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Redemption: A Custos Novel

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by Emjay Soren

  Attempting to soothe her I pulled her to me by the shoulder, and placed my hands to her face and decided Infatuation was the way to go. “You're gonna calm down and breath. You're gonna listen to what I have to say, and you're not gonna freak out.” I waited for the tale tale sign of a slowed heartbeat and the relaxed glassy eyes, but it never came. Her heart was still thumping in that same erratic staccato beat she had when we found her.

  “Are you done?” She asked blandly and I am left stupid. “Infatuation doesn’t work on me. Some guy named Conlin gave me some immunization for it when he kidnapped me.”

  Bleedin’ fuck!

  “And when did he kidnap you?” I asked stepping back, dropping my hands. I refused to acknowledge the fact that though torn up as she was, her skin felt like satin and her face held me captive for reasons I would not explore.

  She shrugged, and I could see the bones in the cap of her shoulder. She was too skinny, but it was an easy fix. “I don’t know. What is today?”

  It took me a minute to think, because I was busy trying to figure out if her eyelashes were real. I know, it’s not the normal thing a man looks at and wonders about, but most men don't live with Cookie. I, much to my own displeasure, know far too much about designers, makeup, facial procedures, creams and all that damn girl shit. This Birds lashes were thick and long and spiked from her tears. She was a fucking beauty regardless of her appearance. “Tonight is the fifteenth of January.”

  “2012?” She gasped and I knew the answer would freak her out.

  “No, 2013.”

  Her face dropped and she went even more pale. She fell to her knees, her eyes filling with tears again. I had a sudden urge to do anything to keep her from crying, because it was killing me. “What is it little Bird?”

  She just squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head no.

  I did what was natural and took her in my arms, sitting side by side on the floor, I rocked her to and fro as I had done many a time with Peter and Mary. “I can’t help ya if you don’t tell me.”

  She only cried harder, so I let her. Cookie taught me that sometimes a woman just needed a man to hold her so she could cry. I tended to do what Cookie said, because the woman was astoundingly accurate. So there we sat, alone in an empty tattoo shop, and I let her cry.

  Chapter Four

  Tavern Madley

  He let me cry. He was the only man I knew who didn’t run screaming the instant tears appeared. It is compassion like this that the world needs. What they said about me was right. I begged for sex from any willing participant when I was at Bliss. If I was in the right frame of mind, I would see that behavior like that is out of character for me. I was also in the clutches of one bad ass drug, and according to my captors I was going to die without it.

  Sweet. Super stoked about my future!

  “Better now Bird?” He asked. I tried to place his accent.

  “Are you Irish?” I asked, sitting back to look at him. I know I look horrible. My clothes are tattered and torn and filthy. I want to burn them, but they're all I have. Everything I owned was in my dorm room at UNLV, and apparently that was years ago. The clothes on my back are all my worldly possessions.

  “I am, but I've been in America since I was seventeen, so the accent isn’t as thick as when I first arrived.” God, I could listen to him talk all day. His voice was deep and subtle, and the way his words rolled off his tongue was completely erotic. He was a giant compared to me, and his body and face didn’t quite match his attire. He features were Adonis perfect. A cupids bow mouth and chiseled jaw, his eyes were the palest blue, and that hair....sigh..... the way if fell perfectly to frame his face no matter which way he moved was utterly mesmerizing. His beauty was the worst kind of unfair.

  “I wasn’t born and raised in Vegas, I was attending UNLV.” I didn’t want to leave his embrace. It was the first time in what felt like forever that I felt safe. “I remember the day I was abducted. It was June of 2010. June first. I had just finished packing up my room at the dorm. I had one year left before I graduated and was moving off campus with my roommate and best friend Jezzi.” I stood and began pacing, my nerves overcoming me as I thought back to that dreadful day. I was so dumb back then. “We had dressed up to head to a campus party. One of the frat houses was throwing a vampire bash. We dressed like vampires and decided to walk since we'd be drinking.

