Financial Discipline

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Financial Discipline Page 4

by Carole Archer

  Lindsay finished her drink in silence before taking the card from him. She got up with the intention of leaving to carry out her task, but George hauled her across his lap.

  “As you helped yourself to £100 from that card, it seems fitting that you receive 100 smacks with my hairbrush as punishment. You will be punished later for lying to me, but for now you’re going to get something to think about while you’re out on your errand. Look upon this as a warm-up. You’re going to be a very sorry young lady when I’m finished with you.”

  Lindsay closed her eyes as George lifted her skirt. She raised her hips, making it easier for him to lower her panties. She hoped her co-operation might make him more lenient with her.

  As George’s hand smacked down hard on Lindsay’s bottom, she howled in pain but was grateful that he appeared to have forgotten about the hairbrush. After a few dozen smacks her bottom was stinging. George stopped and she hoped he was about to let her go, but she froze in shock when she felt something hard and cold being rubbed against her bottom. She glanced over her shoulder and was horrified to see him raise a large wooden hairbrush above her bottom.

  She considered begging him not to spank her, but she knew her pleas would fall on deaf ears. Trying her best to accept her fate, Lindsay settled down across his lap and tried to relax.

  “I want you to count every smack Lindsay and I want you to thank me for each one. If you forget or refuse to count, that stroke will be repeated. We can continue for as long as necessary, but remember you have another spanking when you return from the bank. Hold onto that credit card, it’ll remind you why you’re being punished so harshly, you foolish young lady.”

  Lindsay was shocked when the hairbrush cracked down on her bottom. She kicked her legs and whimpered in pain as it landed on her other cheek. She continued to kick and cry as the hairbrush rapidly heated her bottom, flattening her buttocks with the impact. The pain was unbearable and she howled in agony as she squirmed desperately.

  “Lindsay, you might want to start counting soon. We’ll be here all day if you don’t,” George warned her.

  Lindsay panicked as she realized her error. “It hurts so much Sir,” she sobbed.

  George patted her bottom gently with the brush. “I’m pleased it hurts Lindsay. I hope you’ll learn a valuable lesson from this.”

  Lindsay held her breath, waiting for the brush to land again. When it did it landed with such force it seemed to push the air out of her lungs. George held the brush still for a moment as her thoughts focused on her throbbing bottom. As he tapped the hairbrush gently Lindsay quickly remembered to count – “one, thank you Sir”.

  The hairbrush cracked down again. Lindsay howled in agony but quickly shouted “two, thank you Sir”.

  Lindsay’s spanking continued and she howled in response to each crack of the wood against her tender bottom, but she managed to maintain the count. George continued to bring the hairbrush down at a steady pace and when she wailed “ninety-nine, thank you Sir” he stopped and took a firm grip around her waist.

  As she sobbed hysterically across his lap, George patted the hairbrush gently against her bottom. “Lindsay, do you know what I say about the final stroke?”

  “No Sir,” she sobbed.

  As the hairbrush cracked down, eliciting a scream from Lindsay as her legs scissored frantically in mid-air, George said calmly, “It’s always the hardest.”

  Lindsay lay across his lap, sobbing and shaking. As she eventually calmed down she realized she hadn’t counted the final smack. Not wanting him to repeat it, she shouted out “One hundred Sir, thank you Sir, I’m so sorry Sir”.

  George stroked her bottom gently. When she was ready to get up he helped her to her feet before holding her in his arms as she sobbed uncontrollably.

  “Come on, time for you to go to the bank,” George said, picking up the credit card she’d dropped during her spanking and handing it to her. As she reached down for her panties, which she was embarrassed to see she’d kicked off during her spanking, George stopped her and took them from her.

  “You can have these when you come back. You’ll focus more on your sore bottom if you’re out in public wearing no panties. Just imagine if a strong gust of wind blows your skirt up. What will people think when they see your bare red bottom? Such a big girl, she must have been so badly behaved to be spanked like a naughty little girl.”

