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First Time Erotica: Volume 2 (First Time Erotica Series)

Page 14

by Charlie Buxton

  Nico nodded at me. "Try to describe what it's like to lick me."

  I thought about it for a long time before I said, "It's kind of like eating a perfectly ripe peach. You know, there's that window of two or three weeks in August when Michigan Red Haven peaches are the perfect ripeness. You bite into the fuzzy skin and the sweet juice rolls down your chin and you can't help but to slurp it up and the flesh is soft yet firm under your tongue. That's the closest I can come to describing it."

  Nico stared at me as I finished my coffee. It had grown cold but I couldn't bear to leave it unfinished. Finally, she said, "Back in a moment," and walked off to the restrooms. A minute later she was back and dropped a ball of green material in my lap as she sat back down. "Feel it," she said, "Feel how wet you've made me."

  The crotch of her panties was soaked and I fought the urge to bring them up to my nose so I could breathe her in. I smiled, checked the time on my cell and said, "Come on, I'll walk you back."

  A silence enveloped us as walked across campus. She was obviously deep in thought and I couldn't get any words out of my mouth. At her lobby I tried to give her panties back but she stuffed them in my front pants pocket, her fingers brushing lightly along my semi-rigid cock. Without a word she went inside.

  I was walking up the steps of my dorm when I received a text from her: Its your fault im masterb8ing now.

  I laughed and sent back, Hope your roomie doesn't mind.

  By the time I climbed the stairs to my floor I got back, Shes studying w back to me. Now shut up im trying to concentr8.

  Over the next several weeks we saw each other quite a bit, although somewhat randomly. Nico would drop by unannounced and I was never quite able to predict when she would visit. I could see her three or four consecutive nights and then there would be up to five days before she showed up again. Our trysts were brief and to the point, consisting of oral sex and handjobs. Nico was always in charge.

  Once she walked into my room and shut the door. I looked up from my homework and started to speak but she stopped me with an upraised hand. Her hair was sporting a bright purple streak on the right side. Nico unbuttoned the raincoat that came down to her knees and let it drop to the floor. Of course, she was naked underneath. Her pubic hair had a matching purple streak.

  I watched, breathless, as her hand delved between her legs. I could hear the squelching as her fingers penetrated her sex. I could see the glistening flesh as she parted the outer lips. I swear I could smell her from across the room. Her other hand tugged mercilessly on her nipples making them red and swollen. The entire time she masturbated she kept her eyes on me. After she came she pulled her coat on, buttoned it up and left. She never said a word.

  The following visit she taught me how to pleasure her with just my fingers.

  I thought I was the luckiest guy on campus. Nico was an incredibly sexual creature who was teaching me so much. I was amazed at how much pleasure she could provide with just her hands and mouth. More importantly, she wanted me to please her with my mouth and fingers. I fed off her orgasms.

  I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I wanted more. Even though I very much wanted to have sex with her the topic of intercourse never came up. I assumed she never suggested it because it was some sort of line that couldn't be crossed -- If we fucked I would be her boyfriend and she couldn't have that. I never brought up the topic because I had the idea that if we had sex Nico would become seriously ill and die.

  I know that sounds crazy but I can't help these kinds of thoughts from occurring. Once I have them I obsess over them, making the fear palpable. So in order to protect Nico we couldn't have sex. I never told her this. I wish I had, but I never did.

  One Saturday night I was working a shift at the central campus computing lab. A handful of students were well spread out in the lab, making for a rather dull night. That's the way I liked it as I could get my homework done and get paid for it. My coworker and I sat in the Pit, an ironic name for the raised circular workspace overlooking the lab. The Pit was also a convenient barrier between me and the students. Nico walked up and leaned over the counter at me. "How late you working tonight?" she asked in a hushed tone. The purple streak in her hair was now bright green. I wondered briefly if her pubic hair matched.

  "Until 2AM. Sorry."

  She frowned and looked around the mostly empty lab before asking, "How many of them do you think are watching porn right now and mentally frigging themselves?" I shot a look at my coworker but he had headphones on and was engrossed in a movie. I moved away from him and Nico followed along the outer perimeter. "There aren't that many people here but I bet at least one," she persisted.

  I shook my head. "Doubtful. People tend to do that when they're alone in their room."

  She pointed at a monitor in front of me. "Can you use that computer to see what they're doing?"

  "Yeah, but it's our policy not to."

  "Let me back there, I want to take a look."

  "Sorry, employees only. They have a very strict rule about that."

  "Then I'd like an application, please," she pestered. I sighed and pulled an application from a file and handed it to her along with a pen -- I figured it would be easier than arguing with her. She looked it over and asked, "Who does the interview?"

  "Tonight I would do the pre-interview but a full-time staffer would do the final."

  Nico smiled wickedly, put the pen to her lips and sucked lightly on it. "I think there is at least one person here watching porn this very moment but you think not. We should bet on it," she suggested.

  "What would we bet?"

  "If I win, I want you to seriously consider a proposal. If you win --"

  "You have to tell me why you can't have a boyfriend," I finished.

