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Royal Alpha

Page 11

by Riley Storm

  Uh oh.


  She could feel him start to drip out of her, because he’d been inside her when he came. Without a condom.

  Heather wasn’t worried about disease. Shifters didn’t have to worry about STD’s, thanks to their modified DNA. It was impossible to catch them, which was a nice side effect.

  Well, there was one disease she was worried about. Logan couldn’t catch it, but there was another side effect of being a female shifter with the Loup-Garou virus in her blood.

  “I’m so sorry,” Logan gasped, pulling out in a hurry, his face morphing from hazy bliss to horrified stare in a split second. “I wasn’t thinking. I…”

  “I can’t believe it,” she moaned. “Logan, you know better!”

  “I know, I know! I was just, in the moment, and I was close, and then you went, and I couldn’t stop, and…” he moaned, burying his face in his hands. “What have we done?”

  “We have fucked up, and fucked up big time,” she stated, trying to stave off the fear building inside her.

  “It’s still too early for you to be on it, right?” he asked.

  “I’m not on any birth control, Logan. You know that. I’m not thirty-one. There haven’t been any miracle developments either. They all still cause the virus to flare up.”


  That was an understatement. She was completely fertile, and unable to take any birth control hormone because it made the virus do bad things.

  “How am I going to explain this one?” she moaned.

  “Maybe you won’t get pregnant,” Logan suggested.

  “That’s unlikely, you virile sonofabitch,” she ground out, reminding Logan that his family was noted for men who had no issues siring lots of children. “Try again.”

  Despite her outward anger toward him, Heather knew it wasn’t entirely his fault. She was taking out her own frustrations on Logan despite being just as complicit in the act as he was. She’d known he hadn’t put anything on, but the heat and the moment had swept her up in it. It wasn’t an excuse; as an adult, she should have better control than that, but it had happened and she couldn’t go back.

  There was also a healthy dose of fear bubbling in her stomach. Not fear for herself, but fear for what might happen. There was one outcome of this that terrified her more than anything. What if I end up pregnant when the virus manifests?

  To the best of her knowledge, she’d never heard of such a thing happening before. Probably because most female shifters were a hell of a lot smarter than her. The risks she’d taken just now were insane.

  So why hadn’t she felt them at the time? Putting it all down to hormones was a cheap escape, the easy answer, but not necessarily the correct one. Heather closed her eyes and thought back, ignoring the memories of bliss and ecstasy he’d inflicted upon her, and focused instead on why she hadn’t thought to tell him to stop.

  The answer wasn’t at all what she expected, but it struck her like a nerve. Heather felt safe with Logan. She trusted him. But that couldn’t just be it. Could it?

  I don’t fear becoming pregnant with his child.

  “Oh shit,” she muttered.

  Logan, thinking she was still freaking out about what they’d done, came close, putting his arm around her, holding her. “It’s gonna be okay, Heather. Trust me. We’ll figure something out if it comes to it.”

  She almost shook her head and told him the truth about her thoughts. The images in her head of Logan bouncing a baby on his knee or teaching their child how to track in wolf form. They were painful thoughts. Thoughts she had to keep to herself.

  Because they’ll never happen. If it comes to it, I’ll need to pass this child off as Leonen’s.

  A shiver wracked her body at the thought. It was a horrible, terrible thing to think, let alone do, but she knew it would be for the best. House Canis needed Logan as their King. To remain King, he couldn’t be seen as impregnating the mate of another member of the House. That would be the quickest way to bring about his downfall.

  “It’ll be okay,” Logan repeated, holding her tight. “You’ll be fine.”

  She smiled. “I’m already impure,” she said sarcastically. “It can’t get any worse than that, I guess, right?

  Logan snarled so savagely she almost twisted out of his arms in surprise.

  “Don’t you repeat that sniveling weasel’s words!” His eyes flashed bright yellow-gold. “He’s making your problem into an inconvenience to himself and trying to degrade you over something you have no control over.”

