by Dave Itzkoff
New York Times
Nichols, Mike
Nicholson, Jack
Night at the Museum (film)
Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (film)
Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (film)
Night Listener, The (film)
Nightline (TV show)
Night of At Least a Dozen Stars, The (fund-raiser)
Night of the Iguana, The (Williams)
Nilsson, Harry
Nine Months (film)
Nixon, Richard
Nolan, Christopher
Norton, Edward
Novello, Don
Obama, Barack
O’Brien, Conan
O’Connor, Carroll
Odd Couple, The (TV show)
Official Preppy Handbook, The (Birnbach)
Off the Wall
Old Dogs (film)
Old Fire Hall
Old Spaghetti Factory
Oliver! (musical)
Olivier, Laurence
One Day at a Time (TV show)
One Hour Photo (film)
One Thousand and One Nights
On the Rox
On the Town (film)
Open Theater
Oppenheimer, Todd
Oswalt, Patton
Othello (Shakespeare)
Other Café
O’Toole, Peter
Overton, Rick
Ovitz, Michael
Paar, Jack
Pacific Conservatory of the Performing Arts
Pacino, Al
Palance, Holly
Palance, Jack
Palin, Michael
Palin, Sarah
Papaya Juice group
Paper Chase, The (film)
Papp, Joseph
Papush, Howard
Paris, Jerry
Patch Adams (film)
Patinkin, Mandy
Pearl, Minnie
Pearl, Steven
Peckinpah, Sam
Penn, Sean
Perri, Paul
Petty, Lori
Philadelphia Inquirer
Phil Donahue Show, The (TV show)
Phillips, Greg
Phil Silvers Show, The (TV show)
Picasso, Pablo
Pickering, Sam
Picnic at Hanging Rock (film)
Pinter, Harold
Pirandello, Luigi
Pitta, Mark
Platoon (film)
Platt, Christie
Poehler, Amy
Poiret, Jean
Popeye (film)
Popular Mechanics
Poston, Tom
Presley, Elvis
Prinze, Freddie
Pritchard, Michael
Pryor, Richard
Public Theater
Punch Line club
Rabbit Test (film)
Radner, Gilda
Raging Bull (film)
Ragtime (Doctorow)
Rainmaker, The (film)
Rain Man (film)
Ramis, Harold
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ronald
Reality … What a Concept (album)
Grammy Award
Redwood High School
Reed, Jerry
Rees, Roger
Reeve, Alexandra
Reeve, Christopher
accident of
death of
Reeve, Dana
Reeve, Matthew
Reeve, Will
Reiner, Carl
Reitman, Ivan
Revenge of the Nerds (film)
Reversal of Fortune (film)
Reynolds, Burt
Richard Pryor Show, The (TV show)
Richards, Ann
Rick and Ruby
Rickey, Carrie
Rickles, Don
Ritchie, Michael
Ritter, John
Rivers, Joan
Robbins, Tim
Roberts, Julia
Robin Williams Center
Robin Williams Live 2002 (album)
Rock, Chris
Rodriguez, Paul
Rogers, Fred
Rogers, Ginger
Rolling Stone
Rollins, Jack
Rollins, Joffe, Morra & Brezner
Romanek, Mark
Romano, Ray
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roper, Carole
Ross, Diana
Ross, Lillian
Rossio, Terry
Roth, Joe
Royal Oak Music Theatre
Ruehl, Mercedes
Rushdie, Salman
Rushton, Matthew
Russell, Kurt
Russell, Phil
RV (film)
Sacks, Oliver
SAG-AFTRA Foundation
Sagan, Carl
Sahl, Mort
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
San Francisco
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Civic Auditorium
San Francisco Comedy Competition
San Francisco Superior Court
San Rafael Daily Independent Journal
Sarlatte, Bob
Sarris, Andrew
Saturday Night Live (TV show)
Savoy Tivoli
Scharre, Douglas
Schindler’s List (film)
Schlatter, George
Schlesinger, John
Schneider, Casey
Schneider, Peter
Schneider, Susan (third wife)
death of Robin and
marriage to Robin
Robin’s illness and
Robin’s will and
Schulman, Miriam
Schulman, Tom
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
Sciorra, Annabella
Scratch, Derf
Screen Actors Guild
Screen Actors Guild Award
SCTV (TV show)
Second City
Secret Agent, The (film)
Seff, Brian
Segar, E. C.
Seize the Day (film)
Sellers, Peter
Señor Wences
Separate Peace, A (Knowles)
September 11, 2001 attacks
Serling, Rod
Sessums, Kevin
Set List (improv show)
sex, lies and videotape (film)
Shaffer, Paul
Shah, P.K.