  She frowned. "Not very imaginative. Alright, if that's what you want." We shook hands and she pointed at the computer. "You do whatever typing you need to do while I fill this out." I took me less than a minute to launch a program and click a few parameters to get the answer. In less than that time Nico had completed the application and was holding it out to me. I checked to see if anyone was watching before I turned the monitor towards her, defeated. "Ha!" she exclaimed. "I knew it!"

  Shaking my head, I turned the monitor back and closed the program. Three people were surfing porn sites. I took the application and asked, "So, what's your proposal?"

  "I'd like my pre-interview first, then we can talk."

  "Alright." I started to read over her application but she protested.

  "I believe I have an expectation of privacy during an interview. Is there a room we can use?"

  I let my coworker know I was doing a pre-interview. He nodded without ever looking up from his movie. Nico and I went to a small conference room and sat at the table. I started through the prepared list of b. s. questions.

  "So, Miss Dewpot," I read the name she wrote on the application, "why do you want to work at this lab?"

  "Well, I've always found computers sexy, what with all those big hard drives and such."

  I made a check mark. "And what are your best qualities?"

  She looked up at the ceiling. "I'm loyal, punctual, and I don't take shit from anybody. Also, I give a pretty mean blowjob and have been told my cunt tastes like the nectar of the gods. Your words, not mine," she reminded me.

  "All admirable qualities," I agreed. "What's you're greatest weakness?"

  "If someone gives me shit I hurt them. Sometimes I end up in jail." I laughed and shook my head. "Did I pass the first round?" she asked.

  "I'm afraid we can't hire you, Miss Dewpot. According to your application you have a PhD so you're over-qualified." I added, "And you've been convicted of a felony but you neglected to say what for."

  "I always knew I would make it someday," she smirked. She stood and came around the table and sat on the edge right in front of me. She took the application from my hands and tore it up, letting the pieces fall one by one from her fingers. Then Nico fixed me with those green eyes of hers.
"I'm going to propose something that I want you to take your time thinking about before giving me an answer and I'd like you to not interrupt me with any questions until I'm done."

  She waited a moment. I sat silently so she continued. "You love to lick my cunt." It was a statement and not a question but I nodded anyway. "Now I've been eaten out by half a dozen people and it is my unbiased opinion you are far better than any of them and that includes a couple of lesbians." I opened my mouth to comment but shut it quickly. "It was a phase," she explained.

  "Anyway, the other night I was having a powwow with several girls and the topic invariably turned to sex. You may not know this but sometimes when women talk to other women about sex it can be in a very explicit manner. Anyway, the talk came around to oral and listening to these girls I realized they've never experienced anything like I have with you. It made me a little sad for them and made me feel a bit selfish.

  "As I've said before, I can't have a boyfriend but I feel like I've effectively taken you off the market. You should be out there meeting girls and going to town, or more to the point, downtown, but you spend a lot of your free time with me." A dark look must have passed over my face because she added quickly, "Don't worry, I still want to hang out with you and suck that beautiful cock of yours. And I want you to keep on sticking your tongue up my love hole," she added. I relaxed and waited for her to go on.

  "The other problem is that you're anti-social. Maybe that's what attracted me to you, initially, since I'm a fellow outcast. So, add all that up and it's a dilemma. I want to keep hanging out with you, I want to help you, and I want to help my fellow woman. So, what's the solution?"

  I shrugged as I didn't have the slightest clue as to where she was going with this. "To be honest, I didn't know either until last night when I was lying in bed, masturbating while imagining your face buried in my crotch. The answer was right there, staring me in the cunt." She paused and smiled. "I propose that I set you up with girls who are in dire need of a good licking!"

  I sat and stared at her for a very long time. My mouth was possibly hanging open. Finally, I asked, "Can I talk now?" She nodded. "You want to pimp me out?"

  Nico shook her head vigorously. "No, of course not, no money will change hands, although I will get a piece of the action."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Afterwards, you tell me, in glorious Technicolor, all the sordid details. It's a win-win-win for everyone. You meet new girls, they have the best orgasms of their lives, your fame spreads and I get off afterwards."

  "Sounds like everyone will get off. Will I?"

  She smiled and placed her hand on my shoulder. "Silly boy -- of course you do. It's part of the 'after.' Now," she slid off the table and stood up, "I want you to think about this and tell me your answer tomorrow night. Pick me up at six and take me out to dinner."

  "Why should I take you to dinner?"

  "It's only fair," she said over her shoulder as she walked out. "I'm a convicted felon with a doctorate. I can't get a job in this economy."

  I sat in that room for a long time and pondered on what kind of sociopath I had gotten mixed up with.

  I didn't get any sleep that night. I simply lay there and thought about her proposal. It was both terrifying and titillating. I would have to put myself out there and meet new people. On the other hand I longed to know how other girls tasted. Would they be like Nico or does each woman have their own unique flavor? From the porn I've seen I knew vaginas came in all shapes and shades but would they taste different? Would some girls be clean shaven? I oscillated between panic and arousal all night.

