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Redemption: A Custos Novel

Page 11

by Emjay Soren

  She laughs. “I cried when I gave up my Chanel no.5 for this life. It was such a sad day.”

  I laugh, because even I would cry if I knew I could afford such an expensive perfume and then couldn't wear it.

  "The scent on vamps is unusual. I think they smell earthy, but Cash says he thinks we humans smell fabric softener and Pine Sol or something. I told him he wasn’t a human, so how would he know?”

  “Can’t fight that logic.”

  “I know right?”

  “The key point will always be to try and filter the scent of alcohol from the vampire, a human will smell of liquor, a vampire will not. It’s a dead give away, no pun intended." She said, mocking Cash’s voice. “Swear he said that to me when he gave me this list. He was Mr. Know It All macho vampire.”

  I laugh again and skim the paper some more.

  "Why liquor?” I ask seeing that it says nothing about why they drink. “Is that why Preacher smokes weed?”

  She nods. "Yeah. Custos are technically do gooders, but they need to keep the Infatuation under control or all hell breaks loose and women all over will attack. Cash called it his back up plan for feeding, back when he would drink from random women.” She makes a face like the thought repulses her and I have to admit, the idea is a bit repugnant. “Alcohol or weed keep them in check. They also need like, a ton of water or they dehydrate super quick.”

  “Number four on the list is that story we told you earlier. I was following the list and teaching him a lesson, total over achievement.”

  She laughs and I read number four, then laugh myself.

  "Four. If they want to feed from you, they will definitely ask to go talk somewhere private. It's a very human request. You're into each other, so hey, let's go somewhere we can be alone. These are no humans, so always, always make sure you're armed."

  "Five. Garlic, holy water and crosses are of no importance to vampires, they will make you look stupid and ultimately get you killed. What does kill them is any form of UV rays, a wood stake through the heart, and silver will weaken, killing them if enough silver penetrated the heart. Liquid silver is key for a human to arm themselves with; vampires consider it cheating and weak to kill one another so quickly. At the end of the day all vampires are evil, some just fight for the good side. Evil likes to drag death out, prolong the agony of it. Silver is quick, and a vampire who uses it will be marked as a coward.

  “They totally started killing with silver after the Nex shot Cash almost killing him, so that’s why it’s crossed out.” London explains.

  "Six. Last but not least, one of the guys will try and always be close, but if for some reason they are not and you find yourself in trouble, there is only one rule we live by, and so will you. Kill first and ask questions later."

  I fold the paper and place it in her hands. “Hold this for me, I don’t have a clutch or anything. Not even an ID. Leushus used mind control or some shit to get me in without being carded.”

  She took the notes, dropped them in her clutch and sipped from her drink. Looking around she paused her glare and leaned in close to me. “To your left about fifty feet is Bas. You see him?”

  I look where she says and he is hard to miss. He is huge and attractive, already with a group of women dancing in front of him trying to entice him. The plan was to dance and flirt and have a good time like there wasn’t a fear of Nex in the room. Bastian was scheduled to show from time to time and check on us. The were hadn’t been seen by the Cado in human form back when London was at Bliss, so he was the only one who would be out in the open, visible to us.

  Bastian and London had become my closest allies in this new world. During the day and even some of the night, we spent most of our time together. Because of our non-daylight restrictions it only made sense. I was also the one who went grocery shopping with Bas during the week. Tonight though, tonight he was going to put the moves on me.

  The plan was to get Preacher good and riled up, but not endanger the life of an innocent in the act of harmless jealousy. Bastian said that he could keep Preacher calm after our little plan played out, easier than if an innocent pissed him off. I thought the whole thing was crazy and stupidly childish. They all said I was just scared.

  Word of the ruse traveled fast to Leushus, and now they all were anxious to watch the show, London included. We found a table and left our drinks purposely behind, knowing that we were safe and the first sign of trouble would be slipping something in our drinks. In the event that happened, Bastian would bring us new ones and try to appear to be flirting.

