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Page 2

by Mandy Bee

  “They’re still here but Luke and James are drunk. I have a hard time being around them when they’re this wasted. Brice is keeping an eye on them while Dean call’s James’s wife and Luke’s brother. Once they leave the rest of us probably will too.” You can hear an annoyance in his voice.

  “So, you would rather stay out here with me? Riker, I’m starting to think that you’re up to something.” I joke.

  “Now, what would I be up too? Can’t we just catch up like old friends?” He words hit me like a ton of bricks. Old friends? Is he joking?

  “We were never friends, Riker.” I say a little to harshly. The look of hurt on his face makes me feel like a stupid jerk. “But if you want to stay out here I’m not going to stop you.” He smiles at me and I couldn’t help but smile back at him.

  We start talking and to my surprise I’m actually enjoying his company. He asks a lot of questions about my business, and how I come up with the designs. I can talk anyone’s ear off when it come to jewelry making. He caught me off guard when he asked if he could come by the studio one day. We don’t really let people come to the studio. There’s really no need for anyone but us to be there. The website is where we sell everything. I was just about to explain this to him when we heard someone screaming Riker’s name.

  The person screaming sounds drunker than skunk. I look at my watch and see that we’ve been out here talking for over an hour. Crap, I should probably go check on my friends. They are either still singing or passed out at the table.

  Before I can stand up the screaming drunk walks out onto the deck. It’s Luke. Well, shit. I really didn’t want to have to see him tonight.

  “Dude, will you shut up?!” Riker shouts at him.

  Luke looks around, it takes him a minute to find us. He’s probably seeing more than one of us with how drunk he is. His eyes land of me and I instantly see that he recognizes me. Great.

  “Darcy, sweet Darcy.” He slurs. “Where have you been hiding?” I roll my eyes. Why doesn’t everyone think I’m hiding? Luke stumbles over to us. “Damn, you look good now that you’ve lost all that nasty fat.”

  I can’t help up roll my eyes again. I knew Luke would still be a jerk, some things never change. Physically he hasn’t changed much either. He’s still talk, thin as a rail, has dirty blond hair that is a little shaggy looking, and his light brown eyes are completely bloodshot.

  “Luke, Darcy and I were talking. Why don’t you go back inside and wait for Gav to get here?” Riker tries to say calmly but a small snarl comes out at the end.

  “Darcy won’t mind if I stay, will ya Darcy girl?” My blood turns to ice when he says that damn nickname! Darcy girl is the one nickname I hated above all the rest. I don’t really know why but it drove me up the wall. I close my eyes and take a few deep breaths. I repeatedly chant to myself that he is not worth getting upset over.

  “Get up!” Riker snarls causing my eyes to snap open. “Come on, get up, I don’t have time for this. You want to act like a jackass then you can do it somewhere else.” Riker jerks Luke up by the arm, out of his chair and drags him over to the door.

  “What’s your problem man? It’s not like she’s someone important. She’s just Darcy West, one of the nobodies.” Luke’s words shouldn’t have hurt but they do. I’ve heard them before, but it doesn’t stop the pain that just went through me.

  Riker must not have liked what Luke said either because he shoved Luke inside and yelled for Brice to keep him there until Gav showed up. The fact that Riker got so upset over what Luke said made me a little happy. I’m sure that’s somewhat twisted and weird but I don’t care.

  “I’m sorry about that.” Riker mutters. When he starts to walk back over to me I stand and meet him halfway. “He’s a jackass when he’s drunk.”

  “Thank you for making him leave, but I’ve heard him say that before about me. I’m just grateful you made him to go back inside.”

  He flashes me another sexy grin as he wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me flush up against him. I let out a small squeal as I look up at him in shock.

  “He deserved to get the crap beat out of him but going to jail tonight meant leaving you and that’s not something I’m ready to do yet.” His voice is low, dark, and husky.

  It took me a minute to finally regained my voice. “Um, I think we should sit back down.” I nervously tried to move but his hold on me tightens.

