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RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

Page 7

by Joanna Blake

  "What now?"

  "Jackson is just telling me about his visit to Angelina's yesterday."

  "How did it go?"

  My future sister-in-law was just as interested as everyone else in pairing me off. Just because my brothers had settled down, didn't mean I had to. It was a recent and not so subtle change around here that I did not appreciate. In this case however, I was open to suggestions.

  "She kicked me out."

  "Awwww, so you do like her."

  "I want her. 'Like' has nothing to do with it. But she's not interested."

  "Oh I wouldn't be too sure about that."

  I felt hopeful for the first time as I stared at Elle.

  "Why do you say that?"

  She shrugged.

  "Women's intuition. Just tell her how you feel about her Jackson. Women like that."

  I scowled. There was no way I was going to lower myself to admitting I had feelings for her when she'd treated me so shabbily. I would not beg.

  Real men did not beg.

  "Maybe, if I ever see her again. I doubt she's going to open the door if I go over there again. Even if she does have my damn tools."

  "Just bump into her then. Shouldn't be too hard. She does live right next door Jackson."

  They were both looking at me like I was slow witted. I grit my teeth. I knew I was desperate if I was asking for advice.

  "What am I supposed to do, hang around outside her damn driveway?"

  Elle laughed.

  "Actually, I just saw her."

  I perked up immediately.


  "She's out walking her dog."

  "She has a dog? She didn't have one yesterday."

  "She does now."

  I put my drink down and grinned, feeling a fresh surge of energy. Elle was right. I'd just spell it out for little Miss Angelina Randall plain as day. She was going to be my woman from now on. It was very simple. Even she could understand it.

  "Where are you going?"

  "For a ride."

  I saddled my horse myself. I'd been neglecting him, which was unusual for me. I knew who was to blame for that. Angelina and her long legs, long hair and surly disposition.

  I mounted my stallion and turned him out towards the road.

  "Come on Thor, let's go and get our woman."


  "Come on boy. I need to wear you out."

  The puppy Casey had picked out at the pound was adorable but way more rambunctious than I'd imagined. He'd already knocked over two chairs and a stack of papers I was trying to organize. I was grateful for the way he made Case smile though.

  And I needed the distraction.

  No matter what I did, I couldn't seem to stop thinking about him.

  He'd almost gotten what he wanted yesterday. I had no excuse for it either. I hadn't been drunk. I hadn't been caught off guard. I'd known he was going to try it at some point.

  I should have been prepared for his moves. Instead, I'd let it happen. Hell, I'd enjoyed it.

  Until he'd opened his damn mouth.

  "Come on D."

  I grimaced, refusing to use the name. Casey had named him after one of the characters on her silly vampire shows. Even I had to admit that the actor playing the bloodthirsty vampire was pretty cute.

  None of them had a thing on Jackson Delancey.

  I sighed. I wished it wasn't true, but it was.

  The man was literally sex on wheels.

  I shook my head and turned my thoughts to my first project. I had no time to waste. It was already early spring. I had to turn the soil, amend it, and start growing seedlings as soon as possible.

  I had decided to start small. A vegetable garden by the house to try out different crops and see what grew easily and well in the soil.

  I'd already started a compost heap, with plans to create a whole row of them behind the hedges that separated our yard from the rest of the farm.

  I was so lost in thought that I nearly ran into the damn dog. I stared down at him in consternation.

  D's ears had perked up. His tail had stopped wagging, pointing straight for the sky. He was frozen, staring behind me with rapt attention. I turned to see what he was looking at.

  Before I even saw him, I knew who it was. I knew the instant I heard the whistling.

  Jackson Delancey was whistling at me.

  Not a wolf whistle.

  He was whistling at me like I was a dog.

  I turned around and ignored him. I would not give him the time of day, no matter how good he looked on a horse. The dog kept stopping and looking over his shoulder. I tugged on his leash and whistled at him but it was no use.

  I stared down at the stupid dog in disgust as Jackson rode towards us on an enormous horse.


  I resisted the urge to fix my hair. Why I would want to pretty myself up for him was beyond me. But the impulse was there all the same.

  He pulled his horse to a stop just a few feet away. I refused to budge even as I thought for a split second he was trying to run me down. I saw a spark of grudging admiration in his eyes for my courage.

  I watched in fascination as he stroked the horse's neck affectionately, murmuring words on encouragement. His hand might be on the horse, but his eyes were on me. I stood there self-consciously, realizing I was once again in dusty, dirty work gear. I cursed inwardly. Just once I'd like to show him how I had looked back when I was working in the city, instead of blue jeans, work boots and an old flannel shirt.

  Just to see the look on his face. He'd stare and hem and haw, at a loss for words. He'd see I was a sophisticated woman and not to be trifled with. But it was neither here nor there. I was dressed this way for a reason.

  Today, I was getting dirty.

  "What do you want Jackson?"

  He grinned at me in that insufferably cocky way of his.

  "I wanted to say hello."

  "Fine. Hello."

  "And see if you'd simmered down at all."

