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by K. D. Jones


  Book 10 Galactic Cage Fighter Series

  KD Jones

  Copyright April 2016 KD Jones

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1:

  Chapter 2:

  Chapter 3:

  Chapter 4:

  Chapter 5:

  Chapter 6:

  Chapter 7:

  Chapter 8:

  Chapter 9:

  Chapter 10:

  Chapter 11:

  Chapter 12:

  Chapter 13:

  Chapter 14:

  Chapter 15:

  Chapter 16:

  Chapter 17:

  Chapter 18:

  Chapter 19:

  Chapter 20:

  Chapter 21:


  About the Author

  Chapter 1

  Thirty years earlier

  Nigel shivered as he watched the scientists take his mother away for more experiments. Gillie was human and she had been used repeatedly in an alien and human crossbreeding program. She’d had Nigel at a previous facility right before they were moved to this one. Since she was successful at getting pregnant with Nigel, the scientists immediately tried to get her pregnant again. She had several miscarriages and several emotional breakdowns before the scientists agreed to allow her body time to recover. She was also allowed to keep Nigel with her because they wanted to ensure his longevity.

  He knew all this because his mother told him everything. She’d been doing so for as long as he could remember. She had a soft pretty voice and long dark brown hair. He asked a lot of questions too and his mother told him honest and true things.

  She talked about how she was a young orphan living on the streets. She couldn’t remember her parents at all. She lived in dark corners and ate from trash cans. One day, the scientists captured her when she was only fifteen. Once, Nigel had asked her why they’d taken her, and she told him that they were crossbreeding humans with different alien species trying to create the perfect soldiers or—in worst cases—the perfect slaves. Nigel never forgot that was his reason for being.

  “Mama, am I a slave or a soldier?”

  “Neither. Baby, you can be anything you want to be. When you are finally free of this place, I want you to never let anyone hold you back.”

  “Am I human like you?”

  “You are part human like me and part Sorian like your father.”

  “What’s a Sorian?”

  “It’s another species. They are strong and can run really fast.”

  “I wish I could run, the room here is so small.”

  “I know baby, but you won’t be in this room forever. One day, you will be free of this place and can go anywhere you want.”

  “Will you be with me?”

  “I hope so my Nigel.”

  “Where’s my father? Is he here?”

  “They moved us from the facility he was being kept in. I don’t know where he is but I hope that he is okay. He was kind to me when I was a scared girl. We’re all we have so we take care of each other right?”

  He nodded his head and smiled. “Right.”

  He knew he was lucky to get to be with his mom as long as he had since a lot of the other children they bred from other females were taken away much earlier. He had fond memories of his mother, and of their time in the windowless room. The games she made up for them to play, the songs she would sing to him to help him sleep, and the smiles she gave him even when he didn’t want to smile. He would always remember the day the smiles stopped.

  Nigel was six when they took his mother away to do something with her eggs. He didn’t understand it all, only that he tried to stop them when they came.

  “Leave her alone!”

  “Nigel, don’t. They’ll hurt you.” His mother was crying, but she still took the time to try to calm him down.

  “Mama!” Nigel bit one of the guards, who responded by smacking him across the face.

  “Please don’t hurt him, he’s just a child!” His mother pleaded.

  The guard turned on her, “You’re willing to make a deal?”

  His mother lowered her head. “Yes.”

  Nigel was left in their small room for what seemed like days. They forgot to feed him several times but he didn’t care about that. He just wanted his mother. Then the lights went out. What was happening? Where was mama?

  The door opened and lights came on. Strangers were standing in his room and he didn’t like it. “Go away, bring back mama!”

  “We’re here to free you. You’ll be safe now.”

  “I want mama!”

  The strangers didn’t listen to him. He fought them so hard they had to drag him out of the room. He was tossed in the big shuttle with some of the others, but his mama wasn’t there. So, he scooted out before the door was shut and rushed back into the building. He could scent his mother’s blood and followed the trail to one of the white rooms.

  “Someone stop him!” One of the new people was chasing him but he was too fast for them to catch.

  He shoved his way into the room and froze. His mama was lying on the table covered in blood. She wasn’t moving. No one was helping her. “No!” He ran to her but slipped on the blood dripping on the floor. It was his mama’s blood. He cried. “Mama!”

  Someone grabbed him from behind and carried him out. He tried to fight them but he wasn’t strong enough. He hated being weak. He didn’t know who this stranger was.

  “Shh—I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “Take me back, mama is hurt.”

  The stranger put him down and turned so that he was facing each other. There was a sad expression on his face. “I’m sorry, we didn’t get here in time. She’s gone.”

  “She’s not gone she’s in that room!” He pushed and shoved at the stranger but he was just a child, no match for this adult male. One day, he would be big and strong and he wouldn’t be afraid of no one.

