Don't Look Back (The Becky Chronicles, Book 1)

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Don't Look Back (The Becky Chronicles, Book 1) Page 6

by Sienna Duncan

  His mama and mine are cut from the same cloth. I swear, they must compare notes or something.

  Chad picked me up as soon as he got home. I had not been home very long, so I pulled my hair back in a low ponytail and called myself ready. I didn’t bother to change my clothes.

  We pulled up to their house a few minutes later. His dad, Gregory, greeted us on the front porch.

  I was always amazed how much Chad looked like his father. Same dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Same outgoing personalities. His dad just a few lines around his eyes and a little gray in hair.

  “Your mama has been busy in the kitchen. If you don’t believe me, just ask her, and she will tell you.” He winked at us.

  We laughed. Annette was one of those women who like to complimented about everything. She wanted you to know all the “hard” work she did to accomplish whatever was before her.

  Sometimes she made me go cross-eyed.

  There is only so much a girl can take!

  I could smell her pot roast the moment we walked in.

  It is one of Chad’s favorite dishes.

  Oh, she’s good. Buttering us up for something. I’ll have to watch her carefully this evening.

  Thankfully, a lifetime of being around my mama has prepared me.

  We were had finished dinner, which was delicious, when Annette cleared her voice.

  I had learned to brace myself when a mama does that.

  Whatever they are going to say, it is never pleasant.

  “So, what plans do you kids have for the summer?”

  Chad had just picked up his glass of tea, but thought better of it, and put it back down. He glanced at me.

  I know that look. He grabbed my hand under the table and gently squeezed it for support.

  He was brave enough to answer.

  “We haven’t made any plans yet. We talked about a cruise, but nothing for sure. Why?”

  Very brave or very stupid.

  His mother smiled. “I know you hate it when I bring it up, but I am not getting any younger.”

  Chad interrupted his mother with a loud groan.

  “You promised you would lay off.” He looked over at his dad for help.

  Annette spoke before his dad had a chance.

  “I would like to have some grandkids around here before I get too old to play with them.”

  Yep. Sounds just like my mama. I half expect her to be hiding behind a door.

  Gregory finally spoke up.

  “Annette.” He shook his head.

  She narrowed her eyes, but didn’t say anything else.

  Chad stood up and pulled me with him.

  “Supper was delicious. Thank you for inviting us.”

  We started walking toward the door.

  “You’re leaving?” Her voice was disappointed.

  “I think it might be best.”

  His mother sighed.

  Gregory walked up to us.

  “Let me walk you out.”

  “Thank you for inviting us.” I forced a smile at Annette.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. No need to rush off.”

  “I’ll call you tomorrow.” Chad said to his mother as we walked out the door.

  Out on the front porch, Gregory apologized. Chad and I both knew it wouldn’t change anything.

  Our mamas are determined!

  No words were needed as we drove back to our apartment. It felt good to be back home. I relaxed when we walked through the door.

  I just wanted to climb into the bed and recover from the long drive.

  Chad walked up behind me and started massaging my shoulders. He nuzzled the side of my neck and then the other side, kissing the sensitive spot behind my ears. His hands made small circles as he worked his way down my back.

  Chad rested his hands on my hips. He pulled me closer and I could feel his arousal against my hip.

  I sucked in a breath as he slid his hand inside the front of my jeans. His finger quickly found my clit and he began to circle with just the right amount of pressure. Chad moved his finger faster, and my body was demanding its release.

  I heard the sound of his zipper and my body clenched knowing his cock would be buried inside me soon. I pushed back, desperate to feel him. He stepped back long enough to pull my jeans down and I kicked them away along with his.

  Chad grabbed my hand and pulled me into our bedroom. He propped one of my feet on the bed and urged me to lean forward and hold on.

  Chad entered me with a hard thrust. He moved one hand back to my clit. Rubbing circles as he thrust again.

  “You’re so wet.” His voice was husky with need.

  He pounded into me harder and harder until I screamed as wave after wave of orgasm took over.

  I felt him shuddering behind me as he found his release.

  We collapsed on the bed.

  “I love you. Welcome home.” He said in between catching his breath.

  I laughed. “I love you.”

  Chad kissed my forehead before getting up to start the shower. My legs felt like jelly. I walked slowly into the bathroom to join him.

  I think we kissed more than washed our bodies. It took a while, because we were very thorough. We snuggled against each other as we fell asleep.

  All “welcome homes” should be like that.


  Sometimes we let so many things distract us from what is really important. We don’t see the way we sabotage ourselves.

  I get these random thoughts in my head. My best friend thinks I am crazy, but she doesn’t disagree with my thoughts.

  Just the fact that I have them.

  This morning Lynn called me all excited about meeting Jared tonight. They have been chatting and talking on the phone for a while. She says sometimes they stay up all night.

  I really don’t want to know.

  She did imply that “pinkie” is getting a good workout.

  Oh yeah… that’s what she calls the vibrator I bought her.

  She. Actually. Named. It.

