Financial Discipline

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Financial Discipline Page 5

by Carole Archer

  George walked away and hung the cane back on its hook before returning to a very distressed Lindsay. “You have a choice Lindsay. Remove your skirt and panties, bend across my desk and I’ll strap your bottom. Disobey me and you’ll get a dozen strokes with the cane. Kate can hold you down if necessary.”

  Lindsay suddenly remembered Kate and felt embarrassed that she’d made such a fuss. There was no way she’d be able to take 12 strokes of his cane. She was sure she’d be a blubbering wreck and wondered if she’d ever sit down again.

  Lindsay pushed herself up from the desk, reaching back and massaging her bottom as she desperately tried to stop crying. She looked up at George, who was clearly still very angry. She reached back to unfasten her skirt. It was so tight she had to wiggle her hips to get it down and was embarrassed when George watched her intently. She was really putting on a display for him.

  As she tugged her skirt below her hips, she realized he could now see her pussy and she noticed his eyes were focused on her neatly trimmed bush. She blushed as she stepped out of her skirt and tugged her panties down from mid-thigh to her ankles, stepping out of them too. She desperately wanted to cover herself and, obeying his instructions, quickly bent across the desk.

  “Lindsay, pick your clothes up and fold them up neatly.”

  Lindsay cringed as she pushed herself up, turned to face George and glanced down at the floor. She walked slowly towards her clothes and bent down. She tensed her buttocks as she gathered up her skirt and panties, half expecting him to land a smack on her bare bottom, which surprisingly didn’t come. She stood in front of George with her clothes in her arms, looking to him for further direction.

  “Fold them neatly and put them on that chair.” He pointed towards a chair in the opposite corner. Lindsay miserably walked across the room and obeyed him before walking slowly back to George and bending across the desk.

  “I want you further forward on the desk. Up on your tiptoes and get as far forward as you can. Grip the far end of the desk and hold on tight.”

  Lindsay reluctantly obeyed but was horrified when he gave his final order. “Spread your legs wide.” She hesitated a moment too long and the strap cracked down on the back of her thigh. She squealed in pain as it was cracked down on her other thigh.

  Sobbing quietly, Lindsay slowly shuffled her legs apart. George tapped the strap gently against her inner thighs as he encouraged her to keep going, until her legs were obscenely spread. Lindsay couldn’t have felt more humiliated as she gripped the desk tightly.

  She was aware of her nakedness from the waist down and realized George would have a perfect view of her pussy. As he slowly ran the strap down the crack of her bottom, she realized her buttocks were spread wide and he could probably see her bottom hole too. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

  Eventually the strap started to tap against her left bottom cheek before being brought down hard. Lindsay yelled in agony as George cracked the strap down slightly lower and worked his way down her buttock. He then moved to her other side and similarly strapped her right cheek. Lindsay was sobbing as she desperately hoped her torment was over. She sobbed loudly as the strap connected with her left thigh four times, each stroke landing a bit lower than its predecessor. Her right thigh received the same treatment.

  “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood today Lindsay. Normally I would have continued all the way down to your knees, but as your skirt is short and you’re going to work, I’ll save you the humiliation of your colleagues seeing your well strapped legs. Unfortunately you’ll be well aware that you’ve been punished each time you sit down.”

  Lindsay’s eyes widened as George stepped to her side and grasped her upper thigh, pulling it upwards to part her legs still further. Before Lindsay had time to figure out what was happening, his hand cracked down on her inner thigh three times. The smacks were hard and really stung and Lindsay squealed in pain each time his hand connected sharply with the sensitive flesh. She sobbed as he moved to her other side and repeated the action.

  As George helped her up from the desk, Lindsay collapsed in his arms and sobbed. “I’m so sorry Sir. Please give me another chance. I have most of the money in the bank. I can bring it next time. I’m sorry.”

  George held her at arm’s length and shook his head. “What a silly girl you are. Why on earth did you put yourself through all that if you had the money in the bank? Why didn’t you tell me when I asked if there was a good explanation?”