  “Are you scared of me?” He asks in a sexy whisper. “You have been backing away from me all night. Do I make you nervous, Darcy?”

  I lay both of my hands on his chest, if I need to push him away this will be the best way to do it. The problem is I don’t think I want to push him away. And that scares the crap out of me. “Riker, you should know me better than that. I’m scared of no one.” I say teasingly.

  “Good, then you won’t fight me when I do this.” Riker’s lips cover mine in a bruising kiss. No soft and sweet kiss here. No way. This was a hot, hard, needy kiss.

  I let my hands run up his chest, locking them around his neck. The hand not holding me against him comes up to cup the back of my neck. He tilts my head just slightly to deepen the kiss. I giggle when I feel my back touch the wall. He must have been slowly walking us backwards. I feel his whole body pushing hard into me, his chest is solid as a rock, as are his arms. But his body heat is wrapped around me, making me dizzy.

  The need to be closer to him over comes me and I sink my hands into his hair, pulling him as close as I can. Moaning into his mouth, its like I can’t get enough of him. Then I hear someone screaming at us.

  “Hey, get out of here. Go get a room”

  We both turn to see Kathy, the owner of Cali’s, standing there. “Sorry Kathy.” I mutter shyly as I try to push Riker away.

  “Darcy?” She asked looking shocked. “Honey, I didn’t know it was you out here. One of the waiters came and told me that there were two horny teenagers out on the deck. So, I came out here break it up.” She laughs as she walks over to us.

  Riker lets me move in front of him but doesn’t let go of me. “Sorry ma’am.” He reaches his hand out to shake hers.

  She shakes his hand then smacks my arm. “If I would have known it was you I would have told them to lock the deck doors.” She laughs again. Kathy is a close family friend. She has been on my case for years about finding a guy. It doesn’t surprise me one bit that she would be happy about finding me making out with a guy on her back deck.

  “Are the girls still putting on a show in there?” I ask her knowing I need to grab my friends and get out of here before things get out of control with Riker.

  “Oh honey, didn’t anyone come and tell you that Peter took them home?” What the hell? The look on my face tells her that no one told me anything. “I’m sorry Darcy.” Kathy looks up at Riker, a small smile forms on her face and I know right away what she is about to say. “Maybe this nice young man could give you a ride home.”

  “Oh no, I can call a cab.” I immediately say. I try to pull away from Riker but his hold tightens on me again.

  “I’ll make sure she gets home safely.” Riker promise’s Kathy.

  “That worked out perfectly! Have a good night y’all.” She winks at me before rushing back inside leaving me alone with Riker.

  “Ready to go?” He whispers in my ear. The warmth of his breath sends a chill through me.

  “Umm…” I try to think of someway out of this, but nothing comes to mind.

  “Let me take you home Darcy.” Damn him and his sexy whispering voice.

  “My car is at my office. I’ll need it, so I can get to work tomorrow.” I mumble, trying to hold back a moan as Riker kisses me right behind my ear, my one sweet spot that makes me go weak in the knees.

  Riker spins me around to face him and crashes his lips to mine. Once again, I’m lost in a hot needy kiss. When he pulls away I want to pout. Damn, he knows how to kiss.

  “Let me take you home. I can give you a ride to work in the morning.” A normal woman woul
d have jumped on the offer. Not me. He might as well have poured a bucket of ice over my head.

  “Let me go Riker.” I demand as I try to control my breathing which has become very uneven. I’m close to hyperventilating.

  Riker takes a step back but doesn’t fully release me. He has a strong hold on my shoulders. Probably so I don’t take off running away from him. Which I’m very close to doing.

  “What’s wrong?” I hear the worry in his voice but can’t bring myself to look up at him. “Hey, don’t get upset. I’m sorry if I was taking things too fast.” One of his hands lift to cup my cheek and wipes away one of the tears I couldn’t hold back.

  Damn it! I don’t want to cry in front of him. I knock his hand away from my face and pull my other shoulder out of his grip.

