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Filthy Beast (Filthy Fairy Tales #1)

Page 9

by Vanessa Booke

  In just three short weeks, he’s already more than halfway done. It’s like a switch has been flipped, bringing his mojo back with it. And what he’s written so far is good. I have a feeling it will turn out to be his best ever if he stays on this pace. Even Adele has said she’s never seen him like this before. According to her, he usually holes up in his suite in the dark, gloomy west wing of the house, barely even admitting her into his sanctum a few times a day to feed him.

  Now, he laughs and smiles. He jokes with Louis in the mornings. I even saw him gather a very shocked Adele into a bear hug the other day. She says it’s my influence, but I have to wonder. I think the conversation we had that first time we had sex, about starting on the path to forgiving himself, is the reason for his good mood. It’s like he decided to shuck all the things weighing him down and just live.

  Take now, for instance. He gets up from his desk, sliding onto the seat next to me and tangling his fingers in my hair. He pulls me into him for a kiss, and I happily comply.

  “What are you reading, beautiful?” he asks.

  I smile, holding up my battered copy of Jane Eyre for him to see.

  He raises an eyebrow, running his finger along the spine. It’s been folded open so many times the print has worn away, and the pages are starting to come loose. “That one again?”

  I nod. “I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve read it.” I smile.

  His hands tighten in my hair, and he pulls me to him for a deep, head-fogging kiss. “You are so fucking sexy it makes me crazy,” he says when he pulls away. He locks eyes with me, brushing my hair behind my ear. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, Olivia.”

  See? That. I can’t concentrate when he says stuff like that. I get all light-headed and tongue-tied.

  “Have you read it?” I ask.

  He chuckles. “Of course. I’m not just a writer of mediocre romance novels.” I snort at his self-deprecating humor. Declan’s books are anything but mediocre.

  “I do enjoy the classics on occasion,” he continues. Declan looks down at the book, absently rubbing a fingertip over the weathered cover. “This is one of my favorites, too.”

  I cover his hand with mine. “Let me guess, you identify with Mr. Rochester, chained to a life you no longer want, but can’t escape?”

  He laughs, flashing me that sexy lopsided grin. “Maybe I used to,” he says. His expression grows serious, almost intense as he looks up at me through his lashes. “But you’re helping me to see that I don’t have to be chained to that life if I don’t want to be. I can escape the dungeon.”

  He cups my face in his hands, bringing my lips to his. I whimper softly, gliding my tongue along his, savoring the taste of him. He has a dark, deep flavor that’s all his own, and I can’t get enough.

  He slides me into his lap, the book dropping to the floor with a soft thwack. He buries his hands in my hair, and I rub the firm muscles of his chest as we make out like we’re back in high school. Feverish and all consuming.

  “Olivia, dear, what would you like for... oh!”

  We break apart at the sound of Adele’s voice. My cheeks redden as I take in the shock on her face. In a matter of seconds, the shock turns into a sly smile. She’s standing in the doorway with an old-fashioned feather duster in one hand and her other hand propped on her bony hip.

  “I’m sorry,” she says, with a smug look. She looks kind of like the cat that ate the canary, actually. “I just wanted to know what you’d like to eat for breakfast. Louis baked some special cinnamon rolls for you, Olivia.”

  “That sounds good,” I offer. I flick my eyes to Declan, who looks thoughtful. I’ve been inside this house since I arrived so it would be nice to get some fresh air. “Well, actually, Adele, I was sort of hoping to eat out.”

  The smile falls from Adele’s face, her mouth popping open in shock again. “Out?”

  Declan gapes, too. If there’s one thing that hasn’t changed in the last few weeks, it’s that Declan does not leave the property. We’re happy in our little bubble, but it is a bubble all the same. I want to change that. I want to help give him something back. I feel like he’s given me so much.



  Olivia’s eyes watch me, waiting for my reply to her proposal to go out for breakfast.

