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Discover Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

Page 11

by Maryann Jordan

  She felt stretched as his cock pushed all the way up into her. He began a slow thrusting, pulling almost all of the way out before pushing back in again. Kneeling on the mats between her legs, he pulled her hips upwards toward his dick. Gently pushing her legs apart as wide as she was comfortable, he began his slow thrusting again. This angle produced a new sensation for her, and she began to moan as the friction deep in her channel caused sparks to spread throughout her core.

  Feeling his own release coming soon, he leaned down to grasp her nipple in his mouth. Sucking it deeply, he nipped at the hardened bud with his teeth.

  “Sweetheart, come for me,” he begged.

  Right on cue, she felt herself lost once again in her release. The walls of her sex grabbed his cock tightly as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through her. Luke, losing control, pounded the last few thrusts deep inside, allowing her contracting muscles to milk him. Leaning up with her hips tightly held in his firm grip, he threw his head back, neck straining as his release poured deeply inside. Continuing to pump until the last drop was gone, he slowly pulled out.

  They lay together on the mats, sated, as he pushed her hair from her face. Staring down into her eyes that were filled with trust, he kissed her lips with the soft promise of being exactly what she needed.

  Chapter 13

  Luke, his body laying half on Charlie and half on the mat, lifted his head and looked around. He had used this room for several years, honing his martial arts skills and relieving stress from some of the Saints’ missions, as well as staying in shape after sitting in front of his computer for hours. Never. I’ll never look at this room the same again. It was now filled with the scent of their sex and vision of Charlie’s naked beauty writhing underneath him as he had loved her.

  Her eyes opened slowly and he observed as the relaxed expression on her face morphed into a smile, her lips curving upward.

  “Hey,” he whispered, brushing the damp hair from her forehead.

  “Hey, back,” she replied.

  “You okay?”

  Nodding, her smile grew wider. “Yeah. Oh, yeah.” She watched as a crease developed on his brow and she lifted her hand to smooth it out. “No, Luke. Don’t regret this. Please,” she begged.

  His gaze jerked down to her eyes, now filled with the beginnings of anguish. “No, no. I don’t regret one moment,” he said, glad to see her face relax again under his reassurance. “I never expected this.”

  “Me either,” she whispered. “I…haven’t…well, let’s just say, this isn’t normal for me…but then, nothing in the past five months has been very normal.”

  Leaning forward to kiss her once more, this time allowing the soft touch of lips to convey his feelings, he said, “Let’s shower. Then we can get ready for Faith to come over.”

  Standing, he pulled her forward and grabbed their clothes off the floor before leading her through the house, into his bedroom and into the bathroom. Fully intending for her to shower alone, he could not resist her invitation and discovered shower sex was exactly what he hoped it would be.


  “I don’t think I’m going to be able to be much help,” Charlie said, sitting in the corner of Luke’s comfortable sofa, her legs tucked up under her. She eyed the pretty, dark-haired woman sitting in one of the chairs facing her and could not help but notice the huge, blond man standing next to Luke. Faith’s husband. Bart…that was his name. And he looks worried.

  Faith noticed Charlie’s position and smiled gently. “Ignore the men…and especially Bart. He gets nervous when I do this. Sometimes when I get…feelings, about things, it wipes me out, so he’s overprotective.” Faith ignored the growl she heard from the kitchen and focused all her attention on Charlie. “Let’s talk a little and just see what comes out.” She arranged an art pad on her lap as she said, “Tell me, in your own words, what you saw. I know you told the Saints yesterday and I heard part of that. But I want you to close your eyes and go back to when you first came upon the window.”

  Licking her lips, Charlie leaned her head back on one of the pillows, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Letting the air out slowly she began.

  “I walked around the side of Eli’s old condo. There’s an alley that runs along the back, between his building and the building directly behind, so they have a little patio; that’s where the garbage cans are kept. He was neat, but I’d seen a couple of river rats back there, so it always gave me the creeps, but he spent all his time in the back room, with everything spread out. If the doorbell rang, he usually ignored it, so I got in the habit of going to the back door. He could look out and see me as I passed by the window and he’d let me in. The first floor was slightly elevated so I would stand on my tiptoes to see in.

