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Submissive Dreams

Page 4

by Ashley Ladd

  "There, that's better. You shall learn who your master is.” He poked his chest. “I am your master,” he enunciated with almost a roar.

  She wondered what was to come next as they had not revealed the whole script to her. She had the impression from watching the other internet films that he winged a lot of them. Of course, she knew it had to be hard to shag solely on command.

  She longed to see if his cock was yet exposed, if it was swollen and throbbing and aching to shag her.

  She ached to be shagged, to have him rub her pussy, to fill her with his warmth and strength. It had been too long since he'd touched her. She hadn't known how good she'd had it.

  He clipped a chain to the ropes on her body and hauled her into the air just high enough so that her face and her pussy were cock high to him.

  She dangled and floated, gravity pulling at her. Her tits jiggled as they hung low and her whole body quivered.

  He ripped away his covering to reveal his glorious cock, long and hard and red, ready to shag her.

  She couldn't tear her gaze from his beautiful dick, couldn't wait to feel it prod and poke her. Knowing the cameras were rolling, that a world-wide audience would be squirming starkers at home, shagging alongside them or pleasuring themselves, made her all the more horny. She'd never guessed she was such a hussy and would get into voyeurism, but here she was getting off on just the thought.

  He stroked the tip of his penis across her face, leaving traces of his cum on her lips, branding her with his musky scent. With his cock pressed to her mouth, he said in a husky voice, “I'm going to ungag you, and you will suck me off. You will take my entire long dick into your mouth, and you will suck me dry, every last drop. You will not make a sound and you will not come. Do you understand? You may nod but not speak."

  Eager, even ravenous to taste his cum, she nodded. Her nipples pebbled into hard little nubs, the bud of her clit turned into a tight little pearl, and her pussy quaked.

  He untied the gag and tossed it onto a table nearby. Then his cock pushed harder against her mouth until her lips parted, and it slid inside all the way to the back of her throat.

  At first, she began to gag, but he eased out. Gently, he worked his shaft into her mouth, moving it back and forth, assaulting her senses, sending her to the precipice of Armageddon.

  His commanding hands held her head. One released its hold of her hair and captured her breast. His thumb stroked her nipple, and it was all she could do to keep sucking and not moan.

  But a moan did escape, and he frowned.

  Alarmed her gaze shot to his. Would this elicit punishment?

  "You dare disobey me, slut? You don't listen very well, do you? You will learn who your master is.” He reached back to the table, his cock almost coming out of her mouth, but not all the way, and he latched onto a whip.

  Her nerves tingled as she wondered if he would really use it, and if he did, how it would feel?

  He lashed it across her bare bottom once, twice, then tossed it onto the table.

  Tears stung her eyes, and she tried to hold them back, knowing that to show them would result in further punishment. Her tenderised flesh stung and felt raw. She imagined there would be welts.

  "It pains me more than you know to have to inflict punishment on you, my sweet, but you give me no choice. You will learn, or you will suffer."

  He rammed his cock deeper into her mouth, to the back of her throat, and she was amazed to realise she was taking all seven and a half inches into her mouth. It tasted so good, his salty flesh, his muskiness, but she was greedy for more. She wanted to drink his cum and have his seed slide down her throat. She wanted it to burst forth in such a wad that it would dribble down her mouth and linger on her lips for the rest of her life.

  But he was a tease, and he would thrust his shaft all the way back to her throat twice, then change his rhythm and pull out to the tip. Finally, his rhythm became more fevered, less controlled, and she knew he couldn't hold back much longer. He would reward her with his treasure.

  "You want to taste me, don't you? You're addicted to my taste. Make sure you drink it all, that you don't miss a drop. Here it comes."

  And did it! It gushed into her mouth like a river breaking down a dam. She almost gagged on the force, but she managed to drink it without a sound. When he finished pumping into her, she lapped it with her tongue, savouring every last drop.

  "Good girl. You're learning. You may say, ‘Thank you, Master'."

