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Sue and Tom (The Yearbook Series Book 2)

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by Andrews, Buffy

  Have a fabulous trip. I miss you already, Sue

  I pulled off the note and stuck it on the wall. Only Sue would think to put a Post-it note on the underside of a toilet seat! God, she makes me smile.

  It reminded me of our toilet paper conversation earlier. Sue went to the bathroom and laughingly complained that the toilet paper roll was on wrong. I had it overhang and she thought it should be under hang. Anyway, that led back to our toilet seat up or down conversation we had days earlier when I left the seat up and she nearly fell in. I smiled remembering it.

  “Look,” she had said. “You have to learn to put the toilet seat down. I got a wet ass!”

  I laughed. “You didn’t look before you sat?”

  “No, but that’s beside the point. I shouldn’t have to look because the seat should always be down.”

  I smiled. “Look. I’m a guy. And I’m used to living alone. So, naturally I keep the seat up.”

  Sue gave me her pouty lips. “Well, will you try to remember to put it down?”

  “I’ll try to remember.”

  I jumped in the shower and as I remembered the great shower sex we had that morning, I remembered that I needed to get some of those anti-skid stickers. It can get pretty slippery if there’s nothing to hold onto and things get pretty fast. And they always seem to get that way with Sue.


  Klondike watched as I packed my suitcase. Sue had volunteered to watch him while I was away. She said Chloe would love having him for the week and I was happy I didn’t have to board him. He hates it at the kennel. And when I pick him up, he’s always hoarse for a day or two. I have a feeling he barks non-stop.

  I was going to drop him off later tonight on my way to the airport. I had a late flight.

  I figured we’d get some dinner, watch some TV, and head over to Sue’s about eight.



  Chloe heaved her backpack onto the table. “Hi, Mom. Aunt Gina. How was your weekend?”

  I hugged Chloe and kissed her cheek. “Great, but I missed you.”

  Gina hugged Chloe, too. “I wish I could stay, but I have to get to the airport. I’ll see you girls in a couple of weeks. When’s Tom bringing Klondike over?”

  “Klondike’s coming?” Chloe asked.

  “Actually, he’s spending the week. Tom has a conference and I offered to keep Klondike so he wouldn’t have to go to the kennel.”

  Chloe did a fist pump. “Awesome.”

  “Tom’s dropping him off around eight.”

  Gina turned toward the door. “Well, have a great week. Call me if anything comes up.”

  “Don’t worry about the house,” I yelled after her. “I’ll check on the contractors.”


  I could tell by the way Chloe chewed her bottom lip and wrung her hands that she wanted to talk to me about something. I sat down at the table across from her. “What’s on your mind, Chloe?”

  “Why do you think something’s on my mind?”

  “Because I’m your mother and I know these things. So let’s have it.”

  Chloe sat up straight. “Well, there is something I wanted to talk to you about. It’s, uh… well, Rob. Rob asked me out, and I really, really, really want to go.”

  I took a deep breath. I wasn’t surprised. I knew by the way he was hanging around it was only a matter of time. But I wasn’t ready to deal with this quite yet. “But you’re only 14. He’s 17. That’s three years older, in case you didn’t count.”

  “He just turned 17, so it’s really only two years older,” Chloe said. “Besides, you and dad were six years apart.”

  “True, we were. But six years’ difference when you’re 23 is different than being six years apart—or two—when you’re fourteen. And besides, he has a car.”

  “Duh, yeah, Mom. How else would we go out on a date if he didn’t have a car?”

  “I don’t know, Chloe,” I said. “I don’t like cars. Things can happen in a car.”

  “Mom! Things can happen anywhere. Besides, you dated when you were fourteen, so why can’t I?”

  “That’s beside the point.”

  “No, it’s not, Mom. You dated when you were 14 and you turned out just fine.”

  “But I wish I would have waited to date a couple of years. Look, Chloe, things can happen fast at your age.”

  “You’re talking about sex.”

  I could feel my face warm up. “Yes, as a matter of fact I am.”

  “Look, Mom. It’s not like I don’t know about the birds and the bees. Besides, I’m not going to have sex until I’m married.”

  I smiled. “You say that now, but in the heat of the moment, that can get tossed out the window pretty fast. I just think you should wait. At least another year.”

  Chloe pushed out her chair and stood up. “You and Dad just don’t understand. You’re ruining my life.”

  “Oh, so you already asked your dad?”

  “Yes. And he said no. Said he was going to start a DADD group.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Dads Against Daughters Dating.”

  I laughed a little.

  “Don’t laugh. He told me he didn’t want me to date until I was at least 16.”

  “Well, maybe that’s not a bad idea.”

  “I’m the only one of my friends who isn’t allowed to date. Do you know how uncool that makes me?”

  “What happened to ‘The Nerds Rule’?”

  Chloe crossed her arms. “I’m tired of being a nerd. For once in my life I want to be one of the cool kids.”

  Chloe grabbed her backpack and stumped upstairs. I heard her door slam and thought about going after her, but decided instead to let her go. She needed time to cool off. Maybe in a couple of hours we could talk, but I knew my daughter and talking now would only make things worse. She might have her dad’s looks, but she has my stubbornness.

