Fallen Too Far
Page 19
“Well, I had some good ideas, but my contractor made them special.”
Annik arched an eyebrow. “Pierre, right?”
“Yep.” Daphne turned to Tom. “I have a table for you in a quiet corner as you requested.” Daphne turned and they followed her across the room.
The dining room was almost completely full. It was lucky they knew the owner or they probably wouldn’t have got a reservation at such a last moment call. Drifting by candle lit tables filled with people dining, their low conversation and laughter, the delicious aroma of food, made Annik smile. Yes, it had been a while since she and Tom had done this.
Daphne stopped at a table set for two and slid the chair out for Annik to be seated. It was set in an alcove next to a window. The crystal water and wine goblets sparkled in the light of the candle burning brightly on the damask table cloth.
“I’ll send your server over. Enjoy.” Daphne smiled at Tom and Annik and left.
When they were seated the waitress appeared carrying a bottle of Dom Perignon on a tray.
“Compliments of the owners.” She said, as she poured the champagne into the glasses on her tray.
“Please thank them.” Tom replied. He turned to look at Annik and held up his glass. “To you, Annik.” He sipped the drink and set the glass down. He reached into the inside pocket of his coat, removing a small velvet box.
OhmyGod. Could that be?
His fingers popped the lid of the box open and he held it for her to see. It was! Her eyes opened wide looking from the diamond ring to his face and back again.
“Annik, I know this may seem soon, to be asking this. But we’ve known each other for years. And in the last few months, I’ve grown to love you more and more. I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?”
“Tom.” Annik paused. Her eyes filled with tears and words caught in her throat. This wonderful man. She reached across the table and placed her hand on his. “Yes.” It came out like a croak.
He snickered. “Could you repeat that? Without the Phyllis Diller imitation?”
“Yes. Yes. Yes.”
His eyes met hers and he slipped the ring from the box. She watched him slide it on her finger, saw the flash as a facet of the stone sparkled in the candle’s flame. With her other hand she wiped the tears that were running down her face.
It was almost midnight when Annik and Tom arrived home. He opened the door and bowed, “After you, Mrs. Eldon.” He watched her waltz by him and twirl around.
“Tom, not until next year. Then I’ll be Mrs. Eldon.” She grinned at him and stumbled into his outstretched arms. “Oops. I think I had too much champagne.” She started to laugh and bent over unable to stop.
Tom closed the door and smiled at her. She really had celebrated tonight. He’d never seen her tipsy. It was charming in a weird way, that she had let herself go. “What’s so funny?”
“ ‘OOPS’ is funny. That was what I called my business, remember?” She threw her arms around his neck and smiled up at him. Her eyes were half closed and her grin was infectious.
“Okay, I think we did a little too much celebrating with Daphne and Lola tonight.” He helped her out of her coat.
“Oh Tom, I had to share the news with them. I only wish Jessica and Craig had been there. Maybe I’ll call her now.” She reached for her purse.
“No you don’t. That can wait till morning. I’m taking you upstairs and putting you in the shower. And then you’re going to drink a large glass of orange juice and take some aspirin and vitamins. You’ll thank me in the morning.” He took his coat off, hung it up and put his arm around her guiding her to the stairs.
“Oh Tom, you take such good care of me. Where would I be without you? I want to celebrate our engagement properly, if you know what I mean.” Her hand rose to stroke his face, invitation in her eyes. He almost lost his balance when her other hand thrust out to admire the diamond ring. “It’s so beautiful.”
“We’ll see how you feel after your shower. And if you fall asleep when you hit the bed, it’s okay. I’m not going away. We have many tomorrows to celebrate.” He kissed the top of her head and edged her up the stairs.
Annik was smiling as she took her dress off in the bathroom. He turned the water on in the shower and turned to help her. Drunk or sober, she was so beautiful. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor. Her thumb hooked in the slender elastic of her panties and she pushed them down over her hips, till they fluttered to her feet. Her lips parted, the tip of her tongue slowly caressing the ruby surface.
His hand reached out to hold her breast and rub her button nipple. At his gentle pull, she stepped forward and grasped the back of his neck pulling his head down to kiss her. He sighed when her other hand stroked his hard penis, constrained by the fabric of his trousers. His Annik. His wife to be. He placed his hands on her shoulders and eased away from her. For her own good, he needed to hydrate her, to take care of her. Now and for the rest of his days.
“Shower please Mrs. Eldon. I’m going to get the juice and aspirin.” He held her hand while she stepped into the running water. He heard her humming a tune as he left the room.
Five minutes later, he was back in the bathroom to help her out and hold a towel for her. Her eyes looked clearer now; the shower had been a good idea. He reached for the juice and handed it to her along with the pills. “Drink this. I’ll dry you off and take you to bed.”
Tenderly he patted the fluffy towel along her back and legs as she downed the glass. He took it from her, placed it on the vanity and dried her arms and her front. When he placed the towel between her legs, her hand covered his, holding it there. Her large brown eyes looked into his.
