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SEAL’s Fake Marriage

Page 11

by Ivy Jordan

  “Yeah, I can tell,” Luke chuckled.

  “I’m making breakfast now; can I call you later?” I questioned.

  “Breakfast in bed?” Luke asked in a teasing tone.

  “Yes, actually, that’s exactly what I’m doing,” I replied.

  “Nice. See, I knew something was different,” he said.

  “Gotta go,” I rushed off the phone, hanging up just as he said his goodbyes.

  I pulled the bacon from the griddle, perfectly crisped. The toast popped up from the toaster as I stirred the scrambled eggs one last time. After I finished adding butter to the toast, putting a small amount of jelly on the side in a small butter bowl, and made the plates, I headed to the bedroom.

  Blake was still asleep. I set the tray with our breakfasts on the nightstand, and picked up the cup of her coffee, wafting it under her nose.

  Her eyes opened, barely; her nose crinkled, and her lips curled into a crooked smile.

  “What’s all this?” she asked, looking towards the tray of food.

  “Breakfast,” I replied proudly.

  I wasn’t much of a cook, but I managed not to burn anything, and the bacon, I was particularly proud of that.

  “You’re gonna spoil me,” she grinned, sliding up against the pillow behind her.

  I propped the pillow, organized her blanket so it was folded at her hips, and set the tray over her lap. She immediately took the coffee, sipping the warm liquid as she let out a soft moan.

  “Thank you so much,” she gushed, her eyes wide as she looked at the plate of food.

  “You deserve it,” I smiled, sliding into the bed beside her.

  I took my cup of coffee from her tray and swiped a piece of bacon from my plate. I watched her eat, slowly savoring everything I’d brought her, looking completely satisfied with each bite.

  “I wasn’t sure what you’d like,” I admitted, realizing I didn’t know my own wife very well.

  “This is perfect,” she smiled, crunching on her last piece of bacon.

  I wanted to tell her how I felt, that I was falling in love with her, but I couldn’t. It was too soon. I had no idea how she felt, other than the guilt that she reminded me about whenever my abuela was brought up in conversation.

  “I think I’ll take the day off,” I announced, just deciding it at that moment.

  Her eyes widened as they stared at me, so beautiful.

  “Why?” she questioned.

  “So we can stay in bed all day. Can you skip work?” I asked, feeling bad for assuming she could or would even want to.

  She paused, sipping her coffee slowly.

  “I can,” she finally responded.

  “Great, then it’s settled,” I grinned.

  “Yes, I guess it is,” Blake agreed, her smile widening as she spoke.

  “Maybe we can spend that gift card. Find something for the house that’s just ours,” I added.

  “That would be great,” Blake said, her tone somewhat indifferent.

  “I mean, if you wanted to sleep in here with me more, or all the time, maybe a nice set of sheets would be a good gift,” I stammered.

  She didn’t say anything, she just smiled. Fuck, I wished I could read her mind.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I couldn’t imagine a better way to spend a Thursday morning than in bed with Aiden all day. The sun blasted in through the window, reminding me that the day had started, but yet, here we were, still in bed, cuddled up next to one another, bellies full, and my heart bursting with love.

  What I wouldn’t have given for this to be real….

  Aiden pulled me close to his chest, pressing my cheek against him so I could hear his heartbeat. It was fast, faster than usual, and it made me wonder what he may be nervous about. Was it me?

  He pulled loose after the squeeze, stretching out to the side of the bed and returning with his laptop. I watched him lazily as he scooted up against the headboard, turned his laptop on, and then punched in his password.

  Once the screen appeared, he immediately started his browser, typing in the address of the company for the gift card. He entered sheets into the search box and then turned to me.

  “What color?” he asked.

  “It’s your room,” I smirked.

  “I would like it to be our room,” he insisted.

  I was shocked by his statement and confused by my own reaction. I wanted that too. I wanted that so badly I could almost taste it.

  “I like light blue and white,” I stated firmly.