  Heather blinked, needing a moment to organize her thoughts. “Wait, you know he said that?”

  “I heard about it, yes,” Logan growled, standing up, his arms slowly sliding off her. “And I think it’s past time I intervened. I’ll make sure Leonen knows if I’m to approve of this charade between the two of you, he at least needs to treat you properly. It’s the least I can do.”

  “You can’t do that,” she said, snatching at his hand, pleading with him. “Logan, please. You can’t. That will just make things worse, trust me!”

  He hesitated. “I won’t say anything about…about this,” he said, pointing back and forth between them. “I would never do that. But I need to ensure he’s not treating you like a piece of property. I won’t have that in my House, let alone with you.”

  Heather gave his hand a strong squeeze, putting enough of her shifter strength into it to make him wince. “Listen to me Logan,” she said. “Even if you try to make this out to be for the good of the House, everyone, and I mean everyone will see right through that. You can’t do this. It will backfire.”

  “Then I’ll do it anonymously. My next speech I will talk about unity, and also about our mates, and the need for everyone to treat their mates as equals. With the dignity and the respect they deserve. I will leave it vague, but also make it known that anyone trying to carry on like the old ways will not be in favor. Hopefully, that will get through to the idiot.”

  “What? No!” she yelped, getting to her feet. “That’s even worse. Please. Promise me, promise me, you won’t do that!”

  “I must do something,” Logan informed her. “I won’t stand aside while he treats you like this. I can’t.”

  “Then do it discretely,” she said, hating herself for caving, but knowing this wasn’t a battle she was going to win.

  “Are you sure?” Logan asked, eying her suspiciously. “You’re okay with me bringing that out into the open with him?”

  She bit her lip, thinking it over before nodding. “Yes, but you can’t fight him. Nor can you provoke him into a fight. If you’re going to do this, you must go in as King of House Canis, not as Logan. Do you understand me? You must leave your personal feelings aside.”

  “I will be as diplomatic about it as Chief would be,” Logan said, assuming his best regal pose and voice.

  “That’s not very reassuring,” she said dryly.

  “I’ll handle this properly,” Logan said, staring into her eyes as he spoke, letting her know he was serious, that he understood the ramifications if he messed it up. “But I can’t do nothing. I just can’t.”

  “Okay, fine,” she said with a heavy sigh. “I understand. But you should probably leave now before anyone comes back. I need to shower and get myself ready for bed, so I at least have a reason for looking so ravished.”

  Logan chuckled. “If something does come of this, we’ll figure it out,” he said, grabbing up his clothes.

  “I know,” she said softly. “Now go. You’ve already delayed too long. Mother could be back any moment.”

  “I’m on my way.” Logan went to the wall, pausing at the opening. “I can’t apologize for sleeping with you. Just for the way it ended,” he added. “Because I don’t regret it.”

  He nodded as if satisfied with his words, and then, without an ounce of clothing on him, the King of all wolf shifters disappeared into the walls, not bothering to dress before he departed back through the secret passageways he’d arrived fr

  Once the wall slid back into place, Heather collapsed heavily onto the bed, feeling more of Logan’s gift making its way out of her.

  She didn’t regret it either. Not yet, at least, though she might sing a different tune nine months from then.

  I’m sorry, she thought to Logan, heading for the shower. I already know what has to be done.

  Unless she got incredibly lucky and didn’t wind up pregnant, or unless something changed with regards to her and Leonen, there was only one option available to Heather.

  I’m going to have to ensure I can pass this off as Leonen’s child.


  “Neither of you has said a word,” Logan muttered as he walked the halls the next evening. “Yet I’m getting the distinct impression you’re not impressed with me.”

  Neither of his guards responded, though he did catch them eyeing each other out of his periphery.

  “What? Are you shocked I can read your body language?” he asked, looking to his right.