  I am not kidding! You can’t make up shit like that!

  I tried to explain to Chad that it is necessary for me to go with her to Birmingham to meet this freak. I mean, Jared. He didn’t find it as humorous as I did. Actually, he pretty upset that I decided to go without talking to him about it first.

  Like I have to talk to him about it.

  Geez! I thought I left that behind when I moved out of my parents’ house.

  Chad was all frustrated when he finally said I was going to do whatever wanted to anyway. It didn’t matter what he thought.

  Well… that just pissed me off!

  So, that made me more determined to go with her.

  The only problem? We know not absolutely nothing about Birmingham.

  We were supposed to meet him at a convenience store.

  We waited for a few minutes when Jared called Lynn.

  He pulled up beside us within minutes, but he was not alone.

  Lynn looked a little nervous.

  “He just told me he brought a friend of his for you since he came to see me.”

  I know my mouth dropped open.

  “What?” I know my alarm came through my voice, because Lynn cringed.

  She held up her hands.

  “I didn’t know he was going to do that. He just told me when he called.”

  Great! Just great!

  We got out of the car and Jared gave Lynn a big hug.

  “I can’t believe you came.” He seemed genuinely surprised.

  “I told you I would.”

  His friend, Paul, they said that was his name anyway, walked over to me.

  “Hey.” He smiled at me.

  “Hello.” I didn’t want to give him any ideas.

  I must admit Paul is not ugly by any means. His dark brown hair was starting to curl around the collar of his shirt, and when he smiled, there was the cutest set of dimples I have ever seen.

  His closeness got my attention.


  When did he get so close? Paul reached out his hand and lifted my chin.

  “Excuse me. What are doing?” I pulled my head back.

  He smiled and then cocked an eyebrow at me.

  Before I could pull back completely from him, Paul kissed my lips.

  Wait! What?

  I pushed him back.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I was outraged!

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “Baby? I am not your baby! And I did not give your permission to kiss me.”

  He laughed.


  “I didn’t ask.” He lifted his head toward Lynn and Jared. “Look.”

  I turned toward them and saw Jared and Lynn kissing. He had her pinned against the car door. She was giving as good as she got.

  Well…not this chick!

  I held my hands up defensively.

  “Look, you have the wrong idea. I have a boyfriend, and I only came here so Lynn wouldn’t be by herself.”

  He put his hands in his narrow hips and stared at me.

  “Really?” He asked in disbelief.

  “Yes, really. I did not come to hook up with anybody.”

  He sighed and then nodded.

  “Okay. I misunderstood, and think Jared did too.”

  I heard Lynn’s voice raise a little.

  “I don’t think so.”

  I walked over to her.

  “Is everything okay?”

  She looked a little stricken. I saw Jared smirk at Paul.

  I looked at her, trying to send her a silent message. Lynn nodded.

  “Let’s go.” I walked around to the passenger side of the car.

  I didn’t bother to say good bye. Kiss my ass. Nothing.

  The only thing I heard Lynn say was that we needed to get back. I think I heard her say something about my boyfriend being pissed.

  That was an understatement.

  Not only that, I had a bone to pick with her. Why did Paul have the impression I was there for him? Why did Jared think it was a good idea to bring him along?

  Lynn finally got into the car.

  We sat there for a moment before she started it and pulled out onto the road. Thankfully, the store was right off the interstate. We got on I65 and headed back home.

  The silence was stifling. I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “What the hell was that about, Lynn?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know? Well, let me tell you. Paul was under the impression I was there for his entertainment. He kissed me! Do you know how stunned I was to hear him tell me Jared brought him specifically for that shit?”

  Lynn didn’t say a word. I mean, what could she say?

  “I’m sorry, okay. I really didn’t know he was bringing a friend until he called. I definitely didn’t know he was expecting all that. Jared asked me if I wanted him to rent a room. He said Paul was game if we were. I couldn’t believe it.”

  I stared at her in disbelief.

  “I don’t know why you didn’t expect that. You have been talking all kinds of shit with him. And no, I don’t think I want to know.”

  “I know shouldn’t have. He was just so sweet to me on the phone. So sexy. He talked me through an orgasm the other night.” She sighed.

  I shook my head.

  “Stop! I didn’t need to know that, Lynn.”

  She shrugged.

  “Now I know why he thought you were an easy piece.”

  She gasped.

  “Well, that’s harsh!”

  “I’m sorry you think it’s harsh, but it’s true. And you know it.”

  “I know.” She agreed, but I could tell she was pissed by what I said.

  I looked at my phone and had two missed calls from Chad.


  I sent him a quick message to let him know we were on our way back. I would explain the fiasco to him then. He instantly replied that he would wait up for me.

  “I’m sorry, Becky. I just wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “It’s ok.”

  She dropped me off outside my apartment. Chad must’ve been looking out for me, because he held the door open.


  He lifted his eyebrows at the scowl I knew was in my face.

  “Was it that bad?” He closed the door and locked it.

  I groaned.


  Chad’s eyes widened.