  Lindsay gasped and blushed as she tugged the hemline of her skirt down, praying that no-one would see her bottom. It was a calm day but she now had something else to worry about. As George led her to her car, she pressed her hands firmly to the seat of her skirt.

  As Lindsay lowered herself into the car, fresh tears poured down her cheeks as she squirmed around.

  “I’ll see you soon.” George kissed her gently on the cheek and smiled, which made her feel a little happier.

  Lindsay drove home, stopping a few times along the way to cry and massage her burning bottom. She was due at work soon and with her unplanned trip to the bank she was going to be late. She decided to phone her boss.

  “Hi Peter,” she said, trying to sound casual and cheerful. “I did as you suggested. George was furious and really shouted at me. He’s told me to go home and get the £100 I’d taken from my credit card, go to the bank and pay it back, then return to him with the receipt and the card. I assume he’ll just cut it up.”

  “Are you all right Lindsay? You sound upset.”

  Lindsay took a deep breath. “I guess I got a bit upset when he shouted at me. What he was saying was true. It was very irresponsible of me to hide a credit card from him and use it to get cash. I was frightened by how angry he was and I quickly felt the need to confess that I hadn’t actually spent the money.”

  “OK Lindsay, but I don’t believe you actually obeyed my orders. I certainly didn’t tell you to conceal a credit card from him and take money from it. We’ll talk about this later.”

  Lindsay gasped as her boss put the phone down. She cringed as she anticipated a stern lecture from Peter, as well as another spanking from George.

  Lindsay wiped away a tear as she slowly eased herself from the car and went into her house. She reached under her skirt and blushed as she felt her bare bottom. She considered getting another pair of panties but guessed the humiliation of wearing none in public was part of her punishment.

  She collected the money from the tin and quickly drove to the bank. She was sore and very sad, but also humiliated to be out in public knowing her bottom was bare and red under her skirt. She quickly completed her errand and when she arrived back at George’s her eyes were red from crying. As he led her through to his office, she broke down in tears once more.

  She handed him the credit card and receipt, chewing her lip nervously as she watched him cut the card in half and drop it into the bin.

  George raised her skirt and pushed her down onto the chair, smiling as her face contorted in pain as her sore bottom touched the hard wooden seat. She blushed as her bare bottom pressed against the cool wood. She was still very tender and couldn’t contemplate another spanking so soon.

  Lindsay was relieved when George spent the next hour talking to her and helping her to face up to her debt problem. He was kind and very understanding and comforted her each time she cried as she acknowledged how bad her financial situation had become. She felt so much better as she promised him she’d learned her lesson and would try harder in the future.

  George took her hand. “I do believe I promised you a spanking for lying, young lady.”

  Lindsay looked up at him. He no longer looked angry and she could see compassion and possibly even sympathy in his eyes. She knew that wouldn’t lessen the pain of her spanking, but she offered no resistance when he pushed her face down across his desk. As he raised her skirt she trembled.

  As Lindsay felt the hairbrush tapping against her bottom, she tensed up and hoped she could be brave. The hairbrush smacked down on each buttock six times, intensifying the sting and making her squir
m, then a further six smacks landed on each thigh, breaking down her resolve and causing her to sob miserably. As George helped her up, she fell into his arms, sobbing and promising to never let him down again.

  Lindsay was happy when George led her back into the living room and sat down, pulling her onto his knee. She wiggled her bottom, trying to get comfortable, and blushed as his cock hardened. She guessed he got some pleasure from spanking her bare bottom and wished she could say the same.

  Lindsay felt a desperate urge to kiss George and had improper thoughts about what she’d like to do with his hard cock. Blushing, she got up and turned away from him.

  George looked slightly embarrassed as he crossed his legs. “I’ll see you the same time next week,” he said, effectively dismissing her.

  Lindsay left and was sad that George didn’t walk her to her car. As she climbed in and her sore bottom once again pressed against the hard seat, she desperately wanted to go home and lay face down on her bed, have a good cry and rub some cooling cream into her bottom. Remembering her appointment with her boss, she reluctantly returned to the office.