Shaiman, Marc
Shakespeare, William
Shakes the Clown (film)
Shales, Tom
Shandling, Garry
Shaw, Gary
Sheff, David
Sheff, Nic
Shelley Duvall’s Faerie Tale Theatre (TV show)
Shelton, Ron
Shore, Mitzi
Short, Martin
Short, Nancy
Shorter, Frank
Show Biz club
Shydner, Rich
Silence of the Lambs (film)
Silverberg, Robert
Silver Foxes II (video)
Silverman, Sarah
Simmons, Gene
Simon, David
Simon, Stephen
Simpsons (TV show)
Sinatra, Frank
Singer, Randi Mayem
Singin’ in the Rain (film)
Siskel, Gene
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Sister Terri (TV pilot)
Six Characters in Search of an Author (Pirandello)
Sketches New and Old (Twain)
Skinner, Edith
Smiley, Stu
Smith, Cathy Evelyn
Smith, Elizabeth
Smith, Laura McLaurin Janin (grandmother)
Smith, Liz
Smith, Robert Forest
Smith-Williams, McLaurin (half brother)
Soap (TV show)
Soderbergh, Steven
Sones, Sonya
/> Sony Pictures
Sorvino, Mira
Spaghetti Jam
Spano, Joe
Spencer, Dan
Spencer, Rebecca Erwin
Spielberg, Max
Spielberg, Steven
Spinks, Leon
Spook Show, The (Goldberg)
Spottiswoode, Roger
Springsteen, Bruce
Staahl, Jim
Stalag 17 (film)
Stallone, Sylvester
Stanley, Alessandra
Stanton, Harry Dean
Starman (film)
Star of the Family (TV show)
Star Trek (TV show)
Star Trek V (film)
Star Wars (film)
Steinberg, David
Steinberg, Mason
Stevens, Don
Stewart, Jimmy
Stewart, Jon
Stewart, Martha
Stiers, David Ogden
Stiller, Ben
Stiller, Jerry
Sting, The (film)
Stitt, Don
Stone, Oliver
Storm, Howard
Stripes (film)
Stroheim, Erich von
Strut and Fret Theater
Studio 54
Sudeikis, Jason
Sullivan, Ed
Summer, Donna
Superman (film)
Super Mario Bros. (video game)
Survivors, The (film)
Tabitha (TV show)
Taming of the Shrew, The (Shakespeare)
Taxi Driver (film)
Taxi (TV show)
Tenant, The (film)
Tenenbaum, Stephen
Tennyson, Alfred Lord
Tepper, Paul
“Terrorist Inside My Husband’s Brain, The” (Schneider)
Tharp, Twyla
Thatcher, Margaret
Thomas, Dylan
Thomas, Jay
Thomerson, Tim
Thoreau, Henry David
Three’s Company (TV show)
Throbbing Python of Love (album)
Throckmorton Theatre
Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (film)
Ticonderoga, USS (carrier)
Tiegs, Cheryl
Times of London
Tin Men (film)
Titanic (film)
To Die For (film)
To Kill a Mockingbird (film)
Tolkien, J. R. R.
Tonight Show (TV show)
Carson’s final show
Robin’s debut on
Tony Awards
Tootsie (film)
Topo Gigio
To Tell the Truth (TV show)
To Wong Foo, Thanks for Everything! Julie Newmar (film)
Toys (film)
Trading Places (film)
Tramer, Bennett
Travis, Greg
Travolta, John
Trident club
Turan, Kenneth
Turner, Tina
TV Guide
Twain, Mark
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare)
Tyson, Mike
Under Milk Wood (Thomas)
Universal Amphitheatre
University of Florida “Gator Growl” performance
Unknown Chaplin (documentary film)
Up in Arms (musical)
USA for Africa
USA Today
Vacation (film)
Valli, Frankie
Van Allsburg, Chris
Vanity Fair
Van Sant, Gus
Velardi, Valerie (first wife)
birth of Zak and
death of Robin and
divorce from Robin and
marital problems and
marries Robin
Marsha Garces hired by
post-divorce relationship with Robin
Robin’s will and
Vietnam War
View, The (TV show)
Village People
Village Voice
Wagstaffe, Jim
Waiting for Godot (Beckett)
Waller, Fats
Wallis, Cynthia “Kiki”
Wall Street (film)
Wall Street Journal
Walters, Barbara
Ward, Vincent
Warhol, Andy
Washington Post
Wasserman, John
Wayne, John
Weapons of Self Destruction tour
Wedding, A (film)
Weinstein, Bob
Weinstein, Harvey
Weir, Peter
Weir, Wendy
Welch, Raquel
Welk, Lawrence
Welles, Orson
Welsh, Jon
Weltman, Andy
What Dreams May Come (film)
When Harry Met Sally (film)
White Men Can’t Jump (film)
Whitman, Walt
Willard, Fred
Williams, Anson
Williams, Cecil
Williams, Cody Alan (son)
Williams, Laurie McLaurin Janin Musgrave Smith (mother)
Academy Awards and
death of
death of husband and
Williams, Ralph
Williams, Robert Fitz-Gerrell “Rob” (father)
alcohol and
death of
Robin’s acting career and
