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Discover Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

Page 9

by Maryann Jordan

  Knitting her brow, Charlie looked at the petite woman with delicate features and wondered how she could ever take advantage of someone.

  “I work part-time for the local police department as an artist. I assist people remembering things and then I draw it for them.”

  “Like a sketch artist?”

  Nodding, Faith smiled. “Essentially, yes. But I also…get…uh…feelings, if you will. Intuitions about people and situations. Sometimes that comes through in my drawings and will often be very realistic.”

  “Intuitions?” Charlie pondered that word for a moment before cocking her head to the side. “Like a seer?”

  Sucking in a breath, Faith replied, “No. I’m not a seer, nor am I psychic. But…I feel things very intensely and can sometimes help with memories. But only if you’re willing.”

  Charlie’s mind jumped back to the scene of Eli’s murder and she grimaced. She had spent so many months trying to not see it in her mind that she occasionally wondered if she had dreamed the entire thing. Licking her bottom lip slowly, she nodded. “Eli was…well, sometimes a pain in my ass, but he was a good friend. And, I think I was his only friend, in the end. So, yes,” she said, with more determination in her voice. “Yes, I’ll work with you. Just let me know when.”

  The sweet smile on Faith’s face shot to Charlie’s heart and she wondered what prejudices Faith must have had to face in her life with her gift. I guess I’m not alone in always feeling different. I’ve hidden myself away for so long that I forgot what it’s like to really get to know people.


  The intensity of the meeting downstairs was in vast contrast with the women’s conversations upstairs. The other Saints noticed Luke prowling the length of the room after firing up his coffee maker and downing a cup of his former high-octane brew. The normally data-focused Saint was ignoring his computer, settling on pacing and ranting at the same time.

  “A cop…or a fucking Fed…murder. Damn,” he growled, slurping another sip.

  Monty’s face was stone as he cracked his knuckles. “I don’t want to believe it could have been someone from the FBI.” He shook his head adding, “But I’d be a lousy investigator if I didn’t consider all possibilities.”

  “What possibility is crossing your mind?” Patrick asked, watching his brother-in-law’s face morph into a grimace.

  “To assume the female murderer is Lin Wang is irresponsible,” Monty replied. “She’s only one Asian female agent in the Bureau. There are others and there will be more than one in the Baltimore police force as well.”

  “But…coincidental?” Jack asked.

  “Fuckin’ hell,” Monty spit out. “I hate coincidence!”

  “As a witness to a murder, possibly by someone in law enforcement, Charlie’s going to need protection,” Marc stated. “Do you want us to take turns?”

  Luke whirled around, sloshing out a bit of coffee. “No, I’ve got her,” he said vehemently. Suddenly, the idea of his co-workers spending more time with Charlie than he sent a bolt of unfamiliar jealousy through him. They’re all married, he chastised himself. I can trust them. Well, all but Marc—

  “Hey, watch it, speed-demon,” Blaise cried out, wiping some of the spilled liquid off the table next to his tablet.

  “Sorry,” Luke mumbled. “Look, we need to dig into Lin Wang, the Bureau files on Eli’s meeting, and everything we can about someone named Jun in the medical field. I’m the most qualified, but I could use some help.” His eyes shot to Jude, who had assisted on the computer aspect of investigations before. “I’ll farm some of it to Jude, but I need more.” Piercing Jack with his stare, he said, “I want Charlie protected so she needs to be with us anyway, but Jack? She’s the most qualified to assist with the intelligence gathering in this case. Are you willing to use her talents?”

  The room grew silent as all eyes moved to Jack. He pressed his lips tightly for a moment, focused sharply on Luke. Finally, he said, “I vetted every one of you before I hired you. She’s still an unknown to us.” Throwing his hand up before Luke could interject, he added, “But, I know she’s helped us before.” The room continued in silence as Jack pondered the situation.

  Slowly nodding, he said, “Luke, I agree that she needs to be in on this with us. Not just as a witness. She has the background, knowledge, and skills to assist. But…” capturing Luke’s undivided attention before continuing, “she works this case only. I’m not willing to give her access to anything else of ours until we have this investigation solved and know more about the resourceful and elusive Charlotte Trivett.”

