Don't Look Back (The Becky Chronicles, Book 1)

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Don't Look Back (The Becky Chronicles, Book 1) Page 5

by Sienna Duncan

  “Turn around.” He spoke softly.

  I stepped away from the spray of the shower and heard Chad squeeze some shampoo in his hand.

  Have I said how much I love it when he washes my hair. Oh my! It is the almost orgasmic. I lost the train of thought as I felt his fingers massage my hair.

  My head fell backwards on its own accord. It felt just that good.

  He gently washed my hair and rinsed it out. Then he followed with the conditioner. I turned around to face him after he finished rinsing my hair, and grabbed the body wash. I poured some in my hand and then in his. We shared soft kisses as we washed each other’s body.

  I always felt so connected to Chad when we shared moments like this. After we were dried off, he intertwined our fingers and walked us back into our bedroom.

  We climbed into bed, exhausted. I snuggled up against Chad. He wrapped his arms around me.

  We fell asleep like that.




  I know I probably looked like a mad woman as I slapped my hand at the clock. I kept missing it.

  Chad groaned. He reached over my head and turned off the alarm.

  I reached for him as he started to get out of the bed.

  “Stay in the bed a little longer.”

  He looked at me over his shoulder and grinned.

  “I wish I could, but I have a meeting first thing this morning.”

  I sighed. Chad walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

  I got out of bed and started a pot of coffee. I don’t know about you, but I need my caffeine to function properly in the morning.

  A few minutes later Chad joined me for a cup. I couldn’t help but stand there and admire him. When he wears a suit, I want to sashay in front of him and be his naughty secretary.

  Yes, he is that hot!

  My eyes finally made their way up to his face. He smirked. Yep. Chad knew what I was thinking. He winked at me as he took a sip of his coffee.

  I giggled.

  He has a way of making me do that.

  “What are your plans today?’ Chad asked me as he took another sip of his coffee.


  He rolled his eyes.

  “Well, besides the obvious.” He laughed.

  “Actually, I received an email from Gwen yesterday. I have a meeting at her office on Monday.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “On Monday?”

  I nodded.

  Chad looked down. His jaw clenched, but he didn’t say anything.


  When Chad is silent, it usually means he is pissed.

  “I was surprised she gave such a short notice.”

  He snorted. “I’m not. This isn’t the first time she’s done it. And you know it.”

  Chad walked over to the sink and rinsed out his cup.

  “Chad, I…”

  He held up his hand for me to stop.

  “Don’t Becky. Just don’t.” He shook his head. “I going on to work. We’ll talk about this later.”

  Chad grabbed his keys and left without another word.

  What the hell?

  It isn’t like I called Gwen up and said, hey let’s have a meeting in a couple days. It’s been a couple weeks since I got back from my last assignment. You’d think I just got back the other day with the way he is acting.

  I mean, give me a break!

  I spent the day doing all the mundane chores. Yuck! I hated laundry more than anything. In this day and time, shouldn’t there be a dryer that can fold your clothes for you? It would be the best invention EVER!

  In between all that, I called and made reservations with one of the hotels in Fairhope. That was one less thing for me to have to worry about.

  Around 3:00, Chad sent me a text message. Working late. He and his dad, Gregory, are taking clients out to dinner.

  Well, alrighty then.

  I left the apartment a few minutes looking for something to eat. I pulled into Midas Burger! They have the BEST chicken sandwich in the world! I always get extra sauce too. The messier the better I always say.

  It only took a few minutes for them to have it ready and I was on my way home.

  My phone started ringing. It was Lynn. I quickly answered and she agreed to meet me at my apartment. She must’ve been close by, because she pulled up within seconds of my arrival. I filled her in on my upcoming trip and Chad’s reaction to it. She rolled her eyes and claimed that was typical of him.

  I should know better than to say anything to her right now. She is going through the “all men are dog shit” phase. I must admit, I feel the same way sometimes.

  “Hey! Maybe I can take off a couple days and come with you.”

  Lynn was practically bouncing up and down in excitement. I had a BAD feeling about this.

  “Um…don’t you think your mom will be pissed if you just go away this weekend?”

  Lynn’s parents owned a small convenience store in the next town. When we were in college, she was getting her degree in business so she could successfully take over when they decided to retire.

  “She’ll get over it. Plus, my dad said it would be good for me to get out of town for a few days.”

  I knew Barry was still harassing her. She had divorce papers delivered to him a couple days ago. Why can’t he just let go?

  I mean…move on already.

  “I’ll call my aunt and I know she’ll okay it for us to stay at her house there.”

  “I’ve already made reservations.”

  “Then you can cancel. Give me a sec to make this call.”

  It took Lynn less than five minutes to exchange pleasantries and get permission to stay at her aunt’s house in Fairhope. I canceled my reservations before Lynn left to break the news to her folks she would be gone for a few days.

  Around 7:45, I heard Chad unlock the door. I was sitting on the loveseat flipping through channels on the television.

