First Time Erotica: Volume 2 (First Time Erotica Series)

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First Time Erotica: Volume 2 (First Time Erotica Series) Page 20

by Charlie Buxton

  "This, this was the bad storm?" I turned and asked her.

  "Hey, the weather guy said it was going to be really bad."

  "I want a job where I can be wrong half the time and still get paid."

  "It's not that easy you know; they just go with what the numbers suggest and what has happened in these conditions before... I think."

  "I wouldn't know, but I'm not about to defend them until they can tell me when it will and will not rain on a regular basis."

  "I think it's supposed to snow more tomorrow and this weekend. I hope it doesn't ruin anyone's plans. Do you have anything going on?" She asked me while staring out the window.

  "Not really. Just another weekend at home with Killer. I'll probably get started on some reading material for the next R&D conference in a few weeks."

  "So no big plans?"

  "No, should I have big plans?"

  "Well, I just thought because of the holiday maybe you'd be up to something."

  "Holiday?" I asked.

  "Saturday is the 14th, Brandon." She rolled her eyes at me.

  "So?" No light went on in my head.

  "Of February." She exasperated. "It's Valentine's Day."

  "Ooooh... Right." Images of heart shaped cookies and angels and pink everything floated through my consciousness connecting dots like the slowest dial-up connection from the 90's. "Well, regardless, I'm still doing nothing. Maybe I'll tip the Chinese delivery guy an extra five or something."

  She laughed. "Ok then. I'm sure he won't find that creepy."

  "I'll buy him a card too."

  "Please do, and then get a picture of his face when you hand it to him." We shared a good laugh and sighed. I checked my watch again and glanced out the window.

  "Well, thanks for staying with me Claire. I'll see you tomorrow, and we can knock out this proposal and be done with everything." I held out my hand, which I immediately regretted because it was awkward as hell. She pushed my hand down and gave me a quick hug.

  "Handshakes are for losers Brandon, I'll see you tomorrow." She made an 'L' sign on her forehead and took off down the hallway.

  The following morning I woke up early to find an additional four inches of snow and shook my head. Half a foot was a little out of place this late in the winter. Still, it was only snowing lightly now and all the roads had been plowed and salted. I got to work early to find Claire already in my office, turned with her back toward me, bent over my desk, rummaging through papers there. Her blond hair was curled and cascaded around the sides of her face. She had on a short deep dark red dress made of some sort of cloth material that reminded me of a summer dress, but for winter. It hugged her form in a flattering way that made her look less wiry and more petite with hints of small curves. Her cute butt was perked up in the air and a few inches below were sheer black tights that led to dark red heels which matched her dress.

  "Ahem, can I help you miss?" I said, part curious as to what she was doing, part embarrassed to have stared for so long.

  "Oh!" She turned with a start and her dress fluttered up around her thighs, inching higher than it was originally intended to be. She brushed her curls out of her face so they set upon her shoulders and smoothed out her dress. The front was striking with thin dark lines swirling around in a design that accentuated her small curves. The top of the dress plunged down the front of her neck to about mid chest level, showing small soft creamy white mounds of flesh that perked up slightly more than usual. The bra she had on must do wonders, because the way they were pushed up and together made my hormones take notice. "Brandon! You scared me, creeping up like that."

  "I wasn't exactly being sneaky. What are you doing here?"

  "I came in early to organize all the client info files we put together so it would be easier to reference them during the proposal." She lifted a handful of the files that I had thrown together sometime last week.

  "Awesome, well let's see if we can't bang this out so you're not late tonight." She gave me a quizzical look, and my eyes betrayed me and stole another glance at her dress. She looked down and somewhere a light lit up.

  "Oh, I don't have anything going on tonight. I just wanted to wear this today, with Valentine's Day being so close and all." She explained.

  "Wow, well you look great. I almost want to know what you'll wear tomorrow." I joked.

  "Nothing impressive, probably just some warm pajamas and fuzzy socks."

  "So, no date?" I asked, genuinely confused.

  "I'm not seeing anyone right now. So, no." She went back to shuffling the papers on my desk.

  "Oh! I assumed you were. I heard you on the phone the other day when you caught me singing."

  "Ease dropping were we?"

  "It was hard not to hear you; we were the only ones in the office."

  "I was just talking to my little brother. He's the cutest kid you've ever seen."

  "Oh, I see." My mind took note of the change in ground and I made a quick attempt to avoid awkwardness. "He's probably not as cute as my cat though."

  "Nuh uh, he's probably ten times cuter than your cat."

  "Ok, that's enough children." Kevin commanded as he walked into my office.

  "Kevin!" I exclaimed. "You're here early."

  "Yeah. I came in early to finish some stuff up. Word on the street is that the snow is going to pick up again early afternoon. I don't want to get stuck here."

  "Really?" I asked.