  “I got to the edge of the window and, as usual, I lifted on my toes, but heard loud voices. It sounded like a man was angry and I wondered what was going on. I wasn’t frightened…just confused. A man was at the table of computers Eli worked at and I remember thinking how pissed Eli was going to be.”

  “Describe what you see of the man,” Faith prodded softly.

  “He was tall. Taller than Eli would have been if he was standing in the kitchen. I know because he towered over Eli’s bookcase that was next to him. Dark hair. Cut very short. Not shaved, but almost military short. Wearing dark pants and a dark windbreaker jacket. Then he moved out of the way and I could see Eli, sitting in a chair, with a man holding his hands behind his back. That man was not as tall, but had dark hair as well. The same cut…very black. He had the same dark clothing, but I could see a white dress shirt underneath his dark windbreaker. He had glasses.”

  “Good. Just keep your eyes closed and walk me through everything,” Faith said, as her fingers flew over the paper.

  “I saw the side of Eli’s head. I could see that he was scared. His mouth was open but he wasn’t saying anything. I remember gasping and immediately hoping the sound had not been loud. I reached into my purse to pull out my phone to call 911.

  “Then the tall man moved to the other side of the room and I saw a shorter woman. I couldn’t see what she was wearing on her legs. I mean, I don’t know if it was pants or a skirt, but she had a white blouse and the same dark windbreaker. She had a gun.”

  By now, Charlie’s voice was shaking and Luke moved forward, wanting to provide comfort. Faith shook her head at him, causing him to step back reluctantly.

  “Okay, good. Now don’t focus on the gun,” Faith said. “Look at the woman. Tell me what you see.”

  Her breath now coming in shorter pants, Charlie’s arms wrapped around her knees as she pulled them up protectively in front of her while keeping her eyes tightly shut. She tried to pull the woman’s features to the forefront of her mind, but struggled as the image of the weapon overtook all other thoughts.

  “I got a glimpse of the side of her face. She was Asian. Her black hair was cut in a bob, just above her shoulders, and hanging straight. No glasses. She…she held the gun in her…right hand, pointing at Eli. She was not really shouting, but I could clearly hear her ask ‘who knows?’ which is a phrase I heard our Chinese friend use. Eli shook his head.

  “I had my hand on my phone and was ready to dial when the woman put her left hand on her hip and that pulled her jacket back a little. And there it was. A badge. Clipped to her waistband.”

  “And then?” Faith queried, her eyes darting between Charlie and the art pad in her lap.

  “I hesitated. It was a badge. A badge! I suddenly didn’t know what to do. I hesitated. But before I could even think, the woman fired—”

  An animalistic scream pierced the room causing Charlie’s eyes to jerk open as she wildly looked around, gasping as she realized the sound had come from her.

  Luke rushed forward, dropping to the floor as his arms swept her up into his embrace. He whirled around, sitting down on the sofa with her in his lap. Her sobs filled the room as she clutched to his shirt. Sitting was not providing the comfort he wanted to offer, so he flipped th
em around so that she was lying on the sofa with half of his body on hers.

  Surrounded by all that was Luke, his warmth, his soothing words, his gentle hands moving up and down her back, she began to relax. Her sobs slowed to hiccups before she finally pulled back to stare at his face through watery eyes.

  He wiped her wet cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. “I’m so sorry you had to go through this, sweetheart,” he whispered.

  Her breath hitched a couple of times, but she finally said, “No, it’s all right. It’s just that, with my eyes closed and talking through the scene, it was as though I was right there under that window once more.” Taking one more shuddering breath, she peered over his shoulder, seeing Bart kneeling with his arms around Faith.

  “Oh, Faith, are you all right?” Charlie asked, sitting up with Luke’s assistance.