  It didn’t take long for us to be noticed. I wasn’t a self deprecating girl; I expected to get noticed because I was attractive. I didn’t expect for it to be so often. Either this bar was a meat market, or there were some serious pheromone vibes coming from my Bliss addiction.

  But it was one song in particular that changed everything. A group of girls were counting down to midnight when it would officially be the birthday of one of the girls. Apparently the girl was a diehard Justin Timberlake fan, because when the kicking beat to Love Stoned started, the girls went crazy grinding on one another.

  “I need a drink.” London shouted over the song. She had a hand behind her head holding her long locks off her neck. I could see a very pale trace of a bite mark in her neck. Most likely Cash had bitten her seconds before walking into the bar. I had a very brief moment wishing that I had what she had. I must be fucking crazy to want to be bit, to be claimed.

  “Go ahead.” I shouted back and did a little spin. “I'm gonna keep dancing. I love this song.” She nodded and kissed my cheek with a promise to be right back.

  When the arms of a Nex slipped around me I froze at the touch, and tried to keep my stomach bile from coming up. “Fuck, you are beautiful." He says in my ear. I take a deep breath trying to calm my erratic heartbeat.

  “Hi.” I say and smile shyly, still moving my hips. Luckily as I turned to face him I was able to remove myself from his hold. “You're not too bad yourself.” I catch a glimpse at his eyes. Since meeting Preacher and his gang of holy rollers I'd learned that any vampire who is in bloodlust will have that evil swirling bloody stare. My good vampires didn’t have bloodlust issues because they had blood everywhere they went. Every room in the house, Leushus’ car, Bastian’s car and even London in a state of an emergency. Seeing this Nex before me I knew he had eatan....ewwww.....because his eyes were the most perfect shade of emerald.

  “Want to let me buy you a drink?” He is back in close to my neck as though my heartbeat is pulsing like a neon sign that says 'Bite me'. What I found funny, and super creepy at the same time, was that he was using an insane amount of Infatuation on me........and it was bouncing off like Teflon.

  Not sure what the plan was if asked to leave, I smiled and played dumb. “Sorry what?” I immediately start scanning the bar for Bastian and lock on his gaze when I find him.

  “Drink. Do you want one?” He sound irritated and I think he knew that his infatuation wasn’t working on me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close, harder and faster than I had seen a vampire move lately. Cash and Preacher had been so understanding aboutntheir supernatural speed and movements, they tried to not freak me out. The force this little fucker was using made me nervous.

  I laugh erratically. “Looks like you’d rather dance than drink bug guy.” I cringe as I say it, knowing I sound lame as hell. I am fully aware of how out of the game I really am.

  “Just trying to entice you. What’s your name sexy?”

  At least I wasn’t the only one with bad flirting skills. Before I could answer I felt hands on my hips and hoped to God it was Bas or a human.

  “Her name is taken.” Bastian growls and slips me from the Nex’s arms before the guy could argue.

  “It was nice talking to you.” I say with my best fake smile and wrap my arms around Bastian.

  “That guy is dangerous simply because of how strong he was putting it on you.” Bas whispered in my ear low enough even vampire hearing
couldn’t pick it up over the music.

  “That bad?” I ask and am immediately terrified for London and every other girl in here.

  He nods. “Leushus is on it, but I think Preacher is getting him before Leushus can.”

  That made no sense. “How did Preacher know? I know Leushus is all knowing but…” Then it dawned on me. “Holy shit did the Nex make him jealous?” The fact that a simple talk with an evil vampire while he touched me and used dangerous levels of Infatuation on me had him mad…. he would flip if he saw Bas. “Play along now, because he's already half crazed watching you get hit on.”

  “I don’t know about this.” I bit my lip and leaned in to speak, it had to look like I was flirting back.

  “Feel like a vixen honey. He needs a dose of reality. The reality being that he needs to move on, what happened sucked for sure, but he's still here, and missing out.”

  I didn’t know what he meant. I didn’t know what happened or why it sucked, but I assumed he had been with someone before me, and they must have hurt him deeply. “But with jealousy?” I shook my head uncertain. “It seems a little sleazy to me.”

