The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6

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The Complete Legacy Series: Books 1 - 6 Page 66

by Paula Kay

  “I’m sorry. Is that strange?” Tori looked worried now. “I didn’t mean for it to be. I only want you two to be comfortable.”

  Gigi pulled Tori in for a quick hug. “No. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have reacted that way. It just caught me by surprise, that’s all. I think I’d rather stay where we stayed before, if that’s okay with you.” She looked over at Douglas. “And if Douglas doesn’t mind.”

  Tori and Douglas both nodded.

  “That’s kinda what I was thinking too,” Douglas said. “I’ll go with Rafael now and grab the bags and meet you over at the hut.”

  Gigi smiled when she saw the look on Carlos’s face as he stood there listening to the conversation between the grown-ups.

  “Can I come too? I can carry a suitcase because I’ve gotten a lot stronger now, Papa Doug.”

  Gigi thought the young boy’s smile was wider than she’d ever seen it. His whole face had lit up when Douglas had stepped out of the boat earlier, and Gigi hadn’t seen him leave her husband’s side for a second.

  Douglas reached down to put his hand on the boy’s bicep, a playful look on his face. “My, you do seem a lot stronger. Yes. I think we do need your help, my friend. Thank you very much.”

  He headed down the dock with the two boys by his side, turning once to playfully blow Gigi a kiss. “See you in a few minutes, love.”

  Gigi blew a kiss back and then noticed that Tori had a funny smile on her face. “Oops. Too much?” Gigi laughed.

  “No, not at all actually. I was just thinking how incredibly sweet you two are and also that it’s kind of amazing for the kids to be around that actually, ya know? I mean they’ve not really had any kind of couples as role models in theirs lives, and so many of them don’t even have a concept of what a loving and healthy relationship looks like.”

  Gigi let the words sink in before she responded. “You know, I think you have a good point there. Although maybe let’s not mention that to my dear husband. He can go a bit overboard with the affection sometimes. It took me a bit to get used to.”

  Tori had a look of feigned shock on her face. “Oh, really?”

  “Oh, you.” Gigi swatted playfully at her friend’s arm. “Nothing crazy. Just lots of kisses and hugs. And don’t get me wrong, either. I’m not complaining at all about the affection. It was the public aspect of it that took some getting used to, but I don’t really mind now.” She was surprised to feel her face growing warm at what she guessed was a deep blush making its way across her cheeks.

  Tori was laughing as she reached out to hug her friend. “Well, I think it’s absolutely wonderful. You’re a very lucky woman to have a man that loves you that much. And I think the two of you make an incredible team.”

  Gigi nodded, and for the first time that day, she felt happier tears in her eyes again.

  Chapter 30

  Gigi and Douglas were up early the next morning, anxious to meet Fernanda in the kitchen to help with the breakfast preparations. They’d had a good talk the night before, and Gigi now understood Douglas’s plan to go back home to hire someone to come in and manage the orphanage. He knew a lot of people and he felt confident that he’d be able to get some feelers out that would land him some good candidates to interview.

  Starting with telling Fernanda that morning, they intended to organize a meeting with everyone working there including the current volunteers.

  The morning breakfast went well, busy as per normal, but Gigi felt the difference all the same. Silvia’s absence was painfully obvious. It felt odd to be back without her there. And Gigi knew how much worse it had to be for the kids. They seemed to be mostly handling everything okay, but Gigi wondered about the stress they must be feeling and the effect that Silvia’s loss would have on them.

  She sighed as she started to get that feeling of being overwhelmed herself, but she needed to remain strong for the kids. Regardless of her own grief and worry for them, she needed for them to feel safe and secure—that life was going to go on as they knew it there at the orphanage.

  Her thoughts turned to one of the earliest conversations that she’d had with Silvia about the orphanage and the children. She’d said that her greatest mission was that it would be a home for them—a place where they would always feel safe and loved.

  We have to keep that in mind above all else. Gigi really needed to be sure that Douglas was on the same page when it came to hiring someone to come in. He’d said that Gigi and Tori could be involved in the interviewing process also, so they’d do the best that they could. But who could ever take the place of Silvia? Gigi knew it wasn’t possible.

  She looked up now from where she was washing dishes to see Douglas walking towards her. He’d been on a mission since breakfast to have a quick chat with everyone—the doctor, teacher, gardener, all the staff and volunteers—to let them know about the meeting the next day. He was determined that they all needed to sit down together so that he could hear their views about what was needed, and also have a chance to express to them what his intentions were in going back to the States in just a few days.

  “How’s is going, hon?” Douglas gave Gigi a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “All good here.” Gigi looked at Carlos sitting nearby, his eyes ever watchful on Douglas. “And shouldn’t you be in school, young man?” Gigi winked at him.

  “I told him it was alright.” Douglas looked a little sheepish. “He said that he really wanted to spend time with me this morning.”

  Gigi laughed. “Okay.” And then she turned to Carlos. “But we can’t make this a habit, you know.”