  "Thank you, Master.” And she meant it. She would commit his taste to memory, for surely, she wouldn't get many chances to be with him.

  He wiped off her mouth tenderly, then he reinserted the gag as his cock went partially limp. “What beautiful boobs. I can't wait to bury myself in them.” Which he did. He lowered his head and burrowed it between her breasts. He traced first one nipple with his tongue, then pulled it into his mouth and sucked it. Meanwhile, his hand cupped her pussy, and he rubbed her clit.

  She squirmed and tried to swallow her moans, but one percolated in her throat.

  "What did I tell you about that? You do not have permission to moan. You provoke punishment. What am I to do with you?"

  Her gaze settled on the whip, hoping she wouldn't feel its sting again. But her gaze also travelled upon several other items displayed on the table. Although she recognised some, she couldn't name them all.

  He grabbed the nipple clamps and with a lascivious grin he returned to her and started to clamp her tits, then other portions of her breasts.

  Simultaneously, they ached and felt wonderful. She didn't know what to think other than she was a livewire, ready to orgasm at the slightest touch. Only she didn't have permission...

  He tested the nipple clamps, tugging at them and grunting. “Do you think they're tight enough? Somehow, I don't think so.” He adjusted them tighter, putting more tension on them.

  It was all she could do not to whimper or beg for mercy, but she wouldn't give him the pleasure.

  Almost like magic his cock grew harder again. “You're one hot babe. I can't wait to shove my cock inside your tight cunt."

  His words made her squirm. Lucky for her, she wasn't permitted to speak.

  Louder, he said so that the audience could hear, “You're doing well. I'm going to reward you with a hard fuck."

  Finally! Her heart pounded loudly in her ears and hammered against her ribs. Perspiration broke out on her brow. Her pussy spasmed in anticipation.

  Slick with her cream, she longed to open her legs wide to accept him. How he planned to give it to her with her legs tightly clamped, she didn't know. When he spun her around and stuck a lubricated finger in her arse, realisation dawned.

  He leaned over and ran the pad of his thumb across her tit. “Get ready, bitch, for here it comes. I bet you've never been fucked so hard.” He eased his lubricated cock into her anus, then pushed a little more.

  She longed to grind against him, to impale herself on his sex, but the damned swinging noose she was trapped in just made her swing in the opposite direction. So instead, she gritted her teeth and hung her head low so she could see his cock. All she could see, however, were his tree trunks of hairy legs as they stood firm in parade rest position. The muscles bunched and corded as he thrust in and out.

  His cock claimed her, shoving into its hilt. His balls tickled her rear then moved away, allowing cool air to tickle her arse. He closed the gap again and searing heat claimed her.

  He moaned then reminded her on a grunt, “Remember, you're not allowed to come until I say so."

  No amount of biting her tongue or clenching her fanny could stop her orgasm. Waves of ecstasy washed over her and her cum squirted to the floor.

  He pounded into her then ground his hips long and hard. With a war whoop, he impaled her on him and he spasmed several times. Then he withdrew and cleansed himself.

  Cold and bereft, she awaited her punishment, dread and eager anticipation washing over her.

  He marched to her front so that
she could see the whites of his eyes. He shook a finger in her face. “I commanded you not to come. What have you to say for yourself? You may speak, slave.” He released her gag.

  She hung her head as she'd seen the other submissives do in the online videos, letting her hair curtain her face, glad the mask hid her expression. “I couldn't help myself, Master. It felt so wonderful. Please shag my pussy."

  He held his cock and waved it under her nose. “You want this in your pussy? But you were a bad girl. You have to prove yourself before you get your wish.” He walked slowly around her. “Just how should I punish you?"

  He snapped his fingers. “I know!"

  Drawing her down, he released her bindings. He led her like a dog to another table. “Lie on your back. Spread your legs wide and hold your arms high over your head."

  Without a sound, she did as bid, wondering what he had in store. She stretched out on the hard table, wishing there was a little padding, laughing inwardly at herself for her softness. This was a submission fantasy not a cushy honeymoon. She spread her legs, but not too wide fearing she would be on the table for a long time and it would make her thighs tire.