  Faith smiled and nodded. “I’m fine.” Patting her large husband with her small hand, she assured, “Absolutely fine.” She glanced down at her art pad and then back up to Charlie. “Are you ready to see what I have?”

  Sucking in a deep breath, she nodded. Luke stood and offered his hand to her. Allowing him to pull her up, he wrapped his arm around her waist to assure she was steady. As they stepped over to the other side of the room, Faith lay the pad on the coffee table.

  Charlie looked down at the pad filled with several smaller pictures around the edges. The man at the computers with the bookcase in the background. The man bending over as he held Eli’s hands. The woman as her back was to the group. And in the center was the main description. It was the woman with the gun. The same dark, sleek bob. The dark windbreaker pushed back at her hip. And the badge.

  Luke and Bart stared at the drawings also, both focused on the woman in the center of the page. There was no way to determine if the woman was Lin Wang, but the illustration bore a striking resemblance to her.

  Charlie continued to stare wordlessly at the drawings, her eyes searching for anything that was not right. But there was nothing to correct except maybe the badge. Lifting her eyes to Faith, she said, “It’s perfect. It’s as though I’m looking into the window again.” Her breath hitched again, and she felt Luke’s arm pulling her around so that her front was plastered to his side. She looked up and added, “Except the badge. It doesn’t look quite right.”

  Before Luke could respond, Bart explained, “Different law enforcement agencies have different badges. Jack wondered if you might be able to recognize it.” He shifted his attention to Luke and said, “Can you pull some up for her to look at? If she can identify the right one, I’ll contact Jack and we’ll know better how to proceed.”

  Kissing the top of her head, Luke stepped away from Charlie, reluctantly, just long enough to grab his laptop. Efficiently pulling up various badges, she quickly dismissed any oblong or with five stars. Staring at the myriad of others, she slapped her hand down on the table in frustration. “Good grief, how many badges are there?”

  Luke slid his hand around her jaw, gently pulling her face toward his, bending to get in her line of vision. “Charlie…it’s okay. We’re a helluva lot further in this case than we were.”

  She focused on his eyes, mesmerized by the milk chocolate color. Jumping when Bart cleared his throat behind them, she blushed, ducking her head.

  “Sorry, guys,” Bart said. “I’m taking Faith home and then heading to Jack’s.”

  Standing to let them out, Luke kissed Faith on the cheek, thanking her before clasping hands with Bart. “I’m staying here today and working with Charlie from home. Tell Jack I’ll check in with him when you all are there.”

  Nodding, Bart looked over Luke’s shoulder to the pale beauty standing in Luke’s living room. A slow grin formed on his face as he said, “Hits you at the damndest times.” His gaze shifted back to Luke’s and he continued, “Take care of her.”

  Luke watched as Bart smiled down at his wife and they walked arm in arm toward their SUV. Twisting to look over his shoulder at Charlie standing nervously in his house, he vowed, I plan on doing just that.


  That night, Faith woke from a dream, her body jerking. Her hands flew to her large, pregnant stomach, breathing a sigh of relief as she felt the strong movement of her baby. Slipping from bed, she padded to the bathroom. Finishing, she was about to turn off the light when an image passed through her mind…a dragon. No other image followed as she stopped and waited to see if something else would come. Nothing. Shaking her head, she moved back to the bed, sliding underneath the covers and into Bart’s waiting embrace.

  “You okay, babe?” he mumbled, his hands instinctively cupping her stomach.

  “Yeah, the baby is just moving a lot,” she replied, snuggling into her large husband’s arms. Closing her eyes, she drifted off, the image of the dragon fading away.


  Penny Owens and David Ellis walked to the address listed on the card. The building was unassuming and upon pushing open the door and walking into the lobby, they were greeted by a waiting room filled with people sitting in plastic chairs. Some holding bandages, some with coughs, others sniffling.

  Penny grimaced, hoping she and David did not catch something worse than what he already had while waiting. A pretty Asian woman sitting behind the reception desk looked at the two of them. Xia Wu was on her name tag but Penny did not know how to pronounce the name so she nodded at the friendly woman.

