First Time Erotica: Volume 2 (First Time Erotica Series)

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First Time Erotica: Volume 2 (First Time Erotica Series) Page 21

by Charlie Buxton

  There were paper plates set with plastic silverware and napkins from McDonalds. On the plates were some mini pizza bagels, half a hot pocket each, and some chips. I was still staring at the arrangement when Claire appeared in the doorway with two cans of Coke from the vending machine.

  "It's not steak, lobster, and red wine, but it'll have to do for our makeshift Valentine's dinner." She said.

  "You're a day early for that, you know." I chuckled.

  She shrugged. "I guess you'll just have to make it up to me tomorrow.

  "Are you asking me on a date?"

  "No. I'm asking you to ask me on a date."

  I couldn't help but laugh. "Now dating co-workers is definitely against company policy."

  "Oh please. Everyone knows that Amy is screwing Kevin. I doubt anyone would care if two people in the office had a serious relationship."

  "Well... what Kevin does in his spare time is none of my concern. Can't account for taste, but hey."

  "Well? Are you going to join me or what?" She demanded.

  "Hold on just a second." I ran back to the supply office and took a full bottle of wine out from a toner cartridge box. I saw Kevin hide it there after the retirement party last week. I came back to the kitchen and grabbed the plastic wine cups that we kept laying around for special occasions.

  "Aha! We do have wine!" She exclaimed happily.

  "I know a guy." I said with the best bold face lie expression I could pull off. Apparently she wasn't buying it because I seemed to have caused a fit of giggles.

  "You're not half bad when you're not all wound up for work, you know?" She said seriously.

  "Hey! I'm tons of fun, ask anyone." I protested.

  "Compared to what?" She asked dryly. I took it as rhetorical, and sat down at our freezer feast.

  "So..." I mused. "Come here often?"

  "Monday through Friday."

  "Yeah, I'm a regular here too." I sighed and filled the two wine glasses.

  "A toast!" She held up her glass to me.

  "A toast?"

  "To us!"

  "To us?"

  "For finishing the proposals on time!"

  "Oh, sure." We clanged our glasses together and I took a sip out of my glass. Claire, on the other hand, drained hers. I looked at her empty glass suspiciously as she held it out to me.

  "Hey, I don't have to drive anywhere." She said defensively. I couldn't argue with that logic so I gulped down my glass and poured us another.

  "I can be classy and hold to one glass of wine when you take me out on a real date." Claire giggled.

  "I can't even remember the last time I was on a real date." I said, more to myself than Claire.

  "It's been that long then?" She asked as she took another sip of wine.

  "Too long. A couple of years probably."

  "Wow, that is a long time."

  "Tell me about it. I remember the good days in high school and college, back when I wasn't constantly working and busy. I'd have time to find a girl at a party, take her out a few times, give her a good time. Then there were those wild and crazy nights. Well, you know, typical young people stuff."

  "I don't know actually."

  "What do you mean? Didn't you go out and stuff in school?"

  "Well I went on a few dates, but I never really partied or had any 'wild and crazy nights.'" She added her own finger quotations and rolled her eyes.

  "What about your boyfriends? Were they all as tame as you?"

  "My boyfriends were as tame as any other non-existent boyfriends."

  "You've never dated anyone? I find that hard to believe."

  "I've been on a few dates, but never anything official. It's hard to find a guy who is interested in more than just getting in my pants. Raging hormones be damned, I wasn't about to give it up to any of those assholes. I'd rather stay a virgin." She held out her empty glass to me as I choked on my last sip.

  "You're a virgin!? You can't be serious." I hadn't considered that she had never been with someone before.

  "I'm dead serious!"

  "Everyone starts so... early these days though." I poured us some fresh wine.

  "Not all of us." She sneered, then sighed. "Not for lack of trying."

  "Don't rush, you'll find someone when the time comes." I assured her, mentally calculating how many dates it might take for that time to come.

  "I know, I just get antsy sometimes. I want a real relationship that comes with all the perks." She accentuated the world 'all' suggestively.

  "I hear you. Being celibate wasn't my first choice either." I joked.

  "It's probably why you are so stressed out all the time. You just need a good lay!" She laughed, whether at her own joke or my surprised expression, I didn't know. I just didn't imagine she was capable of crude jokes.

  "I'm not that high strung. Thank you very much." I crossed my arms in mock indignation.

  "Brandon, please, you're like a rubber band ready to snap." Claire was clearly enjoying this opportunity to rib me; and, despite some of the truth behind her words I was having a genuinely good time. I felt a little warm and fuzzy as the wine worked its way through my system. I noticed Claire's cheeks looked a little flush, either from laughing or the wine. I suspected the latter.

  "Well then little miss perfect. If you're getting as much action as I am, what's your secret to a stress free life?"

