Book Read Free


Page 7

by Mandy Bee

  I left Riker in the living room to go take a shower. He was talking to his brother and from what I could make from their conversation one of them was stopping by tonight with some more food. I don’t see where we are going to put it. The fridge is about to bust it’s so full.

  The bedroom I’ve been staying in has a small bathroom connected to it. Nothing fancy, just a sink, toilet, and a stand-up shower. It worked great for me because I wasn’t a huge fan of tubs. I was never the type of girl who loved to take bubble baths, and soak for days. I’d rather jump in the shower, get clean, and get on with my day.

  Once I got to the bedroom I stripped down to nothing, grab a new set of clothes, and headed for the shower. I waited until the water was nice and hot before I got in. After I got my hair washed I just stood there and let the water beat down on my back and neck. I tried not to think about everything going on. I wanted just a few minutes to not be living in a nightmare. But there was no way I could shut off my thoughts.

  The shear idea of Bradley possibly being just next door to me all this time has me sick to my stomach. Why is this happening to me? Why can’t he just go away and leave everyone alone? He had jumped bail and no one could find him, why was he back now? Doesn’t he know if he gets caught they won’t let him back out?

  It’s not your fault.

  It’s not your fault.

  It’s not your fault.

  I keep repeating this to myself, but it does help. My mom had made me go see a counselor after everything that happened. At first, I didn’t want to talk to anyone about it. I didn’t remember anything so why talk about it? But in all honesty, it did help. Hilary, was very patient with me. It took a few visits but I finally opened up to her.

  My biggest fear was that I had some how brought this on myself. That I had some how made Bradley think I was into him or was open to being with him. I tried to blame myself at first, but Hilary wouldn’t let me.

  “Darcy, you have to stop this.” Hilary scolds me. “No woman asks to be raped. It doesn’t work that way. You didn’t ask for this. You didn’t give out signals to Bradley telling him you wanted this. He is a twisted human being and he will pay for what he did. You have to stop trying to make this out to be your fault. You’re never going to move on with your life if you keep trying to blame yourself. He did this, not you.”

  Sinking down to the floor of the shower I let Hilary’s word replay in my mind. She probably gave me that speech fifty times over the two years I saw her. It took time, but I did finally start putting the blame where it belonged, with Bradley. But now that he has come back, and apparently wants to hurt me again, and not just me the other girls too, my fears and doubts are trying to come back as well.

  Wrapping my arms around my legs, I rest my head on my knees and cry. I’ve cried so much lately but right now I can’t help it. I feel the water stop and I look up to see Riker standing over me holding a towel. He leans down, wraps the towel around me and lifts me into his arms.

  He gently sits me on the end of the bed before returning to the bathroom to get another towel. I tuck the one he wrapped me in around me. It took a few minutes, but I was finally able to stop the tears.

  “I’m sorry.” I whisper to him as he towel dries my hair.

  He doesn’t say anything, he just continues to dry my hair. After he’s done he goes over to the dresser, pulls out a new set of pajamas, a bra with matching underwear, and some socks. When he starts to remove the towel covering my body I stop him.

  “I can take it from here.” I nervously tell him.

  “This isn’t about sex, or me seeing you naked. This is just me taking care of you when you need me.” He says softly. I can’t help but smile at him.

  “I’m ok now, I promise.” I can see in his eyes he doesn’t believe me, but he doesn’t fight me on it. He leans down and kisses my forehead before walking out of the room.

  I make fast work of getting dressed. I brush my hair and slip it up into a high pony tail. I find Riker in the kitchen but he’s not alone. Paul and Greg are both here.

  “There she is.” Paul says when he sees me. “We didn’t get to really meet last time I was here. This one,” He jerks his thumb at Riker, “has been keeping you all to himself. I wasn’t even allowed to bring your sister up when she asked to come.” Paul laughs but I cut my eyes to Riker.

  “My sister asked to come up? Why wouldn’t you let her?” I ask him in shock.