  The man holding him yelled for a sedative. He felt a needle in his arm then his body grew heavy. Who would take care of mama now?


  Present Day

  Nigel woke up in a cold sweat. He dreamed of his time at the facility with his mother again. He could still scent her and remember hearing her voice. Nigel could see her lying there bloody and motionless. That image would remain with him for the rest of his life. He kicked the sheets off of his naked body and walked to the balcony doors throwing them open. He stared at the two moons shining above giving him the light that he longed for.

  He wasn’t sure what had brought the nightmares back. Maybe it was the darkness, he hated sitting in a room without any kind of lighting. It was possible he’d seen someone who bore a resemblance to his mother, but really, any little thing could trigger the flashbacks. He’d learned early on the more in control he kept his emotions, the more control he had over his subconscious in sleep. Over the years, he’d become starkly unemotional.

  He rubbed the place over his heart. Ever since his night with Amelia, his emotions had been close to the surface. That probably brought on more of his nightmares. He prided himself in keeping everything tight and controlled, but one night making love to his curvy assistant and he felt things he hadn’t expected to feel, nor did he want to. It was unacceptable.

  That’s why he took a week off to come to a resort and get his head on straight again. It was a spur of the moment decision, but he knew h
e needed space and time before facing her again. Amelia. He ran a hand through his damp hair. Just the thought of her had his body trembling.

  He’d wanted her since the moment she walked through his door for the interview. She wasn’t his usual type. He preferred quiet, tall, thin, shapely models. Females who knew that he was married to his job and that any time spent with him would be temporary and restrained to the bedroom activities.

  Amelia was short, curvy, a reserved and quiet type with wire rimmed glasses. She even wore her hair up in a horrible tight bun. Why he was attracted to her was beyond him. Maybe it was her incredible scent. Or the way she got flustered easily around him, which made her cheeks turn a lovely shade of pink. Her hair, although at first seemed a bland brown, had blond and red strands throughout. Her big blue eyes were her best feature and instead of being hidden by her ugly round glasses, seemed to be showcased. Nothing compared to the way she looked underneath him naked and moaning in pleasure.

  He grew hard at the image of her naked flesh on his bed, her long hair spread out on his pillow and her pussy dripping with need. She was so responsive to his every touch and he made sure to taste every inch of her before the sun rose.

  “Fuck!” He squeezed the railing in frustration. These feelings were unacceptable and he couldn’t allow them to continue. It wasn’t just that she worked with him, but that she wasn’t the type that understood he wouldn’t be settling down. He would only hurt her.

  There was a knock at his door. He wondered who it could be? He grabbed a robe on the nearby chair and wrapped himself up as he opened the door.

  “Hi, I thought we could toast your last night here.” The resort manager Priscilla stood there in a black barely-there dress holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses. The woman was exactly his type, tall and gorgeous. She had been flirting with him since his arrival a week ago, and he’d refused her offers until now, but maybe this was just the thing he needed to help him forget Amelia.

  He moved to the side opening the door wide. “That sounds like a plan.”


  Amelia was pissed. She had to come in the middle of the night to Nigel’s office to get some of the contracts for the new fighters ready to send to the GCFA, Galactic Cage Fighter Association, board first thing in the morning. It should have been handled a week ago but Nigel decided to take a mini vacation.

  He worked hard and deserved a vacation, but it was the timing. A week ago they finally gave into their building attraction for each other and had the most amazing sexual experience of her entire life. The next morning she woke up alone in his bed and he had texted her that he was taking some time off. TEXTED HER! Not a phone call or even an email but a text. What an asshole!

  While he was off relaxing in the sun and probably fucking the supermodels he was used to dating, she had been working her ass off to keep up with all the demands that the GCFA made. It was like the moment Nigel left all hell broke loose. She had been so busy dealing with Nigel’s business that she hadn’t had much time to work on her feelings about what happened.

  She wiped away a frustrated tear. She promised herself that as soon as Nigel returned, she would take time off and let herself cry for days until she had no more tears to shed for the son of a bitch.

  “Damn it Nigel! Where the hell did you put the other contract?” She opened all his drawers but found nothing. That was it, she didn’t care that it was four in the morning, she had to make the call.

  She dialed the galactic resort front desk and asked to be connected to his hotel room. It rang and rang. Finally she heard a click from the phone being answered.

  “Hello, Nigel’s room.” A woman’s voice answered.

  She felt like she had been punched in the gut. He really was off fucking other women. Was she really that bad in bed? She might have been a bit rusty at it but fuck. She fought to keep it together.

  “Is Nigel there?”

  “He’s in the shower. We’ve had a long night honey, could you call back in a few hours.”

  Who the hell was this bitch? “This is work related.”

  “Well, tell me your name and I’ll let him know. He’ll call you back when we’re done.”

  “Forget it.” She hung up. It felt as though her whole world was turned upside down. She picked up a glass vase and threw it across the room.