  His eyes moved towards mine, a grin already in place, and clicked on the search filters to show only blue and white options. I watched as he added a high thread count and checked off Egyptian cotton as the material preferred. It left three choices on the page. There was a solid white, which I didn’t care for, a darker blue that was just too dark, and then a set that was light blue and white striped: perfect.

  “These?” he asked, pointing to the ones I was already in love with on the page.

  “Yes,” I busted with excitement.

  It was our first purchase as a married couple, even if it was a fake married couple. It still felt good.

  “So, we can get these, and you’ll want to stay in here with me every night?” Aiden asked hopefully.

  I blushed. Did he really want that?

  I thought about how sweet he’d been this morning, and even last night. Breakfast in bed, taking off work to lay next to me all day—what else could I ask for in a husband, except for him to be real?

  “Maybe,” I finally responded, not willing to give in entirely without understanding his reasoning for wanting me there every night.

  I found the gift card buried in the bottom of my purse, and Aiden entered the number to order the sheets. Once he hit the ‘submit order’ button, my arousal took control. It was finalized—our sheets so we could sleep in our bed.

  I snuggled against Aiden, my lips searching at the flesh on his neck. He growled a deep, sexy growl, and quickly gripped my ass cheeks with his strong hands. His finger lingered on the edge of my shorts, playfully tracing the elastic, lifting it just enough to tickle my flesh. I squirmed in his arms, arching my back and pushing myself upward, so his finger tugged at the cotton material of my shorts.

  It didn’t take long for him to remove them, my legs kicking to be as helpful as possible. His fingers reached between my legs, playfully spreading the soft flesh of my pussy, and then slowly entering me, first just one, then two.

  I moaned, squirming against his digits, rocking back and forth for a steady motion. My eyes were closed, but I could feel Aiden’s eyes upon me, watching my lips part, my body wiggle at his touch, and my eyes slam shut.

  His mouth bit at my neck, and then lowered to my breasts, sucking at them beneath the thin material of my t-shirt. My hands reached up, pulling the shirt from my body, over my head, and tossing it on the floor.

  My eyes opened, Aiden’s staring into mine just as I suspected, so gorgeous, so hungry, and I was instantly lost in his world, our world.

  I let my hand reach down between the sheets, gripping onto the hard cock that rested between Aiden’s legs. I stroked him in the same rhythm that his fingers fucked me, causing him to let out a deep moan into the large room. His free hand assisted in removing the boxer briefs, freeing his warm cock to my hand. The skin stretched upward, over the head as I pulled, squeezed, and stroked. My mouth watered. I knew that he’d search the nightstand for a condom before fucking me, so I had to act quickly if I wanted to taste him.

  I squirmed down the bed, out of reach for his fingers, now sliding from inside my pussy to the cool air of the room.

  My mouth gently bit at his belly, my tongue traced through his rippled abs, and then it met my hand, gripped tightly into a fist at the tip of Aiden’s cock. My tongue flicked at the small opening as my hand slid slowly down his shaft. My lips parted, covering his cock as my hand moved out of the way so I could slowly swallow him into my mouth.

e growl that escaped his throat was vibrating. My pussy swelled, and arousal slicked my sensitive flesh as I worked my mouth down and around his thick cock.

  Aiden’s hand reached for my hair, gripping it tightly between his fingers as he guided me up and down his long shaft.

  The taste of his flesh was sweet and delicious, causing my mouth to water, giving enough lubrication to take him whole.

  His legs tightened, his back arched, and from the sound of his groans, it was becoming obvious he couldn’t handle much more. I worked faster, sucked harder, and let my fingers massage the tight sac at the end of his shaft as he pulled me upward.

  The suction created between my lips and his cock loosened, and with a pop, he was freed from my grip, his cock throbbing, and his leg quivering.

  “Oh my God,” he gasped, pulling me onto him.

  My legs straddled around his waist, letting his cock rest between my legs at my warm, slicked entrance while he leaned up, kissing me, tasting himself on my lips.

