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Echoes Beneath (The Truth Series Book 2)

Page 16

by J. A. Owenby

  My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Was he leaving again? Would he be back? Was he already going back on his word?

  “Hey, it’s okay. I’m running to school, and I’ll be right back. I have an idea, and if it works, we’ll be going out tonight.”

  He kissed me goodbye and walked out the door once again.

  Chapter 34

  I heard the door open again forty-five minutes later.

  “Xander?” I asked, confused. He never went out for only a short time unless it was to the liquor store.

  “Hey, babe. I’m back.”

  I stared at him as he came into the living room and sat down with me on the love seat.

  “Listen. I have good and bad news. Which do you want first?”

  I bit my lip and searched his face.

  “The bad,” I whispered.

  “I ran into your mom on campus.”

  My eyes widened as his words registered.

  “What? Oh my God! Why won’t she give up and leave me alone?”

  The thought of running into her again sent chills through me. I rubbed my arms in an attempt to warm up.

  “It’s okay, babe. I talked to her.”

  “What?” I asked and leaned toward him. He had my full attention.

  “When I saw her, I walked right up to her.”

  “Did she remember you from that day?”

  “Oh yeah. I don’t think she likes me much,” Xander said and chuckled.

  I scooted over and closed the gap between us.

  “She doesn’t like guys much in general, so I wouldn’t take it personally.”

  “Trust me, I’m not gonna live my life based on your mother’s opinion of me.”

  “Was Patsy with her?”

  “Yeah, they were close to PLC Hall, where I have my English class. When I spotted them, I walked right up to her and asked what the hell she wanted.”

  “Oh my God! You did? You actually said that to her?” Xander had just become my hero. No one ever talked to Mama like that.


  “And?” I asked as I lightly patted his arm to continue.

  “She said she wanted to see you, and she wasn’t going to stop until she could sit down and talk to you.”

  I rolled my eyes. Mama wanting to talk meant her telling you what was wrong with you and how to fix it. It was always a one-sided conversation.

  “What did you say?”

  Xander ran his hand through his hair and smiled.

  “I told her that if she showed up again, I would not only call campus security, but I’d call the police. I also told her that you no longer lived on campus and that if you were interested in contacting her, you would. But until then, she needed to stay away from you or she would have bigger problems to deal with.”

  “Ohhh! I wish I could’ve seen her face!” I squealed. “Thank you. But if that was the bad news, then what’s the good?” I was unable to hide the excitement in my voice.

  Xander reached into his pocket and pulled out a small makeup compact. I frowned as he handed it to me.

  “It’s concealer from the drama department,” he said. “It’s way better at covering than the stuff you have. A few dabs and your bruise won’t show, which also means you can go back to class.”

  “Really?” I asked as I opened it. “I’m gonna go try it,” I said. I kissed him on the cheek and ran up the stairs to the bathroom.

  A few minutes later, I walked back into the living room and smiled.

  “What do you think?”

  Xander stood up and tilted my chin toward him. He turned my face to the left and then to the right. “That’s some good shit.”

  “I know, right?” I said and beamed up at him.

  “Go get changed. We should go out.”

  I jumped up and down and then wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “I love you. Thank you for taking care of Mama and getting the makeup for me.”

  “Love you too,” he said as he kissed the tip of my nose.

  I ran upstairs, all smiles. This was the Xander I’d fallen in love with. I’d missed him so much. Hopefully things would be good for a while now. I’d do everything in my power to make him happy.

  Chapter 35

  I smiled as I approached George, who was waiting for me on the steps outside of our health class.

  “Girl, I’m pissed at you,” George said as he hugged me. “Where the hell have you been? Have you been sick? I couldn’t even find Xander to see why you weren’t in class.”

  “Yeah, but I’m all better now,” I said as I smiled. The pain had lessened, but I was still aware of my bruise. Thank goodness it had faded a little bit—with the makeup, no one could see it.

  “You’ll never believe who I talked to,” George said. His smile lit up his entire face.



  My face fell as I remembered the conversation I’d had with Andy. I’d told him to call George. Crap, what had I done? Andy used coke as much as Xander, and I didn’t want that for George. He deserved better.



  “I know that look on your face. What’s going on? Why aren’t you happy for me?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I can’t tell you how I know this, but Andy isn’t the right guy for you.”

  “What are you talking about? He said you were the one who told him to call me.”

  “I did, but that was before I knew him very well.”

  “What do you mean? You know him well now?” he asked, as his brow furrowed.

  “I know more than I’d like to. Listen. I can’t explain it, but he’s not a good guy, and I don’t want you to get involved with him.”

  George frowned as he took a step backward. “You’re serious, aren’t you? And why can’t you tell me?”

  “Because it’s not my place. It also involves a lot of other people. Just please trust me and don’t go out with him.”

  He shook his head as he stared at me.

  “I don’t get it. You used to tell me everything, but I don’t even know who you are anymore. Xander is almost always with you, you don’t go anywhere except school and home, you skip classes, and you’re secretive.”

