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Cash (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 10)

Page 6

by Catty Diva

  After things quieted down, they ate and cleaned up. “Come to bed with me, Baby. I’ve missed the hell out of you. I want to make love to you every night for as long as we live.” Cash admitted.

  Was she giving in to fast? Should she punish him a bit? She thought about the baby growing inside. It needed parents and a family. Even a different family like the hunters was better than no family at all. “Let’s go to bed.”

  Cash looked surprised, but it was clear he cared for her and wanted her desperately. “You’ll never regret this.” He whispered as he led her to his room. “Undress.”

  Dani was ready, she’d missed him so much and this even more. They’d only been together one time, but it had been amazing. She undressed for him slowly revealing inch after inch of skin and her sexy bits. Cash growled attempting to speed her up. But she ignored him until she was done.

  “Your turn.” She directed as she started at him.

  He removed his boots and socks before he slid off his shirt. His chest was bare, smooth, and well-muscled. Her hands itched to touch him although she held back. Cash unbuckled his belt as her eyes tracked every move. Unsnapping his pants, next he unzipped them, then he pushed them down catching his underwear at the same time.

  His impressive cock sprang free waving at her in invitation. Her mouth watered for a taste. She moved a step forward before she realized what she’d done. He would have to come to her. Standing still as if frozen to the spot, she watched and waited.

  Almost like in slow motion. He moved toward her. Gods, the man was gorgeous. Her eyes were drawn to his impressive cock as it continued to wave at her, a drop of dew glistening on the end. Cash was primed and ready for her. That was good because she was ready too. Her channel was so slick, her honey dripped down between her thighs.

  Pulling her into his arms, lifted her on his cock impaling her there. “I couldn’t wait to get inside you.” Cash admitted. He turned pressing her back against the wall as he held her still while he pumped into her rapidly.

  Dani clung to him feeling her orgasm build as he moved faster until she exploded. Cash followed soon after as they writhed together until they calmed. They stood together until their breathing slowed and their heartbeat went back to normal.

  “Gods, you’re amazing!” Cash whispered in her ear.

  They made love several more times throughout the night whenever they woke up. The morning alarm seemed early even though it was at the usual time. Cash woke cussing. “Damn, I have to go on this mission. Will you be alright here alone?”

  “I won’t be alone.” She answered.

  “No, I suppose hunters will be in and out all day long.” Cash admitted.

  They got up, showered, and dressed. When they went out to the table, breakfast was set out on large platters that everyone pulled off what they wanted from. Once they were all full, it was time to clean up. “You guys go on. I’ll do the cleanup.” She offered.

  “You sure?” Envy asked looking doubtfully at the mess.

  “I’ll stay and help her.” Toby added.

  She knew they were relieved Toby was staying behind. He was much too young to be taking those types of risks. As the team hurried away, she and Toby began to clean things up and start something for lunch.

  Dani took Toby into the office where she worked on her computer to speak to him privately. “I wondered if you had gone to school.”

  “I went before I came to the last guy. We aren’t supposed to get educated. The doctors don’t like it. That’s why I was moved from my first family. Once I figured out how this guy was, I got on his computer late at night after he was asleep and read things.”

  “That’s great Toby. I’d like to get you a computer and a schooling program so you can test to see where you should be and start learning. That’s what kids should do. They learn, they have some responsibilities, and they have fun.”

  “My life has never been like that. The first guy I was with was a teacher so he felt everyone should get at least a little education. I heard him talk to the guys that came to get me. He said he didn’t like to be around uneducated people because there was no excuse for it.”

  “I also believe people should be educated, but life is tough. Sometimes there are reasons that people just can’t get that education. But right now, there’s no reason you can’t. Cash had laptops that he gives his hunters and there are always several in stock. Let’s go get one.”

  She was glad to see Toby looked excited. They went to the storage area pulling one out. Dani grabbed some of the usual programs they would also put on it. Passing Selia’s desk, she let her know they took a laptop out of supply. Now they were ready to get started.

  Once they were back in her office, they sat down. “What do we do now?” Toby questioned.

  “We have to plug it in to an energy source and turn it on. Then we’ll have to put these programs on one at a time.”

  “But that’s boring.”

  “It would be, but we’ll just get them started and go do something else.”

  “Maybe that won’t be so bad.”

  By the time the programs were all downloaded, Toby had seen all of headquarters. They’d also finished lunch, ate, and cleaned up. Supper was cooking now.

  “So what now?” Toby asked.

  “Now we find you a proper program to find out what grade you’re in and to take you through until you’re done. How old do you think you are?”

  “I was told I was ten.”

  They looked through the programs until they agreed on one which she bought. Once it was installed which was almost instantly, Toby wanted to test. “Okay, I’ll go finish supper.”

  Once she was in kitchen, Razar called. “Hey, I love that ship. Sure you won’t sell it?”