  Lindsay was too nervous to face Peter immediately so she sat at her desk and checked her emails. Her phone rang and she looked towards her boss’ office as she answered. He stood in the window looking at her solemnly as he spoke. “March your backside into my office now. Don’t make me come and get you or you’ll be a very sorry young lady.”

  Peter hung up on her for the second time that day and she anxiously gathered her papers together as she rose to her feet and walked slowly to his office.

  Lindsay knocked gently on the door and pushed it open, closing it slowly behind her.

  Peter crossed the room to meet her and immediately tears started to roll down her cheeks.

  “Crocodile tears, Lindsay, unless of course you’re crying because George gave you the sound bare bottom spanking you deserve?”

  Lindsay’s thoughts were focused on the agonizing sting in her bottom as Peter led her across the room. As he pushed her down firmly into the spare seat in his office she gasped and shook her head. “No, he didn’t.” At the same time she realized George hadn’t returned her panties and she was bare bottomed under her skirt. “I’m sorry. I swear I won’t do anything stupid again. I really am sorry,” she whined.

  Peter raised his eyebrows and shook his head. “Lindsay, what on earth were you thinking of when you used that credit card?”

  Lindsay shrugged. “I’m sorry. I just don’t know.”

  Peter sighed. “I hope all your credit cards are destroyed now?”

  Lindsay nodded as she dried her tears with her shirt sleeve. “I’m due to see George again in a week. My first Direct Debit payment is due a couple of days before that.”

  Peter nodded. “OK, well you make sure that money is in the bank. No more silly antics to try and goad him into spanking you. I really cannot believe you concealed a credit card from George and from me.” Peter shook his head as he looked sternly at her. “I know you want to write this story, but if there’s no story to be had then I want you to accept his help and sort yourself out. There are plenty of other stories out there that’ll help you get the experience you need to secure this promotion. If George does spank you and we get a story that’s great, but if he’s on the level I don’t want you blowing your chances of getting the help you desperately need from him by playing silly games.”

  Lindsay nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. At least she wouldn’t need to lie to Peter for much longer. She felt certain that after another session or two with George, Peter would accept he hadn’t spanked her and there was no story to be had and leave her to get the help she so desperately needed.

  “Is everything OK Lindsay?”

  Lindsay nodded and smiled.

  “Lindsay, you’ve told me that George hasn’t spanked you but I’d still like you to let me know if he does. OK?”

  Lindsay nodded and closed her eyes. George was a good man and his methods, though very painful, were already working. She wanted to tell her boss the truth but she was confused. Would he spank her for telling lies, or might he insist they expose George? She couldn’t risk him doing that.

  A week earlier Lindsay had been so angry when her boss suggested she needed the help of a debt management advisor. She knew ultimately her job was to get a story for the newspaper, but in only a week she’d realized how invaluable George’s help was.

  Hopefully Peter would eventually accept there was no story to be told. She couldn’t bear the thought of ever harming George’s reputation.

  Chapter Four

  A FEW days later Lindsay was getting ready for work when her phone rang. She considered ignoring it as she was already late. Reluctantly she answered. “Hello.”

  Lindsay almost dropped the phone when she heard the angry voice at the other end. “Lindsay, if you don’t want me to strike you off as a client you’ll get your backside over here now and explain why your payment hasn’t been made.”

  George hung up and Lindsay sat with her head in her hands. She couldn’t understand what had happened. She’d definitely left enough money in her account and quickly logged into her online banking. She was devastated to realize her error. She hadn’t accounted for bank charges she’d recently been informed of by her bank and these had been taken out four days ago and had left her with insufficient funds to cover her Direct Debit payment to George.

  If only she’d checked her account regularly she would have noticed and could have borrowed the money from someone to cover the shortfall. She now felt very guilty for making this error and was afraid of what George would do. He might spank her, in fact he probably would spank her, but worse than that he might withdraw his help.