  He leaned over, reaching into the drawer for a condom, and for a moment I considered asking him not to, so we could give his family what they wanted, what a strange part of my heart wanted.

  I let him grip the foiled packaged, ripping it open with his teeth, and then took it from him, sliding it on his shaft skillfully, never speaking the words that crossed my mind.

  I lifted up, positioning over him, and then dropped my weight down to sink him into my body.

  Heat burnt throughout my skin, my entire body tingled as he buried deep within my cunt. I cried out his name, moaned without control, and rocked my hips vigorously to ease the tension created between my legs.

  Aiden’s hands gripped my back, squeezing my soft flesh between his fingers as his mouth reached forward for my breast. I let him have it, sucking on my nipple, giving me pleasure while I fucked him with more passion than I knew I had.

  “Fuck,” I gasped, feeling the throbbing between my legs, the friction of my clit against his washboard abs too much to handle.

  Soon, my eyes were closed, rolled back in my head, and my bottom lip was tucked in beneath my teeth, being bitten to the point I nearly drew blood.

  Aiden’s grip tightened, his hands moved to my waist, and his body tensed and then started to throb inside of me.

  Together, we came, our satisfaction filled, our bodies relaxed, and our heartbeats rapid. I fell onto him, listening to the thud inside his chest, feeling the heat exuberate from his skin, and I knew, without a doubt, I was in love with this man.

  Chapter Nineteen


  A brown truck pulled up in front of the house, and a man hopped from the back with a box in hand. I opened the door to greet him as he smiled, handing me a box and a tablet to sign. I thanked him, went inside, and tore open the box. It was the sheets Blake and I had ordered: our first, and only, wedding gift.

  I was excited that they came in only two days and was hoping that they would give Blake the incentive she needed to climb back into my bed.

  I didn’t push for her to stay Friday night, after our Thursday all-day in bed adventure, but I wanted her there. We’d watched a movie and snuggled on the couch that night, and then she announced she needed to work. I didn’t find it too odd that she disappeared into her room to work more on her book; it was quiet there, peaceful. But, I did find it a little odd that she never came into my room, our room.

  Tonight would be different. Tonight, she would sleep in my arms, on our sheets, in our bed.

  Everything was working out great, and I couldn’t have been happier.

  I left the box on the coffee table, so Blake would see it when she got home from the library and headed off to work.

  On the way, almost to the shop, my phone rang.

  “Hey, mom,” I greeted my mother sweetly.

  “Aiden, are you sitting down?” she asked, her voice panicked and tired.

  “I’m driving. What’s wrong?” I asked, anxious by her tone.

  “Call me when you stop,” she said softly.

  “No. Tell me now,” I insisted.

  “I don’t want you to wreck…I couldn’t bear it,” she sobbed.

  “Mom, tell me,” I demanded.

  She was a drama queen, my mother, but this sounded serious, really serious.

  “It’s your abuela; she’s in the hospital,” she blurted out.

  “I’ll be right there,” I told her, hanging up the phone quickly.

  I immediately called Blake, not sure if she’d even answer while researching for her book.

  “Hello?” she answered, her voice soft due to the library rules for quiet.

  “It’s my abuela; she’s in the hospital,” I blurted, feeling the pangs of pain in my heart as I spoke the words aloud.

  “Why?” Blake gasped.

  “I don’t know. I’m heading there now,” I explained.

  “Okay. Where are you now?” Blake asked.

  “I’m almost to work, turning around at the light,” I told her.

  “Pull into work, wait for me. I’ll pick you up, and I’ll drive,” she insisted.

  The library was only a couple blocks from my shop, and I did need a moment to calm down.

  “Okay, thank you,” I said, and then hung up the phone.

  My gut was twisting at the thought of losing my abuela. The talk about the will, the need for me to have a child, it was all making sense to me now.

  It was only a few minutes, and Blake was pulling up beside me. She rolled down her window and waved for me to come on.

