by Dave Itzkoff
Chicago Hope (TV show)
Chicago Sun-Times
Chicago Tribune
Chico and the Man (TV show)
Child, Julia
Child of the Fifties (Klein album)
Chinatown (film)
CHiPs (TV show)
Christon, Lawrence
City Slickers (film)
Claremont Men’s College
Clark, Candy
Clements, Ron
Cleveland Clinic
Cliff, Jimmy
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
Close, Del
Close, Glenn
Club Paradise (film)
Cocker, Joe
Cohen, Bruce
Colbert, Stephen
College of Marin
Color Purple, The (film)
Columbia Pictures
Columbus, Chris
Columbus, Eleanor
Comedy & Magic Club
Comedy Central Stand-Up Icon Award
Comedy of Errors, The (Shakespeare)
Comedy Store
Comedy Store Players
Comic Relief
Comic Strip
Coming Home (film)
Committee, The
Compères, Les (film)
Connery, Sean
Conrad, Joseph
Conroy, Frances
Conroy, Kevin
Conversation, The (film)
Cook, Fielder
Cook, Peter
Coppola, Francis Ford
Cosby, Bill
Cosell, Howard
Cousteau, Jacques
Crazy Ones, The (TV show)
Creative Artists Agency (CAA)
Creative Coalition
Crimes and Misdemeanors (film)
Cronauer, Adrian
Cronkite, Walter
Crosby, Bing
Cruise, Tom
Crystal, Billy
Crystal, Janice
Culver, Phillip
Curtis, Tony
Curtiss, Alan
Cutler, Wendy
Dad (film)
Dalton, Peadar
Damon, Matt
Dance Theater Workshop
Dangerfield, Rodney
Danson, Ted
Danza, Tony
Dark Eyes (film)
Dauber, Al
Davis, Bette
Davis, Bob
Davis, Mary Alette
Davis, Sammy, Jr.
Dawber, Pam
Dawn Buster (radio program)
Day-Lewis, Daniel
Dead Again (film)
Dead Poets Society (film)
Academy Awards and
filming of
stage adaptation of
success of
Death to Smoochy (film)
Deconstructing Harry (film)
Deer Hunter, The (film)
DeLuise, Dom
Denby, David
De Niro, Robert
Dennehy, Brian
DePaul, Tony
Detroit Country Day School
Detroit Free Press
DeVito, Danny
Dickens, Charles
Doctorow, E. L.
Donaldson, Roger
Donen, Stanley
Do the Right Thing (film)
Douglas, Michael
Dreesen, Tom
Drescher, Fran
Dress to Kill (Izzard show)
Dreyfuss, Richard
Driver, Minnie
Driving Miss Daisy (film)
Dr. Strangelove (film)
Drugstore Cowboy (film)
Duchovny, David
Dukakis, Michael
Dumb and Dumber (film)
Dunn, James
Durst, Debi
Durst, Will
Duvall, Robert
Duvall, Shelley
Ebert, Roger
Ebiri, Bilge
Ed Sullivan Show, The (TV show)
Eight Is Enough (TV show)
Einstein, Albert
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Eisner, Michael
Elizabeth II, Queen of England
Elk, John
Elliott, Ted
Ellison, Harlan
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emmy Awards
Endler, Estelle
Eno, “Freaky Ralph”
Entertainment Weekly
Ephron, Nora
Etchen, Alfred
Etchen, John and Johnnie
Evans, Robert
Evening at the Met, An (TV special)
Evening with Robin Williams, An (HBO special)
Experimental Wing of the Committee
Falkland Islands
Fallon, Jimmy
Family Guy (TV show)
Farley, Bill
Fathers’ Day (film)
Feiffer, Jules
FernGully (animated film)
Fey, Tina
Fiddler on the Roof (musical)
Field, Sally
Fields, W. C.
Filbert, Charlotte
Final Cut, The (film)
Fine, Anne
Firing Line (TV show)
Fisher King, The (film)
Academy Awards and
filming of
Golden Globes and
reviews of
Flaherty, Joe
Fleischer, Charles
Flubber (film)
Fonda, Jane
Ford, Harrison
Ford Motor Company
Forsyth, Bill
48 Hrs. (film)
Fosselius, Ernie
Frank, Anne
Franklin, Aretha
Freeman, Morgan
Frickert, Maude
Friedman, David
Friends (TV show)
Gabler, Elizabeth
Gale, Dick
Galvin, James E.