  Chapter 8


  I found Klondike asleep on the couch. “Come on, boy. Time to go.”

  His ears shot up.

  “I’m taking you to Sue’s house.”

  Klondike barked then leapt off the couch and ran to the door. I had a feeling he was as fond of Sue as I was.

  Driving to Sue’s house, I thought about how much I was going to miss her. We hadn’t said the L word yet, but it was on the tip of my tongue. I thought about saying it last night. I really wanted to. It’s how I feel. But I was worried that if I said it too soon, Sue would get scared and pull away. And the last thing I wanted was for Sue to withdraw. Having her in my life was the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

  After Rachel, I thought I’d spend my life alone. But now, I’m not so sure. When I saw Sue at the reunion, all of the old feelings I had for her in high school came racing back. Truth was, I had always had a thing for her. Once, when she was in between boyfriends, I had gotten up the courage to ask her out. I practiced and practiced what I was going to say. And the day I got the nerve to actually do it was the day John asked her out. I remember being so pissed because I knew he didn’t like her as much as I did. No one did. And no one knew how much I liked her but Mike. I can remember his words as if he had spoken them yesterday. “Told you to move faster,” he had said. “You had your opening and you blew it.”

  Mike was right. And now that I had an opening some 20 years later, I wasn’t going to blow it again. I wanted her in my life and I planned to keep her there.



  I heard the doorbell ring and Klondike bark. “Chloe,” I yelled. “Klondike’s here.”

  Chloe bolted from her bedroom and headed for the front door. “Can I take him for a walk?”

  Tom smiled and handed her the leash.

  Tom and I watched Chloe and Klondike head down the sidewalk. “That’s the first she’s been out of her room all day. We had an argument and she’s been holed up in there.”

  “I didn’t think you two argued,” said Tom, following me into the living room.
  “We don’t often. But I’m just not ready to let her date. Neither is her dad. Chloe wants to go out with the boy down the street. He’s seventeen. She’s fourteen.”

  Tom held up his hand. “Say no more.”

  “See, you’re thinking the same thing I am.”

  “I just remember being 17. Of course, I wasn’t one of the lucky ones who had a girlfriend. The girl I wanted was taken.”

  I playfully slapped his arm and he pulled me in for a kiss.

  “It’s true,” he said. “You always had a boyfriend. There was a window of opportunity in the winter of our junior year, but then John swooped in before I got up the nerve to ask you out.”

  I laughed. “Window of opportunity, huh? You make it sound like I entertained a revolving door of guys. ”

  “Whatever happened to John, anyway?” Tom asked.

  “I lost touch after high school. Remember, he was a year older and went into the Army. I think he might have decided to make a career out of it. I’m pretty sure he never moved back.”

  Tom looked at his watch. “I should get going.”

  He handed me a piece of paper. “Here’s all the information in case you need to reach me. I’m going to miss you.” He pulled me closer and our lips found one another.

  “I wish we could have a repeat of the shower sex we had this morning right now,” I whispered in his ear.

  “Me, too,” he said. “But that will give us something to look forward to when I get back.”

  “And just when will that be?”

  “I should be home by 8 Friday night.”

  I playfully grabbed his crotch and winked. “I’ll be waiting for you in your bed.”

  “What, Chloe’s not going to be home?”

  I shook my head. “She’s staying overnight at her best friend’s for a birthday sleepover.”

  “In that case, I’ll really have something to look forward to.

  We kissed a long time before Tom pulled himself away and headed to his car. I was really falling for him. I almost told him I loved him. It was right then that I decided I would tell him Friday night. And I couldn’t wait!



  The entire time I was driving to the airport, I couldn’t stop thinking about Sue. And to think I almost didn’t go to my high school reunion. It was only because Mike and a few of the other guys badgered me so much that I even went. I was sort of embarrassed that I didn’t have a date, but then Mike told me he didn’t either and we could hang out together. Never expected that I’d end up sitting with the one girl from high school that I always wanted to date but never had the chance to.

  Because it was Sunday night, the traffic was light on the Interstate and I got to the airport sooner than I had expected. Security wasn’t too bad either, and by the time I got to the gate, I had plenty of time to spare. So I called Sue.

  “You’re there already?” she asked when she heard my voice.

  “Yeah. Traffic wasn’t bad, and the airport is pretty empty. How’s Klondike?”

  “He’s fine. He hasn’t left Chloe’s side since he came. I think he found a new best friend.”

  I laughed. “He might not want to come home after spending the week.”

  “Well, I’m sure Chloe would keep him.”

  “What about you?” I asked.

  Sue laughed. “I’d rather keep his dad.”

  I chuckled. “Sue…” It was on the tip of my tongue and I wanted to say it. But I wanted to tell her that I loved her face to face. I wanted to look into her eyes so she could see that I meant it.

  “What?” Sue asked.

  “Nothing. They just called for the first passengers. I’ll call tomorrow. Probably won’t be until 8 or so.”

  “Okay. Have a safe trip and sleep well.”

  “I’d sleep better if you were beside me.”