  “This guy named Conlin and a few of his friends say that they are heading there as well. Jezzi makes this stupid joke about them not being dressed like vampires.” I shiver because I'd known something was off but had ignored that instinct. “Conlin smiles and we both catch our breath. His fangs were incredible. We let them walk with us and do the whole flirtatious small talk thing.I was flattered because I had a reputation on campus for being unsociable and cold. I decided to take a chance on this party because it was the end of the year, I had my internship lined up and nothing to lose.” I hated feeling like I was defending myself or my actions to anyone. Defending myself to this vampire made my head spin. It made no sense why I should give a rats ass what this guy thought, for some inexplicable reason though, I did. “After we got to the party Jezzi and I went separate ways. She was meeting her boyfriend there for a game of beer pong she swore she would play.

  “So I hung out with Conlin and his friends. They all started leaving one by one saying something was up or they had plans. I thought they were just making excuses so we could be alone.” I shrug my shoulders and know that the next part will forever change how this dream of a guy will look at me, and I wish it were different.

  “He tells me that he wants me to come home with him. That when we get there, he has a new version of X that will blow my mind. He says it makes you fuck all night and never get tired. He said the sex would be unbelievable too.” I look at him expecting to see disgust on his face, but his expression is impartial. He is making no judgments, just listening.

  “I know what you’re thinking.” I say, because though I appreciate his ability to listen, I know how this looks and sounds.

  “Do ya now?” He asks and gives me a smirk. My blood starts rushing immediately. I know it’s the drug in my I still want him so bad I can barely talk.

  “I was stupid. Jezzi and I had argued earlier and she told me I was wasting my life, to have fun and live a little. I was a young, attractive girl wanting to have the full college experience. I had never had a one night stand; I had only smoked weed and then done a few lines of coke once. I drank, but not excessively. Hell, I even kissed Jezzi once just because we were curious if it was true that girls are all around better than guys.”

  He gives a genuine laugh and it eases me; I feel able to continue. “We were all hot and heavy, so I left with him. I was ready for the night to really begin. He takes me to this mansion that is ridiculous, and says his dad is some pharmaceutical tycoon and that he lives off his trust. So by now I’m thinking he has a solid head on his shoulders and that I can trust him........”

  I sigh, because telling him what happened the rest of the night is just too hard to actually verbalize. “And now two years later, I’m fresh from a sex slave ring and have nowhere to go and nothing to my name. I’m addicted to a drug that will kill me if I continue taking it, and kill me if I don’t. I’m in a near constant state of arousal and have been with more men than care to count.” I feel more tears fall and I despise myself. “I did this. I left that party knowing shit like this can happen. Not the vampires, but the sex slave shit and the drugs. I knew the risk.”

  “Well now little Bird, listen to me clear. First, no woman, regardless of her status and needs, deserves what Conlin fucking Freebold did. You were one in many, but you’re alive. Second, the drug is gone for good. We hold the rights and we burned all evidence. If there is Bliss out on the streets, it’s only a matter of time before we shut it down.” He stands now and walks to the nearby counter, grabbing a paper towel. “Third," he continues, “getting off Bliss won’t kill you. The men you saw, the three of them, they're call
ed the Cado. They are three very dangerous fallen angels and they spout useless bullshit. The drug’s effects will be with you for some time, but they ain't killin’ ya. And last, we won’t leave you alone with nothing. Until we get shit figured out, you can come with us.”

  My laugh sounds almost maniacal. Yeah, right, been there, done that. He stares at me, stone faced.

  “You’re serious? Did you not just hear my story?”

  He smiles, but it’s forced. “I’ll pull no punches with you. We're vampires. We are Custos Nex, they are the Cruor Nex. Unlike us, they're completely soulless. We are driven by our instinct and heart. They are driven by the need to kill. I'm a mercenary, as is my partner you so charmingly called Spike. The other two with us were Bastian and Leushus. Bastian was the big guy with blond hair; he’s a werewolf and our protector. He would sooner hurt himself than hurt you. Leushus was the one you spoke with before I came in. He is our Dominus, our boss for lack of a better term. He tells us to jump, and we say how high. We kill the bad guys. I can give ya my word that your safe with us, but the choice is yours.”