  “I’m sorry Sir,” Lindsay sobbed. “I didn’t realize £25 bank charges were deducted earlier this week. I’d totally forgotten I’d had notification of them coming out. That’s why I didn’t have enough money to cover the payment to you.”

  George shook his head sadly. “So it was your fault that insufficient funds were available! Lindsay, poor Kate hasn’t even been spanked yet. She’s probably terrified that she’s going to receive similar treatment. Follow me and we can finish your punishment. I can deal with Kate while you’re busy.”

  Lindsay followed him, wondering what on earth he was going to do to her now. She followed him into the living room, humiliated that she was still bare from the waist down and a wide-eyed Kate was staring at her. Lindsay gave her a weak smile. “You’ll be OK. Just do as he says, stick to your budget and you’ll be fine. He’s only ever this harsh if you’re disobedient and stupid.”

  Kate nodded and smiled back, but her expression was filled with fear.

  Lindsay looked at George and was pleased to see him smiling. “Thank you Lindsay. That was kind of you.”

  He led Lindsay to a small desk and chair facing the wall and guided her into the seat. She winced as her bare bottom touched the hard wood. She felt very vulnerable, totally exposed and utterly humiliated, but she would do whatever it took to persuade George she was worthy of his help.

  Lindsay looked down and saw a large notepad and a pen on the desk. She guessed he was going to make her write down a budget or something. Lindsay’s eyes widened as he told her what she was going to be doing.

  “Lindsay, as you’ve decided to display such childish behavior, I’m going to treat you like a naughty child. You can write 100 lines while I deal with Kate.”

  Lindsay stared at him open mouthed. “What do I have to write Sir?”

  George smiled wickedly. “If I waste George’s time with my childish behavior, I will be spanked hard on my naughty bare bottom.”


  “I’ll say it once more and I expect you to write it down. If you don’t I can only assume you need another spanking to motivate you.”

  Lindsay immediately picked up the pen and wrote quickly as George recited the line again.

  “I want you to number each line and I don’t expect you to put the pen down until you’ve written all 100 lines. Do you understand?”

  Lindsay nodded. “Yes Sir.”

  “I’m going to see to Kate now.”

  George walked across the room and sat down beside Kate. “Lindsay, let’s make sure you’ve written that down correctly. Can you read it out to me please? I’d hate to think you had to do your lines all over again if you get them wrong.”

  Lindsay blushed and picked up the pad, turning to face George. She swallowed nervously and gripped the pad tightly as her fingers trembled. “If I waste George’s time… with my childish behavior… I will be… spanked… hard… on my… naughty… bare… bottom.” Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief as she eventually got the words out.

  “Very good, you may continue.”

  Lindsay turned away from George and quickly started to write. She glanced at her watch and wondered if she dared ask for permission to phone Peter to let him know she was going to be late for work. A loud smack startled her and she looked over to see a bare-bottomed Kate draped across George’s lap.

  Lindsay quickly turned back to her lines. Her boss would have to wait.

  Lindsay’s wrist quickly began to ache and she wished she was ambidextrous. Flexing the fingers of her right hand
, she didn’t dare stop for too long and decided she’d just have to put up with a sore wrist. It was preferable to an even sorer bottom.

  Lindsay continued to write but found it very hard to concentrate as Kate’s spanking was hard and fast and she squealed loudly as George’s palm cracked down on her bottom. As Kate’s squeals became more high pitched, Lindsay guessed he’d given her a few smacks to her thighs. Lindsay felt immediate sympathy for her and squirmed in her seat as her own bottom throbbed painfully.

  Eventually Lindsay wrote her 100th line and gratefully put the pen down and turned to tell George she was finished. He was standing at the open door with Kate, who was rubbing her bottom as she stepped outside. George closed the door behind her and turned towards Lindsay. “Are you finished?”

  Lindsay nodded. “Yes Sir.”

