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Mated to the Alpha Bear (Werebear Shifter Billionaire Paranormal Romance Standalone)

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by Luna Noir

  Copyright 2015 Luna Noir

  All rights reserved.

  Mated to the Alpha Bear

  Book design by Luna Noir

  Cover Image Copyright 2015 CanStockPhotos

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  Warning: This book contains graphic depictions of consenting adults engaging in explicit sexual activities, and is only intended for mature readers over the age of 18.

  The glass toppled from her tray and crashed to the floor, shattering into pieces. Nora McMillan cursed; she had rushed to finish her shift in time to make it outside before the blood bus left. The drive ended at 5 and she wanted to make sure she had time to donate before they closed up shop. They had been parked out in the mall lot all day, but the diner had been busy and she hadn’t found a moment to slip away. Now she had to clean this up too.

  Nora crouched down and began picking up shards of glass, her white skirt riding up to expose her creamy thighs. A wolf whistle came from a nearby table and she wished she was permitted to dress more modestly. She felt eyes upon her chest and realized just how much of her ample cleavage was visible as she leaned over. Ugh. She hated this place; the constant ogling, the darlings and sweethearts, customers with wandering hands, and to top it all off was the shitty tips.

  She collected the glass in a hurry and dumped it into the trash. Then, before anybody else could flag her down, she booked it out the door. She crossed the lot to the mobile blood collection bus. She rapped her knuckles against the door and an older woman slid it open. Her face was crinkled and her hair was going gray, but she smiled with a pleasant glow.

  “We were just about to call it a day, but we’ve always got time for one more.” She stepped aside and beckoned Nora to enter. The interior appeared surprisingly large; there was a spacious open area and then two nooks with small beds and curtain dividers. A refrigerator was tucked in one corner, and a small table stood next to it littered with needles and tubing.

  A man in a white lab coat was sitting at a small desk, writing something. Nora noticed his broad shoulders over the back of the chair; the only other thing she could make out was his shaggy dark hair. Strange for a doctor, she thought. Still she sensed something strange about the man, there was almost an aura of power surrounding him. Nora smiled to herself at how ridiculous that sounded; he’s just a guy in a lab coat writing in a book, nothing special there. Then he stood up and turned to her.

  Damn, she thought. Maybe there was something special about him; he stood at least six feet tall, and even with the lab coat hiding most of his body, Nora could tell he was in excellent shape. His skin was deeply tanned, like he spent most of his time outside, and his features were striking. His eyes were a dark brown and regarded her pensively.

  “I’m Dr. Kent,” he said and his voice seemed to reverberate from the walls of the bus.

  “Nora,” she said. “I’m Nora McMillan.”

  “Well Nora,” Dr. Kent said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you and steal your blood.”

  He smiled and Nora giggled loudly, then felt her face turn red. He went on to ask her all the usual questions, had she eaten recently, was she afraid of needles, had she ever fainted, and she just nodded or shook her head in response. Then he began asking about her family history, which she thought was a little odd when all she was doing was donating blood. But Dr. Kent was handsome, and she didn’t mind one bit if he wanted to draw out their conversation. Maybe he’s trying to flirt?

  She could have sworn Dr. Kent seemed unusually interested in how her grandparents emigrated from Eastern Europe, but he was probably just trying to be polite. Finally, he asked her to lay down on one of the small beds. She did as she was told and he rolled up one of her sleeves and tied a tourniquet around her bicep. The sensation of his fingers against her skin sent a tingle through her body and she looked up into his deep brown eyes as he worked. He glanced up and met her gaze, then flashed a broad smile.

  “This might pinch a bit,” he said as he pulled on a pair of latex gloves. He picked up the needle and she watched his face as he gently stuck her. She was so focused on the gorgeous doctor that she hardly even felt the needle. Before she knew it, he was finished and taping a cotton ball to her arm. She stood up and suddenly felt light headed. The room spun, her knees went weak, and Nora fell.

  Dr. Kent’s strong arms caught her before she reached the floor. She felt his muscular chest pressing against her back and she could tell he was holding her effortlessly. Then she could smell him, a faint mix of sweat and cologne, and it was intoxicating. Her head was still reeling, but now she wasn’t sure if the cause was the blood loss or her doctor. He lifted her easily and set her back on the bed. Nora was disappointed to feel him let her go.

  Everything stopped spinning as the handsome doctor returned with a juice box and a cookie. Nora felt like a child as she took them; she held the cookie in her mouth while inserting the tiny straw into the juice box. She looked ridiculous, but she didn’t mind so much because the doctor was still smiling at her. She was a little grateful for the dizzy spell, knowing that if she’d still had any color left in her face, it would be beet red.

  “Feeling any better, Nora?”

  Hearing her name come from his lips sent another shiver through her. She smiled and assured him she was just fine. She immediately regretted saying that, because he nodded once and returned to his desk where he began filling out paperwork.