  “Honey it’s the norm for a vampire.” London said taking a spot beside me, dancing close. “Vampires are so territorial. Hell, Cash gets jealous when he sees me talk to the pizza delivery boy. They are like big blood sucking cavemen, we however, hold all the cards.” She winks and lifts her drink in the air as she dances. I wish like hell I could feel as free as London.

  “Look if it doesn’t work and we're all wrong, then no harm, no foul. At least you'll know he isn’t into you. But we all know he is. I say dose his ass, and remind him why he should be thanking Christ that a fine woman like you wants his old ass. Stop staring at the ground and walking on eggshells terrified. We all adore you, and consider you part of the family. Be that woman we all see inside, and stand proud of how damn fine you are.”

  As pep talks went it was probably my favorite, and definitely the most successful.



  Nothing like meeting a new vamp in a dark, wet alleyway to get my ire up. “Where ya headed pal?” I ask, letting the venom of my anger drip from each word. This piece of shit touched her, tried to get her back here where he was now attempting to get into another innocent. I could feel the waves of overdosed Infatuation coming off this bastard, and the misuse alone was as bad as dosing a woman on Bliss.

  “None of your business.” He said and barely glancing my way. I turned briefly when I heard the door creak open, but didn’t need to look. I knew it was Cash and Leush. I knew the scent of the both of 'em like I knew my own.

  “Oh, but I’m pretty fuckin’ sure it is.” He turned then, and I could see the girl he had taken in place of Tavern was doped on the effects of this kid’s magic. Question was, how the hell was a young one so juiced? I looked to the girl, my stare intense and far more powerful than the twerp that brought her out, “Get along now. Go!” I wasn’t friendly and it wasn’t a request. Luckily I was able to knock his Infatuation down a few pegs with my own. It was nice being the bigger badass and teachin’ the kiddies a lesson.

  The girl took off. I hoped she made it home before she got to any more trouble. Dumb girl had no idea how close to death she was. This was a killer before me.

  I was a killer too.

  ‘Hey you Irish fuck......"

  I didn’t let him finish. I called on my speed and rushed the fucker, slamming his much smaller body against the wall, the grime from the brick held an awful stench when mixed with the Nex’s fear.

  “Let me make something clear. My homeland is beautiful, and I am not a fuck. However, I have amazin’ eyesight and saw your plans for the girl inside. She shot ya down, so you came for another, a weaker girl. Have I got it right lad?” I ask, pushing my accent to the point it was hard to understand me if you weren’t used to me. Cash and Leushus were used to me, so they just laughed and watched the show.

  “What do you care? We share the same curse bro!” The fucker was a whiner and it made me damn sad. It was like the Cado and old school Nex didn’t have standards anymore.

  “Nah, we don’t… bro! I am a Custos Nex. Sired by one Cacius Troy and am servant to only one. Want to know my Masters name Lad?” I was messing with the kid, teaching him a lesson before I sent him to answer for his sins.

  The kid cursed, recognition crossing his face. I loved this part. “You’re the Preacher?” He asked, but he already knew the answer, he only hoped he was wrong.

  I pulled out my cross and let it spin in my hand, the wood old and blessed, it was home in my hand. “That I am.”


  Knowing what he wanted I cut him off. “No, sorry Lad, not tonight. Not takin' souls tonight…” I looked at my boys with a dark smile. “Well, unless you want to tell me how you juiced your Infatuation?”

  Scared he was going to say Bliss, I hung on every word like the kid was declaring his love. “From the streets man. It’s sorta Bliss, but not as sweet. It’s a little E crushed up into old vamp blood. I got it from my Sire.” Made sense the way these fuckers tried to get ahead.

  “And your Sire? Maybe I know him.”

  The kid laughed and my blood went cold. This probably wasn't good. “You know him alright!”

  I stabbed him just beside his heart and smiled as he cried out loud knowing it hurt like a bitch. “And?”

  “And he will find you when he’s fucking ready.” Groaning he fell at my feet. “Look, kill me dude or let me go but I ain't talking anymore.”

