Beautiful Prey 4
Page 24
During his conversation with Angel, Luca noticed that Teresa had entered the ballroom. Since she was a nurse, he’d asked her to look in on Lorenzo, and anyone else who was hurt. Teresa stopped and looked down at the dead men.
“I need some of your men to help get them out of here,” Luca told Angel.
“Si. No problem.”
Luca walked over to his sister and placed his hand on her shoulder. He had never felt such guilt. The occasion was ruined for his wife, and most of their guests were more than likely traumatized.
“How is Lorenzo?” he asked Teresa.
Since Angel was next to him, he spoke in English so not to be rude. “He’s fine. I cleaned and covered his wound and gave him one of mamma’s pills for pain. That’s all I can do. I don't have much to work with.”
“That’s good. Grazie.”
“Luca,” Angel called out, tapping him on the arm. “This one I’ve seen before.”
Luca looked down at the man lying dead on the floor. All of the men had the characteristics of Eastern Europeans, but Luca hadn’t recognized any of them, so he was more than curious as to the man’s identity. He glared pointedly at Angel and waited for him to elaborate.
“I was at the Grand Lux Cafe. Tammy was having dinner with a woman, and they began to argue. Then Ta—”
Luca instantly saw red. He grabbed Angel by the collar.
“You were following my wife?” Luca seethed through gritted teeth.
“I…it was a coincidence, Luca.”
“Coincidence?” Luca asked.
He was rightfully skeptical.
“Si, coincidence. Now get your fucking hands off of me,” Angel commanded. “I was at the bar having a drink before they arrived.”
Luca narrowed his eyes. He was certain that Angel was lying, and if he hadn’t needed the information Angel had, he might have ripped his head off. But he did need it, so he reluctantly released the man’s shirt.
“Go on,” Luca prompted.
Angel stepped back and adjusted his shirt before continuing.
“Well, they argued, and Tammy left. But minutes after she left, the woman got up, went to another table, and sat down with this man,” Angel said, pointing to the dead man on the floor.
“Are you certain?”
“I am certain,” Angel responded.
Luca searched the room until his eyes landed on his wife. As if she sensed him, she looked up. He waved her over. He didn't know what was going on, but he sure as hell was about to get to the bottom of it.
Tammy slammed the much-needed shot of whiskey and headed toward Luca. She didn't know what he wanted, but judging by his expression, it was serious. As she approached, she noticed the familiar vein that always popped out of Luca’s forehead whenever he was angry. When his glare turned toward Angel, Tammy was relieved. She’d had enough excitement for the day.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Who were you having dinner with at the Grand Lux Cafe?”
Tammy was taken aback by the unexpected question. “Huh?”
“Grand Lux Cafe…who were you with?”
“How did you know that I—”
“Tamara,” Luca gritted.
Luca was clearly losing his patience, so Tammy decided against testing it.
“My mom. I-I was with Beverly. Why?”
Tammy was unable to contain her curiosity. “Why?” she asked again.
Luca was hesitant, and Tammy could tell that he was having a debate on whether or not to answer her question.
“Angel saw this man with your mother,” he blurted, pointing to the man lying at his feet. “When you left the restaurant, she went to sit with him.”
Tammy furrowed her brow as she studied Luca. She had no idea what Luca was getting at. “Oookay? And?”
“Tammy, your mother had a meeting with one of the men that ambushed our wedding. Do you think that’s a coincidence?”
“Maybe. I mean…maybe she was just flirting. Or maybe he was just casing her to get to me, to get to you.”
“No, Tammy,” Angel interjected. “I’m sorry, but, she deliberately waited until you were gone, and then she got up and went to sit with him.”
Tammy had to admit that she had wondered why her mother had suddenly popped up out of nowhere.
“Oh my God,” Tammy breathed, covering her eyes.
Her mother had entered her life, pretending that she wanted to make amends. And when that didn't work, she pretended that she wanted a place in Giovanni’s. Memories of her mother’s curiosity about the wedding location flooded Tammy’s thoughts.
Luca pulled Tammy into his arms and kissed the top of her head. Tammy held him tight as she realized just how naive she had been. Beverly had never given a damn about her. Why would she all of a sudden be so interested in being a part of her life? Was it her fault for talking too much? Had she brought this drama to her family and friends?”
“It’s okay, amour. Don't worry about it. Go help the others. I’ll take care of everything.”
“But, Luca—”
“It’ll be fine. Don't worry, bella. Go.”
Luca stepped back and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Go,” he urged.
Tammy inhaled a deep breath and wiped a tear from her cheek.
“Okay,” she agreed.
Tammy turned to walk away but stalled after a few steps. She looked back at Luca. With eyes narrowed, and meaning every word, she said, “Luca, don't you kill my mother.”
After a brief pause, he nodded. It was hardly a promise, but it was all that he was offering. Tammy turned to leave, but as she walked away, she wondered if she really cared whether or not Luca killed the woman that had given birth to her.
Luca stepped into the filthy warehouse on Chicago’s west side. He was in no mood for the bitching and moaning that he could hear before he even crossed the threshold. Already pissed that he had to leave his new bride on the island, Luca could only hope that his patience wouldn’t be tested. If so, he would have to break a promise; a promise he’d made to his wife.