  He was very quiet.

  I watched Chad lay his keys on the counter. He stuck his hands in his pockets and turned around to face me. He stood there for a moment before slowly walking into the living room. I looked up as he stopped in front of me. He just stared at me.

  “How was dinner?”

  He stood there without saying a word.

  “Okay…” What else was I supposed to say?

  Chad sat down beside me. He rubbed his face with his hand.

  “I’m sorry I left things the way I did this morning.” He paused for a second and sighed.

  “I guess I am just so frustrated with everything. From work to you traveling. and our mothers.” He groaned.

  Chad held up his hand to stop me from interrupting him. He nodded once he realized I wasn’t going to speak. Chad started to say something, but then he stood up, and walked to the center of the room. He rubbed the back of his neck and just stood there with his back to me.

  Now, that bothered me.

  “I’m afraid we are going to lose each other in the process of all this.” Chad barely spoke above a whisper.

  I heard every word.

  I stood up and joined him. Chad’s back was still facing me. I touched his arm to get his attention.

  Chad turned his head slightly.

  I touched his face with my fingertips. He closed his eyes at my touch.

  “We won’t lose each other, Chad.”

  “How do you know that?” The pain was evident in his eyes.

  He is really worried. I stopped the tears that were trying to gather in my eyes. No time for that!

  “I love you too much to let it happen.”

  Chad turned around and leaned forward. He pressed his forehead against mine. The back of his hand caressed my face, while his other hand slid into my hair.

  “I love you so much. I know I can be an ass sometimes.”

  I laughed.

  “I don’t know what I would do if I lost you.”

  My breath caught. Have I said how much I love this man?

/>   “You will never have to find out.” I kissed his forehead and worked my way down to his lips.

  We spent the rest of the evening talking about everything.


  One thing we both agree on is that we are going to have to put our feet down where our families are concerned. The pressure is suffocating!

  We are still trying to make sure we are completely stable, financially, before we make any decisions about the future.

  I mean, isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?

  We fell asleep cuddled together.

  It was more intimate than we had been in a long time.


  By the time Sunday rolled around, I was ready for this trip to be over. I was dreading the five hours it would take to drive to Fairhope.

  Lynn was excited enough for both of us.

  She had all kinds of snacks and drinks for the drive down there. Thank goodness for her family being in the convenience store business!

  It was harder to leave Chad this time. He reminded me this was just a short trip for a meeting. The kiss he gave me before we left…my toes curled.

  Lynn insisted on driving. She didn’t trust my little black Honda. It’s a good car!

  Okay… fine.

  I need a couple new tires.

  Big deal!

  We arrived in Fairhope around five o’clock that evening. Her aunt’s house is on South Mobile Street. There are some historic houses near hers.

  It is absolutely beautiful. Her house is waterside. All you have to do is walk out the back door, and there is a magnificent view of Mobile Bay.

  A short walk from there led to the pier and the most beautiful fountain I have ever seen. There is also a small beach area. No need to go to Gulf Shores. But who doesn’t want to go there?

  Unfortunately, there isn’t enough time this trip.

  Lynn laughed as she reminded me of our trip here when we were twenty- one years old. On a dare, I decided to get my tongue pierced. You should’ve seen my mama’s face when she found out.

  “I will never forget what your mom said to you. She hoped it would swell up and rot off.” Lynn laughed so hard she almost cried.

  “How can I forget? She reminds me of it to this day. Never mind that I took it out a few months later. She still hasn’t forgiven me for getting my nose pierced.”

  After we unpacked, Lynn and I decided to go pick up something fast for supper. There is a sandwich shop we saw on the way. We stopped by there to get turkey sandwiches and then headed back to the house.

  Chad called to make sure we made it safely.

  Lynn rolled her eyes.

  I went to bed soon after we ate, since the meeting is scheduled for 9:00 in the morning.

  It felt like my eyes had just closed when the alarm beeped.

  I cracked open my eyes.


  I groaned as I got up and headed to the shower. I selected a dark purple buttoned down top along with a pair of jeans. I put on a pair of black ankle boots I had packed. I looked cute, and more importantly, it’s comfortable.

  I walked into the kitchen to the wonderful smell of coffee. Lynn was pouring herself a cup. I walked over and did the same.

  She agrees with me. Absolutely NO talking until coffee has been consumed.

  I was halfway through my first cup when Lynn’s phone rang.

  She glanced at it and pushed it away.

  “Barry?” He has been driving her crazy.

  Lynn looked at me nervously.



  I looked at her, waiting for an explanation.

  “Don’t freak out, ok.”

  Now, when your bestie says not to freak out, it has to be bad.


  Hey, I’m a curious chick.

  She sucked in a breath.

  Uh oh! I have a bad feeling about this.

  “I have been chatting with some people online.”

  I looked at her skeptically. She knows how I feel about that chatting online crap.

  Too many freaky people. And not in a good way.