Gambon, Michael
Ganas, Monica
Ganz, Lowell
Garces, Jennifer
Garces, Marsha (second wife)
as assistant
birth of Cody and
birth of Zelda and
Blue Wolf and
death of Robin and
divorce from Robin and
early life of
Good Will Hunting and
Good Morning Vietnam and
hired as nanny
marriage to Robin
Mrs. Doubtfire and
Patch Adams and
Reeve’s accident and
Robin’s career and
Robin’s Cecil B. DeMille award and
Robin’s heart surgery and
Robin’s illness near end of life and
Robin’s marriage to Susan and
Robin’s relapse and
Robin’s will and
San Francisco house and
Valerie and
Gates, Bill
Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
Gellar, Sarah Michelle
Ghostbusters films
Ghost in the Invisible Bikini, The (film)
Gifford, Frank
Gilbert, Melissa
Gilliam, Terry
Girolamo, Vincent
Giver, The (film)
Glauberg, Joe
Glide Memorial Choir
Godfather, The (film)
Goldberg, Andy
Goldberg, Eric
Goldberg, Whoopi
Golden Globe Awards
Goldfinger (film)
“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”
Goldthwait, Bobcat
Gomer Pyle (TV show)
Goodman, Robyn
Good Morning America (TV show)
Good Morning, Vietnam
Academy Awards and
filming of
Golden Globes and
soundtrack album
success of
Good Will Hunting (film)
Academy Awards and
filming of
Golden Globes and
Gordon, Bing
Gordon-Levitt, Joseph
Gore, Al
Grace, Arthur
Graham, Bill
Grammer, Kelsey
Grammy Awards
Grateful Dead
Great American Laugh-Off, The (TV special)
Great American Music Hall
Greene, Shecky
Gregory’s Girl (film)
Gremlins (film)
Grodin, Charles
Guinness, Alec
Gumption theater
Hackman, Gene
Haft, Maisie
Haft, Steven
Hallin, Ronny
Hamilton, Argus
Hamlet (film)
Hampton, Christopher
Hanks, Tom
Hansen, Gale
Happy Days (TV show)
“My Favorite Orkan” episode
Harley, Margot
Harmon, Mark
Harold and Maude (film)
Harris, Ed
Hawke, Ethan
Hazelden Foundation Center
He (Johnson)
Hecht, Gina
Hells Angels
Helm, Levon
Hendrix, Jimi
Henry, Buck
Henry V (film)
Hermosa Beach
Hildebrandt, Greg
Hill, George Roy
Hirsch, Judd
Hoberman, David
Hodgen, Jeff
Hoffman, Bobby
Hoffman, Dustin
Hollywood Foreign Press Association
Hollywood Reporter
Hollywood Walk of Fame
Holy City Zoo
Home Alone films
Homicide (TV show)
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (film)
Honeymooners, The (TV show)
Hook, Theodore
Hook (film)
Hope, Bob
Hopkins, Anthony
Horn, Roy
Houdini, Harry
Houseman, John
House of D (film)
Howard, Ron
“How to Remove a Rhinoceros from Your Bed” sketch
How to Stuff a Wild Bikini (film)
Huey, Edward
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (film)
hungry i
Hunt, Bonnie
Hunter, Stephen
Hurt, Mary Beth
Hurt, William
Hussein, Saddam
Ice House
Idle, Eric
If You Don’t Stop It … You’ll Go Blind (film)
Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde)
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (film)
In Living Color (TV show)
Insomnia (film)
IO West Comedy Club
Iraq War
Irons, Jeremy
Ironweed (film)
Irving, John
Irwin, Bill
Isherwood, Charles
It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (film)
Izzard, Eddie
Jack (film)
Jackson, Michael
Jackson 5
Jacquet, Jeffrey
Jakob the Liar (film)
Jakub, Lisa
Janin, Laura McLaurin (grandmother)
Janin, Robert Armistead (grandfather)
Janis, Conrad
Janssen, Dani
Jazz Workshop
Jean, Wyclef
Jessel, George
Joanie Loves Chachi (TV show)
Jobs, Steve
Joffe, Charles H.
Joffé, Roland
Johnson, Dwayne (The Rock)
Johnson, Lezlie
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Johnson, Mark
Johnson, Robert A.
Johnston, Joe
Jones, Chuck
Joplin, Janis
Joseph, Rajiv
Juilliard School
Jumanji (film)
Kahn, Madeline
Kahn, Michael
Kanew, Jeff
Karate Kid films
Karma Pie
Kassovitz, Peter
Katrina, Hurricane
Katzenberg, Jeffrey
Kaufman, Andy
Kaufman, Moisés
Kaye, Danny
Kehr, Dave
Kelly, David E.
Kennedy, Ted
Kennedy Center
Kerr, Elizabeth
Kerry, John
Kidder, Frank
Kid Rock
Kind Hearts and Coronets (film)
Kingsboro Psychiatric Center
Klein, Robert
Kline, Kevin
Knowles, John
Konigsberg, Martin
Kosinski, Jerzy
Kramer, Jeremy S.