  He paused as he kicked at the ground. “Well, I guess if you decide I’m worthy of your friendship and you can trust me, come find me,” he said as he turned and walked into the building.

  My mouth hung open as I watched him walk away. What had just happened? What was he even talking about? I hadn’t changed. I just couldn’t tell him about Andy without implicating myself and Xander for having illegal drugs. I bit my lip and made it up the stairs and into class.

  I slipped into my normal seat next to George, but he refused to look at me.

  “What’s with you two?” Adalyn asked as she entered the class and sat in her seat.

  “Nothing, it was just a misunderstanding,” I muttered.

  “Mmm, I don’t think you can misunderstand that expression on his face. He looks pissed.”

  I leaned back in my seat and sighed.

  “He said I’ve changed,” I said as I glanced at her.

  “You have—you’re totally different since you started dating Xander. Hell, we never see you anymore except in class. You pretty much disappeared.”

  “I didn’t mean to.”

  “Look who decided to join us today,” Cassidy said as she slipped into her seat across the aisle from me.

  “Hey,” I said and attempted a smile.

  Cassidy leaned forward and peered at George, who continued to stare straight ahead.

  “You two fighting?”

  I loved how they both just spoke their mind.

  “I guess so,” I said as I glanced at him. He was really upset with me. I couldn’t do this.

  “Okay, let’s go,” I said as I stood up, grabbed George’s hand, and dragged him out of class and into the closest women’s bathroom.

  “What the hell?” George screeched.

p; “Hush,” I said. I checked for feet under the stalls and confirmed we were alone.

  If Xander found out about this I’d tell him what happened, but I needed to fix things with George. I didn’t have a lot of friends, and I couldn’t lose him.

  “Oh, your bathroom is way better than the men’s. Much cleaner,” he said, suddenly distracted as he took everything in.

  “Come on, seriously. We have to discuss this. You’re my best friend out here, and I can’t deal with us not talking.”

  He glared at me as he leaned against a sink.

  “I’ll tell you how I know about Andy, but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone. Remember our deal—you can’t tell the girls, or your brother, or his cat,” I said as I attempted a smile.

  “I’m waiting,” he replied as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and tilted his head.

  “Well, things got all messed up. It’s better now, but barely, and I’m scared if I tell you about it you’re gonna open your mouth and get me into trouble.”

  “Fine, we don’t even have to have this conversation,” he said as he turned and walked toward the door.

  “No, please stay. I’ll tell you.”

  He stopped and returned to lean on the sink.

  “Xander and I were at a party. We were actually at Andy’s house.” I paused as I contemplated if I was doing the right thing. I glimpsed at George and decided I was.

  “There were a lot of people there, including Brittney.”

  “Go on,” he said, motioning for me to hurry up.

  “The guys were playing poker, and I was at the card table with Xander. Anyway, Andy had some cocaine, so we all started doing lines.”

  “I’m so sorry, like, back the fuck up because I could’ve sworn you just said you guys were doing cocaine.”

  I closed my eyes for a minute. Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything. Well, it was too late now.

  “That’s what I said. I was high when I told Andy to call you. I’m so sorry, George. I just got really chatty, and I wasn’t thinking straight. Then, after everything was over, I realized I’d screwed up. I would never want you to date someone who was using drugs,” I gushed.

  “But are you? I mean, cocaine? Really? Like, what the hell is happening to you?”

  “I know. It was one night and it was so stupid. I can’t even tell you how stupid. The whole night was . . .” I couldn’t tell him any more than that.

  “What about Xander? You thought he was using a while ago, so is he?” he asked as his eyebrows knitted together.

  “Not anymore,” I whispered.

  “Hey! Look at me,” George demanded as he stomped his foot. “This is important, dammit.”

  I glanced at him and then down at the floor. I couldn’t stand to see his disappointment.

  “What’s he doing to you?”

  “No, it’s not like that. I promise,” I said as I shook my head.

  “It sure as hell looks like that from here.”

  “Things got bad for a little while, but it’s fine now. We’re doing a lot better.”

  “How bad? And no sugarcoating it. Tell me the truth,” he demanded, putting his hands on his hips.

  I walked over to the paper towels, pulled one down, wet it, and gently removed a small part of the makeup revealing my bruise. I turned toward him as tears began to stream down my face.

  “Shit,” he whispered as his eyes scanned my cheek. “Please tell me he didn’t do this to you.”

  “I can’t tell you that,” I hiccupped through my tears. “This is why I wasn’t at school. That night at the party got completely out of control. I thought Xander had . . . had slipped his hand down my shirt, but it wasn’t him. It was this guy named John, and when Xander saw him he beat the shit out of him. I thought he was going to kill him. It was horrible. There was blood everywhere, and a few other guys had to pull him off John. I was high and panicked. I took off running, out of Andy’s house and down the street in the pouring rain. It was pitch black, and I couldn’t see very well. The next thing I knew, Xander pulled up in his truck and told me to get in. I was so terrified after what he did to John that I said no. Then . . . this,” I said as I pointed at my cheek.

  I wiped my tears away and began reapplying the drama makeup to my bruise.