  She remained on the bed for another minute before the older woman laid her hand on Nora’s arm and asked if she was ready to go. Nora nodded and the woman helped her to her feet. Dr. Kent turned to her and said “Goodnight Nora, and thank you so much.”

  He smiled at her once more, and Nora almost tripped down the stairs on her way out. The woman released her arm when they reached the concrete of the parking lot and bid her goodnight. Nora got into her car and sat quietly in the driver’s seat for a few minutes until she was sure her mind was clear. It was hard to think of anything besides the doctor’s body pressed against her and his strong arms wrapped around her. Finally, she blocked those thoughts and drove herself home.


  James Kent was alone in his private lab looking over today’s samples. Several petri dishes with dark clotted blood were arranged on the workbench. So far he’d had no luck, but that wasn’t unusual. He often went months without a single compatible sample.

  God, he wished it were more like the movies; anybody who had ever received so much as a scratch from a werewolf always seemed to turn. Maybe it was different with bears, or there was just no truth to the movies at all.

  Three years ago, he had been a happily married man from a wealthy family on his way to a promising career in medicine. He was an active member of Doctors Without Borders; when one of their volunteers fell ill, James filled in for him on a three month trip to rural Romania. It was there that he’d been attacked.

  James had gone alone to a small village several miles from their base camp. After spending the day performing checkups and administering vaccines for the local children, he headed
back to camp that night. Suddenly there was something in the road, something big. He veered to the right and the jeep overturned, leaving him suspended upside down by his seat belt.

  When his head stopped spinning he climbed down and checked himself over. Some cuts and bruises, but he’d be alright. There was no sign of the thing he had seen. He dug his satellite phone out of the overturned car and dialed the base. Before he could say a word, something slammed into him from behind, knocking the wind out of him. A sharp pain tore across his back as he fell to the ground. He screamed at the pain and scrambled towards the jeep. James pulled himself into the vehicle and turned around.

  A hulking brown bear was closing on him with hunger in its eyes. It was larger than any bear he had ever seen, even on all fours it stood as tall as him. He crawled backwards to the far side of the jeep, putting as much metal between him and the creature as possible. The bear pushed against the side of the jeep and it lurched. James clung to the roll cage as the car moved, pain still burning in his back. He could feel his shirt sticking to his back and knew he was bleeding heavily. The bear reached inside, but couldn’t reach the doctor. It tore at the door and ripped it away from the body of the vehicle. James crawled out the opposite side as the bear thrust its body into the vehicle, snarling.

  He ran into the woods, not once looking back until fatigue and blood loss got the better of him. He collapsed in the forest, and when he finally awoke he was on a cot back in the base camp. It took weeks of recovery before he was able to travel. He was sent back home to his wife and recovered quickly. He attributed his remarkable recovery to his talented peers, and soon life was back to normal. Even better, he was going to be a father!

  Then James woke one morning, naked in a field with no recollection of how he’d gotten there. It took months for him to piece everything together, and by the time he had, his wife was already experiencing complications with the pregnancy. By the time he realized what he had truly become, it was too late. His poor wife just couldn’t handle the supernatural child she was carrying, and James lost them both.

  He was devastated; James took an extended leave from work and disappeared from his social circles. He took the time to mourn, and to learn more about what he had become. He learned to control his shifting; he could transform into a bear at will, and though it was a struggle at first he was able to maintain control of himself in bear form as well.

  The part that continued to elude him, however, was the science behind what he was. At first, he believed it could be transmitted from a bite, like the legends say. He tested his blood and saliva and found nothing out of the ordinary; but when his blood mixed with another’s, even of the same type, it turned dark and clotted. He believed this incompatibility was the reason he’d lost his wife. Though years had passed, he kept to himself, closely guarding his heart because he knew any woman he loved would be doomed to a fate the same as his wife.

  James began volunteering with the blood bank last year, and was secretly bringing home small samples from each donor. He tested them in the lab he had constructed in the estate he had inherited from his parents. He had been ecstatic when he discovered the first sample that was compatible with his own. It belonged to a sixty year old man with no children or close family, but it gave him hope that he’d one day find another woman he could love without fear.

  Out of the thousands of samples he had tested, so far he’d only found a dozen compatible people. They all hailed from the same region of Eastern Europe, which he thought explained why there were few reports of creatures such as himself in the United States. None of the potential matches had been suitable mates; over half were male, and of the females only one was young enough to still bear a child. He had found reasons to meet with the woman multiple times, but there was no chemistry there. He had debated offering to pay the woman to carry his child, but in the end decided that his baby should be born into a loving family.

  James checked back to the samples from today; he had drawn blood from nearly forty people outside the mall, few fit the descriptors he was looking for, but he tested each and every one. If any were found compatible, he’d look into their family. It was possible for those who were biologically compatible but otherwise not viable options to have sisters or daughters who might be worth looking into. He knew it was strange to be searching for a mate based on genetics, but he could think of no other way. He often worried that he’d end up stuck with someone he didn’t truly care for, just because they happened to be biologically capable.