  I felt like a fool for trusting him, but I did. “Spike scares me.” I figured I should be honest and make all my feelings clear. I hoped he would protect me from Spike.

  He laughs. “He is just as scared of you little Bird.”

  I don’t know why, but I loved him calling me that.

  “How is a vampire mercenary scared of a crack whore?” I laugh at my joke, but it seems to infuriate him.

  “I won’t tolerate names like that. It’s degrading. You didn’t have a choice in what befell you. All you did was seek a little pleasure and it resulted in a nightmare. No one should be tortured for having trust in another. Talk like that will earn you no respect from me.” He was pissed, but I couldn’t figure why he gave a shit.

  “Well, let’s agree to disagree. Seriously though, why the hell would he fear me?”

  He seemed to ponder the question. Looking at him, it was easy to see that he wore his emotions like a flashing neon sign. It was clear he didn’t want me to know why Spike hated me. “Tell me please.” There I was sounding two inches tall again. It was a disappointment to hear such fear and sadness in my voice. I had always been so strong and self assured.

  I had goals and plans. I had put literally everything on the back burner and focused on my future. Now all my future held was a desperate need to fuck, with a desperate need to get high running a close second.

  “Let’s not worry about it right now. He'll get over his fear of you soon enough, and I promise you, he will protect you. You are safe with us.”

  “I don’t have much of a choice here considering my options are that or the streets.”

  He gave me a genuine smile. “There is always a choice, always a speck of hope.” He sounded scripted, but his smile said he meant the words even if he didn’t believe them himself. “We can get you cleaned up and fed and help with the withdrawals. We can also get answers and maybe find out how you landed in Seattle.”

  “I don’t know how I got here.” I don’t know anything anymore.

  He shrugged again like it wasn’t of importance. “Probably something that will come to you after a good night’s rest and a hot meal.” I nod in agreement and follow him, then stop, something suddenly occurring to me.

  “One thing before we go?”

  “Shoot.” He said as we walked out of the room.

  “What’s your name?” I blushed. I mean, seriously, I'd just bared my soul to this guy and I didn't even know his freakin' name.

  “Tell me yours first.” He said smiling and winked at me. A small squeak escaped my lips. Sweet Jesus, this guy was toxic to the drugs hormonal effect on me.

  “Tavern.” I said and waited for the questions that always came. My answers always disappointed, Tavern was my legal name.

  “Tavern what?” He asked genuinely interested.

  “What no questions or jokes?”

  He just shrugged. “My name is… strange too.”

  “What is it?” I ask again completely curious now.

  “Last name.” He was sterner this time, but I could still feel a playful air about him. I liked playful, hot vampire guy.

  “Tavern Madley.”

  He smiled and my heart sped up, stuttering like a teenagers. Apparently, the cure to my cynical side was a sexy vampire. “Well Tavern Madley it’s nice to meet ya. My names Preacher. No first, no last, just Preacher.”

  I didn’t understand why, and it didn't seem to matter, but the name fit him. “Nice to meet you Preacher. Now tell me what’s Spikes name, for real?”

  He chuckled and shook his head while holding the door for me. “No, I think Spike suits him just bloody fine.”

  Chapter Five


  I was able to get Tavern back to the house and settled before I went in search of Cash and Cookie. At the moment, Tavern was in a giant bathtub filled with lavender or something. She seemed to be enjoying the peace and quiet. Addicts needed calm, and her addiction was horrendous. She was suffering the effects of withdrawal from the drug. This meant she had a fever, the shakes, no appetite and mood swings. The other symptom she was experiencing was a result of the drug that stilin lung to her system, the near constant need for sexual satisfaction. She was like a dog in heat with no outlet. Keeping her calm was definitely our best bet.