  “She wanted to come the day after we got here. The FBI hadn’t even done their sweep yet. I didn’t think it was safe. I was only thinking of your safety Darcy, I swear.” He gives me one of his killer smile, but I just roll my eyes.

  “Stop keeping things from me. You could have told me this when it happened. I would have agreed with you. I’m not a child Riker, and I won’t have you treating me like one.” The fact that he hid something like that really bothers me.

  “Damn, bro, you’re in the dog house now.” Greg snickers.

  “Shut up,” Riker growls at him as he walks over to me. “I’m not treating you like a child. I’m treating you like the woman I’m trying to protect.” He cups the back of my neck and pulls me closer him, resting his forehead on mine. I can’t lie, I really love when he does this.

  “From now on tell me, or else I’m going to find someone else to protect me. Someone who won’t lie and keep things from me.” I’m totally bluffing but I won’t tell him that.

  His lips capture mine and the next thing I know I’m melting into him. He wraps his other arm around my waist and anchors me to him. Both my hands latch onto his shoulders and hold on for dear life. Usually when he kisses me to shut me up its over quickly, but this time is different. This is the type of kiss that could cause some trouble, but even though my brain knows that my body doesn’t want to listen.

  Someone loudly clearing their throat has us finally pulling apart. I rest my head on his chest as I try to catch my breath.

  “Little bro has some game.” I hear one of his brothers say.

  “Well, if he could take his hands and lips off his girl for a few minutes I’d like to get back to why we are both here. I have to get back to work in an hour.” Greg says, he tries to sound tough, but I can hear the playfulness in his voice.

  “Why are you both here?” I ask them as I pull back from Riker. He doesn’t let me go but does turn us, so we can see his brother.

  “I brought you some freezer meals that I made. Also, Riker asked me to bring you your laptop. The police copied all they needed and had returned it to your office.” Paul hands me my laptop and I squeal with joy.

  Riker takes it from me and lays it on the counter. “You can work after they’ve left.” I pout at his words but don’t say anything.

  “We need to get things hashed out. I really do need to get back to work.” Greg grunts.

  “Let go sit down and get this over with.” Riker leads us into the living room.

  “What are we hashing out?” I ask once everyone is seated.

  “We want to set up a security plan for when Riker finally lets you come home.” Greg tells me, the little tease at Riker makes me giggle. “I don’t know how much little brother here has told you about me, but I own a new security company. Along with installing security systems, and monitoring them, we also have body guards that work for us. They mostly work concerts or fairs but we’ve all agreed having one or two guard you would be the best things to do.”

  “Body guards? You don’t think the massive system you put up at the office and my home will be enough?” I ask Riker.

  “No, I think having extra eyes on you will be better. Plus, all of Greg’s men are ex-military. They are trained to protect people. As much as I want to be next to you all the time I know that’s not realistic. This way even when I’m not with you someone who is trained is watching over you. But I need you not to fight us on this. Whoever Greg gets to watch you will need to stay close to you. If you go to the office, you ride with them and they stay inside the office with you. You go anywhe
re, they go with you, I don’t care if your friends and family are with you too, the guards stay with you all the time.” I can clearly hear the worry in Riker’s voice. It scares me but at the same time I understand where it’s coming from.

  “I’ll agree to almost everything.” Riker starts to cut me off, but I place my hand over his mouth. “Listen to me. I’ll agree to them driving me places and staying at my office. If I go anywhere else. they can come too. However, I will not have some strange man staying in my home with me at night. Not happening.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that.” Paul says. “I’m sure Riker will be more than happy to take the night shift.”

  Riker kisses my palm then pulls my hand away from his mouth. “I wouldn’t let one of the guards stay the night with you. If you want to stay at your place, that’s fine but I’ll be staying there too. We’re not sure Bradley is the one who bought the apartment. We aren’t even sure it was really bought.”