  It feels like I’m living in an alternate reality. It was less than a month ago when I was sitting in my office, squinting in front of the computer screen as I welcomed the darkness that surrounded me almost 24/7. Now, I’m here with her. This beautiful woman who I’ve increasingly grown attached to, and now I might actually be considering the idea of leaving this safe haven to step back into the world. What’s come over me? What happened to the beast, as Adele so liked to say?

  When I look in the mirror now, I don’t see the same asshole that wrecked his life two years ago. I see someone I hardly recognize. Someone with a constant smile plastered on his scarred face. The scars are the only outward evidence of the asshole I used to be. I wish I could forget them. Erase the monster they made of me.

  A soft hand reaches out to me, pulling me from my own darkness. I smile at the very sexy sight of Olivia looking at me in a teal dress. The fabric is loose and revealing as it flutters upward in the wind.

  “Why don’t we go out for some air? It might help inspire you to finish the rest of your manuscript.” She’s lost her damn mind. The only thing that’s going to help me finish this book is having my cock inside her pussy while she screams my name. That would solve any block I have and sate the fire inside of me.

  My hands are half way up the side of Olivia’s dress when I realize Adele is still standing just a few feet away. Without missing a beat, she clears her throat and then excuses herself.

  “Declan, I’ll be in the kitchen with Louis. Let me know if you decide to have breakfast here,” Adele says with a mischievous smile. I get the feeling she’s enjoyed playing matchmaker with Olivia and me. I’m also fairly sure that Louis is in on this, too. I chuckle at the thought of the two of them conjuring trouble in the kitchen. Hmmm, what have they been slipping into my food?

  “So what do you think?” Olivia asks, pulling my attention back to her sun-kissed face. She leans into me, and the mere touch is enough to set my whole chest ablaze. Will I always feel so fucking breathless around this woman?

  “Where would we go?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. I’m not familiar with what’s around here.”

  “Mostly desert,” I shrug.

  The defeated look on her face nearly kills me as she mulls over my words. I know she’s trying.

  “Wasn’t there something you liked doing outside before the accident?”

  Unfiltered thoughts run through my mind as I stare at Olivia’s figure. Her curves, wide hips, and sultry lips are the only thing I want to ‘do’ at the moment. I’d love to see those lips open in surprise when I come all over her tits.


  My thoughts snap back to her. Something I liked doing before the accident?


  A thought pops into my mind, but I almost immediately dismiss it until I realize it’s exactly what I need right now. I can’t even believe I’m even thinking of taking her. I haven’t been outside the house for the past two years. I’m not even sure I remember how to ride the damn thing.

  “So tell me,” she says as if daring me to decline. “Tell me something the old Declan loved.”

  I smirk at the gleam in her eyes.

  Oh, I’ll show you, instead.

  I gaze at her and her infectious smile. She’s so adorable. I fucking love her sense of humor and how she’s not afraid to give me shit when I deserve it.

  “We’ll eat here since Louis went through the trouble of making breakfast, but after, I’ll take you somewhere the old me would go,” I say.

  “That sounds perfect.”



  He has got to be out of his goddamn mind.

Skydiving? Fucking skydiving? There are not enough ways to say no in the English—or any other—language. It’s been about two hours since I gorged on the delicious breakfast that Louis made me, but I’m pretty sure those scrumptious cinnamon rolls are about to come back up. When I mentioned going out, I did not mean jumping out of a plane. In what world are those two things synonymous?

  I bite back a laugh. I should’ve known. Only in Declan’s world.

  “Do you trust me?”

  My gaze snaps up to Declan’s serious gaze as he watches me have a mini freak out. My knees are quaking at the thought of jumping out of a plane. What are they going to do when we’re up there? Fall off? Despite my fear, I reluctantly nod to him as he takes my hand in his. I have trusted him since the moment I met him, despite my better judgment, despite instinctively knowing that he could hurt me in ways no one else could.

  “But why skydiving?”

  The words ‘why God, why?’ come to mind.