  I stood at Cash and Cookie’s door gathering the nerve to knock. Cash and I were as close as brothers, it's why we didn't fight very often. Our instinct and intuition was similar, our reaction to most things evil being just and true. Lately though, I resented the hell out of him.

  He was so concerned with my well being and my state of happiness all the time. Before Cookie came along, he didn’t notice my darkness. Now he was so busy nagging me about it that he was losing sight of what was important. I had lost sight too, but one isn’t the same as the other.

  Before I could knock, the door opened and Cookie stood there looking perfectly beautiful. I am not in any way interested in Cookie; she is dear to me like a sister, like my children were to me. But she is a beautiful girl. Cash had once described her to me as painfully striking. I never understood the term until earlier tonight, with my little Bird. Yet one more thing I was choosing to ignore. There was something about Tavern Madley and her pixie looks that made me antsy. Had I been willing to acknowledge the attraction to Tavern, I would be standing here to get advice from Cookie, but my task tonight was more daunting than getting dating advice.

  “Preacher, hi.” She gave me a sad smile, and it told me everything. Cash had come running to her and boobed about what a meany I was. Tough shit I say, the little titty.

  “Cookie, looking perfect as ever.” It was a commonality to praise our girl. To say London Chase was vain was an understatement. I'd enjoyed her vanity and confidence when I first met her. She was a refreshing change from the dark and dismal existence we lived before her. She was small and petite, like the sprite of a girl upstairs naked in my tub. Unlike the beauty upstairs, London Chase carried an air of class that most women so desperately tried to achieve. She loved her labels and her makeup. She was lost without nail polish and skin aging lotions, even though she no longer aged she still said that it wasn’t worth tempting fate. She had deep brown locks that shone like a new penny and a face that only angels owned.

  But that was just the shell, the nut on the inside was a whole other story. We'll call her feisty for lack of the perfect term. “Cash inside?” I ask before leaning in and kissing her on the cheek. Cookie is the only woman I have kissed since my beloved died. Even the women I'd bedded these last few months didn’t receive my kiss.

  “Yes but you need to talk to me first.” She said as she slipped out the door. “I’m going for a water, come along and let’s chat.” Oh yeah, she has an agenda.

  “Chat away Cookie.” She smiles every time I call her that. The name I never thought would stick, I now use more than her real name. When we met she thought I smelled of sage a
nd weed. When I called her Cookie she asked why, and I told her it was because she smelled like cookies.

  “Why are you guys fighting so much lately?” She asked and gripped my arm. It was then I noticed her jeans were rolled up at the feet and she had this weird separator thing between her toes.

  “What is that?” I ask and point to her feet.

  “Painting my toes and that keeps me from smudging.” She says like I should have known. She walks on her heels, gripping my arm for balance. “Don’t change the subject. Why are you and Cash fighting so much?”

  “Spend close to a hundred years with him and I’m sure you’ll feel me.” I say it as a joke, but feel like shit saying it, because I would have given anything for a million years with Emme, but also because in their short time together, London had been faced with losing Cash more than she should have.

  “I can’t wait for our hundredth anniversary. I’ll throw a party.” By the look on her face, she is already planning it in her mind and I think I’m home free. “Not sure if you’ll be there though, since you two keep fighting.”

  I can hear the fear in her voice, and I want to ease it, but I can't. I’m bleedin’ sick of him. “We'll figure it out Cookie. This isn't the first time.”

  “Not like this Preacher, and Cash says that too. I've seen ya’ll fight and this isn't normal. You're mad as hell, I can see it in your face.” I can see the pain in her eyes and I know that this is scaring her. She has no one but Cash and me. We are her family, Leush and Bastian too. She doesn't want that rock cracked.

  “Why is it so hard for you guys to accept that I’m sick of the evil, the carnage?” You'd think they would get it considering the number of kills we'd had over the last six months. Cookie took one out with her bare hands.

  “I get that, but you seem to be forgetting what the fight is for.”


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