  He wasn’t the man she hoped he would be. She left the office slamming the door behind her. She got into the elevator and froze not knowing where to go. Her small one bedroom suite was lonely. She could use a drink, but all the bars were closed now. The elevator moved going to a lower floor. When it stopped one of the new fighters got on.

  “Miss Jones, it’s really early for you.” His deep voice asked.

  She tried to smile but it was hard. “Phoenix, I had to get something from Nigel’s office.”

  The door opened again on her floor but she couldn’t get herself to walk out. The doors closed again.

  “Is something wrong?” Phoenix asked.

  “No—yes.” Amelia felt herself trembling.

  Phoenix stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her. “It’s okay, let it out.” The floodgates opened and she broke down into sobs.

  He held her and when the doors opened on his floor, he lifted her in his arms and carried her out. She vaguely remembered any of it. She was consumed in her own storm of emotions. Hours later the storm calmed and she lifted her head to find that she was on a bed.

  “There’s a glass of water on the table next to you.”

  She sat up and looked over in the corner of the room where Phoenix sat in a chair partially hidden by the shadows. “I’m so sorry for falling apart like that.”

  Phoenix shrugged his thick shoulders. He was a handsome man, with a hint of Native American in him. His hair was long and black which he usually kept in a long braid down his back. His eyes were pure black and intense, like he could see right through her.

  “I take it that this has to do with a man.”

  She looked away and reached for the glass of water. “Unfortunately yes. I’m not ready to talk about it.”

  “You don’t have to, he hurt you and that is all I need to know to want to beat the shit out of him.”

  She half snort half cried. “I wish it were that simple, but I knew the deal with him. I knew his history with women and I still couldn’t help myself.”

  “He seduced you.”

  “No—yes. I’m not sure who seduced who.”

  “He hurt you.”

  She nodded her head. She couldn’t defend him on that but he wasn’t the only one to blame. “I was stupid and made a mistake.”

  “That happens sometimes.”

  “Yep, I learned my lesson. No more men or romance.”

  Phoenix raised an eyebrow. “That’s pretty extreme. I was hoping to take you out once you were over this asshole.”

  She blinked not sure if he was serious. It was so unexpected. “You want to date me?”

  Pheonix smiled and the effect was devastating. He went from dark and brooding to sexy and hot. “Too soon?”

  “I’m—not sure.”

  “Tell you what, we’ll just start with dinner tonight.”

  She was shocked and a little flattered. She should say no. That was the smart thing to do. She didn’t want to replace one man with another. Amelia meant to say no but what came out was, “Okay.”

  Chapter 2

  The next day

  Nigel walked into his office passing through the waiting area without looking around. He knew she was there, but her scent hit him hard. Damn it! He hated that his body was already reacting to being close to her. He didn’t glance at her desk but yelled out as he entered his own office.

  “Amelia I need an update!” There was no answer at first. It wasn’t like her to not come shuffling through the doors when he called for her. What the hell was going on around here? He needed to get back to business as usual.

  He had an awkward goodbye the morning after with the woman from t
he resort. He knew it was a mistake being with her the moment he touched her, and should have sent her away. The fact that he couldn’t complete the deed to give himself a release didn’t make things better. It was all he could do to quickly wash her scent off of his body. She was a clinger, wanting to exchange contact information. When he finally had to tell her he had no interest in seeing her again, she’d slapped his face and stormed out. That wasn’t the end of his bad luck.

  His flight got delayed and he had to wait another day before coming back. He got messages from the GCFA board that they wanted to meet with him and he had to get up to speed before they arrived. He just boarded the GCFA ship fifteen minutes ago but didn’t spare time to go to his suite and just threw his suitcase down next to his desk.

  He dropped into his leather chair and reached for his computer keyboard. The sound of high heels clicking against the floor approaching his desk had him looking up. His heart started to beat double time. Amelia was in her usual pristine attire with her hair up in a tight bun and her little wire rim glasses showcasing her pretty eyes. She was so beautiful. He inhaled her scent and memories of them being together flashed through his mind.

  “Amelia.” Nigel tried to read her expression to gage how upset she was with him, but she didn’t even look at him.

  She laid several files on his desk. “These are the signed contracts that have come in so far, I’ve added new appointments to your calendar and accommodations have been arranged for the GCFA board members when they arrive.” She turned without waiting for him to respond and left his office shutting the door behind her.

  Every instinct in him demanded that he go after her, make amends and beg her forgiveness. He was about to give in to those instincts and stand up when his phone rang. “Nigel.” He spent the next few hours catching up with emails and messages.

  Before long it was the middle of the day. He got up and went out to see if he could talk Amelia into going to lunch with him. They could clear the air about things and maybe find a way to get back to a good working relationship. He could handle that though all day his mind wandered to his night with Amelia. Her moans of pleasure haunted him.


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