The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6
Page 63
“Well, aren’t you two the picture of a young couple in love over here in the corner?” Tori teased them with a wide smile as she walked up with Rafael right behind her, both of them carrying large buckets.
“I don’t know about young, but I’ll take the ‘in love’ bit of your comment.” Douglas took Gigi’s hand and looked her in the eyes. “This one’s easy to fall in love with every day.”
Gigi felt her face getting warm at the compliment and hoped that their displays of affection were not too much. She made a mental note to ask Tori about it later, wanting to be sure that they weren’t committing some big faux pas with their small kisses and hand holding around the children.
It was something that had taken Gigi a bit to get used to when they’d begun dating. Douglas was very affectionate and since she’d hardly dated, it was all a bit much for her at the beginning. But she’d grown more and more comfortable, and by the time they were married it was one of the things that she loved most about her adoring husband. She never tired of it and rarely felt embarrassed by it now.
Tori’s laughter brought Gigi out of her thoughts. “Douglas, would you mind going to get water with Rafael? There’s a well not far down the path there.” She pointed beyond where they’d come from.
Douglas took the two buckets from Tori. “I’d be happy to.”
“Thank you.” Tori turned to Gigi. “And do you want to come with me? I’ll show you where Silvia and the others are making tortillas.” She grinned widely. “Nothing like jumping right in, huh?”
Gigi reached over to give her a quick hug. “Oh, Tori. I’m so glad we came—so happy that we met you.” She couldn’t help the tears that were just beginning to come to the surface again. It was just all so surreal at times.
Tori hugged her back. “I’m so glad too. I think it was absolutely the right decision for you two, and I’m glad that you don’t have any regrets—so far.” She laughed lightly. “We’ll see how you feel after your first night on that mattress.”
Gigi laughed at Tori’s joke as she followed her to the far side of the dining room, knowing that she could have the worst night’s sleep ever and still not feel an ounce of regret.
Chapter 21
Gigi looked around her as she helped to shape the corn tortillas into little patties. She loved the busy, slightly chaotic nature of what she’d seen of the orphanage so far. Being in the kitchen area, which really only involved the very back of the dining room, was no different. Tori had introduced her to the main cook, Fernanda, a local woman who had been working there for the past seven years. Fernanda had explained in her broken English that Casa de los Niños had opened up their clinic to the local people as well as the school, where her young son attended. In exchange for his education and a small local wage, she was happy to help out at the orphanage in any way that she could. It had become a second home for her and her son.
Gigi loved hearing more about the local families as she worked alongside Fernanda, learning how the fresh tortillas were made and that they were a staple for the kids for most meals. Behind Gigi and Fernanda, Silvia and Tori were making beans and what Gigi thought smelled like a delicious sort of stew with chicken. The women laughed easily with one another, dancing to the music that still played from the boom box in the corner. Silvia had one small toddler on her hip as she cooked and another right beside her—a sight that Gigi thought was probably the norm around here when it came to Silvia.
“So, Gigi. What do you think of our little crew?” Silvia’s voice interrupted Gigi’s thoughts.
Gigi gave her a wide smile. “I absolutely love it. Thanks so much for having us.”
“Are you kidding? Don’t thank me. It’s you I’ll be thanking when the week is over.” Silvia laughed. “I think that you’re going to find yourself quite busy around here.”
“That is more than fine by us. We’re both looking forward to digging in and helping out however we can.”
Gigi looked up from the tortillas on the stove as she heard her husband’s voice—“We have come bearing drink.”
Silvia said, “Great, thanks, you two. Rafael, can you please go ahead and start with the water for the kids?”
“Sure, Ms. Silvia,” Rafael said, taking his bucket over to a table where the plastic cups were stacked high.
“What do you think of our well?” Silvia directed her question towards Douglas.
“It’s great. And it serves your needs just fine?”
“Si. We used to have to walk a good two miles or so—there’s another well for the local villages a bit further into the jungle. Last year an organization from Canada came in to install the well for us. It’s really been a godsend—one of many things that have helped this place to run better over the past few years.” Silvia put the little boy she’d been holding down on his feet so that she could start scooping up the beans onto the plates being held by a line of older kids who’d suddenly appeared.
Gigi marveled once again at how everyone seemed to work so well together. The plates were filled with food, and the kids started distributing them to the tables now filling with kids.
“Ana, would you ring the bell for dinner, please?” Silvia called out to one of the children in the dining room. “We try to keep to a schedule for meals, but it doesn’t always work that way,” she explained to Gigi. “We’ll have a few stragglers coming in now, but most of the kids will be starving by this time.” She winked.
Gigi must have had a concerned expression on her face, because Silvia quickly added, “Oh, I don’t mean starving as in not getting enough food—just that they’ve been playing and working hard all day—you know, building up a good appetite.” She laughed. “Gigi, if you can just hand out the last of those tortillas, then why don’t you and Douglas fix yourselves a plate and go ahead and sit wherever you like? You’ll see the other volunteers sitting at different tables with the little ones, and I’m sure they’d love to meet you before the night is over too.”