  Quickly agreeing, Luke grinned. “Honest to God, boss, I think she and I together can make great things happen in our investigations.”

  “Is that all you plan on doing to make great things happen?” Blaise joked.

  The other Saints chuckled, all pleased to see Luke interested in something besides his keyboard for once.

  Blushing, he shrugged. “Guess I’ll find out.”

  He was saved from more embarrassing revelations by Cam and Bart entering the room from the back stairwell, coming from the garage.

  “We found the van and swept it,” Bart reported. “No bugs or tracking devices, but we began disassembling it nonetheless.”

  “Where is it?” Luke asked.

  “Got it in a safe place, off Jack’s property and into the woods,” Cam answered. He set a duffle bag on the floor near Luke and said, “I packed all of her personal items here. Thought she’d like to have it at your place.”

  “Thanks man.” Looking at Jack, he said, “I’d like to get her home. She’s functioning on little sleep, nerves, and adrenaline. I know she’s strong and survived this long on her own, but I’d…well, I’d like to make sure she’s okay.”

  He gratefully met the understanding smiles of the others in the room. Jack nodded and said, “Okay, we’ve got our assignments to begin working on. Marc leaves in a couple of weeks for his protection duty and the rest of us will work this case. Luke, take a day and then have her back here to meet with Faith again.”

  Nodding, Luke snagged the duffle off the floor and proceeded up the stairs, anxious to take care of Charlie.

  Chapter 11

  By the time Luke and Charlie left the Saints’ compound, he saw the exhaustion plainly written on her face. Her smile drooped as much as her eyelids. Swinging into a hamburger drive-thru, he ordered burgers and fries before heading back to his home.

  The scent emanating from the bag sitting on the console between them almost drove Charlie crazy. “Mmmm,” she moaned. “I know Bethany fed us, but I was too nervous to eat much. Now, I’m ravenous.”

  Luke glanced to the side, staring at her profile before jerking his eyes back to the road, his heart pounding. The sound of her moans shot straight to his cock, making him shift uncomfortably in the seat. Get a grip, man. She’s here for protection, not me making a move on her. A sigh slipped out as he realized that for the first time, he was meeting a woman that interested him on all levels—intellectual as well as physical—and, for now, he needed to consider her off limits since she needed protection by the Saints.

  Charlie heard his sigh and grimaced. God, he probably hates this. Having to babysit me…in his home. Why is it that I’ve wanted to meet him for months…secretly fantasized about him for years…and, now that I’m here, I’m foisted upon him and it’s making him uncomfortable?

  “Luke, I really hate to make you stay with me. Honestly, if you can just show me back to my van, I’ll be fine.” She caught the surprised lifting of his eyebrows and asked, “What?”

  “Your van is gone, Charlie. Bart and Cam have it well hidden.”

  “But my stuff is in—”

  “They emptied the van and all your things are packed in that duffle in the backseat.”

  Luke pulled into his driveway and into the garage. As the door was lowering behind them, he twisted to her and saw the wide-eyed shock on her face. “That VW van is like a beacon saying ‘Here I am!’ We didn’t discov
er any bugs or tracking devices, but it’s not a typical automobile on the road. Too easy to follow, too easy to identify with you. Honest to God, Charlie, you couldn’t have gotten worse hide-out transportation.” He grabbed the burger bag and opened his door. “Come on, let’s eat while we talk.”

  Huffing, she followed him into the house, determined to continue their discussion. “Do not treat me as though I’m dumb,” she blurted. As her gaze landed on the burgers and fries now on plates, she had to admit her hunger was taking the starch out of her argument. She noticed he stood in the kitchen with the two plates in his hands and her eyes lifted to his face. He was smiling at her, with one eyebrow arched.

  “I know this is all new to you and your life has once again taken a strange turn. But I want to get you fed first. Think we can table your complaints until after we’ve eaten?”