“There’s only one thing that would make me happier than I am right now.” She strained up on her toes and kissed him long and deep, her tongue flirting with his.
He lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bedroom and laid her on the surface. Standing above her, his fingers flew over the buttons on his shirt. He dropped it to the floor watching her. She opened her legs playing with herself, her writhing hips as inviting as the smile on her slightly open mouth. He slipped his pants and shorts down and stepped out of them, his thick cock brushing against his thigh. Her fingers slid deep inside and her breathing was ragged. Never before had she looked so open and erotic.
She withdrew her hand and pinched her nipple hard between her fingers while sliding over on the bed to make room for him.
“Don’t stop. Make yourself come. For me.” He stepped close to the top of the bed, his cock almost bursting. He looked into her eyes as she rose higher to take him into her mouth, stroking him with one hand while her other played with herself. Her hands stroked both of them faster and faster. With a moan her mouth released him and her head fell back onto the pillow.
“Open your eyes. I want to see you.” His voice was a growl in his throat. Her body jerked as her orgasm flooded through her. In the dark liquid pools of her eyes, he could see her soul, the honesty, love and longing she had for him.
He laid on her and thrust himself deep within her, felt her grip his cock as another orgasm wracked her body. His hands cupped her face and he kissed her, his Annik. She was everything he’d ever dreamed of. He fell into the depths of her being as his own orgasm exploded. He broke their kiss crying her name over and over.
Her hand was soft on his back as his spent body laid on her. He raised his head and gently kissed her.
“I love you.” Her whisper was balm to his ears.
The words—to love, honor and cherish resonated in his soul as he held her through the night.
Chapter 20
“No, turn it a little to the left. That side of the tree is bushier.” Annik stood across the room from Tom as he held the Scotch Pine tree upright.
“Like this?” he twirled the tree about three inches. It was the fourth time he’d done that and his voice was heavy with exasperation.
“Perfect. I’ll ho
ld it while you tighten the screws on the stand.” She skipped across the room and grasped the tree trunk.
He crawled under the lower branches and worked on securing it upright. “You realize that you have to decorate it. I’m doing the manly stuff here. But I’ll keep you company and supervise. See how you like that.” The last sentence was muttered under his breath.
He rose to his feet and looked at the tree. “Do you think it’s a little crooked?”
“No. The only thing crooked is you.”
“I heard that. Get decorating wife.”
“How many times do I have to remind you? It’s fiancé now. Wife in the new year.” She grinned at him and opened the plastic box containing the ornaments. There were so many. They hadn’t needed to buy any yesterday but it was nice to have the star—their very own for the first Christmas together.
She saw Tom flop into the large upholstered leather chair. She took the set of lights out of the box and began to untangle them.
“I remember when Bonnie and I were kids. We always decorated the tree with Mom. Dad would usually do just what I’m doing—watch.” His eyes were half closed.
Annik plugged the lights into the extension cord Tom had found earlier. “Presto! I remember those stupid lights that we used to have. The ones where the whole strand wouldn’t light if there was one bulb burned out or missing. That was almost the only time I heard my Poppa curse.” She picked up the end of the strand and placed it high on the tree.
Tom rose to his feet and took it from her. “Here short stuff. It needs to go higher.”
She smiled at him before he returned to the chair. Absently humming a carol she continued stringing the lights. Occasionally, she glanced at him. Was he asleep? He was being so quiet.
“If we could, would you ever want children, Annik?” His face was serious as he stared at her.
Where did that come from? He’d told her he couldn’t have kids. Was he thinking of adoption? What was he thinking? She stopped and looked at him. “Well maybe. But it doesn’t matter. I’m happy to be with you, even if it’s just us.”
“But if we could, would you? Yes or no.” His face was intent.
She hooked the light to the tree and wandered over to him to sit on his knee. “Are you talking about adopting a child? What’s brought this on?” She ran her fingers through his hair. Was it the age thing again? Did he feel he wasn’t giving her enough? That she needed a family?
“When we had the party, I spoke with Diana. We talked about children and I told her that I was infertile. She mentioned that there were new drugs for men, almost like a super vitamin supplement. Maybe I could father a child.” His eyes were open wide, searching hers.
“If we could have children, then yes, I would want to. But that wouldn’t be for a while. I know we’ve known each other for years but we’ve only started as a couple. And there’s a lot happening right now to bring kids into the mix. We have a wedding to plan. I have to finish the Pandora renos and get ready for the New Year’s gala. Can we talk about this next year?” Everything was happening so fast. Not to mention a trip to Barbados in January.
“Yes. But I’m pushing fifty in a couple of years and your biological clock is ticking as well. If I wasn’t certain of us as a couple, I could see waiting. But we love each other and we’ve waited a long time to find that out.” He stroked her arm as his eyes bored into her.
She sat quietly for a few moments. “Look, I agree with you. But I think it’s something to discuss seriously next year.”
He continued looking into her eyes without saying a word.
“This is important to you isn’t it?”
He nodded. “I don’t think it would hurt for us to visit Diana at her office and find out more. I don’t think the process would happen overnight, even if it does work.”