  I narrowed my eyes at him.

  "No, I haven't."

  "And to collect my tools."

  I put my hands on my hips and glared at him.

  "On your horse?"

  Now he looked embarrassed. I wasn't sure but- yes! A faint blush was staining his handsome cheeks.

  "Well, I wanted to talk. And set a time to come and pick them up."

  "You could have sent someone else. Someone less likely to take their pants off."

  Now his cheeks were red with anger.

  "Now see here woman!"

  I turned my back on him abruptly and started walking away. I heard the horse come up along side me. The man was following me!

  "Do you mind? Your horse is kicking up dust."

  I smirked when he cursed and dismounted. Then he trotted after me on foot, the horse following behind.

  "Now see here Angie-"

  "Don't call me that."

  "Dammit woman I am trying to explain myself to you!"

  He grabbed my arms and turned me to face him in the road. On either side of us, the horse and the dog watched the scenario unfold. It would have been funny if I hadn't been so angry!

  "Fine. Explain."

  He ran his hands through his hair.

  "I came to- apologize- and-"

  "I accept. Have a nice day."

  I started walking again. Unfortunately D was in the way and I got tangled up in his leash. Jackson was laughing as I teetered, trying to extricate myself with some shred of dignity.

  "Here, let me help you."

  He grabbed my arms. This time he meant to steady me not maul me, but I still took offense. I yanked away from him with a curse.

  "Damnit Jackson! I don't need your help!"

  He stared at me, his eyes hard.

  "I don't care. You're getting it!"

  My mouth opened.

  "Furthermore I will be coming over later to fix the rest of your leaks and take a look at the electrical!"


  "And if you need anything else, I will be the man to help you!"


  We stared at each other for a heartbeat. Then our mouths collided. I felt myself getting crushed against his big hard chest as he angled his mouth over mine. In a second his tongue was inside my mouth and mine in his.

  We weren't just kissing passionately. We were hate-kissing. Our tongues weren't caressing. They were battling.

  I moaned in pleasure and frustration.

  He was winning.

  I felt his hands reach down simultaneously to give my ass a squeeze. He made a raspy, low, masculine sound of contentment. I felt myself go all warm and gooey inside, at the same instant that I filled with rage.

  I pulled back and slapped him. It was his shoulder this time, not his stupid handsome face. I doubted he felt more than a sting through those thick, brawny muscles. But I still enjoyed the look of surprise on his face.

  "What the hell Ange!"

  "I told you, I'm not falling into bed with you Jackson!"

  He grinned at me.

  "Who said anything about bed? I'm not picky about where."

  "You aren't picky? Dear God, is that supposed to make me want to sleep with you?"

  "You already do want to sleep with me!"

  "No, I don't!"

  He narrowed his eyes at me.

  "Listen here woman, I've had about enough of this. You are going to be mine."

  "I am- what?"

  He nodded as if he was explaining to a simpleton. Which I was not. But I was starting to wonder if all those muscles drained the blood from his head.

  "Here's how its gonna go. We are going back to your place. I will make you scream with pleasure. You will be grateful. Then later we can do it again. As much as you want."

  He actually sounded magnanimous. As if he was doing me a favor.

  "Afterwards I will take you shopping. Elle said you were going to the feed store. I have a nice, big... truck."

  I was still in shock from his original offer. To make me his. What the hell did that even mean? Was he asking me to date him?

  I shook my head mentally.

  No. Once again, he just meant sex.

  "I can see you take my meaning. Let's go."

  "Hell no!"


  "I told you-"

  "Angelina, you are going to stop fighting me. You belong to me now. You are going to be very happy I promise you."

  "Like hell I am!"

  I started back towards home.

  "I will pick you up in one hour!"


  I was halfway home before I realized what I'd agreed to. I'd have to find a way out of that. Spending time in close proximity to the man was not a good idea.

  First of all, he aggravated me. Second of all, he distracted the hell out of me! Third of all, I was more than a little nervous he'd catch me at a weak moment and kiss me again.

  Or worse.

  I knew that no matter what I said, I did not have the willpower to continue denying him. As arrogant and stupid as he was, he had some sort of pull over me. So I would just have to avoid him.


  One thing was certain. I was never going to belong to Jackson Delancey!

  Chapter Twelve


  Angelina was locking the front door, her eyes on the list in her hand. She nearly backed into me. Her eyes widened as she turned, shock all over her face. She hadn't expected me to show up twenty minutes early. I smirked at her, watching her cheeks turn pink.

  It was obvious she'd been planning to sneak out on me.

  "Glad to see you are ready for me."

  She spun at the sound of my voice, looking instantly contrite. I smiled charmingly. I had decided to be sweet with the woman. You caught more flies with honey. That's what Mrs. G always said.

  "You look nice."

  She stared at me, mistrust shining out of her eyes. But she did look nice, even if she was just wearing an old shirt and a pair of soft looking worn in jeans. She just happened to look good in anything she put on that hot little body of hers.

  I'd like to peel those dusty work clothes off her. Slowly.

  Fuck that, I'd toss those on the floor in two shakes.