  I shrug and stab him in the heart, walking away before his ashes settled on the wet pavement.

  “E and vamp blood?” I heard Cash ask as we made our way back in the bar. This killing shit was normal for us, we stopped 'em where we could as best we could. Sadly, this was my life, day in and day out.

  “We can’t clear that shit off the street.” Leushus said, as we took our post back in the hidden VIP lounge.

  “No, but we can kill the little fuckers.” Cash swiped his beer from the table where he'd left it.

  “That’s true.” I agreed and looked to Leushus. “Who was his Sire? Anyone we know?” I lit a bifter and leaned against the pole looking for Tavern.

  He nodded, and looked a little pale, not normal for Leushus. “High profile, secret shit. I’ll look into it before I blow it up though.” Leushus was calm and appeared unaffected, but I wasn’t buying it.

  “How do we know a high profile Nex?” Only one I knew was Klem and I hoped it wasn't him.

  “We’ll talk when I know more. For now…” Leushus looked out over the crowd, his color returning and a smile forming, digging dimples into his cheeks. “For now I have a show to watch.”

  Chapter Seventeen


  What the bleedin’ fuck was Bastian doing?

  What the bleedin’ hell was I just standing here for?

  It had been long enough without my Bird, and I was feeling it tonight. On edge, desperate for release, it was her voice, her face, her body that I craved. She liked how I fucked her, got off on it. She liked it as dirty and raw as I did, and after having sex with absolutely no inhibitions, it was a shitty thing to try and have only a piece of what you really wanted.

  So I hadn’t even tried.

  Watching her dance with Bastian had me hard as a fucking two-by-four and wanting to bite her neck and drag her home. Now she was even closer to him, the song was slower and he dropped his hands to just above her ass.

  I snapped.

  I moved back from the railing on the third floor, where I had stood in the shadows and watched her turn down guy after guy before teasing the Nex. Why not turn down Bas? He was obviously trying to get in her panties and I couldn’t blame the sodding dog. Didn’t mean I was gonna let him though.

  “Where you goin’?” Leushus asked and tipped back ice from the bottom of his glass chomping down like it was a damn meal.

  I turned and … didn’t want to answer. I shrugged and to
ok up post again. Cash and Leush both started laughing.

  “Don’t like that sight, do ya Preacher?” Cash asked and though he was laughing. The fool, he knew me far too well.

  “Guess not.” I admit, but don’t make a move to intervene. She isn’t mine, and as much as I would like to change that, I can’t. Empty promises are just not my thing.

  “Why empty?” Leushus asks and stands, Cash following. “You say you want the girl. You’re jealous as a toddler who has to share his favorite toy. You've been a damn downer since you fucked it all up. Why can’t you give the girl a chance? Maybe she’s your redemption.”

  I laugh and it is not with hilarity. “Sure, offer a broken man to a woman who's never had a whole one in the first place.”

  “Why are you broken, Preacher? Emigen died, and that sucks, but there is still a little life worth living.” Leushus chomps another piece of ice thinking his point was valid.

  “I’m dead Leush. There is no life.”

  Cash rolled his eyes at me. “Oh bullshit, you big fuckin’ baby. I thought the Irish were fighters, strong and brave?”

  “Have you not been listening? I don’t have a good track record with this.”

  "It's not a track record when you only have a reference of one, Preacher. Your marriage didn’t fail, she was murdered and it’s awful and depressing, but it’s been forever.” I could hear the concern in Cash's voice. He wanted me happy and I loved the guy for it, but he was out of line.

  “It feels like forever to you because she wasn’t your forever. It feels like I lost them yesterday, Cash. The one left behind, the shattered one; they are reminded by every damn thing, every damn day, that the one they love is gone. Time does not heal all wounds.”

  “I get it," Leushus picked up where Cash had left off, "but I see you watching her and you want her to be your redemption. You want a second chance, and right now your second chance is on the dance floor dry humping Bastian while she thinks of you.” He sent me reeling back into that lust filled place with that little revelation.


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