  "Is that the best you can do? I don't think so.” With a gleeful glint in his eyes, Brandon forced her legs wider.

  Her muscles screamed and pleaded for mercy. They berated her for being out of shape.

  He clamped her ankles then her wrists to the table. He walked away then returned with a gadget she didn't recognise, a thing that reminded her of a cattle prod.

  She wished she'd done more research so he wasn't catching her so unawares. A million thoughts collided, and she struggled to get free.

  He sidled up to her on the table, his cock rubbing along her leg and tickling the edge of her pussy. “Now, darlin', you know you want this. It won't do permanent damage just heighten your pleasure as you've always longed for."

  She eyed the unknown thing with trepidation. It didn't look like a dildo. Although it was a long, straight stick, it had a big ball at the end. And what looked like a switch. It was the switch that worried her.

  He flicked the button and the device hummed. “I'm just going to touch your pussy with this for a second.” True to his word, he did just that.

  Electricity jolted her, making her yelp.

  "Did you have permission to make noise? I think not,” he said very softly, too softly.

  She craned her neck, not taking her eyes off the evil thing. When he moved it towards her pussy again, she cringed.

  He touched her with it again, but this time, he let it sit a few moments longer.

  Her body spasmed, and she choked back her screams.

  "Good! I think you're ready for me now. Believe me, it's never felt so good."

  How he expected her to feel good much less better than ever before, she doubted when her pussy was raw and blazing.

  He rolled on a condom and mounted her, his once-again-rock-hard dick pointed at her sex. He moved forward as if it was an inevitable joining, as if nothing on this world or any other could stop him from taking her. “You're mine. All mine."

  He plunged into her in one swift stroke, hard and deep.

  She'd never been so raw, so sensitive to touch, and she screamed with the exquisite agony.

  "I told you you'd never felt anything like it,” he murmured. He grunted as he stroked in again.

  She'd never seen anything so beautiful, so right as his cock ramming into her. It was so hard, yet so velvety soft and crimson, throbbing with his desire. It sent spirals of pleasure coursing through her, making her writhe against her bounds.

  Just as she could no longer hold back the lava erupting within her, he let out a loud roar, flung back his head, and gave one final, powerful thrust all the way to the hilt. They came together in a magnificent crescendo as she was carried away by riptides of emotion.

  As she slid down the gorgeous rainbow back to reality, she wondered how she could return to her former life, how she could walk away and not look back? But she didn't know how to blurt out who she was.

  He pulled out his cock and released her from her bonds then pulled her into his arms and kissed her, his tongue dancing with hers, his chest moulding her breasts to him, fitting her snugly between his legs, bending her back.

  She became lost in the netherland between worlds, forgetting they were on camera, that this was an act. Her arms curled around his shoulders as she held him close, as his heart pounded against hers, affirming that this was more than a mere show for him, as well.

  After an exquisite eternity, he released her mouth but kept her in the circle of his arms. “You're a natural, babe. You're going to be a big star. I hope you'll come back and partner with me again."

  Choked up, unable to speak, all she could do was nod as her chest rose and fell, making her nipples graze his chest. Blimey, but she was still horny. She could continue for another session and still not be sated. “You bet,” she finally managed to get out.

  "Smile pretty for the cameras and bow with me.” He buried his face between her breasts and offered a lascivious smile.

  She was so glad she was wearing her mask. There was no way she could show herself on camera and was still amazed he could announce himself to the world.

  It hurt to realise that he was going to go on and shag other women whether it was for show or for real. She imagined that work and pleasure blurred for him. How could it not?

  Chuck swaggered up to them. “Great shoot! You two are dynamite together.” He pinpointed her in his gaze. “How would you like to sign on to do some more shows?"

  Brand released her and flexed his muscles. He stretched and didn't show a single sign of being self-conscious.