  George approached her and picked the pad up, scanned through her lines and took her hand, leading her towards the sofa. He sat down and guided her across his lap. Lindsay squirmed uncomfortably. She didn’t want to be spanked again.

  George handed the pad to her. “You’ve done really well but I want to imprint that sentence on your memory. I want you to read your lines out loud to me, including the numbers. Start when you’re ready.”

  Lindsay clutched the pad and stared at her writing. Surely he didn’t expect her to read out the same line 100 times. His hand cracked down on her bottom and she jumped as she squealed in shock.

  “If you take too long I can only assume you need a little encouragement.” George’s hand cracked down on her bottom again and Lindsay focused on the pad.

  “One: If I waste George’s time with my childish behavior, I will be spanked hard on my naughty bare bottom.” Lindsay squealed as George’s hand smacked down on her bottom.

  “Two: If I waste George’s time with my childish behavior, I will be spanked hard on my naughty bare bottom.” Lindsay yelped with surprise as George’s hand smacked her thigh hard.

  Taking a deep breath, Lindsay continued. Each time she read a line, she braced herself for the smack that would follow. She never knew where the next smack would land as he randomly smacked her bottom and thighs. After line 50 George landed a flurry of sharp smacks on her bottom. When he stopped she quickly continued to read. Each line was once again followed with a stinging smack.

  When Lindsay started to read line 90, George started to smack her hard and fast. Lindsay stopped reading and kicked and squirmed across his lap, howling in pain.

  “Lindsay, keep reading. This spanking won’t stop until you’ve finished reading your lines. How long this lasts is entirely up to you.” George’s hand continued to crack down firmly on her bottom.

  Lindsay quickly continued to read, her lines broken up with squeals and sobs. As she reached line 100, each word was followed by a very hard smack to each thigh. Lindsay sobbed as she finally finished. She was relieved that George was good to his word and her spanking immediately ended.

  Lindsay was disappointed when instead of a bottom rub or a hug, George led her to the corner and made her stand with her hands on her head and her sore bottom on display. She was grateful that Kate had now left and couldn’t see this part of her humiliating punishment.

  After five minutes, when Lindsay was once more calm, George walked up behind her and rubbed her bottom gently. “Come and sit down and have a coffee with me. I’m sorry I had to be so hard on you, but this behavior can’t continue. I’m happy to help you, but you’re wasting my time and your own if you’re not going to do things properly. You quite obviously need my help, but if you won’t let me help you then its best we stop now.”

  Lindsay shook her head frantically as fresh tears spilled from her eyes. “No Sir. I promise I’ll do better. I’d forgotten I had bank charges due. It won’t happen again.”

  “OK Lindsay.” George sat down and held his arms out to her. Lindsay gratefully sat on his lap and hugged him. She felt really miserable with her bottom stinging and her wrist aching, but she felt comforted and cared for and wished she could stay on George’s lap all day. She was really fond of him, though she wished he didn’t spank her quite so often.

  Lindsay was shocked by her thoughts as she hugged George. She desperately longed to lay herself across his lap and spread her legs wide, as she had over his desk, but this time she wanted him to touch her instead of spanking her.

  She blushed as she got up and sat beside him to drink her coffee. She was grateful when he left the room and returned with her clothes and was once again modest in his presence as she turned her back to him to step into her panties and pull them up. She had a little trouble tugging her tight skirt over her bottom as it seemed to make her bottom throb even more, giving her a constant reminder that she’d been spanked very soundly.

  George stood up and gave her a hug, before leading her to the door. “I suppose you’ll be off to work now. What time do you start?”

  Lindsay checked her watch and gasped. “I’m almost three hours late.”

  George opened the door and walked with Lindsay to her car. She promised to bring the money to her next session and promised there would be no more bad behavior.

  As Lindsay drove to work she considered phoning her boss to explain the delay, but decided face to face would be better. She arrived at work three hours and 15 minutes late and headed straight for Peter’s office. His secretary wasn’t at her desk and Lindsay walked up to her boss’ open door and knocked.