  “That was one of the guys I have been chatting with.”

  I could feel a headache coming on.

  “You gave him your number?” I asked a little sharper than I intended.

  Lynn grimaced. “Well…”

  I rolled my eyes in exasperation. “That is so dangerous! Are you crazy?”

  “Well, yeah I am, a little.” She tried to laugh it off.

  I looked at the time. It was 8:30.

  “You are saved because I have to leave, but this conversation isn’t over yet, chick.”

  “I know. But he makes me laugh. I know you think he is just trying to hook up.”

  I held my hand up to stop her.

  “Wait a minute. Have you talked about sex?”

  She glanced away.


  I rolled my eyes again.

  “We’ll talk about this when I get back. Try to behave yourself… if you can.”

  “Well, that’s no fun.” She laughed.

  I shook my head and walked out of the house.

  The Oasis office was only a couple blocks, so I decided to walk there. A little fresh air would be good. There was a light wind and it was a little chilly. Late April in Alabama is pretty much hit or miss where temps are concerned. It can be warm one day and then cool the next.

  I arrived at the office with four minutes to spare.

  I walked inside and was greeted by, Rachel, the receptionist. She said everyone was already in the conference room. I opened the door to the smell of fresh coffee and donuts.

  “Look who made it. And just in time.” Ted, the assistant editor, said as he looked at his watch.

  He’s such an ass!

  “I hope you had a good drive down here.” Gwen said as she sat down with her mug of coffee.

  She was dressed in a green sweater and black slacks. Her hair is what my mama would call fire engine red. She had it cut in a short stack. It complimented her features.

  The meeting started immediately after the pleasantries. We discussed sales and some of the vacation spots we thought needed to be checked out. There were several bed and breakfast establishments that had been opened. Gwen was looking for volunteers to check those out.

  She had lunch delivered, and the meeting was finally over.

  I heard Gwen call my name as I was getting ready to walk out the door. I turned around.

  “I’m glad I caught you before you left.”

  “What is it?”

  She smiled at me.

  “I hope you have given my offer some consideration.”

  Oh. That again.

  “I know your roots are in that little town you grew up in. But, I believe if you moved here, you would be gain a whole new perspective. Readers love what you write. And there is more room for growth in this magazine if you move. I want you to really consider it. This is my last offer.”

  I started to reject it, but she stopped me.

  “I don’t expect an answer today. I’ll you a couple weeks. Think about it.”

  I nodded. I knew better than to say anything right now. She doesn’t accept defeat easily.

  I called Lynn and found out she was a block away. Shopping.

  We spent the rest of the day looking in all the little shops. Lynn suggested an Italian restaurant not too far from the downtown area.

  I know what she was up to. Stuff me with food and I won’t question her about her online activity.

  “So, tell me about this guy you are chatting with.”

  Lynn had the good sense to blush.

  “Well, there is actually more than one I am talking to. I know what you are thinking. I’m being careful. I promise. I just wanna have fun. I haven’t had that in a really long time, Beck.”

  I nodded.

  “Please promise me you won’t give out your address, and you won’t meet
them by yourself.”

  She grinned. “I promise I will ask you to go with me when I meet them.”

  I almost choked on my food.

  “Did you say when you meet them.”

  Lynn cleared her throat. “Oh yeah, about that. I have been talking to this guy named Jared a lot. He wants to meet me, but lives in Birmingham.”

  She glanced away for a moment.

  “I hope I can talk you into going with me to meet him there.”

  “In Birmingham?”

  She nodded.

  This chick is nuts! What man is going to ask her to drive all the way to Birmingham?


  I have to admit I was momentarily stunned.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “I can’t help it. I think you’re crazy, but I am not going to let you go alone. Just going to meet him in Birmingham is a little scary.” I shuddered at the thought.

  She is willing to drive over an hour to meet his person. Crazy!

  “It’ll be fine. You’ll see.”

  “I bet.” I said under my breath.

  She changed the subject after that. I was grateful. Too crazy for me.

  We got back to the house a couple hours later and I started packing everything up. I just left out an outfit to wear home. Less to have to worry about in the morning.

  Satisfied with everything, I climbed into bed.

  We didn’t leave until around 11:00. My dear friend decided she needed her beauty sleep.


  Our trip home was uneventful. Unless you count listening to Lynn’s conversations with Jared. Whoever the freak is.

  Her giggling was almost gag worthy. How can you be so serious with someone you haven’t met?

  She was almost giddy.

  I am still uncomfortable with that.

  I just feel that there is too much to hide over the internet. That’s all I have to say about it.

  Well…for now.

  I called and left Chad a message to let him know I would be home before he got off from work. He returned my call a few minutes later.

  It was so good hearing his voice.

  Until he said we had been invited to dinner with his parents.


  Nothing like a night with Gregory and Annette Matthews. They aren’t that bad.

  Not really.

  I just feel like I am under a freaking microscope the whole time.


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