  “What do you mean? Did you talk to Mr. Jinks?” I try to let what he said about staying with me go, knowing we would need to come back to that later. Most likely when we’re alone so his brothers wouldn’t hear us fighting.

  “I talked to his wife.” Riker answers me. “Brice was able to get a hold of her while you were in the shower. Mr. Jinks did have a heart attack last month, but he doesn’t have a brother named Kale. He doesn’t have a brother at all.”

  “What?” I gasp. “Then who called Sam?”

  “We don’t know yet.” Greg answers before Riker can. “That’s one of the things I’ll be working on tonight. Riker called Sam and told him that I would be swinging by to talk to him.”

  “Do you think Sam is involved?” No, he can’t be. Sam is just a sweet old man who had never been anything but nice to me.

  “I don’t think he is, but you never know. I just want Greg to talk to him. We need to know more about who called him and what was said.” Riker tried to reassure me.

  “Be nice to him.” I order Greg. “He couldn’t have had anything to do with this. I know you’ll see that when you meet him.” Greg nods but I’m not sure he’ll be do as I say. “If you’re already talking about getting guards to watch me when I’m home does that mean we are going home soon?” I look up at Riker pleadingly.

  “We need at least two more days to get everything set up but yeah, we’re going home.”

  I let him cuddle me close to him as he continues to talk to his brothers about what will happen once we get home. I throw my input in a few times but none of them really listen to me. I should be pissed but I was too excited about going home soon to be mad at them.

  Greg and Paul leave about a half an hour later. Riker starts dinner, but I stay cuddled up on the couch. I know it’s only been a few days, but I miss my family and friends. I also miss my work. A thrill shoots through me as I think about getting back to work. I just want some normal back in my life. All this hiding out isn’t normal for me.

  Chapter Nine

  Walking into my apartment I thought I would feel peaceful, or at least relieved to be home. But instead I feel awkward being here. Everything is just as I left it but at the same time everything feels different. I toss a stack of mail on the dresser in my room. I knew I needed to go through it to check for bills and stuff, but I just wanted to get changed and head over to my office.

  Riker needed to check in with his office, so he left one of my new body guards with me. Demon was in the living room. He had done a walk through before letting me inside the apartment. He was as scary looking as his name, but I didn’t get a bad vibe off him. He is well over six-feet-tall, built like a brick house, covered in tattoos, and has multiple scars on his arms and face. But even with all that he doesn’t scare me. The look in his eyes told me he wouldn’t hurt me. I know that’s weird but it’s true. He has kind eyes. I feel safe with him, and that’s all that really matters.

  After quickly changing into a clean pair of jeans, a dark blue tank top, and a lightweight hoodie, I walk back out into the living room. Demon is by the window looking at his phone.

  “Everything ok?” I ask him.

  “Yes ma’am. Mr. Deeks just texted me to let me know he would be picking you up at your office around six tonight.” He tells me as he looks out the window.

  I start to say something smart about Riker letting Demon know he was picking me up but not me, but my phone dings. I pull my phone out of my pocket and smile when I see the text.

  Just let Demon know I was picking you up at six. If you still need to work, we can stay at your office, but Greg needs Demon to work at Spark tonight. Want me to bring dinner?

  Riker had already told me that Greg’s body guards sometimes worked at Spark. Mostly when a band was playing, or they were doing a special at the club.

  Demon already told me. I’ll see what the girls are doing before I answer about dinner.

  “Ready to go?” I ask Demon as I walk towards the door. I was so excited I couldn’t wait to get to work.

  I lock the door behind us but stop when I hear voices coming from down the hall. I look up at Demon, but his eyes are locked on the open door just a few feet away from us.

  “Get back inside, call Greg and Riker.” Demon orders me, but I don’t move. I’m frozen in place. What if it’s Bradley in there? What if he was getting ready to rush out here and try to hurt me?

  I hear Demon talking but I can make out what he’s saying. My heart is pounding so hard in my ears I can’t really hear anything. Dizzy, I’m so dizzy. I slump back against my door and would have hit the ground if Demon hadn’t grabbed me.