  Lindsay rushed to her car and headed straight to George’s. As she pulled up outside his house she reached for her mobile phone to let Peter know where she was. As she picked up her phone it rang. Lindsay didn’t have time to speak as George simply said “don’t keep me waiting, you’re in enough trouble” before putting the phone down. Completely forgetting about work, Lindsay jumped out of the car and rushed towards George’s house.

  A furious looking George held the door open. Lindsay walked past him but stopped abruptly when she saw a young woman sitting on the sofa. George grabbed Lindsay’s arm and dragged her towards his office, stopping to address the young woman.

  “I’m sorry Kate. I won’t be long. You might like to remember what you witness today. Lindsay thinks it’s OK to mess me around and not make her first payment. She’s about to find out how wrong she is.”

  Lindsay felt sick as he dragged her into his office. She couldn’t believe he was going to punish her with someone else there.

  “Lindsay, this could have been avoided if you’d stop playing silly games. I’m getting fed up. Any more nonsense and you’ll be out. Do you have a reasonable explanation for your non-payment? If it wasn’t your fault, tell me now.”

  Lindsay shook her head sadly.

  George glared at her. She really needed his help and couldn’t believe she’d almost blown it. Surely this was her last chance. George could help her and she needed to prove to him that she was worthy of that help. She wondered if explaining why the payment hadn’t been made might make him punish her less harshly, but at the end of the day it was still her fault and she acknowledged she deserved to be punished.

  “Remove your skirt and panties. Bend across my desk. I’ll be back in a minute,” he ordered.

  George walked out, leaving Lindsay standing open mouthed. He couldn’t really expect her to remove her clothes with someone else there. Lindsay took a deep breath and rolled up her short, tight skirt. She closed her eyes as she peeled down her panties and bent over the edge of his desk. She felt ridiculous, knowing that if Kate looked towards the office she’d be able to see her bare bottom.

  Lindsay gripped the edge of the desk. She felt really ashamed. She’d rather Kate wasn’t there, but she could understand why George wanted to embarrass her in front
of another client. She wasn’t sure why he hadn’t kicked her out. She certainly couldn’t blame him if he did. Tears clouded her vision as she waited for George.

  Eventually George returned and sighed loudly. “Lindsay, did you not understand my instructions? I told you to take off your skirt and panties.”

  “I’m sorry Sir. I don’t want to.”

  Lindsay yelped as George’s hand landed hard on her bottom. “Lindsay, I was only going to give you a few dozen smacks with my hairbrush. As you’ve chosen to disobey me I’m going to use a leather strap. If you still refuse to obey, I’ll get my cane.”

  Lindsay glanced at the wall where the cane hung. She couldn’t imagine the agony that would inflict on her bottom.

  “Stay still. I’m going to give you a quick demonstration.”

  Lindsay swallowed nervously as she watched George pick up the hairbrush and a leather strap. He returned, put the strap on the table beside her head, put his hand on her back and brought the hairbrush down six times on her bottom. Lindsay howled and kicked her legs.

  George put the hairbrush down and picked the strap up, making sure she got a good look at the wide strip of leather. Lindsay held her breath as he tapped it against her bottom. It didn’t look as heavy as the hairbrush. She quickly changed her mind when the strap cracked down across her lower left buttock. She squealed and kicked her legs, trying to push herself up. George repeated the action to her right buttock, before quickly applying two more strokes to each cheek. Lindsay was breathless as she struggled to cope with the pain.

  “Oh God, please Sir, no,” Lindsay begged, as George reached for the cane. “I’m sorry Sir, please don’t, I’ll do whatever you ask.”

  George returned and tapped the cane against her bottom. She tensed her buttocks and held her breath, gripping the desk tightly. “I’m sorry Sir. Please don’t.”

  Tears rolled down Lindsay’s cheeks as the cane tapped gently. Without warning George raised the cane high and cracked it down across the center of Lindsay’s bottom. She howled in pain, throwing her arms back and clutching her injured posterior, rubbing frantically at the burning line of pain. She was shocked when she felt the raised welt and cried harder as she tried unsuccessfully to rub away the intense sting.


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