  “I’m sorry.” I tell him as I take several steps back. “I can’t do this.” I try to get to the door, but he latches onto my arm and pulls me back to him. Wrapping his arms around me in the tightest, warmest hug I’ve ever received. The tears started building up in my eyes again and I had to blink to hold them back.

  “It’s ok,” He whispers softly. “let me take you to get your car. Nothing else has to happen.”

  Feeling defeated I give in. “Ok.” I whisper. He holds me for another minute or two before releasing me. We walk back inside hand in hand.

  I feel like such an idiot for freaking out on him but after what happened to me, being with any man scares the shit out of me. A chill runs through me because I don’t even want to think about that right now.

  Riker starts to lead us over to where his friends are. I stop walking and pull on his arm to stop him too.

  “I don’t want to deal with Luke again.” I try to tell him quietly.

  “It’ll be fine. I need to let them know that I’m leaving and let Dean know that he’s riding with Brice.” He kisses my cheek, but it doesn’t help my nerves.

  After what just happened outside with Riker my nerves are all mixed up. Dealing with the bullies from my past is not the best thing for me right now but I know causing a scene will only make things worse.

  I try to tell myself that I’m not the scared little fat girl they used to know. I’m a strong, independent woman who owns her own company, has some of the best friends in the world, and never again has to let others bring her down.

  The look on Brice’s face as we reach them is priceless. He’s totally shocked to see Riker and I together. I bet he would have passed out if he saw how Riker kisses me just a few minutes ago.

  “Darcy, we haven’t seen you in ages. How have you been girl?” Dean asks me, walking over to give me an awkward side hug. Dean is a good foot taller than I am. His light mocha skin makes him look like he lives at the beach but really, he’s just mixed. His dad is from Spain, and his mom is from Maine. They are a really cute couple. Dean is also a body builder and owns the only gym in town.

  “I’ve been good, busy but good.” I give him a small smile.

  “Dean, you’re riding with Brice. I’m giving Darcy a lift.” Riker says as he knocks Deans arm away from me and lays his arm around my shoulder.

  James, who I had thought was asleep on the bar, lifts his head and laughs. “You’re hooking up with her? What? Couldn’t find a hooker for the night?”

  Without thinking I snap at him. “No, they all got STD’s from you.”

  This causes Dean and Brice to start laughing but James didn’t find it very funny. Riker smirks down at me before leaning down and kissing the top of my head.

  “Come on, let’s go.”

  “Hold on I need to see if the girls paid the bill before they left.” I wave down Kathy who was at the other end of the bar. She assured me that Missy paid for everything before Peter took them home. Happy that there wasn’t an outstanding bill from my drunken friends I let Riker lead me outside.

  Chapter Two

  Giving Riker directions to my office was easy. Trying not to feel awkward while ridding in his truck was not so easy. It was a nice truck. It sat a little higher than normal, so Riker had to help me climb into my seat. He had reached over to try and hold my hand at one point, but I didn’t let him.

  Regret of letting him kiss me, and actually kissing him back was hitting me hard. I’m not that type of girl, I never have been. But after what I’ve been through I stopped looking at men all together.

  As we pulled into the parking lot of my office building I let out a small sigh of relief. This will all be over soon. I’ll send Riker on his way and then try to forget about everything that has happened tonight.

  Luckily when Missy and Steve kidnapped me tonight Missy had remembered to grab my wallet and phone which she happy threw at me once I was safely in the car. Only problem was my car keys were still in my bag up in my office.

  Riker helps me down out of his truck but before I can step away from him be backs be up against the truck, placing his hands on my hips to keep me from running.

  My heart rate speeds up and I know he can see the fear in my eyes. “I don’t want to scare you Darcy, but I do want to see you again.” He says softly.

  “I don’t date.” I mutter. “I’m too busy. This company takes up most of my time. Tonight, was a fluke, it doesn’t happen often. If I’m not at my office working, I’m at home sleeping. I don’t go out with my friends or spend much time with my family. This business is my life.”