  “Um, of course not, sire.”

  “Come on now, Lester,” he chided. “I’m your King. I’m not a buffoon.”

  “Of course not, sire.”

  Logan rolled his eyes. “Is this because I didn’t take you along with me last night?”

  The guards were silent for a moment, then Lester replied. “It’s our job to protect you sir. If you give us the slip, then how are we supposed to do that?”

  “I’m fine,” he said, waving it off. “Perfectly safe.”

  Lester snorted, showing the first sign of personality other than ‘Stern Royal Guard’, as Logan liked to think of it. “And the body of that Asp we pulled out of your personal quarters the other day? That was just a practice dummy, was it?” He paused for a long enough heartbeat to let Logan know it was being done on purpose. “Sire.”

  The other guard hissed as if prepared for Logan to lash out at them because of what his comrade had said.

  “Just because I have you two excellent men guarding my back, doesn’t mean I’ll never experience combat again,” Logan explained. “The other night was a test. To see if I could still fight while drunk. Happily, I passed.”

  “Right. With some help,” Lester added.

  Logan looked at him sharply. “What are you talking about?”

  Lester gave his King a Don’t Treat Me Like I’m Stupid look but didn’t respond.

  Smart man. Not willing to say anything out loud.

  “Everything worked out fine,” he said, addressing both guards.

  “And last night?” Lester pressed. “Did that work out fine as well?”

  Logan chuckled. “I’m not answering that.”

  The guard smiled. “I bet it had nothing to do with where we’re going now either, does it?”

  Very smart man, Logan thought. I need to ensure he gets a promotion or something. We need more men like him.

  “Of course not. I’m just doing my Kingly duty,” he said, plastering on a very fake smile.

  Both guards just sighed in unison, making it very clear they knew he was full of shit, but that they weren’t willing to call him on it.

  Logan’s smile morphed into something real, though it faded as he pushed open the door to the conference room only to find it occupied.

  “Leonen,” he said in mild surprise. “You’re already here.”

  Aiming to arrive fifteen minutes before their scheduled meeting, Logan had planned to be there first so he could be seated and relaxed when the other shifter showed up. Instead, Leonen had upstaged him by doing the exact same thing.

  “I had some free time, so thought I’d make sure I was prompt. It’s not often one is summoned to have a private meeting with their King,” the shifter said, remaining seated.

  One of Logan’s guards made a quiet noise indicating his displeasure, but that was it.

  “Wait outside,” Logan said, tilting his head back toward the hallway.

  Lester looked about ready to protest, but it died when Logan gave him a smile. “I promise I’m going to stay right here. I’ll even keep the door unlocked if you promise not to come through it unless called for.”

  Looking properly mollified, Lester nodded and the two guards took up position to either side of the doorway. Logan stifled a chuckle, appreciative of their devotion, and turned his attention back to the bigger issue.

  “What did you need to talk about?”

  The bastard is trying to lead this meeting, Logan realized. He needed to take back command of it before he started playing to Leonen’s tune.

  Instead of replying, he took a seat at the table. It was rectangular, the long side facing the door through which he’d just come. In an effort to make himself appear more powerful, Leonen had taken a seat directly opposite the door.

  Now Logan strode to the end where he sat in the bigger, fancier chair that clearly denoted the head of the table. Taking his time, he studied Leonen, making the other man wait.

  To his credit, Leonen didn’t flinch, panic or start to fidget. Instead, he returned Logan’s calm gaze with his own. Only the way his pupils grew gave away any indication he was even the slightest bit nervous.

  “I’m sure you’re wondering why I called you here,” Logan said at last. “Especially given our last private encounter, which I’m sure you’ll agree was a misstep by both of us.”

  Leonen glared but he was forced to nod, otherwise he’d have to actively disagree with his King; that wasn’t something he seemed ready to do, not even in public. Now, however, he’d admitted their fight was partially his fault as well.