  “It’s perfectly safe,” he says. “And you won’t be jumping alone.”

  “I’ll be jumping with you, right?” I ask.

  He smiles, and even despite the anxiety wreaking havoc through my veins, my heart flutters. His smile never fails to make me feel like that fan girl who spots her favorite author at a signing.

  “I have my license to jump solo or with someone else.”

  “You used to do this a lot?”

  “I did,” he chuckles. “I have over two-hundred jumps under my belt.”

  “I can’t even imagine jumping once. How have you jumped so many times?”

  Declan’s eyes light up as if recalling each time.

  “Because there’s no rush that compares to it,” he replies. “You’ll see.”

  Stubbornly, I shake my head. “I don’t think I can do this.”

  Oh, God, I’m having a panic attack. Declan’s going to think I’m a complete loon. I lean over placing my face between my knees. When I finally look up, I find Declan looking at me with a small smile. Not the judgmental eyes I was expecting.

  “Come on,” he says, adopting that low, husky tone that can usually persuade me to do just about anything. “Give me this, Olivia. And tomorrow, we’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Anything?” I blush.

  I can definitely think of several things I’d like to do with Declan. He leans in to capture my lips in a brief kiss.

  “You know, if you’re going to think filthy thoughts, you should probably try harder to hide them.”

  His lips twist into a smirk, and I’m very tempted to push him out of said plane.

  “Well, I think I’m over the weight limit,” I say with one last attempt at getting out of this.

  “You’re not,” he says so matter of fact. Declan chuckles, shaking his head at me in amusement. “If I can jump, so can you.”

  I bite my lip. Damn it. I mean, I love his body. He’s six-seven and built like a frigging linebacker. But right now, I kind of wish he was a bit more runty.

  “Don’t worry,” he says, kissing my fingers. “If you fall, I’ll catch you.”

  “Isn’t the point to fall?”

  “The point is to fly.”

  He grabs my hand and tries to tug me forward, but I dig my heels on the asphalt.

  “Tell me what’s going on in this beautiful head of yours,” he rumbles, brushing the hair back from my face. His big palm rests on my cheek, and I sigh, leaning into his touch.

  “I’m afraid of heights,” I whisper.

  He pulls me in, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I bury my face in his chest and inhale deeply. He smells like leather and pine needles, and I just want to stay here and sniff him forever—safely on the ground.

  “How did you handle the flight here from New York?” he asks in a gentle voice.

  “I can do planes,” I mumble into his chest. “Just not jumping out of them.”

  He huffs out a laugh. “This won’t be so bad,” he says. “I’m going to be with you the whole time. You’ll be safe with me, I promise.”

  I bite my lip, tipping my head back to look at him. His beautiful blue eyes are intense as they speak silent promises to me. It isn’t until I spot the plane pulling up on the runway that I realize some things are worth taking risks.

  I close my eyes. I cannot believe I’m about to do this. But slowly… oh, so slowly, I nod my head in agreement.

  * * *

  An hour later, I’ve been thoroughly trained on how to properly exit the plane and all about free fall position. I swallow down nausea that I feel in the pit of my stomach as we begin to load into the plane. My eyes look up at Declan, and he looks as cool as a cucumber. I was actually thinking he might be somewhat nervous for both of us considering he hasn’t jumped in nearly two years.

  “Are you sure you’re okay to do this? You don’t need to ask your doctor if you’re up for it?”

  He scowls at me. “I’m perfectly healthy,” he says. “No changing your mind now, princess.”

  Guilt creeps into my mind at the realization that there hasn’t been one moment today that Declan’s mentioned his scars. As far as I know, he hasn’t even paid attention to the curious stares from the staff working on this site. I put a hand on his arm.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean...” He’s sensitive enough about his now-healed injuries and the quirks that come with them. He doesn’t need me pouring salt in the proverbial wound.

  His expression softens. “I just... I need to know I can still do this, you know?” He runs a hand through his hair. “I need to know that I can still be me.”