  Peter rose from his desk and rushed to the door. “Lindsay, where on earth have you been? Is everything OK?”

  The pressures of her morning suddenly became too much and Lindsay burst into tears. Peter put his arm around her, closed his office door and led her inside. He sat her down and crouched in front of her, holding her hands as she sobbingly told him that George had called her and insisted she immediately go to see him and explain why her payment hadn’t been made. She told how she was about to phone her boss and let him know she was running late but George had ordered her to get into his house.

  Lindsay looked at Peter and considered telling him the whole truth, but as she opened her mouth to speak she decided it was for the best to give him a condensed version. She wept as she told him how cross George had been, how much he’d shouted at her and told her she was wasting her own time and his. She said she’d persuaded him to give her another chance and would give him the money when she went for her appointment in two days’ time.

  “OK Lindsay, but that doesn’t explain why you’re so late, or why your payment wasn’t made.”

  Lindsay blushed. She couldn’t tell her boss that George had spanked her, but she had to give him something. “I had bank charges deducted that I’d forgotten about. This left me with insufficient funds to pay George. He was really angry,” she explained. “He said he needed to punish me.”

  “Lindsay, did he spank your bottom? Is that why you’re so upset?”

  Lindsay closed her eyes and shook her head. “He made me write lines.”


  Lindsay looked at her boss and squirmed uncomfortably as he started to laugh. Looking down at her hands, she continued. “He made me write 100 lines. If I waste George’s time with my childish behavior…” She trailed off as she realized she couldn’t tell him the rest of the line without revealing that George did spank her.


  “If I waste George’s time with my childish behavior, he will have no alternative but to withdraw his help, leaving me to struggle with my bad debts alone.” Lindsay broke down in tears.

  A knock at the door startled Lindsay and she turned away, not wanting anyone to see her. Peter’s secretary walked in and set a tea tray on the table. “I thought you might need this.”

  Lindsay turned to her and smiled through her tears. “Thank you, Sara.”

  Sara smiled and squeezed Lindsay’s shoulder affectionately. “I’m here if you need to talk, about anything.” Sara turned and left.

  Lindsay gratefully accepted a cup of tea from her boss and was r
elieved when he started to chat about work.

  Eventually, Lindsay felt ready to apologies. “I’m sorry I was late and didn’t call. I’ll make the time up.”

  Peter shook his head. “You must be more careful and keep a closer eye on your bank account – but there’s certainly no need to make the time up at work. I appreciate you needed to see George.”

  Lindsay nodded and was grateful that Peter was being kind to her. She was so sore and felt thoroughly miserable after her morning with George.

  “I want you to keep seeing George. I want to know when your appointments are and I want you to arrange them during working hours. As far as I’m concerned you’re doing research for a story.”

  Lindsay nodded. “Thank you.” She knew that she needed George’s help and she was very grateful to Peter for being so accommodating. She wished she could give him the story he wanted, but sorting her finances out was more important than gaining brownie points that might help her get a possible promotion in the future.

  “One more thing before you go, Lindsay. Sara is very loyal. She’s a good listener. I know the two of you are already friends, but if you need someone to talk to about anything you know you can rely on her discretion. Anything you don’t feel able to talk to me about, please confide in Sara. I don’t want you to handle this on your own.”

  Peter smiled at Lindsay and led her towards the door. “Let me know if you have trouble covering your bank charges. I’ll be happy to help you, but you must keep track of your financial affairs from now on.”

  Lindsay nodded and thanked Peter. She passed Sara’s desk and smiled brightly at her. She was friendly with Sara and often went for lunch or a drink after work with her, but she would never have imagined talking to her about anything like this. As Lindsay walked to her desk, she thought it would be nice to chat to someone who might be willing to listen to her confused feelings about being spanked by George. Lindsay decided to invite Sara for lunch very soon.


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