  “I have plans for it, but I would rent it to you.”

  “I’ll consider it. No one claimed it so it’s yours.”

  “Isn’t that a surprise?”

  “Not really. The ship was used in an illegal activity and it was legal registered to the captain that was running the operation. Anyone claiming it would be investigated.” Razar explained.

  “Their bad luck, my good luck.”

  “Exactly. I’ve got to go now. Talk to you later.”

  Supper was finished and hunters appeared out of the wood work. Toby tested and came in at third grade. He was now working hard to move up. Her health was good, she’d gained some weight back and didn’t look as rundown. Her bank account was happier too with her share of the bounties finally coming through. Cash had laughed all the way to the bank too. Those mercenaries may have seemed dumb, but they had some high bounties because they were dangerous males.

  Two weeks later, everything seemed to be going well. She was cooking most nights and they always had a full house. Things with her and Cash were sizzling. Toby was moving ahead to fourth grade and life was good.


  It had been a couple months now and Dani was finally convinced they would make it. Business was doing well with new hunters added to the rolls. Razar had rented her ship, but as soon as the lease was up, the ship would get a crew and they would be helping with the task of finding lab facilities, tracking down the kids sent to fake parents, and running down bounties.

  His devotion to her was obvious even before she’d told him about the baby. Her stomach curved out in an obvious way. Envy had admitted she’d suspected since Dani had come back that she was pregnant. She had said nothing because she felt it was Dani’s place to inform Cash.

  Cash had told her he loved her, but she’d held off feeling too vulnerable with the way he’d pushed her away and with his lack of bonding to people in the past. When he told her the one percenters in his company were all related to him, she’d decided thinking he never got attached to people may have been unfair.

  They’d finally gotten almost ninety percent of the children placed with families by the labs, but they still had hope to find more, if they had survived. Razar thought they’d done a great job, but none of the
hunters were ready to quit. Ralph and Selia both turned out to be good members of the team. Cash was able to work less with more team members.

  Tonight was all about them. Most of the hunters had made themselves scarce letting them have some privacy. Eventually, Cash had told her they would build a home on some land he’d acquired nearby. She couldn’t wait. Not that she didn’t love headquarters, but with a child and one on the way, privacy was important too.

  In the kitchen right now, she was fixing a special meal for Cash. Once they had eaten, they would turn in with their dessert leaving enough food behind for the others to eat too. Cash loved Mexican style food so she had pulled up some recipes and was making Spanish style rice, refried beans, enchiladas, and tacos.

  It was hard to say if it would turn out good, but it sure smelled terrific. The team that had convinced Cash to go with them, was on their way back. A few finishing touches on the coconut cheese flan and she would be done, leaving everything warming while waiting for Cash.

  They would have a romantic meal, while the team and the others cleaned up. Everything was set up for them to serve themselves once Cash and she retired to their room. Done! Gods she was excited even though it was just like a date night. They didn’t know their birthdays, and they didn’t know about any holidays, so they had nothing to celebrate. Tonight they would celebrate having each other.

  Someone had arrived. Hopefully it was Cash. She rushed out of the kitchen and into his arms. Cash chuckled. “If I got that welcome every time, I’d leave more often.”

  Toby came out of his room where he was doing his school work and jumped on Cash too. “How’s school going?”

  “I’m caught up to where I should be, but it’s getting harder now.” Toby admitted.

  “Isn’t it also getting more interesting?” Cash asked.

  “Not all of it.” Toby insisted.

  “We should eat now.” Cash said.

  “I just had a snack. I’m eating later with some of the guys.” Toby explained as he ran away.

  “They are eating later?” Cash asked as he looked around the now empty room.

  “Come sit down. I’m going to try some new recipes out on you.”

  “So if I like it, the others get it too?”

  “It won’t be bad. Let me fix our plates.” She rushed away but she should have known he’d follow her into the kitchen.

  “Gods woman. It smells like heaven in here. What did you fix for me?”

  “There’s Spanish rice.” She explained as she dished it out. “Refried beans, enchiladas, and tacos.”

  “Wow. You’ve been working all day, haven’t you?” He asked as he gave her a kiss. “We better get more because none of this will be left once the others eat.” He grabbed the other plate and piled on the food.

  “You’d best leave a little room for the dessert.”

  “The dessert I have in mind doesn’t take up much room.” Cash said as he wiggled his eyebrows.

  “But I made something special for you.”

  “I know I don’t deserve you, but I’m never letting you go.”

  “I don’t want you to.” She replied as he laid her down on the bed and got on top of her.

  Cash gave her a claiming kiss that seared her to her soul. Never had she felt so loved in her whole life. She gave that love back as their tongues dueled and her lips pressed back as hard as his pressed hers. Her body arched into him as his came down to spear her on his hard shaft. She moaned with pleasure and a touch of pain as her body took him into hers.