  Then he held his breath; the sample from the young waitress, Nora was her name – he thought, appeared to have remained viable after mixing with his serum. James smiled. I’m getting better at this, he thought. He had noticed an unusual scent about the woman; it was alluring, but too musky to be perfume. He hadn’t thought much of it at the time, but now he realized his body had been reacting to the smell of a potential mate.


  Nora set the food down upon the table, careful to get each meal to the person who ordered it, and then asked if they needed anything else before heading over to the new table she had just been assigned. There was a man sitting alone at the table, and she thought he looked familiar. She approached from behind, admiring the man’s broad shoulders. Then he turned around and it took a moment for his face to register.

  “Dr. Kent,” she said with a smile. “Is there another blood drive here already?”

  “Actually, Nora, I came here to see you.”

  “Oh, what for?” she asked, a little worried that the blood bank may have discovered something was wrong with her.

  “How would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” he asked with a smile.

  “Like…like a date?” Nora stuttered, not prepared to believe the handsome doctor was truly there to see her.

  “Yes, just like a date,” he said.

  He scrawled something on a napkin and handed it to her. “Meet me there at eight,” he said before standing up to leave.

  Nora nodded, but he was already heading for the door.


  Nora laughed. Everything about the date was going much better than she’d expected. She’d guessed Dr. Kent was an interesting man, and she was worried she wouldn’t have much worth sharing. Her first assumption was correct; he had traveled the world and shared his stories without appearing to brag. She was surprised to find that he listened just as much as he talked, and Nora found herself strangely at ease sharing her most personal stories with the doctor.

  As they finished dessert, James smiled and asked if she’d like a ride home. She had taken a cab to the restaurant as she didn’t own a car, in the city there was no need. She gladly accepted the offer, optimistic about where the night would end.

  They waited outside for the valet to bring the car around. Nora surprised James by taking his hand and twining her fingers between his. Her touch was warm and gentle; he couldn’t help but wonder how her hands would feel elsewhere…

  Like a gentleman, he held the door open for her. Nora beamed at him as she climbed in, her skirt riding up to expose her creamy thighs. He couldn’t look away, and he smiled sheepishly when he realized he’d been standing there holding the door open long after she’d seated herself. It was the first time Nora had seen him lose his aura of calm controlled authority. She was fond of his usual suave demeanor, but she was glad to note that he could be goofy as well.

  As James pulled out into the street, Nora settled her hand on his muscular thigh and he nearly swerved into oncoming traffic. He quickly regained his composure and she lightly traced circles on his thigh, spirally gradually upwards. His body was tense beneath her fingertips, but the car didn’t swerve. Nora usually wasn’t this forward, but tonight it just felt right.

  Since he seemed to have the car under control, Nora decided to push the envelope a little further. She slid her hand upwards to his crotch and was rewarded by a gasp when her fingers brushed over his rigid cock through the fabric of his pants. It was difficult to tell through the material,
but it felt large. He squirmed beneath her fingers as they danced along the bulge in his slacks.

  Nora surprised even herself with her boldness, but there was something irresistible about this man that made her not want to hold anything back. Her nimble fingers found his zipper and then his cock bobbed free. It was beautiful; the engorged pink head gleamed with moisture, perched atop an incredibly long shaft. She knew that even if she held it in both her hands, much of it would protrude. It was thick too, and she wondered how it was all going to fit inside her.

  The car pulled off onto a smaller side street and Nora smiled. He obviously knew what was coming next, and had assumed she’d be good enough to distract him from his driving. The car crept slowly down a residential street as Nora leaned over and slipped her lips over his swollen head. His body stiffened beneath her as her mouth filled with the salty sweet taste of him.

  Her mouth stretched wide to accommodate his girth, but she was determined to take it all. She teased him at first, as she grew accustomed to his size. Her tongue swirled around the head, making him groan, before taking him a little deeper. She sucked gently at his flesh as it filled her mouth. His hand briefly settled upon her head, urging her to take more, before returning to the wheel. Nora did her best to oblige, lowering her mouth around his thick shaft until he pressed against her throat. She gagged.

  Nora knew how to deep throat, and had never had a problem taking the full length of a cock into her mouth, but Dr. Kent was longer and thicker than anyone she’d ever been with. The angle wasn’t the best either, she thought before unbuckling her seat belt and kneeling on the floor mat. Once more, she leaned over and parted her lips over his head. She felt more than heard him moan, the low noise seemed to vibrate within him. She took it as encouragement and lowered her mouth down his shaft, taking him until she gagged. She backed off a little and took in as much air as she could before dipping her head downward and forcing him into her throat.

  Again, he groaned; this time louder as she took every inch of his cock. Nora swallowed against the hard flesh filling her, and James moaned as the muscled of her throat contracted around him. She felt the car swerve, and thought it best to finish him off quickly. She withdrew until only the engorged head remained in her mouth before driving herself back down onto his cock. She moved rapidly; taking every inch of him only to draw back so she could drive his length back into her throat. She kept her lips tightly pursed so they slid along his shaft with each stroke.


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