Gigi and Douglas took their plates over to a table where Jimena, Carlos, and a few other kids were sitting. The two looked up with big grins on their faces when they saw them approaching the table.
“I saved you a spot by me, Mr. Doug.” Carlos patted the seat next to him. “And I got you some water already too.” He looked over at Gigi. “And you, Ms. Gi.”
Jimena looked across the table at Carlos with wide eyes as she whispered. “Carlos, it’s Ms. Gigi, not Ms. Gi.”
Gigi and Douglas laughed at the little exchange as Gigi bent over to give Jimena a quick kiss on the head. “It’s okay. Some of my favorite people call me Gi.” For just a moment, she flashed to Arianna and what would have been a typical exchange between them. If only Arianna could see her now. Gigi laughed lightly as she thought about what the young girl would have thought about how she and Douglas were spending their time right now. Even back then, Arianna was always scolding her for not taking the time to do the things that she wanted to do.
Douglas had a question on his face as she caught his eye across the table. Gigi explained:
“I was just thinking about Arianna—what she’d think if she could see us now.”
“Who’s Arianna?” Carlos said.
“Arianna was a very special friend of ours.” Douglas said as he looked down at Carlos and then back over at Gigi. “She was one of those people who used to call Gigi Gi.”
“Is Arianna going to come visit us too?” Jimena looked up at Gigi.
“No, honey. Arianna’s in heaven.”
Gigi saw the look pass between Carlos and Jimena. “What is it, honey?” Gigi directed towards Carlos.
“Jimena’s mommy went to heaven too. Ms. Silvia says that she’s looking down on Jimena every day—even right now, right, Jimena?”
Jimena nodded and seemed thoughtful for a moment. “Ms. Gigi?”
“Yes, honey?”
“I wonder if mommy knows Arianna.”
Gigi tried hard to hold back the tears that threatened. “I bet she does, sweetie. I bet that
they’re good friends and both looking down on us right now.”
Jimena smiled and looked up at Gigi. “That makes me really happy.”
Gigi leaned down to give the little girl another quick kiss on the forehead. “It makes me really happy too, honey.”
And across the table she saw Douglas take a quick swipe of his eyes with his hand, shaking his head, but there was no mistaking the look on his face. They were being changed already here at Casa de los Niños, and it hadn’t even been a full day yet.
Chapter 22
They finished their dinner and, like clockwork again, everyone pitched in to help. Some of the older children and one of the volunteers had taken the little ones back to get ready for bed, while the others stayed in the dining room, clearing the tables and starting in on the dishes.
Gigi smiled when she saw Silvia walking towards her, one toddler on her hip, another by her side.
“So, after we clean up from dinner, the kids will get ready for bed and then we’ll all meet outside by the big fire pit if you’d like to join us. I’m sure you must be tired, so don’t feel obligated. I’d love it if you could get an early start with us tomorrow.” She flashed a big grin their way. “And tomorrow I’m going to give you the full tour of the place.”
“That sounds great. I’m sure we can manage a few more hours before bed.” Gigi laughed, looking over at Douglas, who was nodding his head. “We’ll just help you with the dishes right now.”
“That’s great, thanks. Usually it goes pretty fast around here. The kids are so good about pitching in—well, they know that it’s how we do business.” Silvia laughed, and Gigi thought again how much she admired the way that things were run around the orphanage.
It was so different from what their experience had been at Place of Hope. She tried to push the thought aside, reminding herself that she didn’t want to be comparing the two places. Well, there was no comparison, really. Hands down, Casa de los Niños had been the experience she’d been looking for all those months ago. Thank goodness they’d met Tori. Once again, she marveled at how everything had happened.
Gigi stifled a yawn as she and Douglas entered their little hut. “That was so much fun, wasn’t it?”
They had spent the evening by the fire watching the kids sing and dance. Then when it was time to put the little ones to bed, they’d helped to tuck them in, reading stories and singing songs. The whole evening had been the perfect way to end their first night there.
“It was fun, darling.” Douglas leaned over to give her a quick kiss. “You really love those kids already, don’t you?”
There was something in the way he asked the question that reminded Gigi of his continued promise to make her happy. How did she get so lucky? Douglas had been more than her knight in shining armor, much more than any man she ever could have dreamt up to be her husband.
“I do, honey.” She looked at him knowing that he’d guess the question in her eyes before she even spoke it. “Do you?”
Douglas nodded slowly. “I must admit that little Carlos, that rascal, seems to have nipped at a bit of my heart.”
Gigi laughed. “Like a puppy, you mean?”
“No. That’s not what I mean.” He laughed as he sat down next to where Gigi sat on the bed. “He’s a really great kid. They all are.”
“You sound surprised.”
“I am, if I’m being honest. I expected that the kids would take to you right away, of course. It’s what I was most looking forward to as we took the journey to come here. I didn’t really expect to be that affected by them myself.”
Gigi reached over for Douglas’s hand. “I know what you mean. I still can’t believe that it’s only our first day. I’m really looking forward to the week. Are you?”