  “That’s not healthy baby.” He mumbles. “Darcy, you have done an amazing job with this company. No one can take that from you. But if you let it take over your life, you’ll burn out real fast, and then all the hard work you did was for nothing. Working hard is a good thing but taking time to rest and relax is a must.”

  “God, you sound like my friends.” I roll my eyes at him. “Look, I’m not going to stand here and fight with you. I need to run up to my office and get my bag before I can go home. I don’t need or want to hear about how I need to take time off from work or cut back on my hours. People need to let me do what I want and just deal with it.”

  I’m getting angrier by the second. Who is he to tell me I need to take time to relax? It’s one thing to hear it from my friends who work with me, but I’ll be damned if Riker gets to say shit like that to me. He doesn’t even know me.

  Riker sighs long and loud before letting go of my hips and turning away from me. Whatever, I think to myself. Hoping he is going to get back in his truck and drive away, I start walking swiftly toward my office building. Once I reach the main door I put in my code and reach to open the door only to have a hand reach around me and pull the door open for me. I let out a small squeal and jump back.

  “What are you doing?” I snap at Riker as he stands there still holding the door open.

  “It’s late Darcy. I’m going to walk you to your office, let you get what you need, then walk you to your car.” His tone is hard, and I know I’ve hurt him with what I said.

  “I’m sorry I snapped Riker, I really am but right now in my life, my work comes first. You said you wanted to see me again and that just can’t happen. I’m sorry.” I don’t let him answer me. I walk straight into the building and head for the elevator. I’m only on the second floor but I’m too tired to walk the stairs tonight.

  This building houses three businesses. A yoga studio on the first floor, my studio on the second, and a small law office on the third. The lady who owns the yoga studio hates me for reporting her to the landlord for her music being too loud. We asked her nicely, several times, to turn it down but she laughed in our faces. The landlord however told her to either sound proof her space, or he wouldn’t be renewing her lease. She’s made some nasty comments to a few of us since then, but we mostly try to ignore her.

  The lawyer is pretty nice. He buys at least one piece of jewelry every month for his wife. He’s one of the few people we’ve let in our studio. With the online store there is no need for people to come to the studio to shop.

  The elevator dings and I go to step on. I roll my eyes when I see Riker standing by the main
door watching me. I give him a small wave before the doors shut.

  Tonight sucked. Hanging out with the girls was fine, even fun part of the time but seeing Riker again…well that part just sucked. The kissing wasn’t bad, in fact it was good, too good. But it’s not what I need right now in my life. I have a bad feeling that Riker isn’t the type of guy to just be brushed off.

  I groan when the elevator door opens on the second floor and I see Missy left the lights on after her and Steve kidnapped me. This usually wouldn’t bug me but right now everything is bugging me. I put in our private pass code to open the door, a feature I truly do love since only my staff and I have this code, not even the landlord has it. When I open the door, I’m surprised to see Heather sitting at her desk working.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask her.

  She lets out a scream as she spins around. “Oh my God Darcy you scared me!” She gasps as she tries to level her breathing.

  “You didn’t answer me question. What are you doing here?” I ask again as I slam the door shut and march over to her. “Everyone of you just got through lecturing me about over working, spending too much time here, and all that other bullshit. Now here you are doing exactly what you don’t want me to do. Nice Heather, real nice.” Rolling my eyes at her I go over to my own desk in the back of the room to get my bag.

  When we first got this office, we gutted all the walls to make it completely open. There’s a nice size bathroom with a small shower on the right side of the room and a small back room where I keep my laptop and filing cabinets. Each of us has a small part of the room to ourselves. We each decorated our spaces differently but we all wanted everything to be open. It does make it easier when you need something quick, all you gotta do is yell it out and someone will hand it to you. We made the front corner by the door our picture area. We have different stands, two mannequins, a tub filled with different colors of fabrics, and a tub filled with different shirts for the mannequins. We all take turns at taking photos of new projects but to be honest Missy is the best at it.


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