Beverly was sitting on a metal chair in the middle of the warehouse. She jumped to her feet as soon she saw Luca. “How dare you have these men snatch me off the street!” Beverly screeched as Luca approached.
“Shut up and sit down,” Luca said calmly.
His tone was meant to warn, but Beverly was either too dense or too arrogant, to take heed.
“Where is my daughter!” the stupid woman screamed.
Not even trying to curb his rage, Luca slapped the woman hard enough to send her flying a few feet. She hit the floor hard and remained motionless. Luca stuffed his hands in his pocket and gestured with his chin for one of the men to take a look at her. Arturo Grimaldi, the Sicilian out of Chicago hurried over to Beverly’s limp body. It was the Chicago Sicilians that Luca assigned the task of finding Tamara’s mother.
“She’s out cold, boss.”
“When she wakes up, find out what she knows and then toss her into the gutter where she belongs,” Luca instructed.
“Sure thing, boss.”
Luca turned to leave but stopped.
“Don't kill her,” he said over his shoulder.
“Okay, boss.”
Luca hurried the hell out of the warehouse, not sure if he could follow his own instructions.
“Cazzo!” Francis bellowed from the living room of their suite. “Fuck!”
Tracy entered the room in just enough time to see Francis hurl his cellular phone across the room. It hit the wall and shattered into pieces. Tracy had never seen Francis lose control, and she was reluctant to approach. But she didn't see where she had a choice. She closed the distance between them and placed her hand on his back. He turned in a flash, causing Tracy to flinch. His expression went quickly from rage to regret. He pulled Tracy into his arms an
d held on as if she was his lifeline. She, in turn, wrapped her arms around him.
“Francis, honey, what’s wrong?”
His anger was intangible, and Tracy didn't know what to do. So she held him, rubbing his back, and whispered soothing words into his ear. When he appeared to have gained control of his rage, Tracy walked him to the sofa and urged him to sit.
“Honey, what is it?”
Tracy was praying that he would open up to her. And just when it seemed as if he wouldn't, in a tired voice, he responded with, “All of this… is on me, Tracy.”
Tracy was more confused than before. “All of what, Francis?”
“This,” he responded, waving his hand.
“I-I don't get it, Francis. Do you mean the shooting? Those men?”
“Yes, Tracy. That’s what I mean. This is all my fault.”
“Nooo, honey. You didn't come in and shoot up the place,” Tracy reassured.
But Francis shook his head emphatically. He couldn't be convinced. “I left loose ends, Tracy,” he said softly, placing his head in his hands.
Tracy could feel pain and guilt radiating from him. Francis wasn't the kind of man that could be coddled. He was the kind to seek out a problem, and then fix it.
“No one was hurt, honey, so that means that you can go and tie up those loose ends.”
Francis looked up at Tracy as if she had surprised him. As if he’d expected a different response. At any rate, she could see that his anger was dissipating. His eyes held the look of anticipation, as if he was going through a list of ways to exact revenge.
“Go take care of it, Francis. Make it right,” Tracy encouraged.
Francis grinned and grabbed both sides of her face. He stared into her eyes a few seconds before slamming his lips to hers. The passion in his kiss was an obvious display of new determination. He ended their connection abruptly and stood.
“I have to go, bella. I’ll be back in a few days.”
“Okay,” Tracy responded with a nod.
For the next twenty minutes, she watched as Francis tossed a few items of clothing into a small bag. On the inside, she worried, but she wouldn’t express that to him. When he was done packing, Tracy followed him to the door. He leaned down to make it easier for Tracy to wrap her arms around his neck. They shared a brief kiss before he opened the door and walked out of their suite.
“I’ll see you in a few days,” he assured from the hallway.
“Make sure that you do.”
“I love you, Tracy.”
“I love you.”
Before he turned to walk away, Francis granted her a smile that melted her heart. Tracy watched him until he turned at the end of the hall before closing the door. She leaned against the door and prayed that she hadn't just sent her baby daddy to his death. The brave face that she’d put on earlier was strictly for Francis’ benefit. The truth was…Tracy was scared to death.
Francis was sitting, less than patiently, in a dark van. He reflected on his telephone conversation with Luca, and the mistakes he’d made when a text from his new phone indicated that the perimeter had been cleared. Francis, along with three of his men, got out of the van and crept toward the compound. He was experiencing a moment of déjà vu as he stepped over the deceased.
It was dark and eerily quiet as they stepped inside. They cautiously moved through the dark halls of the compound until they reached a room that was well lit. Francis entered the room and came face to face with his loose ends: the daughters of Vladimir Romanov. To his surprise, the oldest daughter, whom he’d thought to be no older than fourteen, didn't look like the same little girl he had last seen. She was overly made up and wearing a tight dress and high-heels. She looked like a woman; a young woman, but a woman nonetheless. And she no longer had the look of a frightened girl in her eyes. What Francis saw in her eyes was hatred.