  “I’d sleep better, too. Remember,” she whispered. “Shower sex Friday.”

  I hung up the phone and smiled. I was one lucky guy.



  I crawled into bed and reached for one of my books on the nightstand. I had several stacked next to the phone and switched among them depending on my mood. Tonight, I was in the mood for some romance.

  Thoughts of Rachel crept into my mind. I mean, the girl was gorgeous. I wondered what Tom saw in me. She had everything I didn’t. Legs that went on forever. Boobs that, even if they weren’t completely real, beckoned like a hooker looking to score.

  Tom had told me that no matter how much guys talk about asses and boobs, it’s personality that’s most important. I’m sure he’s right, but great asses and boobs to die for can’t hurt.

  I cupped my breast with my hand. One handful. That’s all. It would take a front-end loader to hold Rachel’s.

  Thinking back over the last couple of months, I realized how empty my life had been. It’s hard to miss something you never had. And even when Steve and I were together, it was never like it is with Tom. I didn’t know it was possible for a guy to make me feel so beautiful, so wanted.

  He even kissed the scars on my knees that I’ve always been self-conscious about. He told me that the scars were part of me, that they helped tell my life story. Okay. Come on now. What kind of guy says stuff like that? Seriously. This is the first one I’ve ever come across who finds beauty in imperfection. It’s one of the things I love best about him.



  The week dragged on like the day before vacation. You can’t wait for it to end so you can unwind and relax. The conference was okay, but I found myself zoning out during the sessions and thinking about Sue a lot. I called every day and was glad to hear that Klondike didn’t seem to miss me at all. By the time Friday rolled around, I couldn’t wait to get home. Sue told me that after dropping Chloe off at her friend’s, she’d bring Klondike over and stay with him until I got home. She hinted at a special welcome home.

  The entire drive home, all I could think about was having shower sex. Seeing Sue naked in the shower, dripping wet. Damn! I heard a siren and looked in my rear view mirror and saw a whirl of flashing lights. A cop was on my tail. I pulled over. Turned out I was going 85 in a 65 zone. It sure as hell didn’t feel like it.

  The last time I got a speeding ticket I was 17, trying to make it home before my junior license curfew.

  The officer waddled up to my window. His gut jutted out over his belt. Where do they find these officers, I wondered.

  “What were you thinking going so fast?” the officer asked.

  “Shower sex,” I said.

  He spread his feet apart so he could lower his head and look me in the eye. He sniffed and narrowed his eyes. “What did you say?”

  “I need to go slower, I guess,” I said, realizing this guy had zero sense of humor.

  “You’re darn right you need to go slower, son. A lot slower.”

  He wrote out the ticket, lectured some more, and I was finally on my way, a good half hour behind schedule. I was going to call Sue and tell her that I would be late, but my cellphone was dead.



  I dropped Chloe off at her girlfriend’s and Klondike whimpered the entire fifteen-minute drive to his house.

  I parked along the street, behind a car I didn’t recognize. I opened the back door and Klondike bolted in, running from room to room as if he were looking for something or someone.

  “It’s about time you got…”

  I turned around. My mouth dropped to the floor—and so did my heart. There was Rachel in eight-inch fuck me spike heels, wearing a lacy thong and heart-shaped nipple covers with tassels.

  She put her hand to her heart. “Oh. It’s you. I was expecting Tom.” She licked her lips like a bar room tramp.

  I could feel my face turning red. I pulled back my lips and bared my teeth. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “Me?” she asked, her little nipple tassels jiggling. “I was going to ask you the same thing.”

sp; All I could think about was getting away from her, away from this house. It was like Steve all over again. My heart was breaking and I couldn’t stop the tears from coming. I ran to my car as fast as I could and took off.

  Chapter 9


  When I got home, the house was dark. I smiled, thinking about Sue waiting for me upstairs.

  Klondike knows the sound of my car, and he was waiting for me just inside the back door. I gave him a big hug and a quick belly rub and went up to Sue. I looked over at the bed. Sue was completely under the covers. I figured she was playing possum. So I got naked and crawled in next to her. When I reach around her to pull her over, I realized that it wasn’t Sue.

  “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, Rachel,” I yelled, jumping out of bed. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I pulled on my jeans and shirt.

  She uncovered herself. “Oh come on now, Tiger. Is that anyway to greet an old flame—one you were going to marry?”

  “Jesus, no. No. Klondike’s here. Which means Sue was here. Did Sue see you?”

  Rachel got out of bed and came toward me. “You mean that little mouse of a girl you‘ve been playing with? Of course she saw me. I thought it was you coming home. Imagine my surprise when it was Little Miss Debbie Cakes. She is a little doll, but not near enough woman for you.” She shook her tits so her tassels swayed.

  “Get the fuck out of my house or I’ll rip those tassels off your tits. And if you ever pull another stunt like this, I’ll file harassment charges. Now get out!”

  “My, my, my. Such a bad temper. What happened to my pussycat of a man?”

  “He turned into a tiger when he learned what a real woman was all about.”



  I wasn’t sure where I was going. The only thing I knew is that I had to get away from Tom’s house and that slut as fast as I could.


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