  “That’s not okay,” he whispered. “Are you in danger? I know someone who can help if we need to get you out.”

  I shook my head, and a sad smile spread across my face.

  “I’m okay, and it won’t happen anymore. He promised me, no more parties or coke. The coke makes him a different person. He gets mean when he’s using, but we’ve worked things out, and we’re okay now. It’s been good again. I feel like I’m back with the guy I fell in love with,” I said.

  “You can’t stay. Please tell me you want to leave him.”

  “It’s not like that, and this is why I didn’t want to tell you. It wasn’t Xander who hit me, it was the stupid coke, and as long as he isn’t using, he’s fine. Please, I’m okay. It won’t ever happen again.”

  “Did Walker ever hit you?”

  “What? Walker? Where did this come from?”

  “Because you don’t stay with someone who abuses you. Normal people don’t stay.”

  “What? Now I’m not normal? Oh my God, don’t blow this out of proportion. I told you that it’s over. He’s not getting high anymore.”

  “Answer me, though. Did Walker ever hit you?”

  I rubbed my forehead. “No,” I said as I glanced at George. “Walker, at least until the end, treated me better than anyone ever has.”

  “Did your mom ever hit you?”

  “Yeah, I guess, is that what you wanna hear? That she’s hit me before?”

  “Lacey, I’m not trying to be an ass. I’m trying to get you to see that this is important, and that you need help. You wouldn’t stay with someone like him if you weren’t already used to it.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but this conversation is over. The only reason I even told you was because of Andy. And after seeing your reaction, you can understand why I was being secretive.”

  I closed the compact and tossed it back into my bag. “I miss you and I want to tell you things, but this—I pointed to my cheek—was a one-time incident. You need to trust me on that.”

  He closed the gap between us and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. My heart ached as I realized how much I missed him. He’d been my first friend in Oregon, and I’d lost so much already. I wasn’t willing to let him go, too.

  “Promise me—not another word about it, and you won’t tell anyone, ever,” I said.

  “I promise, but only on one condition.”


  “If it happens again, if he hurts you in any way, you’ll tell me and let me help you.”

  “And how are you gonna do that? Where am I gonna go? Mama’s still searching for me. Xander ran into her the other day. I’m not safe here.”

  “You’re not safe with him, either,” he said.


  “Okay, I’m sorry, but promise me you’ll tell me if anything happens again. If you do that, then I won’t tell anyone about this conversation.”

  I held his gaze as I mulled over my options.

  “Promise,” I said.

  “Me too,” he said.

  “Okay, so are we good again?”

  “Yes, we’d better get you out the front door before Xander comes to meet you.”

  I nodded in agreement and checked my bruise coverage one last time before we left the bathroom.

  George grabbed his books from the now-empty classroom as I waited by the door.

  “You two all better now?” Cassidy asked as she entered the hallway.

  “Yeah,” I said and smiled. “Like I said, it was all a misunderstanding.”

  “Yup, it’s all good,” George said as he joined us.

  I didn’t miss the expression he shot me as we all walked outside.r />
  Chapter 36

  The May sunshine peeked through the trees and warmed my back. I couldn’t believe we only had six weeks of school left and then we’d be out for the summer.

  Xander had stayed true to his word, and for the last month, everything between us had been better. I hadn’t seen any signs of him using, and he’d stopped staying out all night. He was still moody, but nothing compared to before. I made sure I didn’t piss him off, too, which helped.

  I’d taken to digging in the dirt for something to do. Xander had given me a designated area in the front yard where I could plant flowers. He had such a beautiful home, but it needed a splash of color.

  I slipped on my garden gloves and carried my rose bushes to the place I’d dug for them. I loved roses, and I’d chosen a pink-and-white variety to plant. I hummed as I moved the dirt and prepared to plant the bushes. Xander had just left to run errands, and I was enjoying my time alone.

  I peered over my shoulder as a car pulled into the driveway. I shaded my eyes with my hand and squinted, but I couldn’t make out who it was until it was too late.

  “Where’s Xander?” Agnus asked as he stepped out of the Mustang.

  I took a step backward and my foot slipped into one of the shallow holes I’d dug for the rose bushes. I winced as my ankle twisted and I fell against the house. I leaned against the wall as they approached. I had nowhere to go.

  “Ah, look, Mike. Goldilocks hurt her ankle,” Agnus said, laughing.

  “Good, it means she can’t run,” the taller man said.

  “Yeah, Mike here is getting impatient with your boyfriend, so I think you need to help us out so we can stop bothering you,” Agnus said as he rubbed his chin.

  “What do you want?” I asked unable to control the shaking in my voice.

  “Well, I don’t know if you know this or not, but your boyfriend is causing a lot of trouble, and he’s pissing people off.”

  “Yeah? He pisses me off too,” I muttered.

  Agnus took a few steps toward me. Chills traveled down my spine as he stared at me. I didn’t know how, but I had to get to the front door. I glanced at Mike as he stood still, his hand on his gun.

  “I can’t tell you what you want if I don’t know who you are.”


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