  Carlos nodded his head and grinned. “I know. Thank you very much. I think Papa Doug really needs my help today.”

  At that Douglas laughed and went to put his arm around the boy’s shoulder. “And on that note—let’s head out back to the garden. I want to see how the corn is coming along.”

  Gigi watched the two head off, marveling again at how Douglas had bonded with the small boy. He’d always been comfortable enough around Blu’s girls and other children that they’d been around, but Gigi had never seen him this way before. It was very sweet and unexpected.

  “Do you want to head over to check in with the younger kids? I know a little girl who will be very happy to see you.” Tori’s question interrupted Gigi’s thoughts.

  “Yes, I need to have a little snuggle with that gorgeous Gabriela.”

  Gigi didn’t think she’d ever be able to hold her without remembering the first time she’d met her—the first time she’d met Silvia. It seemed so surreal—everything that had happened in such a short time.

  The two women headed over to the dorm that housed the younger children along with at least two other volunteers at one time, depending on how many children there were to look after. There were several kids that weren’t old enough for the school program, but Tori had already shared that they were very fortunate to have more volunteers than normal at the moment—many of whom had agreed to stay on for a few weeks beyond what they’d originally planned for.

  Things at the orphanage still seemed to be running pretty smoothly. Gigi was relieved to see that, and knew that it was largely due to Silvia’s passion and the inspiration that she had instilled in those closest to her—those who had been working alongside her at the orphanage for years.

  Everywhere Gigi looked on the grounds, she saw the hard work—the love—that Silvia had poured into the place, building it from the ground up, largely with her own hands. They’d find a way to continue everything she’d built here for the children. They’d find a way to honor her memory by continuing to provide a love-filled home for all of the kids who found their way to Casa de los Niños.

  Chapter 31

  Gigi sat by the fire, looking around at the faces of the children. The older kids were each holding a single candle. One of the girls kept a quiet beat on an old bongo drum and one of the older boys strummed a guitar as their sweet voices sang out the words to “Amazing Grace.”

  Gigi and Tori had lo
osely planned out the ceremony, and Tori had said that the hymn had been Silvia’s favorite—one that she’d taught the children a long time ago.

  Gigi looked over at Tori now and their eyes met through the tears that seemed to be overwhelming them both. Beside her, Douglas’s arm came around her waist, the sound of his voice singing touching her.

  Beside him stood Carlos, his eyes bright and his voice loud and clear, paying tribute to the woman he’d loved—the only mother he’d ever known. Gigi reached down to grab the hand Jimena was offering her, so small and fragile, yet completely trusting in her nature.

  Somehow they’d do right by these kids—she and Douglas. Gigi wasn’t sure exactly how everything would play out, but she did know that with the money they had at their disposal, they could keep the orphanage running and keep the children cared for.

  As the last chorus to the hymn rang out, Tori moved over near Gigi to hand Gabriela to her. Stepping forward, she spoke quietly, having the full attention of every child standing around the campfire.

  “Tonight we are together here to honor our friend—”

  “—and our mother,” Rafael’s voice called out, followed by the nodding of heads and the swipe at tears across faces by the kids in the crowd.

  Tori smiled as she continued. “Yes, your mother as well. Ms. Silvia loved you all very much. You are her children and that will never change. Tonight is a time for remembering the good things about her, the things that you will not forget, the things that Ms. Silvia taught you. Anyone who would like to say a few words, please go ahead.”

  It was quiet around the campfire for a few minutes as the children’s eyes darted around the circle.

  Rafael cleared his throat and stepped forward just a little. “Ms. Silvia was my mother. I’ve been living here with her since I was two years old and she always told me not to forget that she loved me very much. Even though she is gone now, I think she is looking down on me from heaven.”

  He stepped back into the circle but Gigi thought he looked like he still had something to say.

  “Go on, Rafael,” Douglas said. “It’s okay. If you have something else to say, go ahead.”

  Rafael rubbed at his eyes quickly, a young man not quite comfortable showing his tears, Gigi thought; she watched as he squared his shoulders and took a deep breath.

  “I just wanted to say that I—I never had a father either. But Ms. Silvia taught me how to be a man. She used to tell me that I was the man of our family and that I did such a good job helping and looking out for my brothers and sisters here.”

  Tori crossed over to give Rafael a hug that he didn’t resist, and Gigi heard her quietly say the words that he was right about that—that he was the young man of their family.

  Gigi was surprised to hear Jimena’s voice speaking up quietly beside her, strong and sure of her words.

  “Ms. Silvia is in heaven now with my Mommy and I’m glad that she will get to meet her.” She looked up at Gigi as if for reassurance.

  Gigi nodded her head and readjusted Gabriela in her arms in order to put one hand around Jimena’s little shoulder as the girl continued.

  “And I love Ms. Silvia very much,” she finished.

  The children took their time, with nearly every one having words to say about how they felt about the woman who had loved them—the woman who had raised them.

  Tori came back over near Gigi at one point to take the sleeping Gabriela from her arms.