  His groan of need echoed in the room as he sank completely inside hitting her womb. Her legs wrapped around him pulling him in harder against her. He paused for a moment just so they could enjoy the feeling of being as one before he began to move in and out. Slowly, he began, but as he saw she was alright, he moved faster and harder.

  It wasn’t long before he pounded in and out with her hanging on tight. The friction felt amazing, but it increased the tension that would lead to their release. She felt as if he was so deep that they were joined and she held his perfect body against hers. The feeling just built until she couldn’t take any more. That’s when she exploded all around him. Lights flashed behind her closed eyelids as everything seemed to spin around her.

  She clenched and clutched at him until he too hollered as he unloaded his essence deep inside her. He jerked up against her while his climax ripped through him. After a while, everything began to slow down until they were both calm and at ease. Cash slipped into an easy sleep, while she watched him sleep for a while as she wondered what their future would be like.

  Her belly fluttered. It hadn’t been the first time and she thought it must be the little one moving. Toby was a sweet heart and she loved him as much as she would the baby. He’d be the best big brother ever. Envy was due any day so she would be able to give her the best advice.

  She was happy she’d given Cash a second chance. Her life wouldn’t be nearly as good if she hadn’t. Dani was happy and she thought Cash and Toby were too. They were a family and she finally knew what being a family was all about.

  I hope you enjoyed this series. You can see some of the characters and continue the missions to shut down the labs in The Phoenix in Flames series.

  Phoenix in Flames series

  Book 1


  He’d volunteered for this mission, but why? He’d felt the need to go after the abducted female. It was almost like an obsession which made it scary. Roar was afraid to even guess what he’d do once he found her.

  Treva was hurting all over and scared. She didn’t even hold out hope anyone would come to save her. It was time to save herself. Once she got herself free, she would get to Oison somehow. There simply wasn’t a choice.

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  (Catty Diva, Corre Deepe and Crystal Dawn)

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  If you want to read books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

  Blue Moon Pack Series

  Planet Amazon Series

  Cousins of the Moon Series (a completed trilogy)

  Legends of the White Werewolf Series (A free series)

  Keepers of the Land Series (A completed 6 book series.)

  Frozen Origin Series

  Frozen Origin Quickies

  The Southwest Illinois Pack Series (A ménage series)

  Loved by a God series

  The Wilde Pack series

  The Strong Pack

  The Red Wolf Series

  Lucifer Frozen Origin Demons

  Winged Beast Series

  Witches of Ulyss Series

  White Wolf Matriarchs (A complete Trilogy)

  Wolf investigations and Securities Inc.

  Serena’s Salvation (Part of The Fated & Forbidden Collection)

  Catty Diva

  The Mating Games Series

  Books 1-10

  Moon Hunter’s Inc.

  Phoenix in Flames series

  Phoenix Under Fire

  The Zodiac Shifters series

  There is a battle brewing and the witches are looking for allies. Annie's father plans to force her to mate a male of his choice. She wants her fated one and casts a spell to find him. Problem solved, right?

  Ramiros wakes up with sand up his nose. What happened to his nice comfortable bed? When he finds the person who dumped him on the beach thousands of miles from home, there will be hell to pay.

  The War
riors of the Vinii

  by Corre Deepe


  Can a bad day turn your life around?

  Crash landing on Earth seemed the worst thing that could happen to Xan, his crew, and their battered ship. It was only the beginning. After nearly freezing to death, Xan’s savior, in the form of a little Earth female, is driving him crazy. He doesn’t want to want her, but he can’t seem to help it. Edie wonders if she’s gone crazy when she wakes up looking into the glowing red eyes of a naked, not quite human male. He seems determined to keep her with him, but she’s just as determined to go.

  Frozen Origin

  Book 1


  He is the leader of the gods. No, not the Greek gods of ancient times that they are named for, but the god line of genetically manipulated beings said to be so much more than men. They’ve been imprisoned by Origin, the company that created them, all their lives, but now they have a chance to be free.

  She leads the team that has come to free them. She and her team always come in first and leave first on every mission, which is a good thing because she is drawn to the gorgeous god. She needs to leave to get on with her life and the career she loves.

  She doesn’t want to settle down; he is unwilling to settle for anything less. When they are thrown together fighting Origin and secrets are revealed, will it bring them closer together or place insurmountable obstacles in their path?

  Note: graphic sex and is for adult readers only.

  The Mating Games

  By Catty Diva

  Book 1


  Razar needs a mate, but on his planet, there are nine males to one female. Humans look like they are compatible, but if they find out the secrets of his kind, they will refuse to send them mates.

  Lista needs money for her mother's operation or she will die. Her sister has volunteered her to be a bride for an alien. If she wins the mating game she will be free to keep the money and return home.


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