“Yes. I’m anxious to get that tour tomorrow. I want to do a thorough assessment of the place so that we know what their repair needs are and all of their needs in general. I’m sure Silvia will let us know also when we have a big talk with her.”
“I’m sure that she will. And I’m with you on looking forward to the tour. I feel like we’ve just scratched the surface around here and I’m anxious to see more—where the kids go to school and how a normal day looks for them.”
Gigi yawned and Douglas pulled her in for a big hug. “Why don’t you get ready for bed, love? We should really get a good night’s rest. I’m pretty sure that they start their day early around here.”
Gigi nodded as she got up from the bed to change. Ten seconds later, with a scream, she was back on top of the bed.
“What is it?” Douglas jumped up, startled at her quick reaction.
Gigi was trying not to be overly dramatic now that her heart had quit racing a bit. “A mouse. Over by the sink.”
Douglas laughed lightly. “Honey?
“Yes?” Gigi said from under the covers that she’d now snuggled down into.
“I’m sorry to tell you that we might end up seeing more than a mouse around here during our stay.”
Gigi laughed lightly, taking a deep breath. “It’s okay.”
“It’s okay? Who are you and what alien has inhabited my wife’s body?”
Gigi laughed. “Come in the bed by me, mister.”
Douglas obeyed, quickly changing out of his clothes and snuggling under the covers with his wife. “Is that better?” he said, his arms wrapped around Gigi, his lips nuzzled into the back of her neck.
“It’s perfect, honey.” Gigi knew he couldn’t see the big grin on her face, but she thought that maybe she’d never felt more content than in this moment.
A moment later she heard a little flurry of activity from the corner of the room.
“Are you going to be able to sleep tonight?”
Gigi reached down to place her hand on top of his, the one holding her close to him. “Yes, I’m going to sleep very well, darling. Everything is as it should be and I couldn’t feel more at home. Even with our little friend sharing our space with us.” She laughed lightly. “Good night.”
Douglas snuggled in closer and gave the back of her neck another quick kiss. “Sleep well. I love you.”
Gigi knew she’d be drifting off to sleep within minutes, a smile of contentment on her face, the man whom she loved holding her tight.
Chapter 23
Gigi stirred on the mattress, looking up at Douglas, who was sitting in bed reading.
“What is that?” she said of the loud noise that had woken her up.
“Oh, you mean our early morning rooster alarm?”
She listened intently as a few more crows erupted into the otherwise silent outdoors. “You know, I kinda like it. Feels a little less intrusive than the alarm clock, doesn’t it?”
Douglas laughed as he reached for her hand to give it a quick kiss. “I like it too. Are you awake? Come sit here by me.”
Gigi pulled herself up so that she was sitting with her back against the wall. “Yes, I feel ready to start my day. I keep seeing Jimena’s face in my head. I can’t wait to see that little sweetie this morning.”
“I know what you mean,” Douglas said, leaning over to give Gigi a kiss. “I must admit that having Carlos around was really growing on me too.” He laughed. “I think they will both be in school today, though. Or at least I’m pretty sure that’s what Silvia was saying when she talked about giving us the tour.”
Gigi nodded. “I think so too, but I get the feeling that there’s a little leeway around here, so don’t be surprised if your little buddy turns up today.” She smiled and was thoughtful for a moment before she continued. “So we never really discussed your thoughts from yesterday—when you came back from your walk.”
“Or the rest of your conversation with Silvia either,” Douglas said. “It sure does feel like we’ve been here more than just one day.”
“Yes, it’s funny, isn’t it?” Gigi was quiet for a minute.
“What are you thinking, honey?”
“Oh, I just hop
e the week doesn’t go so fast.”
Douglas looked at her, seeming to study her expression for a few minutes before answering. “Darling, we can’t worry about that now. Let’s just enjoy the week.”
“I agree. So tell me about what you did see yesterday.”
“Oh, right. So I didn’t get a chance to walk around everywhere—I’m sure we’ll see more today. But so many of the buildings seem to need pretty serious repairs, if that’s even enough, to be honest. It might actually be safest to tear down most of these buildings and rebuild from the ground up.”
“I know what you mean. I saw you really scrutinizing the kids’ dorm last night when we were there. It’s pretty bad, isn’t it?”
“It is in my opinion. I’d say we start with that one for sure. I’ll talk more about it today with Silvia. I’m sure she doesn’t realize just how bad it really could be. But we’ve got to make sure that it’s safe where those kids are sleeping and spending so much of their time.”
“That’s an easy thing we can do, right, honey? Donate a new dormitory for the kids?”
“Yes, definitely.”
Douglas asked, “Hmm what?”
“I was just thinking—if you don’t mind, let’s earmark the dorm donation from some of Ari’s money. Would that be okay with you?”
Gigi and Douglas had long since combined all of their finances, but when it came to the inheritance that Arianna had left Gigi, he was firm that the money should remain separate for Gigi to decide what to do with it. He had built up enough retirement savings and had enough investments that he and Gigi could live out the rest of their years on that income alone, so there was never really an issue about needing to tap into the inheritance money.
Douglas brought Gigi’s hand up to his lips. “I think that’s a great idea, love.”