  "Brandon, do you not watch the news?" He asked. I heard a giggle and shot a look toward Claire who was grinning ear to ear.

  "Nope, it's too depressing."

  "You don't have an app on your phone?"

  "I think I do somewhere. I just never check it. I live five miles away. I've never been too concerned about what the weather is going to be like. I get up, it's cold, it's warm, or it's raining. I dress accordingly and go to work."

  "Well, today it's going to snow. So plan accordingly. Great work on the FOIA request, the client said they got everything they needed. How's the proposal?"

  Claire, having finally stopped grinning at my lack of weather knowledge, chimed in. "We're almost done. Just a few more things, hopefully we can get it done before the snow gets too bad."

  "Ok, good luck. I'll see you guys later."

  As he walked out, Claire turned toward me. "We better get moving if you're going to make your date with Killer tonight."

  "Oh shut it."

  We worked the rest of the morning on organizing all our information and files. Claire went out and got us burgers and we scarfed them down. Somehow we got a few words in between bites.

  "So you're really single?" She asked.

  "Yep. No time for a gal, work keeps me too busy to hold a serious relationship. What's your excuse?"

  "Work and school take a lot of my time up. Living with Mom and Dad and my little brother doesn't necessarily invite the boys from the college in. They rarely leave the campus; all the easy girls are in the dorms."

  "Where can I find these dorms?" I cracked.

  "Yeah, let me just write that down for you."

  "So you're telling me that there isn't a single guy in that college that is after something more than one night stands?"

  "Oh, I'm sure there are, but all the guys I run into have the maturity level of a middle school kid. They still laugh when someone says boobs."

  "So you're looking for an older, mature man. I hear Dave in accounting is single."

  "Ew! He's like, older than my father!" She threw her napkin at me in mock disgust.

  We finished our burgers while continuing to joke around. After Claire tossed the garbage she came over to the desk and handed me a piece of chocolate. It was a tiny little thing, shaped like a heart with red foil wrapping. She sat down and unwrapped one of her own while I looked at mine.

  "It's not poison, see." She popped hers in her mouth and retrieved another from a small bag. "I just thought they looked cute, and you might like some. So I grabbed them while I was out."

anks. Does this mean I'm your Valentine now?" I chuckled as I popped one into my mouth. She didn't respond, instead she looked out the window and gasped.

  "Brandon! It's really coming down now!" I turned around and was met by the blizzard I had forgotten was coming.

  "Shit. We better finish this written portion so you can get out of here." I quickly flicked my computer back to life and started adding the finishing pages on the proposal script while Claire stacked the files against the wall and loaded all the documents we had typed up into the company Cloud Drive. We finished everything around three o'clock and all I had left to finish were the presentation slides. I thought it would be best if I told Claire to go home before it got too bad. We had already accumulated six more inches on top of the six from last night. "Really, it'll only take me a little bit." I assured her for the third time. "I can be out of here in an hour or two. If I can't get a bus or taxi, it's only five miles to my place and I've walked it before."

  "It'll be dangerous. Call me so I know you made it home."

  I assured her I would call her and bid her good luck on her five block trek to the train station. As soon as she left I took a few seconds to gather my thoughts. So, Claire was single. I assumed she was seeing someone because I heard her talking on the phone , and because of the way she had been dressing lately. Not that someone needs a significant other to dress up nice, but I figured that was the reason.

  I took the next half hour to finish the slides and then went to print everything we needed. The damn copy and printing machine was giving me trouble again; so, I had to shimmy to the side of it, duck under a shelf and open up the back of the machine to get to the jam.

  "Stupid paper. Stupid old ass giant printer. Stupid broken rollers. Just print the damn thing so I can go home." Needless to say, I wasn't exactly having fun.

  I had just grabbed the last bits of paper out from a particular roller when I heard my name. It took me off guard and I turned sharply, cutting my arm on a piece of the printer still jutting out. I swore and tried to stand up straight, only to run my head up into the shelf above me. I fell to the ground and tried to blink the stars away. I heard a gasp, but I was still groggy and in too much pain to care. That damn shelf hurt.

  I looked over and saw Claire kicking off her snow boots. For the life of me I couldn't understand why she would be taking off her shoes at a time like this. As confused as I was about her boots, when she grabbed at her tights and yanked them down, I was absolutely floored. Either I had hit my head so hard I was now hallucinating wonderful things, or, I was still in the land of reality and my brain wasn't processing things right. I tried to voice my confusion, but before I could say anything, Claire had knelt beside me ,balled her tights up and pressed them against my arm. The snow must be pretty high, because a part of them was cold and wet, even though she had changed out of her heels into snow boots. I looked over at Claire and saw that her face was bright red; and, as coherency flickered back to life through the pain, I found I could form words again with my mouth.