She put her arms around his neck and hugged him. “Okay. We’ll see her and then try whatever she says after we’re married. Deal?”
“Deal. Thanks honey.”
She stood up and went back to the tree. A baby? She smiled and pictured herself decorating a tree with a daughter. Her head should be spinning from the turns her life had made in just the last few months, but it wasn’t. It was just right.
Chapter 21
After his proposal, Tom insisted they officially announce their engagement. He hired a photographer who came to their home and took a series of portrait shots, one of which he paid to have published in the Toronto Galaxy, the city’s most popular newspaper.
“Tom, I don’t think this is a good idea,” she told him.
“As if you didn’t know. I worked as an Escort in this city for years—how many of my former clients will see this?”
“And how many of them will admit it, Annik?” He took her hand. “That was then, and this is now, okay? I’m proud to call you my wife. I want the world to know about it.”
“But nothing. It’s a new life for you, and I really want to do this.” He rubbed his hand through his hair. “I wish you’d try to see it from my point of view, okay? The past is the past.”
In spite of her reservations, she had to agree. What harm could it really do?
When he read the announcement during his break delivering papers, Paul recognized Annik’s picture immediately. He sat in his truck having his coffee break at four thirty AM in absolute shock. His only failure—the one whore he decided to perform work on that got away—was crowing to the world she landed some rich guy.
She even gave her actual name in the article. Annik Dandridge. The last three years hadn’t changed her at all. And that smug look on her face.
He smiled. This was providential. His only failure had been dumped right into his lap. He could regain his perfect record now.
He’d have to make this project a masterpiece. He’d bury her alive. Yes, that’s it. When he was done with her, he’d bury her alive. He’d never done that to any of his projects. He would put her in the hole face up and watch her face as he filled her grave.
This was too easy. Thomas Eldon was in the phone book. After finishing up his papers he parked on the street by their home to ensure he had the right place. He’d only need to see one of them to confirm it. In a few short hours he was rewarded. They both came out together and got in separate cars. He followed the bitch to some big mansion.
A workman was stringing lights along the driveway. Paul pulled in.
“Hey,” he called, “is this a new restaurant opening or something?”
One of them turned. “Well, sort of. It’s a members only club. What’s it to you?”
“Oh, I just cover this area delivering papers for the Galaxy. I was wondering if maybe we could get some subscriptions.”
The workman shook his head and smiled. “No, the members here don’t do a lot of reading, buddy. It’s not that kind of club.”
“Well, what kind is it?”
“You can check it out on-line. It’s called Pandora’s. And I got to get these lights up. Have a nice day.”
“Yeah… Pandora’s. That rings a bell. A woman I know works here.”
The workman turned back. “Oh? Who?”
“Annik. I knew her from back in the day…”
“Oh. She’s out of that now, buddy.” He swept out an arm. “She’s owns the place.” He stared at Paul, no longer smiling. “Things change, man. Understand?”
“Yeah. I guess so. Thanks.” Paul put the gear in reverse and backed out the driveway.
Annik Dandridge. Pandora’s. Fair enough. He jotted the name down and went home.
It took less than a minute to find Pandora’s website. It showed photos of the main room and the progress with the construction. He read the notice of the New Year’s Eve Opening Gala, but when he clicked on the link was locked out.
Members Only? Who the hell do they think they are? Another dialogue window appeared asking if he wanted to apply for membership.
He drummed his fingers o
n the tabletop.
He could do it like this—apply for membership and make quick work of her at his first opportunity and get the hell out. He’d prefer to take her back to his place of course; but if he did a fast job on her during her moment of glory, wouldn’t that be more suitable? Her getting away from him that night was frustrating, but the presence of that cab driver and letting himself be shoved around… yeah… he’d ruin her little club as well as completing his unfinished project.
It would be time to move on anyway--he’d been in Toronto long enough. Nodding to himself, he applied for membership. He filled out his address, phone numbers—no big deal, he had rented his place with false ID anyway; by the time the cops showed up to ask questions he’d be long gone. He’d head for Florida maybe. Someplace warm anyway. He was getting tired of Canadian winters, and had been in Toronto too long. He finished filling in the information and pressed ‘Next’.
What the hell was this? They wanted his driver’s license? Were they for real?
He laughed out loud. These people are asking more information than any website he had ever been on. He didn’t give a shit about the driver’s license; it had a phony name and date of birth. He’d get a new one in Florida. He scanned it and sent it.
A four page questionnaire? Four pages asking about kinky sex? Okay, so be it.
He answered the questions quickly, moving from page to page.
Now another fifty questions? These ones were just true false and took him only a few minutes to plow through. What the hell was that about? Who’d you have to be to get a membership –a fucking movie star? Shaking his head he submitted the application. A confirmation of receipt window popped up on his screen, advising him that he would have an answer in forty-eight hours.
Two days later he received an email telling him his application was declined. They didn’t give him any reason, just ‘We don’t believe that our establishment would be a good fit for you. Thank you for your inquiry.’ What the hell was that all about? Who did they think they were?