  Claire ducked her head and looked around the room as she set down her wine glass, and then motioned with her fingers for me to lean forward. I went along with her act and leaned in, turning my ear toward her as she whispered. "They make toys for that kind of thing."

  I pulled back with legitimate surprise on my face. This conversation had taken an interesting turn, and I feared for the state of the wine box.

  "What, do you just go out and hook up with someone at a club or something?" She asked me pointedly.

  "What? No. I told you I don't have much of a social life."

  "Well then, what do you do about those... urges?" She gestured vaguely with her hands.

  "The same way any other single guy does." I said defensively.

  "Then why are you so surprised that I have a toy? Women have needs to you know."

  "I... just didn't think about you that way. That's all."

  "Is that why you were staring at my legs then?" Her eyes sparkled mischievously.

  "No... uh... well... I just..." My mouth moved freely but I couldn't get any input from the cognitive parts of my brain.

  "Look, Brandon, let's not pretend that we aren't attracted to one another. It's silly and downright frustrating. I know why you were looking; it's the same reason why I look at your ass when you walk down the hallway."

  "You look at my ass?" I said incredulously.

  "You don't look at mine?" She countered.

  "I..." She gave me a no nonsense look that suggested she already knew the answer. "I do."

  "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

  "I don't typically find myself admitting to staring at a woman."

  "And I don't typically find myself in the office flirting with my boss over a box of wine." She set her empty glass in front of me and winked.

  "Oh, this definitely isn't flirting. That's against company policy. This is just... an employee bonding program."

  "Oh is it now?" She said in mock surprise as she grabbed a small pizza bagel. "And do you treat all of your employees to such a grand meal?"

  "Of course, though the boxed wine is only for the firm's best employees."

  "So I'm one of the best then, huh? So can I ask you for a raise?"

  "Nope. Sorry, that's Kevin's job." I laughed.

  "I think Amy would have better luck asking for a raise than I would." She pointed out coyly.

  "You don't need to sleep your way to the top. You're a pretty girl, you're smart, you have a great personality, you work well with others, and you know how to get shit done. You'll do just fine in life."

  Claire might have blushed; but, her cheeks were already r
osy, so it was difficult to be sure. She looked at me funny for a few moments but then shook her head and chuckled. "Why Brandon, that almost sounded like a professional recommendation."

  "I can put it on company letterhead if you wanna use it as a reference." I stood up and began to clear the table of all but the wine.

  "You're funny." She didn't look at me, but rather at the table when she said it.

  "Me? You think I'm funny?"

  Claire tore her gaze away from the fascinating fold up table and looked at me with a goofy smile on her face. "Have you ever danced, Brandon?"

  I couldn't help but laugh. "No. I most definitely do not dance." I dumped the plates and napkins into the garbage and went to the sink to wash my hands. I was startled to feel something touch my back and even more surprised to see it was Claire. I didn't even hear her get up. She rubbed her hand up and down my back as I rinsed the soap from my hands.

  "You've never danced then? Not even a little bit?" She looked up at me. Her blue-grey eyes twinkled in the less than romantic florescent lighting.

  "Does it look like I dance? How much have you had to drink?" I chuckled as I turned off the sink.

  "I just figured that, with the way you keep dancing around the opportunities to make a move on me, you had to have started somewhere." She was still running her hand up and down my back, but was staring at the sink where I still held the handle.

  I didn't know what to say so I just looked at her. She turned her gaze back over to me and her eyes met mine. I looked into them for a few seconds, but my eyes quickly dropped to her lips as her tongue darted across them. A light shade of red covered them and they glistened just slightly. I desperately wanted to lean in and take them between my own - to see what they tasted like. I was lost in the idea of spending hours kissing her, only pulling away long enough to breathe. Claire put her hand on my shoulder, and I snapped out of the day dream her lips had induced. She turned me slightly from the sink so that I was facing her and took a small step forward so that her body touched mine. She again looked up at me, this time expectantly.

  My eyes darted from her eyes to lips several times in succession as my mind raced. Should I allow this? What was there to lose? What if she didn't like it? What if someone found out? I'm like six years older than her, is that weird? I'm her boss; that is definitely against company policy. I really want to kiss her though.

  She interrupted my thoughts by leaning in toward me. Her eyes were staring right into mine and I couldn't break her stare as she inched her lips closer toward mine. I leaned in slightly, trying to decide if I should hold her eye contact or close my eyes when she brought her face to the side of mine. I felt her nose brush against my cheek in a small semi-circle in an almost a nuzzling gesture. She put a hand on my neck and I lowered my face as she wrapped her fingers around the back of head and pulled me down toward her. Then she put her lips on the side of my face lightly and brushed them back to my ear. I felt her hot breath against the side of my face as she whispered to me.