  I may hate playing politics, but that doesn’t mean I’m bad at it. It’s time he learned that.

  “Though I must say, the fact you haven’t been able to come up with any ideas as to why is slightly disappointing,” Logan added.

  Leonen’s glare intensified but he still didn’t speak.

  “You are going to be the first arranged mating I give my blessings to after my coronation ceremony,” Logan said bluntly. “It’s within your rights to ask for it, and as neither party has raised any objections, I see no reason not to grant it.”

  Truthfully, he could think of a dozen reasons not to, but as far as the rest of the House was concerned, this was a valid arranged mating. He, as King of the House, would have to honor that.

  “Thank you, my King,” Leonen said, speaking at last.


  The other man’s gaze, which had just begun to drift away, snapped back to Logan.

  “However,” he restated. “Arranged matings are very much an outdated concept. Only a few families still practice it. As we—that is, as House Canis—have just endured a trying time where old versus new was very much the focus, I feel I must tell you that I’m considering abandoning the practice.”

  Leonen looked ready to explode into protest, so Logan raised a hand, stopping him in his tracks. “I am not going to renege on my word. I would not go that far. However, I will tell you, in private, that if you want that to continue, you will start treating your soon-to-be mate with more respect. The days of the women in these arranged marriages being treated like property is over,” he said, his voice becoming a hiss. “Do you understand me, Leonen?”

  “I do,” the man added, the muscles in his neck bulging as he worked to rein in a temper every bit as hot as his King’s.

  “Good. Because it reflects poorly on our House in modern times. Women are our equal. They have equal standing. Yet when they are mated off for political power, somehow, they suddenly give up all of that? No more,” he said, smacking his fist off the table. “That practice ends now. Do I make myself clear?”

  Leonen was still nodding, and Logan let himself think it was over and done with. But abruptly, the other shifter leaned toward him, blue eyes blazing with azure flames.

  “Now let me tell you something, my King. I will treat my mate however I see fit,” Leonen snapped. “I will not have my life dictated to me by someone who isn’t even my real King. Don’t you see? You don�
��t have any real power. You’re one misstep away from being tossed to the curb. And once you have your ceremony, you will mate Heather to me, and I will become head of a power bloc big enough to ensure you do exactly as I say, or we will replace you with someone else.”

  The table snapped, wood splintering as Logan gripped it so tightly it shattered.

  “You?” he barked as he pushed aside the physical urge to leap across the table and snap Leonen’s neck.

  “Me?” the other shifter echoed, confused.

  Logan laughed. “No, it won’t be you,” he continued. “You’re just being strung along, pulled by strings you don’t even realize are there yet. Someone is leading you, puppet. Making you think you can be something you won’t. I thought you knew that, but now I see you’re being played and don’t even know it.”

  Leonen snarled, but Logan talked over him.

  “I can’t believe you thought you would be allowed to lead that little political sorority of yours, let alone that you would be the one to replace me on the throne. So naïve, Leonen. So naïve.”

  Truthfully, Logan was surprised Leonen was being so open about making a play for the throne. He honestly didn’t think the man was that stupid. Yes, the power bloc that would be formed by the mating would be strong, but currently, the only members on the House Canis Council were his friends and allies. He was effectively safe.

  “And it’s naïve of you to think you will ever have Heather!” Leonen snapped. “She is mine. Mine to treat as I please. Mine to mount whenever I wish. Mine to have my way with forever.”

  Logan slammed his hands forward, losing control of his temper. The huge office table, easily weighing several hundred pounds, slid across the floor and nearly cut Leonen in half as it slammed into the wall, only narrowly missing the shifter as he rolled on top of it.

  And came up right into Logan’s fist.


  Leonen recoiled with a loud grunt of pain.

  A moment later the doors burst open and Logan’s guards came into the room, alerted by the sound of the desk smashing against the wall. To their credit they had their hands on their swords but hadn’t drawn the weapons.


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