  She reached for her robe and slid into it. Then she belted it tightly about her waist.

  Her thoughts collided. Her emotions screamed. Hell yeah, she wanted to do this again, but on camera?

  "I'd like to pair you with Tommy."

  Tommy? Not Brand? She didn't like the sound of that. She was here for Brand.

  Then again, he was having the time of his life shagging a different lovely woman every day. She owed him nothing. He didn't even know it was her.

  "It pays a thousand pounds a shoot."

  She froze to the spot. That would pay her mortgage for the month and then some. “I have a day job. I'm on holiday today, but could we work out an evening or weekend shooting schedule?"

  Her mind continued to be boggled. She could earn a king's salary, never be worried about bills again, stash some away for her retirement and be pleasured beyond her wildest dreams? What was not to like?

  "Sure. I think we can work with that."

  "Then yes.” She couldn't believe she'd said that. She felt like she'd sold her soul to the devil. She slid a veiled glance at her ex. And the devil's name was Brandon.

  Chuck put his arm around her shoulders then Brand's. “I have a proposition for my two favourite stars. This was sizzling, but we have to crank up the fire if we want to stay on top. What say you, we bring Tommy in for a threesome? Some MMF interaction?"

  Stacey's heart stopped, and she missed a step. She stumbled against her new producer. And her mouth went dry. “You mean..."

  Chuck released them and positioned himself in front of them as they watched him wordlessly. He began to flail his hands midair. “I mean double penetration, every woman's fantasy. I mean two men sucking on your boobs at the same time. I mean being face-fucked and pussy-fucked simultaneously. I also mean some good gay shagging. It's time for Rex here to break out of his square peg."

  Brand's cock flexed, coming back to life, and fire flashed in his eyes. “That'd be cool. I can handle anything you throw at me.” Brand turned his gaze on her, challenging her to say yes.

  She gulped. Even though she'd watched at least fifty streaming videos of Brand fucking women, she didn't know if she could handle him fucking a man. Was he gay? Did he have those tendencies? She'd never once thought so. Her heart thumped faster.

  "It'd pay two tho
usand pounds a scene for a ménage,” Chuck said, avarice lacing his voice. “MMF is wild stuff. Audiences are screaming for more."

  Brand stroked his cock. “Count me in. I'm always up for something new. When do we start?"

  Her pussy tingled, and she ached to pleasure him, but she wondered if the male-female scenario, even with BDSM, was too vanilla for him anymore, if he'd ever be satisfied with just her.

  "If Tommy's here, bring him on now. I'm ready to shoot,” Brand said, his milk-chocolately voice husky and seductive.

  "Whoa, tiger. Tommy's not here, and I still have to present this to him. If he doesn't go for it, I'll bring in Blaze or Maverick."

  Chuck took Stacey's hand in his and squeezed. “So? Are you in? Do you want to be the new star? Do you want to have two big cocks screwing you at once?"

  Put that way...

  She closed her eyes hoping lightning didn't strike her down on the spot. “Yes. Just tell me when."

  Chuck squeezed her fingers. “Good girl! I'll have Leticia draw up a contract."

  Cum dripped from Brand's cock as he pumped himself off in the middle of the floor, and she shook her head. What a shame. She'd have gladly lent a hand, pro bono.

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  Chapter Three

  "You're gonna do fucking what?” Lilli screeched, her hand clutching her throat. “You? A ménage à trio?"

  "Ménage à trois,” Stacey corrected, biting back a grin and still trying to wrap her mind around it. She rubbed her pussy and moaned. Every time she thought about it, she creamed her knickers as she was doing now. She stared at her friend. “Wouldn't you?"

  "I don't know?” Lilli paced before her, shovelling her hands through her long, loose hair. “I talk a good game, but would I really do it? They wear condoms, right? You're protected?"

  Stacey increased her rhythm and put extra pressure on her clit. “Of course.” Her breath hissed out.

  Lilli glanced at her and hurriedly looked away. “I can't believe you're fucking doing that. What's got into you?"


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