  Of course I said yes, because that's what Nico wanted. I told her the next night as we were finishing up our meal at a nice Italian place near the edge of campus. But I also had some concerns. "Will there be any ground rules?" I asked.

  "Like what."

  "I don't know." I looked around to see if anyone was eavesdropping. All the closest tables were engrossed in their own conversations. "Do I get right of refusal?"

  Nico nodded. "Of course. If you feel uncomfortable or get some weird vibe off a client you can call it off."

  I was appalled. "Did you just say client?"

  "Maybe trick is a better term?" She watched with amusement as my face turned crimson red. Our waitress dropped off the check and was about to say something but hustled away when she saw me. It took me a minute to realize Nico was toying with me. "Yeah," she said, finishing the last of her soda, "I'm just fucking with you."

  "Someday I'll learn," I muttered as I left enough cash to cover the check and the tip. I looked across the table at her. "Walk you back to your dorm?" I offered.

  On the walk back she veered us through a graveyard, saying it was a shortcut. The sun had set minutes before but we still had enough light to pick our way along the paths. There, deep in the middle of the graveyard, she sucked me off as I leaned against a huge headstone. When I was finished she forced me onto the ground and straddled my face. The dry, dormant grass scratched the back of my neck as she writhed above me. And, yes, her pubic hair was streaked with green.

  Over two weeks went by before we got our first bite. In the meantime, I had my doubts but Nico kept reassuring me her project was on track and that she was carefully baiting the water. She didn't want to be too pushy and scare potential clients away. Instead, she casually dropped little morsels and waited for them to come to her. Even then, she was demure and gave scant details, feeding them just enough scraps to whet their appetite. She knew she had one hooked when a normally reserved girl came to her room and asked explicit questions. The girl's eyes became bigger and bigger with each answer until she broke and asked if Nico could set her up with me.

  Nico told me all this while sitting on my lap one night and grinding her crotch against mine. I was naked and she was fully clothed. "I've arranged for you two to meet Saturday night at a house party down on Oak Street." The pleasure I had been experiencing was offset suddenly by the sick churning of my stomach and my whole body stiffened. "Relax," she said, rolling her hips in slow, delicious circles. "I'll be there to introduce the two of you. You'll meet, say hi, and then you'll take her somewhere quiet where you'll shove your tongue into her cunt until she comes."

  The feel of her body rubbing against mine made me relax bit by bit until I began to thrust back. Our bodies rocked in time. Those beautiful green eyes watched me intently as my breath started catching in my throat. I reached between us and unsnapped her jeans but she shook her head. "I need you hungry and on you're A-game Saturday night. You're on a diet until then." She buried her head in my neck and continued dry humping me.Her hips ground against me in short, sharp, rapid thrusts, the intense friction building to a breaking point. My body trembled and tensed and I grunted with every thrust. Sudden warmth flooded my crotch as I came. Nico drove on, trying in vain to reach orgasm but eventually slowing to a stop as I softened under her.

  She stood up and fingered the wet spot on her jeans, satisfied. "I'm going back to my room to masturbate. Maybe this time I'll get my whole fist in. I'll see you Saturday night." Before I could say goodnight she was gone. I spent the next hour touching things on my desk to ensure Nico's safety.

  By the weekend I was a nervous wreck and could hardly keep any food down. The anxiety of meeting someone new and the pressure I felt to perform were wreaking havoc on my body. On Saturday evening Nico found me curled up on my bed. She stroked my head and slowly coaxed me first to a sitting, then to a standing position until she had me walking out the door. We held hands all the way there, me gripping hers the way a drowning man grips a lifeline. At the steps to the house she pried her hand from mine, smiled and said, "Relax. You'll do great."

  The party wasn't as crowded as I feared although it was relatively early. Nico approached a conservatively dressed woman and introduced me to Amanda who was as tall as me. Her white blouse was buttoned all the way up to the top and her black knee-length skirt had nary a speck of lint on it. She was decently attractive in spite of
the stern look on her face. We shook hands, which I found oddly formal for the circumstances. Nico excused herself to go find a drink.

  Amanda and I looked at each other for a moment before we both turned away. I could see the embarrassment etched on her face and I knew exactly how she felt. Nico caught my eye from across the room and she made a shooing motion with her hand. I swallowed hard and said, "Well, this has to be the most awkward introduction I've ever had." Amanda smiled briefly and her face softened. I leaned forward and said softly, "Maybe we should find someplace quiet to talk."

  Amanda nodded and led on, threading our way through the gathering crowd and up the staircase. The second floor was nearly deserted and we found a bathroom with a working lock on the door. Amanda leaned against the counter, her body rigid. I stood in front of her and a little off to the side. I held up my right hand for her to see then I slowly brought it down to her hip. She stiffened slightly at the touch but then relaxed.

  "I'll stop any time you want -- Just tell me," I said quietly. She nodded as I caressed her hip through her knit skirt. As she relaxed my hand traveled down her leg and low across the front of her thigh. I stopped there, gathering her skirt in my fingers and slowly hiking it up until I touched skin.


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