Krassner, Paul
Krempetz, Ronald
Kristofferson, Kris
Krug, Mitch
Kubrick, Stanley
Ku Klux Klan
Kussman, Dylan
LaGravenese, Richard
Lahr, Bert
Lahti, Christine
Landis, John
Landry, Tom
Lane, Nathan
La Salamandra café
Last Emperor, The (film)
Last Picture Show, The (film)
Last Wave, The (film)
Late Show (TV show)
Laugh Factory
Laugh-In (TV show)
Laughton, Charles
Laurent, Susan Todd
Laverne & Shirley (TV show)
Lazar, Irving “Swifty”
Leaves of Grass (Whitman)
Led Zeppelin
Lee, Pat Tourk
Lee, Spike
Lee Daniels’ The Butler (film)
Lefèvre, Pierre
Legend of Zelda, The (video game)
Lembeck, Harvey
Lemmon, Jack
Lenin, Nicky
Lennon, John
Leno, Jay
Leonard, Robert Sean
Lethal Weapon films
Letterman, David
Levin, Robert
Levine, Richard
Levinson, Barry
Levinson, Diana
Levy, Eugene
Levy, Frank
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, Jerry
Lewis, Richard
Lewy body dementia
License to Wed (film)
Life Is Beautiful (film)
Lightfoot, Gordon
Lincoln, Abraham
Lipkin, Shelly
Lithgow, John
Little House on the Prairie (TV show)
Little Mermaid, The (film)
Little Prince, The (Saint-Exupéry)
Live Aid
Live at the Roxy (TV special)
Local Hero (film)
Lonow, Mark
Lord of the Rings, The (Tolkien)
Lorre, Peter
Los Angeles
District Attorney’s Office
Los Angeles magazine
Los Angeles Times
Lost in Translation (film)
Louie (TV show)
Louis C.K.
Love of Life (TV show)
Lover, The (Pinter)
Love Story (film)
Lucas, George
LuPone, Patti
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
MacMurray, Fred
Madden, Molly
Magnum P.I. (TV show)
Mallick-Williams, Alex (daughter-in-law)
Manard, Biff
Manchester, Melissa
Mandel, Babaloo
Mandel, Howie
Man of the Year (film)
Marathon Man (film)
Marceau, Marcel
Marcus, DeVera
Marcus, Michael
Margaret, princess of England
Margolis, Gerald
Marin County
Sheriff’s Office
Markowitz, Mitch
Mark Twain Prize
Maron, Marc
Marshall, Garry
Marshall, Penny
Marshall, Scott
Martin, Andrea
Martin, Dean
Martin, Steve
Marx, Groucho
Marx Brothers
Mary Poppins (film)
Masada, Jamie
M*A*S*H (film)
M*A*S*H (TV show)
Maslin, Janet
Mastroianni, Marcello
Matawaran, Lorenzo
Matheson, Richard
Mathews, Jack
Matlin, Marlee
Matthau, Walter
Matthews, Dakin
Maupin, Armistead
May, Elaine
Mayor of Castro Street, The (proposed film)
Mazursky, Paul
McCarver, Tim
McEnroe, John
McHale, Cyndi
McLaurin, Anselm Joseph (great-great-grandfather)
McRaven, Dale
Meisner, Sandy
Memento (film)
Menchel, Michael
Menken, Alan
Mercer, Lucy
Merman, Ethel, 210, 213?
Merv Griffin Show, The
Metropolitan Opera
Midler, Bette
Midnight Cowboy (film)
Midnight Run (film)
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)
Milk, Harvey
Miller, George
Miller, Mark
Mills, David
Minns, Cheri
Mission, The (film)
Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood (TV show)
Mitchell, Elvis
Moayed, Arian
Moffitt, John
Molinaro, Al
Monroe, Marilyn
Monty Python
Mooney, Paul
Moranis, Rick
Morgenstern, Joe
Mork & Mindy (TV show)
Belushi and
cancellation of
creation of
Golden Globes and
merchandising and
“Mork Meets Robin Williams” episode
popularity of
Robin’s partying and
scripts and improvising in
Winters and
Morra, Buddy
Morra, Brezner, Steinberg & Tenenbaum
Morricone, Ennio
Morse, Dale
Moscow on Hudson (film)
Mother Fletcher’s bar
Mrs. Doubtfire (film)
Marsha and
success of
Mr. T
Mull, Martin
Mullen, Mike
Murphy, Eddie
Murray, Bill
Musgrave, William
Music Man, The (musical)
Musker, John
My Favorite Martian (TV show)
My Left Foot (film)
My Own Private Idaho (film)
Mystic River (film)
Nardino, Gary
Nashville (film)
National Committee for an Effective Congress
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Enquirer
National Hockey League
National Institute on Aging/Alzheimer’s Disease Association
Nedboy, Mary
Neeson, Liam
Negron, Taylor
Neighborhood Playhouse
Nelson, Willie
Network (film)
Newton, Isaac
New York
New York Daily News
New Yorker
New York Review of Books