  Demon snatched the keys out of my hand and open the door. Just as the door shuts I hear him cuss. He latches all my locks, I have two new dead blots and an apartment latch thanks to Riker. Demon pushes me to the ground then start entering a code into my security panel. Alarms start going off and I have to cover my ears because it’s so damn loud.

  Demon lifts me off the floor and rushes us both into the kitchen. Instead of letting me stand or sit at the table he pushes me down on the floor, behind my small island, and tells me to stay put. I grab my phone out of my pocket, I need to call Riker, but he won’t be able to hear me over the alarms. So, I text him.

  Demon set off my alarm because we heard voices in the other apartment. I don’t know what’s going on. Please get here fast.

  I stare at my phone praying Riker texts me back, but he doesn’t. Maybe he is already on his way and can’t text right now. I’m hoping that’s all it is. The alarms stop after a few minutes. I go to stand up, but Demon tells me to stay put until he can check it out. There’s only two ways to turn off the alarm. The panels that are in my apartment, or the main system panel that is controlled at Greg’s company. Since neither Demon or I turned it off, it must have been Greg. If Greg knew what was going on, then I’m sure Riker knows too.

  Demon comes back into the kitchen and helps me off the floor. “The police are on their way. Greg’s system alerted them as soon as I activated the alarm.”

  “Who did you see out there?” I ask him.

  “It’s wasn’t Bradley.” He assures me but doesn’t really answer my question.

  “Then who was it?” I push for more information.

  He doesn’t get a chance to answer me because someone starts banging on my door. Demon motions for me to move back as he goes to check the door. Seconds later I see several police officers rushing around my apartment. How did they get here that fast?

  Riker and Greg show up about ten minutes later. I was going over what had happened for the fifth time with the same officer who didn’t seem to get that I didn’t see who was in the other apartment.

  I rushed over to Riker as soon as he walked in. Falling into his arms I immediately felt safe. Something inside me told me I needed to stop fighting what was going on between us and just let it happen.

  “Are you ok?” He asks me softly. I nod into his chest.

  “Ma’am I wasn’t done speaking to you.” The officer who would
n’t stop asking me the same questions says from behind me.

  “I’m done talking to you. I’ve answered the same questions over and over. I didn’t see anything. Demon did, go ask him.” I snap at him as I bury my face deep into Riker chest.

  “Your body guard is being interview right now. If you don’t want to answer my questions its just going to make us think you are involved in this somehow.” He sounds annoyed with me. Well, screw him!

  “What the hell did you just say to her?” Riker growls at the officer. “Greg get your ass over here!”

  I look over to see Greg walking towards us. “What’s wrong?”

  “Repeat what you just said.” Riker orders the officer. The room is a lot quieter now. I can hear a few people murmuring but that’s it.

  “Sir, I’m just doing my job. We need to find out everything. Miss West here says she doesn’t know who it was, but I think she knows more than she’s telling us.” You can still hear the annoyance in the officer’s voice.

  “Darcy, did you answer his questions?” Greg asks me.

  “Multiple times.” I say, turning my head to look at him. “He asked the same three questions at least five times each. No, I didn’t see who was in the other apartment or the hallway. No, I didn’t recognize the voices. And no, I don’t know who lives there.” I turn to glare at the officer. “Just because you word a question differently doesn’t mean you’ll get a different answer.”

  “Let me speak to Captain Marshall please.” I hear Greg say. I’m surprised to see he’s on his phone. “Hey Erick, it’s Greg Deeks. I’m having a little trouble with one of your officers.” Greg look over at the officer then at his name plate. “Officer H. Smith. He’s borderline harassing one of my clients.” Greg stops and listens to whatever Captain Marshall is saying. He nods a few times before smiling. “Thanks Erick, I’ll send him right over.” Greg hangs up then look back over at the officer with an evil grin. “Your Captain would like to see you. It’s in your best interest to head on back to the station.”


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