  "It's entirely too quiet in here for you to be thinking so loud." Her lips brushed against my ear with each word. Suddenly music was playing my eyes shot toward the source. Claire had just put her phone on the counter next to the sink and it was playing a soft light tune. She took my hand in hers and let her other hand fall from my neck to my back. Then she stood and waited.

  I wasn't lying when I said I don't dance. I really don't dance, except for that one time at that wedding when I had entirely too much to drink. This wasn't that kind of dancing though. The music playing now only required that you hold each other and move slowly in a circle with some swaying movement in your body. Even someone with two left feet could accomplish that. So I placed my other hand around her waist and moved to the music.

  I stepped on her within the first minute. I swore under my breath and apologized, but she only giggled and moved closer into my body. She let go of my hand and put it on my shoulder, and rested her head on my chest, leaving me to place both hands around her back. We were essentially hugging while moving in a circle in a barely noticeable rocking sensation that may or may not have been to the rhythm of the soft music she had playing. There was a dim light coming from the little birthday candles she had stuck in the apples on the table that helped set the mood in its own odd way. If you closed your eyes, it almost seemed romantic, the way Valentine's Day should be.

  The song on her phone ended, but after being so close to Claire for the past few minutes I was sure I didn't want to let her go. I stopped moving when the music did and she looked up again at me, her eyes met mine and the blue grey color sparkled as she studied my face. I knew what I wanted, and I threw all cares and caution out the window as I slid my hands up her back and over her shoulders to pull her slightly away from me. I brought my face to hers, not all at once, but in small measures forward, ensuring she knew my intentions. I was so close I could feel her breath on my lips as I slid one hand to the side of her face. Meeting no resistance, I closed the small space between us and brushed my lips against hers. It was a light brush but electricity flowed from the contact into my body granting courage I didn't have before.

  I kissed her again and I felt her sigh as our lips locked together. I cradled the side of her face with my hand and used the other to pull her closer to me so that there was no space between us. She placed both of her hands around my neck and held me there, as if I might try to pull away. Warmth flooded my chest as I held her against me; and, our lips moved against each other, soft caresses of skin that folded into one another like perfect pieces of a puzzle. We stood still but her body seemed to move under my touch, slightly turning one way and then the other. I kept my body flush with hers as our kiss became less soft and more passionate. My face felt hot as we embraced and our lips devoured each other's. I sucked in her bottom lip into my mouth and slid my tongue along it; the faintest taste of wine lingered there. Then she caught me off guard as she pressed her tongue into my mouth and danced between my lips for a brief moment. I let my teeth scrape against her lips with each twist and turn of our mouths, desperately wanting more of her with each passing second.

  I'm not sure when we started moving, but I found myself against the counter with Claire pressing into me. Her breath was ragged and I felt her heart beating in her chest nearly as fast as mine. She finally pulled her lips from mine, panting as she stared up at me. Her chest heaved; causing me to stare at the two small mounds pushed together showing liberal amounts of cleavage in her dress. Claire followed my gaze and giggled, but then took to kissing my neck. Her lips and tongue danced across my skin as she nipped at my neck and showered me with quick light delicate kisses. She began to unbutton the top of my shirt and continued her assault of kisses down the front of my chest. My muscles tightened and my skin tingled under her lips. I put my hand on the back of her head and felt her move lower with each button undone until finally the shirt was off and lips and tongue traveled along the top of my belt.

  I think it was at that point that we both noticed I had an erection. I wasn't sure exactly what to say when she saw it. It dawned on me that she may not have ever seen one before if she was a virgin. I mean, there were pictures and movies and even her toys; but, it's not the same. She looked excited and nervous all at the same time as she sat there staring at it. I bent over and helped her up, bringing her into another passionate kiss, careful to keep from pressing my erection into her. I begrudgingly broke away again and looked at her, unable to read her expression.

  "Look, Claire, things moved pretty fast there. We should stop while we're ahead. Pick this up again when we're ready." Even as I explained it aloud, I felt opposing opinions forming up inside my body, each calling the other a bunch of dirty names.

  She looked up at me and a smile spread across her face so big it was almost comical. Then she grabbed ahold of my erection and giggled. "Looks like you're ready now."

  I tensed under her touch and felt my knees threaten to give out as the pressure from her hand sent a wave of pleasu
re throughout my body. "That's not what I meant." I managed.

  "I know what you mean Brandon. Thank you for saying that, but I know what I want, and you're going to let me have it." She almost sounded cocky.

  "I see." I chuckled under my breath. "And what if I don't let you?"

  "I'll just have to tie you up." She smirked at me.

  "Kinky." I said in my best deep faux-sexy voice.

  She laughed and kissed me again. "Promise to take me out tomorrow?"

  "It would be my pleasure." I said honestly as I patted my lips across her neck.

  "Don't you stand me up either! I know where you work." She teased.

  "Good thing I didn't give you my address then." I laughed and continued to peck her neck and shoulders.


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