  Wanting to fight back, she glanced down at the food and her stomach loudly protested its hunger. A grin slipped onto her face as she nodded. “Yeah, it seems as though my belly agrees with you.”

  “Good, I’ll start with your belly,” he joked, “and then we’ll move to getting the rest of you on board.”

  Thirty minutes later, she pushed back the almost-empty plate and leaned back in her chair. Rolling her head to the side, she stared at Luke as he polished off the last of her fries. “That’s not fair,” she grumbled.

  Looking over, a french-fry drenched in ketchup hanging out of his mouth, his brows drew down in question. “What’s not fair?”

  “You. I was all ready to complain about my van, my belongings, my being brought here where I know you don’t want me even though I want to be here, and now I’m so full and pooped all the fight has gone out of me.”

  Swallowing the last fry, he said, “Don’t want you?”

  Blushing, she realized her full tummy had numbed her brain and she had blurted out more than she meant to. “I…uh…I…”

  She found her body moving as he grabbed her chair and twisted it around so that it faced him. He settled his long legs on either side of hers, effectively trapping her, before leaning his body into her space. Her eyes grew wide as she dropped her gaze to his mouth, wondering if and wishing he would kiss her.

  Instead, he said, “We need to get something straight right now. I’ve been interested in meeting you ever since you first messaged me. My intentions were purely friendship all that time…had no idea if you were young, old, male, female. But I can’t deny that there was a part of me that hoped you were young and female. Maybe that was just my fantasy, but there it is.”

  Eyes wide, she listened as her heart began to beat faster. His gaze bore into hers and she was incapable of staring at anything other than his beautiful eyes as he continued to speak.

  “We officially met about twenty hours ago and, in that time, I’ve learned you’ve been on the run for months, the witness to a murder, and trying to investigate a crime of such proportions that you are at serious risk.”

  Moving closer to her, he settled his hands on her shoulders, making sure she was listening to every word before continuing. “Yes, the Saints are still working with the Bureau on Eli’s life, his work, and what got him killed. But, Charlie, you are also now our mission. Your safety. Sure, we want your help in the investigation, but we are now more interested in taking care of you.”

  Hearing his words, she could only stare at the lips so close to hers. He has no idea that I’ve spent months looking at his picture on the internet. Wondering what it would be like to have him staring back at me. Holding me. Kissing me. Pulled, as if by a magnet, she leaned the few inches forward to meet his lips, when he suddenly jerked back. Mortification rushed over her as she tried to hop up, but her legs were still trapped between his knees and his hands were still on her shoulders.

  “Please let me up,” she whispered, her eyes downcast, feeling the fiery flames of a blush heating her cheeks.

  “Not happening,” he said, watching her expression morph to anger, but before she could speak, he quickly added, “Not until you hear everything I’ve got to say.”

  Her eyes snapped up to his, her mouth in a tight line.

  His warm eyes held hers as he confessed, “You’re still my fantasy.”

  His words slowly seeped into her. Cocking her head in confusion, she opened and closed her mouth several times but nothing came out.

  Letting out a sigh, his eyes roamed over her face, memorizing every detail. The little crease above her brow as she tried to puzzle something out. Her rich brunette hair spilling over her shoulders, the silky strands still begging for his hands. Her hazel eyes held his as the green flecks seemed to wink at him. Her smooth complexion, with a slight blush on her cheeks, and her lips were plump and pink from her biting nervously on them.

  Swallowing hard, he said, “Charlie, you need to stay here because that is the easiest way for me to keep you safe. Tomorrow, you’re going to tell me how you broke in. In fact, at some point, Jack will probably want you to look over everyone’s security.” With a wry grin, he added, “Gotta admit, I’m good at what I do, but there’s obviously things you can teach me. I’ve wanted to meet you ever since you first contacted me months ago.”

  “Why do I feel that there’s a but coming?” she asked, steeling herself for disappointment.

  “There’s no way I can take advantage of you,” he answered, his voice rough with anguish. Lifting one hand from her shoulder, he cupped her cheek. “I can’t do casual, Charlie. And I can’t play on your fears or need. I’m just not wired that way.”