  Gigi reached her free hand towards the one that Douglas offered her as he squeezed it before speaking to the group gathered.

  “Gigi and I didn’t know Ms. Silvia as long as you kids did, but the time we spent with her showed us a lot about who she was. The one thing that was made clear to both of us was just how much she loved each one of you—how very important you were to her.” He looked at Gigi and squeezed her hand again before continuing. “We want you to know that everything is going to be okay. You kids will always be looked after here, and there will always be people here who love you and care about you.”

  Gigi didn’t miss the swipe of her husband’s hand across his eyes. She knew that he was feeling everything that she was feeling.

  She realized in that moment—while paying tribute to a woman who had loved these children so passionately—that Silvia’s passion had largely become her own—that somehow that felt like a gift to her now. Her eyes welled up with tears just thinking about it. It was like a gift from Silvia, herself. And Gigi thought back to the last conversation that she’d had with Silvia right before they’d left to go back to Antigua. Her eyes shining as if she’d known a secret, Silvia had told Gigi that she knew they’d be back—that she had a feeling she and Douglas would be back.

  If only it had been under different circumstances; but they were back, and it was their duty not to leave without having things in place for the children who needed another special person in their lives to love them as much as Silvia had.

  Chapter 32

  Douglas had gathered everyone together in the dining area while most of the kids were in school, with the exception of several of the older kids who were minding the toddlers during the meeting so that the volunteers could all attend. Douglas had wanted everyone there to be able to freely speak about their needs and thoughts about what was best for the future of Casa de los Niños.

  He started the meeting off by opening up a discussion about how the children had been doing the past few days. Everyone agreed that, for the most part, the kids seemed to be handling things very well. They would all continue to encourage them to talk freely about how they were feeling, even when they seemed to be okay from outward appearances. Gigi and Douglas knew better than anyone how easy it could be to mask feelings of grief, and it wasn’t something that they wanted the children to have to go through without feeling that they always had someone that they could talk to.

  Douglas waited until it was time to move on to the next subject at hand.

  “Okay, next I’d like for each of you to speak about your area of expertise here at the orphanage and what things we need to know about what you will be needing help with. Fernanda, why don’t we start with you?”

  Fernanda had been at Casa de los Niños longer than anyone else sitting at the table, and she was the one who probably had known Silvia the best out of any of them. Gigi felt her pain at losing her friend. She could see it on her face now as the woman prepared herself to speak to the small group.

  “I can run the kitchen just fine, and as long as I have at least a few volunteers helping me for an hour before and after each meal, I think I can manage. The area that Silvia has always been in charge of was the buying of the food that was needed, but I think I could handle that too as long as we get a good system in place.” She looked towards Douglas. “And as long as the funds continue to be there.”

  Douglas nodded. “I want to say right up front that none of you have to concern yourself with the finances of running this place. This is something that Gigi and I can help with and we will do that—for whatever your needs are. And we’ll be sure to get a budget in place for everything before we leave here.”

  They continued going around the table, each person talking about their position and what they felt was needed. All of the key people—the doctor, teacher, Fernanda in the kitchen, and the other staff members all agreed that they had no plans of leaving any time soon and certainly not within the next year, which was really the minimum level of commitment that Douglas had said would be ideal at this stage of their planning.

  Gigi noticed that Tori hadn’t spoken up yet, and she could tell by the look on her face that she might have something important to say.

  “What’s on your mind, Tori? Can you think of something that we’re missing here?”

  Tori looked like she was trying to choose her words carefully. “Well, from how I understand it, Douglas is basically going to pick from a handful of strangers—those most suited to running an organization?”

  Douglas nodded his head, and Gigi a
lready knew exactly where Tori’s thoughts were leading.

  “I don’t know. I mean, I understand that I’m going to help with the interviewing and all of that. It’s just so hard to imagine some random stranger coming in here to run the place.” She looked at the others carefully. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m extremely grateful that you two are here right now to help us figure this all out—I’m sure we all are. I don’t even know what we’d do without you guys. It’s just hard to imagine. That’s all.”

  Douglas was nodding his head. “I do understand your concerns Tori. Really. It makes perfect sense.” He reached for Gigi’s hand under the table. “I’m afraid it’s all we have right now. And not to put you on the spot at all, Tori, but you’d be everyone’s first choice to take over for Silvia, I think. But we do understand that you have things that you need to attend to—back home—so it’s only sensible that we bring someone in who’s qualified to do the job.”

  Tori was nodding her head, and Gigi saw her quickly wipe a tear away. “I know. It’s just hard for me.”

  Gigi got up to go around the table to give her friend a hug. “We’re going to get through this. And Douglas isn’t going to bother bringing anyone over here who he doesn’t genuinely feel will be a good fit for the kids—anyone who doesn’t have a heart for this type of work.”

  “Yes, we can promise you all that.” Douglas stood up from the table too, to walk over to put his arm around Gigi. “And of course we’ll stay on for awhile also—a few weeks, a month or so—whatever’s needed.”


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