Williams, Robert Ross (grandfather)
Williams, Robert Todd “Todd” (half-brother)
Williams, Robin McLaurin
Academy Award nominations
Academy Awards cohosted by
Academy Award win for Good Will Hunting
Adventures of Baron Munchausen and
affairs and Carter lawsuit
affairs and sexuality of
agents and
aging and
Aladdin and
Alcoholics Anonymous and
Angriest Man in Brooklyn and
August Rush and
Awakenings and
Being Human and
Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo and
Best of Times and
Bicentennial Man and
Big White and
Birdcage and
birth of
Blue Wolf and
Boarding House fund-raiser and
Cadillac Man and
childhood of
at Claremont Men’s College
Club Paradise and
at College of Marin
comedic style and characters of
Comedy Awards Stand-Up Icon Award
Comedy Store and
comic books and
Comic Relief and
competitiveness of
Crazy Ones and
Creative Coalition Award and
daughter Zelda and
Dead Again and
Dead Poets Society and
death of, by suicide
death of Belushi and
death of father and
death of half-brother Todd and
death of Lennon and
death of Margolis and
death of mother and
death of Prinze and
death of Pryor and
death of Reeve and
death of Winters and
Death to Smoochy and
decides to pursue acting career
Deconstructing Harry and
depression and
at Detroit Country Day School
Disney feud and, on Aladdin merchandising
divorce from Marsha
divorce from Valerie
drinking and drugs and
drinking relapse of
early girlfriends and
early jobs and
early managers and
early performances at Pacific Conservatory
Emmy Awards homage and
fame and
family background of
amily moves as child and
father and
Fathers’ Day and
Ferngully and
fiftieth birthday
film career begun by
film debut of
film roles chosen by, and anguished characters
Final Cut and
first comedy album of, with Tramer
first comedy show of
first professional bio of
Fisher King and
Flubber and
friendship with Crystal
friendship with Letterman
friendship with Reeve
friendship with Winters
gay rights and
Golden Globes and
Golden Globes Cecil B. DeMille Award
Good Morning, Vietnam and
Good Morning, Vietnam soundtrack album and
Good Will Hunting and
Grammy Awards
Great American Music Hall and
half brothers and
Hazelden Foundation and
HBO specials
heart surgery
Hells Angels and
home in Lake Forest as child
home in Napa Valley
home in San Francisco with Marsha
home in Stonycroft mansion as child
home in Tiburon, as adult
home in Tiburon, as child
home in Topanga Canyon
homelessness and
Hook and
House of D and
improv and
influence of Dunn on
influence of Pryor on
influence of Winters on
Insomnia and
Jack and
Jakob the Liar and
at Juilliard
Jumanji and
Lee Daniels’ the Butler and
at Lembeck workshops
Lewy body dementia
License to Wed and
Live at the Roxy (TV special)
Lover and
managers at Rollins Jaffe and
Man of the Year and
marriage and relationship with Marsha Garces
marriage and relationship with Susan Schneider
marriage and relationship with Valerie Velardi
Marsha Garces as assistant to
memorials to
memory skills of
Metropolitan Opera concert
mime with Oppenheimer and
Mork & Mindy and
Mork created by, for Happy Days
Moscow on the Hudson and
mother and
moves to California as teen
moves to Los Angeles with Velardi
moves to San Francisco after Juilliard
Mrs. Doubtfire and
Night at the Museum films and
Night Listener and
Nine Months and
Old Dogs and
One Hour Photo and
Parkinson’s diagnosis
Patch Adams and
personality and insecurities of
pets and
philanthropy and
Picasso painting and
plagiarism and
politics and
Popeye and
publicist Endler and
Reality … What a Concept album and
at Redwood High School
Robin Williams Live 2002 album and
Rolling Stone cover and
RV and
Saturday Night Live and
Schlatter lawsuit and
Screen Actors Guild Award
screenplays with Tramer and
Secret Agent and
Seize the Day and
Set List show
Shakes the Clown and
sixtieth birthday
sixty-third birthday
sobriety following drinking relapse