much about the latest designers, if not more. Blu was constantly asking her opinion about her fabric and design ideas, and Victoria’s thin 5'11" frame made her the perfect model for Blu, which was amazing for both women. She’d already designed several pieces for her, and Victoria was more than delighted to wear them around town at the many events that she was obligated to attend with her husband.
Victoria was genuinely pleased to hear all of the good news about Blu’s showing. Blu could see it in her friend’s face, and appreciated the excitement that matched her own enthusiasm about everything that had transpired over the past week. She had her work cut out for her, for sure, and had only just begun to think about the upcoming European shows and her travel schedule—which was going to be quite aggressive, to say the least.
“Of course you’ll let me know if you need help with Jemma. Seriously, Blu, it’s no problem and I’d be happy to help you out,” Victoria said.
Blu smiled, thinking how helpful and gracious her friend was, but she knew that it wasn’t a good long-term solution to her child-care issues with Jemma. She’d be traveling too much for that.
“You’re so sweet to offer. Really. I do appreciate it. But I’ve got to figure something out. I probably need to hire someone that I can take with me when I’m traveling. To look after Jemma and to teach her as well.”
“Oh really? Are you thinking of pulling her out of school here?”
“Well, it’s not really my preference, and I doubt Jemma would love that idea either, but having a tutor might really end up being the only logical solution. I don’t want to be away from her for weeks at a time, and by the looks of the shows coming up, that’s what it would be.” Blu sighed, thinking of everything that she had to sort out pretty quickly. Maybe Gigi and Lia would have some helpful advice for her over the next week. In any case, she’d have to go speak to one of the agencies; maybe they’d help her with some interviewing while they were in town, as it wasn’t something that she was familiar with. She feared that her overly protective sensitivity would make it difficult for her to hire anyone that would be a good fit for the job.