  I held the door open for her and she hesitated for a split second. Then she climbed in. I realized I'd been holding my breath as I closed the door behind her. I got in and started the engine.

  "Nobody does that you know."


  "Locks their door."

  "Casey is in there alone."

  "She'll be fine."

  She said nothing so I started the drive into town. I cleared my throat, hoping to explain my position to her clearly. Or rather, spell out my proposition.

  "I think we got off on the wrong foot."

  She made a derisive sound, not far from a snort. I glanced at her and then back at the road. I started again.

  "When I said we should get it out of our system, I didn't mean all in one night."


  "I meant that we could have an arrangement. A friendship of sorts."

  She made that unladylike snorting sound again.

  "I'd look after you and your sister. Gladly. And we could spent time together."

  "You mean in bed."

  I nodded, wondering if I was imagining the sarcasm in her voice.

  "Yes, exactly. I would take real good care of you. I promise you won't be disappointed."

  "Gee, what a generous offer Jackson. What exactly am I getting out of this?"

  I took my eyes off the road for a split second. I was shocked that she even had to ask.

  "You're getting me."

  I thought that would be the end of it. But no. The woman had the gall to laugh at me. Not just a little.

  No, she guffawed.

  I grimaced, doggedly making my case.

  "I'm considered quite a catch around here you know."

  "I'm sure you are."

  "I'm a considerate lover. I don't even mind taking off my shoes."

  She was laughing even harder now. Damn her.

  "I've never made an offer like this to anyone else. Plenty of girls would give anything to be in your position."

  Angie let out another rude sound. It was a full on snort this time. Just like a cute little piggy. I pressed on; sure I was starting to get through to her. I had to dammit.

  "I could protect you from all the unsavory types around here. And keep you from getting lonely. Not too many single men around here if you haven't noticed. And most of them don't really go for the city girl type."

  "Oh so you are saving me from loneliness are you?"

  "Yes, exactly. I would feel bad thinking about you all alone in that rickety old house of yours. I could stay over most nights, keeping you girls company."

  "Who says I would be lonely?"

  I was silent as I pulled into the parking lot. I put the car in park and turned to her, hoping to explain it to her again. But she was already climbing out and slamming the door behind her.

  I followed her as she stomped into the supply store. For such a tiny thing, she sure could make a racket with those little boots of hers. I decided I would buy her some sexy little cowgirl boots. And then I'd make her wear them with nothing else on.

  Yes, that was a brilliant idea.

  I was so lost in thought I wasn't paying attention to anything but her sweet ass. I almost got smacked in the face as she let the swinging door go behind her.

  "Watch it woman!"

  She ignored me, heading right for the counter. I watched as she leaned over it, smiling at Pete. She didn't even spare me a glance as I came up behind her.

  I put my hand around her waist and squeezed.

  She stomped on my foot.


  Pete was frowning at us.

  "You here together?"

  "Jackson's just being neighborly. I don't have a pickup truck yet. There are so many things I need to get. I'm sure I will be in h
ere constantly."

  She was deliberately flirting with poor Pete, who looked like he'd just won first prize at the county fair. Unfortunately for him, he had no idea what was about to hit him.


  "No need for that, I'd be happy to drop them off myself later. After work, if you can wait that long."

  She glanced at me triumphantly, a malicious smile on her luscious lips.

  "That is so kind of you Pete. I am amazed at how kind everyone has been."

  My hand slid up her back, gripping her hair. Then I tugged it. Just hard enough to make sure I had her attention. She let out a soft squeal. Pete turned around from what he was doing to look at us. We both smiled at him beatifically.

  "Almost everyone."

  My hand was around her neck now, stroking her soft skin with my fingertips. But each time she sassed me, I pinched her. I leaned down and whispered in her pretty little ear.

  "I am warning you Angie..."

  Pete came back to write up her order. When he was done he smiled at her and offered to take her out tonight. After he personally dropped off her supplies.

  "No charge of course."

  "No charge for what? The date or the delivery?"

  She gave a throaty chuckle. Damn her, she was definitely flirting. A hot surge of rage surged through me. Pete grinned at her stupidly.


  "Well in that case, I will see you tonight."

  Pete looked like he'd won the Goddamn lottery. He had. He just didn't realize it yet.

  It was the 'about to get your ass beat by Jackson Delancey' lottery.

  Angie paid for her stuff and walked out of the store. She stood by the side of my truck, waiting patiently for me. I was walking slowly, still in shock that she'd dared to defy me like that.

  Not just that either.

  I was jealous.

  Very, very jealous.

  I'd never been jealous before. I didn't like it. Not one bit.

  We rode home in silence. Several times I almost told her how upset I was. I was tempted to tell her she was going to regret this. That two could play at that game. I could have any woman I wanted in this town, and I would dammit!

  That's when I remembered she had called me a man whore.

  I cringed and said nothing, not wanting to prove her right. I was silent until I pulled into her driveway. As soon as the truck stopped she was climbing out, not even giving me a chance to walk around and open the door for her.


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