  I reach up on tiptoes and press a soft kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I get it.” And I really do. If doing this means I can give him back a little piece of himself, a piece he lost in the crash, then I’d jump out of a plane a dozen times.

  Once would definitely be preferable, though.

  “We’re ready to go when you are, Mr. Hart,” the pilot says, walking up to us.

  Our pilot is an older looking man with a grizzly beard and welcoming smile. To my surprise, he’s the only person here in the tiny hangar.

  “There aren’t any other jumpers?” I ask.

  “Just us.”

  No onlookers, no sharing the plane with other jumpers, no photos or videos, and absolutely no personnel on the plane, except for the pilot and us. He’s determined to do this, but on his terms.

  “Ready?” he asks me, his tone soft like he doesn’t want to spook me.

  I frown. “As I’ll ever be.”

  “That’s the spirit,” he says dryly.

  As we cross the tarmac, I feel another wave of apprehension at the sight of the plane. It looks tiny and rickety and like we’re about to die, and I stop short, breathing deeply to keep from puking. Oh, God. I can’t do this.

  “Olivia, I know it looks like a tin can. But this is the safest jump plane there is.”

  I nod frantically, though I’m not convinced.

  He tugs my hand, pulling it closer. “I’m right here,” he reminds me.

  I nod again, this time letting him help me up onto the plane.

  “Now remember,” he says. “It’s going to feel like your harness is too loose once we get up there. But it’s fine.” His hands come up to adjust my goggles.

  I nod. I know he’s checked and rechecked our gear a dozen times. He seems to be taking his promise of safety like a sacred mission.

  The pilot climbs into the plane after us, giving us the thumbs up. His eyes flick curiously to Declan’s face, taking in his scars, but Declan’s scowl prevents him from making any comments. After a few seconds, he turns and climbs into the cockpit without further delay.

  Despite Declan’s coaxing voice, I close my eyes during the pre-flight check as I listen to the engines start up. My ears are on high alert for the slightest off sound the rickety plane might make. To my relief, everything sounds normal. At least as far as my non-pilot ears know.

  “You okay?” Declan asks, his voice floating over my shoulder. I’
m practically meshed against him, with my bottom settled against his crouch.

  I nod, still keeping my eyes firmly shut. After a moment, I feel his hand cover mine, squeezing gently.

  I crack one eye open, looking over my shoulder at him. He’s staring at me intently with worry creasing his gorgeous face.

  “It’s going to be okay,” he repeats.

  I nod. God, I hope so.

  The plane pulls slowly out of the hangar and onto the runway. It isn’t long before we’re airborne.

  I grip Declan’s hand hard enough to bruise, but he doesn’t complain. He kisses below my ear, whispering sweet words with his voice calm and reassuring. I breathe in and out, trying to keep the panic at bay. After about ten minutes, the plane levels off and Declan begins to rise taking me with him, as we stand strapped to one another. One of his arms wrap around my waist, rubbing soothingly, as he looks back at the pilot. When he gets the signal that we’re all clear, he lightly squeezes my belly.

  “Ready?” he calls out, just loud enough for me to hear.

  I put my hand over his, squeezing back. “Let’s get this over with.”

  He chuckles, and together, we awkwardly walk to the edge of the jump platform and sit. I hang my legs over the edge, just like he told me. I arch my body and position my feet the way he showed me, and then we jump. The moment our bodies leave the plane, a rush of energy hits me, and I scream in excitement, or at least I try to. I thought this would feel like falling, but it doesn’t. The air almost cradles us, holding me up even as we descend rapidly. I can’t really feel Declan’s weight on me, but I know he’s here with me. He grabs my hands forcing them to open and then...we fly.

  I focus on relaxing, closing my eyes as I take in the sensations all around me. I do my best to keep an even, steady flow of oxygen, but my excitement quickly steals my breath. When I’ve finally managed to calm my chaotic heart, I open my eyes and take in the blue sky around me.


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