  “Do you need to see the doctor?” Xia asked.

  “Um…my friend has a cough,” Penny began but was interrupted when the receptionist shoved a clipboard filled with papers toward her.

  “Fill these out, bring them back up here and we’ll see you as soon as we can.”

  Penny took the clipboard, glancing back at the crowd, and wondered how long they would have to wait.

  “Oh, I forgot,” David said between coughs, reaching into his jeans pocket, pulling out the business card. “A lady gave me this card and said for me to give it to you when I came in.”

  The receptionist’s eyes widened as a smile creased her face. “Oh, I didn’t realize,” she said, reaching for the card. With a quick glance at it, she reached over the desk and took the clipboard out of Penny’s hands. “You won’t need to fill this out.”

  “Hey,” Penny protested. “What are you doing? Can’t he be seen?”

  “Oh yes, but you don’t have to wait out here. You can be brought on back.” Standing, she indicated for them to follow her as she walked through the door behind her desk.

  Sharing a wide-eyed expression, the two fell in step behind the young woman.

  She looked over her shoulder and explained, “We actually have a separate clinic area for special patients.”

  “Special?” Penny asked.

  Hesitating, with her hand resting on a pair of double doors, she said, “We understand that there are some people who have needs that go beyond medical care and this clinic is run by a doctor who wants to help.”

  “Because we’re homeless?” Penny pursued.

  The woman nodded but said nothing else as she pushed through the doors. Curiosity leading them forward, they followed her into an elevator and then down a rather long, dark hall. Just as Penny was about to protest their direction, they went back up a staircase and into a small, but sparkling clean, waiting room that had no one else there. She passed them off to another receptionist, who greeted them with a friendly smile. Welcoming them, she moved to sit with them as they filled out the forms together.

  Penny stiffened when she saw the questions pertaining to family and addresses. “Are you turning us in?”

  “No, no,” the woman rushed to say. “We understand that many young people don’t have any family, but want to know who to contact in case of an emergency.”

  “There’s no one looking for us,” she replied as David nodded his agreement.

  “Well, then, we’ll be sure to take good care of you,” she assured. Turning to David, she continued, “With your cough, we’ll want to get you a room so that you can be eva
luated and the doctor will offer a full physical.” Looking at Penny, she added, “And one for you as well.”

  “I’m only here with him,” Penny confirmed. “I don’t need anything.”

  “But my dear, you’ve been on the streets for a while, right? And the night’s lodging and medical evaluation are free to you. Why would you not want to take advantage of it?”

  “Free? Absolutely free?” David asked, catching Penny’s eyes. “Come on, Penny. I don’t want you back out on the street without me. Stay for the night.”

  Chewing the inside of her lip, Penny nodded. “Okay. It sounds good to me.”

  “Wonderful,” the woman purred. “Well, I’ll have someone show you to the female ward and we’ll get David in to see the doctor now and then he’ll be in the male ward unless the doctor feels that he needs a room.”

  Feeling as though their luck was surely turning, Penny and David followed the woman even further into the clinic.

  Chapter 14

  The grey clouds, heavy with rain, cast the bedroom in a dark gloom, but the two inhabitants were oblivious to the outside world.

  Luke’s body was curled around Charlie’s as he slid his thick cock into her wet sex from behind. One arm under her neck allowed his hand to tease her breasts while the other hand gripped her hip firmly. The position ramped the friction up several notches and if the sounds coming from her throat were any indication, she was as turned on as he.

  Heat poured off of him so she kicked the covers down, allowing the ceiling fan to help cool their bodies. Keeping her top leg lifted slightly, she slid her hand down, finding her clit slick with their combined moisture. Circling the swollen bud, her insides coiled tightly.

  She barely heard the grunts coming from Luke in time with the pumping of his hips. Pushing back against his thrusts, his cock slid in deeper and deeper until she felt stretched as far as she could go.

  “Come on, babe,” he panted. “You close?”


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