  I turned off my truck, locked it, and walked over to Blake’s small car. My knees bent so high that they nearly touched the dash. I was too large for her car, but I didn’t care. I knew I couldn’t drive, not if…no, I couldn’t think about that.

  “Thank you for coming,” I sighed as Blake pulled from the parking lot.

  “Of course,” she said sweetly, and then took off onto the main road.

  She drove like a maniac, which both scared the hell out of me and impressed me at the same time. We made it to the hospital in record time, and we both rushed to the front desk, getting the room number for Anna-Marie before headed for the elevators.

  “She’s not in ICU; that’s a good sign,” Blake encouraged.

  I knew she was right, but it was still the cardiac floor. Did she have a heart attack?

  “Mom,” I gasped as the elevator doors opened.

  Liana was standing in the hallway, pacing back and forth outside a large, wooden hospital door.

  “She’s in there with the doctor now,” she explained, motioning towards the door.

  “Why aren’t you in there with her?” I questioned.

  “She said I was making her nervous, so she threw me out,” Liana explained.

  Blake chuckled, causing me to turn and look in her direction. “She must be doing okay if she’s still that feisty,” Blake explained herself quickly.

  Liana smiled, but it was a weak one, forced onto her face by her polite nature. I wrapped my arm around Blake.

  “C’mon, we’re going in,” I told her, guiding her towards the door.

  I could feel her reluctance, but she didn’t fight it. We walked inside the room to find my abuela in the bed, a young male doctor by her bedside, and ‘Wheel of Fortune’ playing on the hospital television.

  “Abuela, are you okay?” I asked, rushing to her side.

  It was the first time I’d let go of Blake’s hand since we entered the hospital.

  “I’m fine; it’s just high blood pressure,” she scoffed.

  I looked towards the doctor for confirmation and quickly was given a nod.

  “Your abuela had a small attack, a mini-stroke you could say, a warning. Her blood pressure was extremely high, but it’s stable now. There’s no reason for us to believe anything serious is wrong, but we’ve run tests just to be sure. She should be able to leave tomorrow after all the results come back, and with a diet change, some added exercise, and medication, she’ll be just fine,”
the doctor said calmly.

  I thanked him as he said his goodbyes to my abuela and then left the room.

  “You scared me,” I gasped, leaning down to embrace my abuela.

  “You start actin’ like your mother, I’ll boot you from here too,” Anna-Marie said with a smirk.

  Her eyes moved towards Blake, and she lit up with a wide smile. I could feel the tension in Blake as she stood beside me, and I knew that this would send her back to the place where she wanted to fess up, call it off, and walk away. I couldn’t bear the thought of her leaving, not now, not ever.

  Blake took a seat by the bed, and my mother walked into the room. Her eyes were red and puffy as she worked her hands like a wet washcloth.

  “It’s okay, Mom, it’s just her blood pressure,” I explained.

  It was obvious she wasn’t convinced, and the fear of losing her mother was weighing on her heavily still. I reached for her, wrapping my arms around her, comforting her until she finally calmed down. She took a seat by Blake, and I sat down by my abuela’s bed, holding her shriveled, frail hand.

  “I’m glad you’re okay, but you’re gonna have to take better care of yourself from now on,” I told her.

  The old woman smiled, and she squeezed my hand tightly. “I’m not going anywhere. I want to stay around and meet my great-grandchildren,” she insisted.

  My heart sank, and as I turned to Blake, it was obvious hers had as well. The guilt she felt was displayed all over her face, and I knew I had to get her out of there before she blurted out the truth.

  “I’ll let you get some rest,” I said sweetly, leaning down to kiss her cheek.

  “I am tired,” she smiled.

  “I’m staying,” my mother announced, and I watched as my abuela rolled her eyes.

  “Do you need anything before I go, or anything from home I can bring up?” I asked.

  “No. I have everything I need. They are taking very good care of me here, and I’ll be leaving tomorrow,” she insisted.

  Blake stood, leaned over the bed, and kissed Anna-Marie on the cheek before we left. I insisted that she call, or my mother, if they needed anything at all.


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