  “What happened?”

  I sat down on the couch and he joined me there. I told him everything that happened. Yes, I told him about Paul kissing me. He was pleased when I told him I pushed Paul away and told him off. BUT, he was pissed the guy thought he could kiss me. He was more pissed by Lynn’s reckless actions. If I hadn’t been there tonight, there is no telling what kind of mess she would’ve gotten in to. That really scared me.

  I leaned my head on his shoulder. Chad firmly clasped my hand.

  “Promise me you will not go off with her again.” His voice was quiet, but fierce.

  “I can’t just let her go by herself.”

  “Yes, you can. If Lynn wants to do stupid shit like that, then you don’t need to get involved.”

  I pulled away from him. My eyebrows raised in disbelief.

  “If Lynn needs me, I will be there. You should know better than anyone else that I always stand by my friends. No matter what.”

  Chad exhaled loudly. He ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Even if I ask you to do this for me?”

  Low blow!

  I can’t believe he’s asking me to desert my best friend!

  I couldn’t sit there any longer. I stood up and walked toward our bedroom. I paused at the door and looked back at Chad. He was still sitting on the couch, but his eyes were following me.

  “I can’t believe you would ask me to choose.”

  Chad finally stood and walked over to me.

  “And I can’t believe you would put yourself in danger like that. There is only one choice here, Becky.”

  Chad’s face held barely contained fury. I defiantly stared back at him.

  There is no way I am backing down! You don’t do that to friends, no matter how much I love Chad.

  I shook my head.

  “Well, I don’t agree with you.” I turned around and walked into the bedroom.

  Chad followed me.

  “I hate it when you won’t listen to reason.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” I could feel my anger level rising.

  I grabbed my sleep shirt and walked passed Chad to the bathroom. I frantically took off my makeup while he watched me from the door. His silence was pissing me off more. Since he refused to give me any privacy, I quickly undressed and put on my sleep shirt. I walked passed him in a huff.

  Chad grabbed my arm and pulled me against him.

  I tried to pull away.

  His grip tightened.

  “It means I won’t just stand by and watch your best friend take you down whatever path she has decided to take.” He spoke through clenched teeth.

  We were both breathing heavily. I was beyond furious, and if the expression on Chad’s face was any indication, he was too.

  “This conversation is over.” I dared him to reply.

  He cocked and eyebrow.

  “This is far from over.”

  He loosened his grip and I pulled my arm away. I walked into the bedroom and climbed into bed without uttering another word. I turned so my back was facing him.

  Chad tossed his clothes to floor and then he got in the bed.

  I felt his arm wrap around my waist as he pulled me against his body. I groaned out of anger and frustration.

  “Stop fighting me, damn it! I’m on your side. Is it too much to ask for you to see it from my perspective?” He whispered furiously in my ear.


  Why does he have to sound rational?

  I relaxed a little. At the same time, I felt his hard arousa
l rub against me. My body automatically responded. I ground my ass into him. Chad growled in approval.

  “You make me so furious sometimes.” He nipped at my ear.

  “The feeling is mutual.”

  I was still pissed, but when he pulled up my sleep shirt all thoughts went with it. I hissed as he slipped his finger in between the folds to my clit. There was nothing slow about movements. Chad pressed firmly and rubbed in a circular motion. He increased his speed and I cried out as I quickly reached my release. I tried to catch my breath when Chad flipped me over onto my stomach.

  “Get on your knees, baby.” It was a command not a request.

  As soon as I got on my knees and planted my hands on the bed, Chad spread my legs further. He grabbed onto my hips and guided himself inside, but he didn’t move. I pushed back in frustration. His fingers started rubbing my clit. I began rocking against him.

  I needed to feel more! He was driving me crazy!

  Chad moved his fingers from my clit and gripped my hips again. He started to pull out and then he pushed back inside me with so much force, it pushed me across the bed. He jerked my hips back and entered me again. I gasped as he pounded into me at a furious pace.

  “Chad…I can’t.” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

  It was all too much.

  “Yes, you can. Come for me, Becky.” He growled.

  Chad never slowed his pace. I screamed as I finally came, and wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through my body. Chad moaned loudly, finally finding his release. He collapsed on the bed beside me.

  We laid there for a few minutes. It took that long for me to slow my breathing and the rapid beating of my heart.

  Chad silently stood up and grabbed my hand. He pulled me to the bathroom so we could shower together. There were no words spoken between us.

  The only sound was the steady stream of water.

  I knew our conversation was far from over. I waited for Chad to say something, but he remained quiet as we dressed for bed.

  After we settled in the bed, Chad pulled me close. He gently kissed my lips before leaning his forehead against mine.

  “I just…want you to be safe.” He whispered.

  I sighed.

  “I know you do. Please trust my judgement on this.”

  He nodded. “I’ll try, but I won’t like it.”

  I smiled. “That’s all I ask.”

  “I love you, Becky. If you were ever hurt…”

  “Hey, I’m right here. I’m here, safe with you.”


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