  “I…I don’t do casual either,” she confessed. “But, you…you don’t seem casual to me. I already feel…I don’t know…somehow connected.” She leaned her face into his warm hand, closing her eyes for a moment, afraid to watch his reaction to her words.

  “Charlie…” he moaned, barely hanging on to his restraint. Sucking in a huge breath, he let it out slowly. “You need to rest…in a real bed…safe and warm.” Bending her head forward with his hand, he placed his lips on her forehead, holding them there for a long kiss. Watching as she opened her eyes, seeing them full of doubt, he added, “This isn’t no. This is just me wanting to take care of you. You’re right, we’re already connected, but I want to do this right.”

  The sting of rejection gone, she smiled as she nodded. “Okay,” her soft voice agreed, as she allowed him to pull her up. Glancing down at their hands as he linked fingers with hers, she smiled.

  Stopping at one of the open doors in the hall, he turned and said, “This is my guest room. I know it’s small, but—”

  “Oh, please,” she interrupted. “I’ve been in my tiny camper for a long time. This seems huge.” She viewed the double bed with an inviting red comforter, matching dresser and comfy rocking chair in the corner.

  Chuckling, he watched as she peered into the room, her eyes bright as she looked around. “The rocker was my mom’s. Even when she was buried deep in her studies, she would rock while telling me stories of long ago heroes as I went to sleep.”

  “It’s lovely,” she admitted, warmed by his personal admission.

  “There’s a bathroom at the end of the hall,” he indicated, “and I’ll be across the hall.” Startling, he dropped her hand and moved quickly back toward the kitchen. Returning a moment later, he had the large duffle bag in his hand. Setting it down on the floor, he said, “Is there anything else you need?”

  She wanted to scream that the only thing missing was him holding her tight all during the night, but a quick shake of her head was the only answer she gave.

  “Okay, then. I’ll say goodnight.” With another kiss on her forehead, he turned and headed into his room, then hesitated at the door. Twisting back, he gazed deeply into her eyes. “Charlie?”

  Mesmerized, she cocked her head to the side, waiting.

  “I…well, just know that I’m glad you’re here. I’m glad you came to me. I promise we’ll discover what we need to keep you safe.”

  Her tongue darted out to wet her dry lips as t
hey curved into a gentle smile. “Me too, Luke. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”

  With that, they each moved into their separate rooms.


  Two hours later, Luke lay awake, mentally kicking himself. I had a gorgeous woman, obviously into me and one that interests me as well, practically begging to be kissed. And I let a sense of honor keep me from going with the flow.

  The faint illumination from the security light in the hall grew larger as his door swung open, Charlie’s body outlined in the darkness.

  “Charlie? Everything all right?” he asked, sitting up quickly, ready to jump from the bed.


  Without waiting, he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and quickly stalked to the doorway, his hands automatically going to her shoulders as he peered into her face. Cocking his head to the side, he waited to see what she needed.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I know…I know what you said earlier, and I agree,” she rushed. “There’s a lot going on and I…I do appreciate you’re…um…hesitant to jump into…um…something physical, but it’s just that…” Her voice trailed off as her eyes cast downward.

  Lifting her chin with his fingers, he said, “What? What do you need? I’ll give you anything I can.”

  Slipping her arms around his waist, she slowly moved into his body, hugging him tightly. Resting her face on his chest, she heard his steady heartbeat against her ear. “I’ve been alone for a really long time,” she confessed. “I wanted to feel someone hold me.”

  Closing his eyes as he rested his chin on the top of her head, he pulled her in tighter. Without a word, he moved them backward until the backs of his knees hit his bed. Twisting, he gently pushed her down and, as her eyes widened, he said, “Sleep with me in here. Just sleep.”

  Seeing her smile, he crawled over her body, trying to ignore the way her curves felt underneath him as he settled on the other side. Slipping under the covers, he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in tight. With her back pressed into his front, he tucked her in. Neither spoke for a few minutes as he felt his heartbeat synchronize with hers.


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