  Unfortunately, coherency was slow to draw speed; so, the first think I managed to spit out wasn't anything profound. "What?"

  "Are you ok? Are you ok?" She sounded hysterical.

  "I'm... what are you doing here?" Two thought processes couldn't really run at the same time in my head yet. I wanted to tell her I was fine; but, I still couldn't grasp why she was back.

  "Can you see ok? Is your vision blurred? How does your arm feel?"

  "I'm fine. Why are you here?" I was finally getting back my full cognitive functions.

  "I had to come. The trains have stopped. Are you ok? How do you feel? How is your arm?"

  I used my free arm to grab onto her hands that were pressed so hard against my arm that I was forced to lean away from her. "Calm down. I'm fine." I was still in quite a bit of pain, but it was starting to wane, and I could think clearly again. She took a few deep breaths but kept staring into my eyes like I might close them and die at any moment. I shifted my weight so I could sit up straight and rubbed my head. I didn't feel anything wet up there; so, I just banged it up pretty good. I could probably look forward to a headache soon. I looked down at my arm; it was still covered up with her tights.

  "It doesn't hurt that bad, let me see." I said as I tried to push her hands away.

  "No! Wait." She clenched her eyes shut and turned her head away. "Is it ok?"

  I squinted at her, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong, and gave up trying to decipher it. Perhaps I wasn't functioning at one hundred percent yet after all. I pulled the tights away and took a look. It was just a light cut, albeit a long one; And, there was a minimal amount of blood smeared around it. I don't think it was even really bleeding anymore.

  "It's fine." I said. "You know, it's not even that bad, you could have just gone and got some paper towels or something instead of ruining your tights."

  "Yeah, well." She muttered with her eyes still clenched shut. "I don't like seeing other people's blood. It freaks me out. I kind of panic."

  "I hadn't noticed." I quipped. "It's really just my head that hurts. Let me go clean this up."

  "Did you cover it back up?" She asked timidly.

  "Yeah, yeah. It's hidden."

  She let out a sigh of relief and opened her eyes.

  "Let me go clean up. I'll be right back. In the meantime, see if you can get this printer to give me the last few pages I need."

  "Ok." She agreed. I went to my office and grabbed my button down shirt before I went to the bathroom to clean up. My head felt much better, but I was still going to have to nurse a small headache. I rinsed the little bit of blood on my arm, put my button up shirt on over my t-shirt and rolled my sleeves so the cut couldn't be seen before heading back to the printer. Claire had successfully battled the printer for the sheets I needed.

  "So, why are you here again?" I asked.

  "Well, I made it all the way to the station just to find out that they had stopped all outbound trains until the snow slows down some. They said the estimated delay was 3-5 hours. So, I called my house and left them a message that I was stuck at the office. I came here to help you. If I'm stuck down here, I might as well stay and finish."

  "Oh, well, I'm all finished now."

  "Oh." She paused, seemingly mulling something over. "Well what are you going to do now?"

  "I guess I can stay here with you until the trains start up again, unless you want to try and catch a taxi to my place?"

  Her eyes lit up for a second before she looked at the ground and muttered. "There are no taxis. I didn't see anyone else except for the people already camped out at the station.

  "Well, we could walk to my place, but if it's as bad as you say it is out there, we're probably better off just staying put." I was slightly upset that I wasn't going to be bringing her back to my condo; but, I suppose being alone with her at the office wasn't all that bad either.

  "Alright, well let's just get this all cleaned up, and then we can scour the office fridge for something to eat." She grabbed the papers off the printer and headed to my office, grabbing her boots along the way.

  When we had everything set I slumped into my chair and stared out the window at blizzard. It didn't show any signs of stopping. I turned to find Claire sitting in the chair across my desk slipping on black, thick, heavy knee high socks. When she crossed one leg over the other I glimpsed further up her dress than she probably would have appreciated.

  "What? A girl has to be prepared." She said when she saw me staring at her legs.

  "Oh not that." I said quickly, and then quietly cursed myself.

  "Then what are you staring at?"

  "I..." Good job Brandon, you should have just gone with her carrying around socks. "I just... you have nice legs." Nice legs? What the hell Brandon? Now she's definitely going to think you're a pervert.

  "Oh." She blushed. "Well thanks. I'll go, um... check the fridge." She carefully uncrossed her legs ,stood up and walked out of my office in her black knee h
igh socks without putting her shoes back on.

  I put my face in my hands and sighed. God, I could be stupid sometimes. I saved my work on my computer and shut it down for the night. I straighten up my desk the best I could in my attempt to stall and headed toward the kitchen.

  When I got there, Claire had pulled out one of the tables from where they were all pushed together and put two chairs on either side. On the table was a vase of fake flowers that we usually kept in the entry way, and two old birthday candles lit on either side of it, sticking out of two apples.


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