When Luca had called him with the information that had been extracted from Beverly, Francis could hardly believe that the young girl was capable of exacting such revenge. But after one look at the viper standing before him, he believed.
The young woman crossed her arms and spat what had to have been Russian obscenities at him and his men. Francis chose not to respond. Instead, he grabbed her by the hair and yanked her around, pulling her back to his body. Francis unsheathed his blade as she fought, unsuccessfully, to get away. Her sister’s blood-curdling screams did not deter Francis from slitting the girl’s throat. Francis watched as the girl’s blood splattered on the face of her younger sister. When her body went limp in his arms, Francis tossed the woman to the side and repeated the act on the younger sister. He looked toward his soldiers who stood completely frozen, seemingly in shock. He dropped the younger sister to the floor and ordered his men to search every inch of the compound. Their orders were to kill every living thing.
Tammy looked down at her ringing phone. It was Luca. She hopped from the sofa and headed to the bedroom. She would never be able to hear him over her loud friends.
“Hey, baby,” she greeted, closing the bedroom door.
“I am no baby, donna.”
Luca’s deep, smoky baritone instantly sent jolts to Tammy’s sex. She hadn't spoken to him since he left the island and she missed him desperately.
“Bonjour, Monsieur Savelli,” Tammy said in a manner that was deliberately sultry.
“Mmmm...I like the sound of that,” Luca grumbled. “Bonjour, Madame Savelli.”
Tammy smiled, loving the sound of that. “I’m so happy to hear your voice. How are you, my love?”
“I’m well. I’ll be back soon. What are you up to?”
“Well, the girls are here. They made me get all dressed up to have dinner on the pool deck.”
“That’s nice. I want you to have a good time. Tammy, I—”
There was a pause, silence on the other end. Tammy knew that he was gathering his words, so she said nothing.
“I’m really sorry that our reception was ruined. I promise to make it up to you.”
His voice was filled with regret. Tammy’s heart went out to him.
“Luca, the only thing that mattered to me was becoming your wife. And now that I have done that, I am truly happy. I love you, sweetheart.”
“This is the truth?”
“Yes, Luca. It’s the truth.”
“Okay, well, enjoy your dinner.”
“Luca, they made me put on an evening gown just to have dinner by the pool,” Tammy scoffed.
“Oh, mon amour, they're just trying to make you feel better.”
“I know,” Tammy grumbled.
She could hear Luca chuckle on the other end.
“Smile and be gracious, donna.”
“Yes, dear,” Tammy responded in a monotonous tone.
“Bene. I’ll see soon. I love you.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
“Au revoir, ma femme.”
“Wait, Luca!” Tammy shouted into the phone before he could hang up.
“What did you do to my mamma?”
“Ahh…no worries, donna. She was questioned and released.”
“Well, what happened? What did my mom do?”
“She was fucking the enemy, and feeding him information about our family.”
Clearly, Luca wasn't one to mince words.
“Oh, okay. Thank you,” she told him, even though she wasn't exactly sure why she was thanking him.
“You're welcome. Goodbye.”
Tammy disconnected the call and tossed the phone on the bed. She walked over to the mirror and assessed her appearance. Omar had flat ironed her thick hair and secured it in an elegant ponytail that hung long and straight down her back. Then Gail had used a light touch in applying her makeup, giving her a more natural look. Tammy had chosen to wear one of her own designs for dinner. The black, floor-length gown hugged her curves p
erfectly. The neckline was a modest boatneck, but it draped dangerously low in the back. Tammy shook her head and left the room. She was definitely too overdressed for dinner by the pool.
“Where did Tasha go?” Tammy asked as she followed Victoria and Tracy down the path that led to the pool deck.
“I think she went to go pee,” Victoria responded. “She’ll meet us down there. Amy, Mia, and Emily are coming down too,” she added.
“Cool. I could use a fun girl’s night.”
Tammy looked over at the night sea. Even with the artificial light coming from poles designed like Parisian street lights, the water looked black. It was a beautiful night, neither too hot nor too cold. A warm breeze bounced off the sea, and there were a billion stars lighting up the sky.
Once they made it to the deck, Tammy looked around. To her surprise, the deck was completely empty. There was no Amy, no Emily, and no Mia. There wasn't even any food.
“What the fuck?” Victoria exclaimed. “Didn't we tell them to meet us here?”
“I’m sure we did,” Tracy responded.
“Maybe them fools went to the restaurant. Come on, let’s go to the restaurant.”
They followed Victoria across the deck to the doors that led to the ballroom.
“We’ll cut through,” she said as she pulled the doors open and stepped in.
Tammy was dreading going into the ballroom. She had no need to relive her disastrous wedding reception. She’d seen enough blood and bodies to last her a lifetime. But when Tracy entered after Victoria, Tammy had no other choice but to follow.
Tammy clutched her chest and screamed at the top of her lungs. Her nerves were already shot to hell, and they had just scared the shit out of her.
“Oh my God. Tammy, are you okay?” Tracy asked, placing her hands on Tammy’s shoulders.
“What is this?” Tammy asked after finding her voice.
“Honey, it’s your reception.”
“Oh…oh my God,” Tammy said through a heavy breath.